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When the trip gets started, Fremea wonders if she will feel what Kiet is talking about or not. As they get underway, she does feel the pitch of the boat and is unsure of it, however after just a few hours she realizes it is just like flying, only there is something to stand on instead. She also finds as long as she doesn't fly too high, she can skim across the deck with her wings and miss a lot of the tipping around some of the others deal with.<br><br>She takes to going up and using her spyglass to look around and see what is beyond the water, she notices that most of the time, unless there is land near, it really is just a wide expanse of water, with nothing else. Being in the night air feels exciting and refreshing. She practices many much with her cold and multi arrow spells, making sure she feels a lot more confident with them, she she believes this will be a huge help against the Vong. With the ship moving around so much, it also helps her to practice while flying, so she has even better aim.<br><br>There are times she also would use her acting skills and disguise skills to do her best to fool one of the crew men into thinking she was someone else. Though hard to do, as they were captive on the ship, it seems that once in a while she could get one of the men to think she was a boy and had hidden away on the ship, "he" just happened to finally need some food and came out to find some. Once the crew man would try to capture her or report her to the captain, she would run away and seem to disappear only to come back as herself again and smirk about it.<br><br>It is good to have Raban help her practice her skills though as she will really need them to fool the Katai.<br><br /><hr />HotmailŪ goes with you. <a href='http://windowslive.com/Tutorial/Hotmail/Mobile?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_HM_Tutorial_Mobile1_052009' target='_new'>Get it on your BlackBerry or iPhone.</a></body>