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While the party is still together leaving the High Elder Z'leyra asks
Raban "Okay if I cast
some basic detection spells?"<br>
Presuming no objections Z'leyra (as per Update #8) will cast Orient
Self EL0 then cast Detection (magic) ELmax thru her staff on Raban,
quickly followed by Soul Sight ELmax in an effort to see what magic he
has hidden and if she can spot it.<br>
Z'leyra welcomes both Shu Yeoh and Zhou Kiwat to the group. She also
thanks those like Kiet that repay her advance of funds.<br>
She mentions to Arawn that she does know Time Powers, but not sure when
she will have time to teach them. Also, that the Time Travel spell
FAR more care than most spells in deciding if and how to cast. To Kell
she mentions that she does know Luck, and would spend some time
teaching it if Kell could spend an equal amount of time teaching her
Mana Powers if Kell knows them.<br>
[Note: Z'leyra keeps track of the Language Necklace and makes sure that
she has it whenever she uses Dvalinn. She only uses Dvalinn when at
most one other is nearby and does not answer questions about what she
was speaking. Also she won't cast Cure Age until May 29th at the
earliest...and since it would be detectable she won't cast it again
until she is out of Katai.]<br>
Note that 30 days spread over 79 days would give a lot more mana
regeneration so pushing the mana use more than I would otherwise.<br>
Apris 15th, 3pm - 6pm - Travel NE, camp at night<br>
Horsemanship skill. Cast as above and Watchful Sleep EL6 from
battery #2 (Staff)<br>
Apris 16th, all day - Travel NE, camp at night <br>
Horsemanship skill. Cast (first draining Alectorius then staff
battery then bird and ring batteries then self) Orient Self EL0;
Divination EL0 (if will say "successful - one hundred ten", otherwise
change things and restart); Purification ELmax; Perception EL0 (to
check purification for ensorcelment); Ensorcelment w Dvalinn at ELmax
through wand plus 110 mana to enlarge <u>staff</u>'s mana battery to
MEL14 EL10 (for 110 max mana and recharge 11/day); Perception EL0 (to
determine and if so say "successful - one hundred ten" to inform
earlier Divination). Cast Watchful Sleep EL6.<br>
Apris 17th, 6am- noon - Travel NE, arrive at docks at noon<br>
1st day at sea, Talk to and train folks re seamanship safety. Talk
with Captain and first mate to find crewman to teach
party members interested in learning seamanship. Find place to cast
Permanent Elder(shamanic) <u>Purification</u> for subsequent castings
of shamanic and elder spells. Cast (first draining Alectorius then
bird battery then ring battery
self) Orient Self EL0; Divination EL0 (if will say "successful -
Purification", otherwise change things and restart); Purification
Perception EL0 (to check purification for ensorcelment); Ensorcelment w
Dvalinn at ELmax(10) through staff at 3xcost (so purification
applicable to all elder/shamanic spells);
Purification EL10 (to set Purification into Ensorcelment permanently)
thru staff at 10xcost (so purification applicable to all elder/shamanic
spells); Perception EL0 (if successful will say "successful -
Purification"). Talking w Kell about wand ask "Mind if I practice?"
cast Orient Self EL0, cast Soul Sight ELmax thru staff on Kell to
determine if he lies about loyalty to party; probable intent; if
possessed; his orientation; innates or talents; and basic emotion while
talking about wand. Later cast Watchful Sleep EL6 (first draining
Alectorius then bird battery then ring battery then self).<br>
Apris 18th - Carve artistic <u>wand</u> for Kell, hide runes for
strength, storage and mana among the designs. <br>
Improve <u>Staff</u> magically. Standing on purified area cast (first
draining Alectorius then bird battery then ring battery then
self) Orient Self EL0; Divination EL0 (if will say "successful -
staff", otherwise change things and restart); Perception EL0 (to check
purification for ensorcelment); Ensorcelment w
Dvalinn at ELmax through wand to bring staff up to MEL14 for casting
through staff with a 14 modifier as per staff;
Perception EL0 (to determine and if so say "successful - staff" to
inform earlier Divination). Cast Watchful Sleep EL6. <br>
Apris 19th - Make an artistic enchantable golden coil/<u>anklet</u> for
Corona. <br>
In evening get the new <u>wand</u>, Kell and some privacy. Standing on
purified area cast (first draining Alectorius then bird battery then
ring battery
self) Orient Self EL0; Divination EL0 (if will say "successful - Kell's
wand", otherwise change things and restart); Have Kell bleed onto the
wand covering it completely with blood, allow to soak then polish.
Orient Self EL0; Cast Dedication (to Kell's use) ELmax at double cost
through staff; Ensorcelment w
Dvalinn at ELmax through staff to bring wand up to MEL14 EL10
(effectively EL20 for Kell/EL5 for others) for casting
through wand with a 20 (or 5) modifier as per wand (adds 1 to cost of
casting spell);
Perception EL0 (to determine and if so say "successful - Kell's wand"
inform earlier Divination). Cast Watchful Sleep EL6.<br>
Apris 20th - Start on leather armor for Raban. Later with Kell go to
purified area and cast Orient Self EL0; Divination EL0 (if will say
"successful - mana battery", otherwise change things and restart); With
both holding the wand cast Ensorcelment w
Dvalinn at ELmax through staff plus 210 mana to give <u>wand</u> an
MEL14 EL10 (effectively EL20 for Kell/EL5 for others) <u>mana battery</u>
[Will recharge 21 mana per day when within Kell's reach, 6 mana per day
otherwise. Max storage of 210 mana, only 60 accessible to any but
Kell]; Perception EL0 (to determine and if so say "successful - mana
battery" to
inform earlier Divination); Cast Watchful Sleep EL6 through staff (if
too low on castable mana use sheath to cast Watchful Sleep).<br>
Apris 21st - 2nd day working on leather armor for Raban. Later with
Kell go to
purified area and cast Orient Self EL0; Divination EL0 (if will say
"successful - fatigue value", otherwise change things and restart);
Ensorcelment w
Dvalinn at ELmax through staff to give <u>wand</u> an MEL14 EL10
(effectively EL20 for Kell/EL5 for others) FV27 for Kell, FV17 for
others (since starting FV6, enchantment boosts by 1+(ELx2));
Perception EL0 (to determine and if so say "successful - fatigue value"
inform earlier Divination). Cast Watchful Sleep EL6.<br>
Apris 22nd - 3rd day working on leather armor for Raban. Later with
Kell go to
purified area and cast Orient Self EL0; Divination EL0 (if will say
"successful - Strength", otherwise change things and restart);
Ensorcelment w
Dvalinn at ELmax through staff to give <u>wand</u>
an MEL14 EL10 (effectively EL20 for Kell/EL5 for others) Strength boost
for anybody holding or carrying the wand close to their body. S boost
of 34 for Kell, 19 for others;
Perception EL0 (to determine and if so say "successful - Strength"
inform earlier Divination). <br>
Talking w Will about wand ask "Mind if I practice?" cast Orient Self
EL0, cast Soul Sight ELmax thru staff on Will to determine if he lies
about loyalty to party; probable intent; if possessed; his orientation;
innates or talents; and basic emotion while talking about wand. Later
cast Watchful Sleep EL6 (first draining Alectorius then bird battery
then ring batteries then self). Cast Watchful Sleep EL6.<br>
Apris 23rd - Carve artistic <u>wand</u> for Will, hide runes for
Healing, Dispel/banish chaos, storage and mana among the designs. <br>
On purified area cast (first draining Alectorius then bird and ring
batteries then self) Orient Self EL0; Divination EL0 (if will say
"good - one hundred ten", otherwise change things and restart);
Ensorcelment w Dvalinn at ELmax through staff plus 110
mana to enlarge <u>bird</u>'s mana battery to MEL14 EL10 (for 110 max
mana and recharge 11/day); Perception EL0 (to determine and if so say
"good - one hundred ten" to inform earlier Divination). Cast Watchful
Sleep EL6.<br>
Apris 24th - 4th day of working on leather for Raban. <u>Leather</u>
done. <br>
Z'leyra casts 1st <u>Knowledge</u> spell of the trip. [Note that over
79 days Z'leyra should be able to cast Balance Knowledge seven times.
Since Mana Powers only costs 16 to learn (8 if instructed as Knowledge
spell presumably does) she likely only needs two or three castings of
Knowledge to learn Mana Powers. Subsequent castings of Balance
Knowledge will be to improve her EL at casting Balance Knowledge. To
cast Knowledge she first casts (all spells Balance orientation)
Divination EL0 (to see if she will afterwards say "Knowledge okay", if
not she changes things and restarts); Purification ELmax thru staff;
Detection (purification) EL0 thru staff; Knowledge (to learn Mana
Powers) ELmax thru staff; If all works and she gains knowledge she says
"Knowledge okay".<br>
After that get the new <u>wand</u>, Will and some privacy. Standing on
purified area cast (first draining Alectorius then
ring battery then EL8 batteries
self) Orient Self EL0; Divination EL0 (if will say "successful - Will's
wand", otherwise change things and restart); Have Will bleed onto the
wand covering it completely with blood, allow to soak then polish.
Orient Self EL0; Cast Dedication (to Will's use) ELmax at double cost
through staff; Ensorcelment w
Dvalinn at ELmax through staff to bring wand up to MEL14 EL10
(effectively EL20 for Will/EL5 for others) for casting
through wand with a 20 (or 5) modifier as per wand (adds 1 to cost of
casting spell);
Perception EL0 (to determine and if so say "successful - Will's wand"
inform earlier Divination); Cast Watchful Sleep EL6.<br>
Apris 25th - Start on leather for Kell. Later with Will go to
purified area and cast Orient Self EL0; Divination EL0 (if will say
"successful - mana battery", otherwise change things and restart); With
both holding the wand cast Ensorcelment w
Dvalinn at ELmax through staff plus 210 mana to give <u>wand</u> an
MEL14 EL10 (effectively EL20 for Will/EL5 for others) <u>mana battery</u>
[Will recharge 21 mana per day when within Will's reach, 6 mana per day
otherwise. Max storage of 210 mana, only 60 accessible to any but
Perception EL0 (to determine and if so say "successful - mana battery"
inform earlier Divination); Cast Watchful Sleep EL6 through staff (if
too low on castable mana use sheath to cast Watchful Sleep).<br>
Apris 26th - 2nd day of working on leather for Kell. Later with Will go
purified area and cast Orient Self EL0; Divination EL0 (if will say
"successful - fatigue value", otherwise change things and restart);
Ensorcelment w
Dvalinn at ELmax through staff to give <u>wand</u>
an MEL14 EL10 (effectively EL20 for Will/EL5 for others) FV27 for Will,
FV17 for others (since starting FV6, enchantment boosts by 1+(ELx2));
Perception EL0 (to determine and if so say "successful - fatigue value"
inform earlier Divination). Cast Watchful Sleep EL6.<br>
Apris 27th - 3rd day of working on leather for Kell. Later with Will go
purified area and cast Orient Self EL0; Divination EL0 (if will say
"successful - Healing", otherwise change things and restart);
Ensorcelment at EL5 through staff to allow <u>wand</u>
to set a Healing spell EL5 to be a power of the wand (effectively EL10
for Will/EL3 for others, will cost Will 5 mana, others 2 mana to cast);
Cast Healing EL5 to set the Healing spell as a power of the wand;
Perception EL0 (to determine and if so say "successful - Healing"
inform earlier Divination). [This will allow Will to spend 5 mana to
have the wand cast an MEL14 EL10 Healing spell that will heal
10+StB+1D6 points of damage; increase the next HC by 55% and give the
next HC a 3 bonus to StB. Trigger is holding the wand pointing towards
a wound and saying in Donaran "Please heal this wound" while pushing at
least 1 mana into the wand. The rest of the mana can come from the
battery.] Cast Watchful Sleep EL6.<br>
Apris 28th - Complete work on <u>leather</u> for Kell. Later with Will
go to
purified area and cast Orient Self EL0; Divination EL0 (if will say
"successful - affects chaos", otherwise change things and restart);
Ensorcelment at EL5 through staff to allow <u>wand</u>
to set a Dispell Banish Chaos spell EL5 to be a power of the wand
(effectively EL10
for Will/EL3 for others, will cost Will 5 mana, others 2 mana to cast);
Cast Dispell Banish Chaos EL5 to set the Dispel/Banish Chaos spell as a
power of the wand;
Perception EL0 (to determine and if so say "successful - affects chaos"
inform earlier Divination). [This will allow Will to spend 5 mana to
have the wand cast an Mel14 EL10 Dispel/Banish Chaos spell that will
have a range of 110' and an MDV limit of 36. Trigger is holding the
wand pointing towards the target and
saying in Donaran "I banish thee!" or "I dispel thee!" while pushing at
least 1
mana into the wand. The rest of the mana can come from the battery.]
Cast Watchful Sleep EL6 using ring battery.<br>
Apris 29th - Make an artistic leather satchel with shoulder strap for
carrying stuff. This is to replace the magical one while in Katai. May
enchant it after leaving Katai. Cast Orient Self EL0; Divination EL0
(if will say "ring successful - one hundred
ten", otherwise change things and restart); Purification ELmax;
Perception EL0 (to check purification for ensorcelment); Ensorcelment w
Dvalinn at ELmax through staff plus 110 mana to enlarge <u>ring</u>'s
mana battery to MEL14 EL10 (for 110 max mana and recharge 11/day);
Perception EL0 (to determine and if so say "ring successful - one
ten" to inform earlier Divination). Cast Watchful Sleep EL6.<br>
Apris 30th - Make an artistic leather sling. Improve wand. Cast (first
draining wand battery then Alectorius then EL8
batteries then self) Orient Self EL0; Divination EL0 (if will say
"wand successful - one hundred ten", otherwise change things and
Ensorcelment w Dvalinn at ELmax through wand plus 110
mana to enlarge <u>staff</u>'s mana battery to MEL14 EL10 (for 110 max
mana and recharge 11/day); Perception EL0 (to determine and if so say
"wand successful - one hundred ten" to inform earlier Divination). Cast
Watchful Sleep EL6.<br>
May 1st - Set trap for rat(s) in bilge and offer small reward to
crewman for capturing rats to use in practicing Oblivion later. Start
making a pair of artistic leather boots. Improve <u>wand</u>
magically. Standing on purified area cast (first
draining Alectorius then staff then EL8 batteries then
self) Orient Self EL0; Divination EL0 (if will say "successful - wand",
otherwise change things and restart); Perception EL0 (to check
purification for ensorcelment); Ensorcelment w
Dvalinn at ELmax through staff to bring wand up to MEL14 EL10 for
through staff with a 10 modifier;
Perception EL0 (to determine and if so say "successful - wand" to
inform earlier Divination). Cast Watchful Sleep EL6.<br>
May 2nd - Complete making a pair of artistic leather boots. Put rats in
empty barrel. Draining Necklace battery first practice Purification EL0
thru wand, Oblivion EL0 thru wand on rats putting them into oblivion
and next at double cost bringing them from oblivion one and one half
times one time into oblivion, one time out and a 2nd time in). Cast
Watchful Sleep EL6.<br>
May 3rd - Start on making small leather and wood shield AV5. Improve
Necklace Mana Battery. Cast (first draining necklace battery then
Alectorius then bracelet
and staff batteries then self) Orient Self EL0; Divination EL0 (if will
"necklace successful - one hundred ten", otherwise change things and
restart); Ensorcelment w Dvalinn at ELmax through wand plus 110
mana to enlarge <u>necklace</u>'s mana battery to MEL14 EL10 (for 110
mana and recharge 11/day); Perception EL0 (to determine and if so say
"necklace successful - one hundred ten" to inform earlier Divination).
Watchful Sleep EL6.<br>
May 4th - Work on shield. Practice (and drain bracelet battery) Orient
Self EL0 and shamanic Invisibility EL0. Repeat a total of going
invisible 10 times. Cast
Watchful Sleep EL6.<br>
May 5th - Work on shield. Improve Bracelet Mana Battery. Cast (first
draining bracelet battery
then Alectorius then full batteries then self) Orient Self EL0;
Divination EL0 (if will
"bracelet successful - one hundred ten", otherwise change things and
restart); Ensorcelment w Dvalinn at ELmax through wand plus 110
mana to enlarge <u>necklace</u>'s mana battery to MEL14 EL10 (for 110
mana and recharge 11/day); Perception EL0 (to determine and if so say
"bracelet successful - one hundred ten" to inform earlier Divination).
Watchful Sleep EL6.<br>
May 6th - Work on shield. Practice Balance Purification and Oblivion on
rats. Have them appear then disappear x 10 times. Purification EL0 thru
wand, Oblivion EL0 thru wand on rats at double cost bringing them from
oblivion and next putting them
into oblivion. From this point on try to keep mana batteries near 90%
May 7th - Work on shield. Practice Orient Self EL0 and shamanic
Invisibility EL0. Repeat going invisible a total of 10 times. Cast
Watchful Sleep EL6.<br>
May 8th - Complete small shield. Practice Balance Purification and
Oblivion on rats. Have them appear
then disappear x 10 times. Purification EL0 thru wand, Oblivion EL0
thru wand on rats at double cost bringing them from oblivion and next
putting them
into oblivion.<br>
May 9th - Study/teach spells w Kell. Trying to learn Mana Powers then
Mana Shield. Teaching Luck after learning. Practice Orient Self EL0 and
Invisibility EL0. Repeat going invisible a total of 10 times. Cast
Watchful Sleep EL6.<br>
May 10th - Study/Teach spells w Kell. Cast Knowledge again. To cast
Knowledge she first casts (all spells Balance orientation)
Divination EL0 (to see if she will afterwards say "Knowledge okay", if
not she changes things and restarts); Purification ELmax thru staff;
Detection (purification) EL0 thru staff; Knowledge (to learn Mana
Powers) ELmax thru staff; If all works and she gains knowledge she says
"Knowledge okay". If learn Mana Powers practice Mana Shield on herself
ten times at EL0. Cast
Watchful Sleep EL6.<br>
May 11th - Study/teach spells w Kell. Practice Orient Self EL0 and
Invisibility EL0. Repeat going invisible a total of 10 times. Practice
Mana Shield on herself ten times at EL0. Cast
Watchful Sleep EL6.<br>
May 12th - Study/teach spells w Kell. Practice Mana Shield on herself
ten times at EL0. Cast
Watchful Sleep EL6.<br>
May 13th - Study/teach spells w Kell. Practice Orient Self EL0 and
Invisibility EL0. Repeat going invisible a total of 10 times. Practice
Mana Shield on herself ten times at EL0. Cast
Watchful Sleep EL6.<br>
May 14th - Study/teach spells w Kell. Ensorcel <u>Sack #1</u>. Cast
Orient Self EL0; Divination EL0 (if will
"sack one successful", otherwise change things and
restart); Ensorcelment w Dvalinn at EL(=to ELmax of Oblivion) through
wand to improve sack and its contents likelihood of being affected by
Oblivion spells; Oblivion at ELmax Perception EL0 (to determine and if
so say
"sack one successful" to inform earlier Divination). Repeat for <u>sack
#2</u> and repeat for <u>sack #3</u>. Cast
Watchful Sleep EL6.<br>
May 15th - Study/teach spells w Kell. Enchant/ensorcel <u>anklet</u>
for Corona. Cast Orient Self EL0; Divination EL0 (if will
"anklet successful", otherwise change things and
restart); Ensorcelment w Dvalinn at EL(=to ELmax of Oblivion) through
wand w cost doubled (so can retrieve items when desired) to ensorcel
anklet to cast Oblivion spells; Oblivion at ELmax to set Oblivion in
the ensorcelment; Perception EL0 (to determine and if
so say
"anklet successful" to inform earlier Divination). Cast Orient
Self EL0; Divination EL0 (if will
"anklet invisibility successful", otherwise change things and
restart); Ensorcelment w Dvalinn at EL(=to ELmax of Invisibility)
wand to ensorcel anklet to cast Invisibility spell on wearer when
desired; Invisibility at ELmax to set Invisibility in the ensorcelment;
Perception EL0 (to determine and if
so say
"anklet invisibility successful" to inform earlier Divination).
Cast Orient Self EL0; Divination EL0 (if will
"mana shield successful", otherwise change things and
restart); Ensorcelment w Dvalinn at EL(=to ELmax of mana shield)
wand to ensorcel anklet to have permanent mana shield affect on the
item; mana shield at ELmax to set mana shield in the ensorcelment;
Perception EL0 (to determine and if
so say
"mana shield successful" to inform earlier Divination). Cast
Watchful Sleep EL6.<br>
May 16th - {Actually last day before reaching port.} Have Will use his
wand to dispel the permanent purification. Ask the Captain if he
needs/wants the talisman taken away to keep the ship safe from Katai
authorities. If so before reaching port take talisman and put it with
all the other magic gear in one of the magical sacks. Have Corona's
anklet Oblivion the sacks. Ask Fremea and Arawn how magically visible
Z'leyra and Corona are. As we get into port have Corona trigger the
invisibility and fly away from the ship then watch the party from
altitude of 1000'+. Carve practice greatsword. <br>
Z'leyra will make sure to protect Strie'bogs body when he communes. She
casts Banish/Dispell when required.<br>