.hmmessage P
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Let me try this again:)<BR>
- Treasure Split clarification-<BR> <BR> Current loot/Pirate Treasure- <BR>
- Votes to give the treasure to the captain and crew (along with the fallen sailor's family) or if the group plans on splitting things, giving Arawn's share of the treasure over to the sailors<BR>
If the captain takes his entire share Arawn will suggest that maybe a portion could be donated to temples of Manannan and Zu or, lacking that, to purchase materials for the figurehead. Arawn will work on it after the adventure and add his own resources/money to it as well, regardless of whether the captain wishes to a small portion on donations or the figurehead and Arawn will not begrudge whatever the decision.<BR> <BR>
Future treasure (does not include current/pirate loot)-<BR>
<BR> - Due to his share of things last adventure Arawn is thinking of taking a lowered share of treasure from here on out (after the the pirate treasure is dealt with) for an indefinite period of time or until the group decides he's paid his due. The 1/3 to 1/2 comment is in regards to future treasure, where Arawn would 'return' the stated amount to the group treasure to be split up by the others. This would effectively give Arawn 1/2 to 2/3 of what his share would normally be, trying to return funds to the group while allowing him to support himself while abroad and to assist or payback others.<BR> If anyone has another suggestion then let me know. Scott, to simplify things for now I'll take 2/3 of a normal share unless the group feels it should be lower.<BR>
Hopefully this clears up everything:)<BR> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<BR>
Arawn nodded as he listened to Wa' Son's suggestions.<BR>
"Thank you. Excellent insight and suggestions. Naptha arrows are very reasonable and we already have the bows to lend credibility to the story.<BR>
As for the prisoners, I am thankful that you mentioned the possibility of rescuing those that might have suffered at their hands. It further pushes my desire to hand them over to the authorities and Zhou might make mention of it to the authorities to help push the issue. I can only hope and pray that some, if not all, will be saved or closure given to friends and family."<BR>
[<FONT class=ecxApple-style-span face="arial, sans-serif"><SPAN style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" class=ecxApple-style-span>Will says "I was just planing on making a hop to an intermediate location and then to the village next to the citadel and blame any magic that was detected on the same rouge wizard aboard the pirate ship that sank his own ship with a spell backfire."</SPAN></FONT><BR>
<DIV class=ecxgmail_quote><FONT class=ecxApple-style-span face="arial, sans-serif"><SPAN style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" class=ecxApple-style-span><BR></SPAN></FONT></DIV>
<DIV class=ecxgmail_quote><FONT class=ecxApple-style-span face="arial, sans-serif"><SPAN style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" class=ecxApple-style-span>OOC: From a height of 100 feet you can only see about 12 miles to the horizon which may make for a long trip (from a standing height above the water its only 2.8 miles)]</SPAN></FONT></DIV>
<FONT class=ecxApple-style-span face="arial, sans-serif"><SPAN style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" class=ecxApple-style-span></SPAN></FONT> <BR>
<FONT class=ecxApple-style-span face="arial, sans-serif"><SPAN style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" class=ecxApple-style-span> - "If you or another wishes to go instead I am fine with that. It is just an offer in case others are not willing to risk the jump. As for intermediate areas, jumping too far too early would make it more likely that a sensor would detect the caster. I don't know what they have at their disposal to deal with such if detected but I would guess that they might have something up their sleeve. If you wish to be the one to teleport I would have no qualms but I would like to hear what the others have decided."</SPAN></FONT><BR>
<FONT class=ecxApple-style-span face="arial, sans-serif"><SPAN style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" class=ecxApple-style-span></SPAN></FONT> <BR>
<FONT class=ecxApple-style-span face="arial, sans-serif"><SPAN style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" class=ecxApple-style-span>OOC: Arawn usually ports high enough upwards that he gets a good view of the land (much higher than 100 feet). The levitate is just to keep him from falling while choosing a new target point:)</SPAN></FONT><BR>
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