<head><style>body{font-family: Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:10pt;font-family:arial,sans-serif;background-color:#ffffff;color:black;}p{margin:0px}</style></head><body id="compText">Whitney clears his throat, "Um... you THINK it's secondary. And it may be. But it may not be.All we really know is that it is making achieving your goal more difficult. I'm merely recommending making the goal a bit easier to achieve. Knowing exactly what the devices can and can't do would let us know what we can and can't do safely. It's quite possible we're imposing too many needless limits on ourselves. It's even possible that they know certain of us talented,rather than simply skilled, and they're using the devices to track those individuals so as to keep an eye on us prior to initiating some sort of unpleasantness we can't handle.<br><br>"We just don't know.<br><br>"Nor would I recommend a title of Professor. It implies a degree of learning restricted to nobility and gentry, and can imply a bit of locally illegal knowledge."<br><br><br><blockquote style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(0, 0, 255); padding-left: 5px; margin-left: 0px;"><love_to_travel_mark@yahoo.com><tmagann@earthlink.net><pnpgm@abroere.xs4all.nl><longshot@cybermax.net><br><zzzhtml><zzzhead><style type="text/css"><ZZZ!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></zzzhead><zzzbody><div style="font-family: times new roman,new york,times,serif; font-size: 12pt;"><div>Ha'Kell grins mischieviously at the 'Professors' response and replies, "No, you act like a professor, always trying to teach. Usually you seem to fall into an almost lecture, much more than a student's reponse. Which is why I asked if you are really a professor," giving great emphasis to the next word, "professor. I think that should be your new nickname, Professor. What say everyone? Professor Whitney!" Smiling broadly at the young man. Grinning and quietly saying, "Buy my dog ate it, he eats anything, so I need more time..."</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Speaking a bit louder again and much more serious to the task, "And I didn't misunderstand you as you mentioned, and I quote, 'anomalous people you folks are after'. That doesn't mean some Katai that hate certain, well, things. I agree finding and studying some of the detectors would be very benficial, and I also agree we may be jumping at shadows and attributing too much to the devices. But all of this is secondary to these 'anomalous people' that we are after."</div>
<div> <br></div></div></zzzbody></zzzhtml></longshot@cybermax.net></pnpgm@abroere.xs4all.nl></tmagann@earthlink.net></love_to_travel_mark@yahoo.com></blockquote></body><pre>
Thank you for your time,
Thomas O. Magann Jr.</pre>