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Arawn realizes that trying to put out the fire would take time and the magic involved could easily draw attention from sensors, assuming that any guards were in the area to notice. He checks the unconscious man's vital signs as he replies to Chion.<br><br> "Unless we can find an unattended wagon I think we might have to risk some detection to get out of here," he said so as to not be overheard by anyone that might happen to wander by at that moment. "Either transporting back to the carriage interior, transmuting and hiding the man, or else revivifying the man, as he'd still be influenced by me. If someone wants to take a quick look around for a wagon that'd be great or feel free to share another idea."<br><br><br> If the man's vitals seem to indicate he needs immediate attention then
Arawn will ask Z'leyra to use her Healer skill on the man or, if she
isn't willing, to attempt to do so himself. Magical healing will only be
used if death is imminent.<br> If no offers another suggestion and a wagon can't be found Arawn will look around for a spot where he feels confident no outsiders might be watching and attempt to cast Transmutation (EL 1, Tongue of the Sidh) on the man and turn him into a small black stone which he'll hide inside a small container and then wrap beneath layers of gear/clothes to minimize detection.<br><br> <br> </body>