So there is a chance Will might wake up? If he does then he might just try filying agrian. Now as recall you don't have to keep flying till you crash so Will will try to fly past the Vong slash at a couple of them on the way and land on the stairs above them taunt them to see if he can get some of them to charge up the stairs and to attack him. <br>
<br>So if he wakes up: invs. Flight both el 0 slash land on the stairs above them and out of sight yell at them bang my sword on my shield etc and either way (if they chase me or not) el 0 flight again slash at them from the side of the stairs land up the stairs repete. <br>
<br>If he does not wake up well oh well.<br><br>Do you get any points for crashing? He should be getting pretty good at it.<br>