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<div dir="ltr"><span lang=""><strong>During Etain's story:</strong></span><br><font face="Times New Roman"><span lang="EN"> "Who ordered the Chief Scholar not to report to the Monarchs about Fremea’s parents death?"</span></font><br><font face="Times New Roman"><span lang="EN"></span></font> <br><font face="Times New Roman"><span lang="EN"> "</span></font><font face="Times New Roman">Who threatened her parents?"</font><font face="Times New Roman">
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___________________________<br> <br> Arawn remained in his seat as the others rose from the table, the druid choosing to keep Raban and Etain company. The prizzti's story interested him but the tension had grown nearly palpable in Fremea's presence and the alfar refrained from speaking until now. Perhaps with the air a bit clearer the outcast elf might be more open to sharing more of the story.<br> <br>
"I didn't realize that either of you know Varange. He had spent time with some in this party.<br>
What's the relationship like between the three of you?," Arawn asked.<br> <br>
As he listened to the response Arawn's mind churned, the alfar recalling stories of the faery's challenging nature and his thoughts steering, in particular, towards the rumors of the faerry's hunt for a powerful item in the area. Was it possible that Varange had an interest in the Kotothi device?<br> <br>
"I had heard he was active in the area... on the hunt for an item of power. A curious thing. By any chance would you know the truth to this?"<br></span></font></div>