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<div dir="ltr"><span lang=""> <b>Before Translocating:<br><br></b>
Noticing the wolf's manner Arawn turned to Will. <br><br>
"Do you know what's upsetting him?"<br><br><br>
<b>After Translocating:</b><br>
After returning with the rest of the party Arawn took some time to inspect the statue and area surrounding it, curious as to why it was positioned the way it was. It might be nothing more than a mistake but he couldn't help but wonder if it hinted at something of significance.<br><br>
"Etain, do you know the history of the piece or the person honored by it?"<br><br><br>
"I would suggest taking at least one person who can magically interrogate the thief and so offer my service unless it's felt that I'm more valuable placed elsewhere or another is capable," Arawn replied as Fremea set the painting in place.<br>
"And it might be good for a few to scout out the location while you hunt down the thief, assuming the painting reveals further clues."<br><br><br> When Fremea seemed ready to conjure information from the painting Arawn extended his senses deep, seeking to pull any detail that might appear [OOC: Mana Sense followed by Mana Reading if anything unusual is noticed on Fremea, the painting or surrounding area]<br><br></span></div>