.hmmessage P
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<body class='hmmessage'><div dir='ltr'>> Unali - how do you want to deal with this? Fremea never<br><div>> gave orders on how to deal with the guy. Tobie could<br>> give that info now though.<br><br>Fremea would have said to get all information on this as they can, so that the entire operation can be shutdown. So, they would have been advised to capture and interrogate for more info. <br><br><br>[Time: 8:26:41 am - Samma city, Donara]<br>Fremea sees one of the men that denied her freedom. Before her rage boils to the surface, she does a couple of the quick breathing techniques she had been taught to calm herself. She then takes a second to think and about the best thing to do and decides that he could be very useful. She sneaks up on him as she had been trained to do very well and knocks him out with just the right pressure hits.<br><br>She thinks to herself, finally going to see how cowardly they really are, and smiles.<br><br>After he is down, she will tie him up and then get Raban inside to help her take him to a different place, just in case others are coming in. They will not go too far, but find some place that does not have anyone in it.<br><br>She will ask where Grosis is and if he doesn't start to answer, she will have Raban help get the answer out him.<br><br><br>__________________________________________<br><br>GEMS<br>As for all the small gems, Fremea had made it clear that they would wait to sell them later. No use in showing their hand there in town.<br><br>The large gems are temporary placement, only to help everyone out for now, until this particular situation is done.<br></div> </div></body>