.hmmessage P
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<body class='hmmessage'><div dir='ltr'><b>Etain -</b><br> Just want to make sure that I'm reading things correctly, has the disease been cured and he's now concious and recovering? I'm guessing he's cured and up but as there seemed to be a jump between him being out and then up again wanted to double check.<br> <br> Assuming the disease has been cured and Etain is conscious, Arawn will use his Healer (Elf) skill to aid Etain in his recovery. But if a complication arises or it seems that more than 2 days will be required to fully restore the elf to normal Arawn will resort to magic, using Healing Mist as needed to restore Life Points or Energy Level as needed. He'll extend this to an area of effect if others in the party desire this healing.<br><br><br><b>Fremea -<br></b> Arawn will continue to work with Fremea on meditation and coming to terms with her inner demons/healing.<br><br> He would like to focus some of these sessions on the link that exists between Fremea and Varange. He'd try to help her see through his eyes or at least get a sense of Varange. He'll ask Fremea if she had any interesting dreams or emotions the night of the animal/storm attack that could hint at her sensing Varange then (Arawn assumes the Lord Marshall would have had some sort of emotional reaction to wanting to use and then using the An's'alum). <br><br><br><b>Talisman -</b><br> If no one else has succesfully identified the item's power by the end of Octagi 2 Arawn will attempt to discover more through a Perception spell, having one of the other party members record the info for him.<br><br><br>____<br><br><br> During the party's journey Arawn periodically checked in on the Moon-Gort, now moved into a more appropriate and secure container on the cart.<br><br> "I know there's much on our minds but I think we should spend some time considering our next step or two," he said to the party during a meal-break. <br> "We have the option of illusions to mislead and the Moon-Gort to mask. With the last piece of the artifact so close to falling into Varange's hands we should consider when to use which resource, assuming someone hasn't already formed a plan."<br><br> "Varange is going to need our help to acquire the last piece, both sides working together if I interpret his words to Fremea properly. However he has hinted that another means exists to acquire it, one that would be more 'drastic'.<br><br> And Fremea's ultimate goal, to locate her missing family, seems to hinge on giving Varange the last piece. Of course we can't allow him to use and retain this item."<br><br> "Aside from calling upon divine guidance, which has its own risks, the Elf Council hid the item and some among them may still have important information to share. I have never been to the main center but if anyone here has been or if Jordi is free I can try to translocate there and speak with the Head Council member before we start the final mission."<br><br> He looked to the others to hear their thoughts and suggestions.<br><br><br><b>Octagi 2:</b><br><br>Village -<br><br> Even with physical healing no longer necessary Arawn put to use his empathic nature and abilities, soothing and comforting the mind and soul during the party's time at the peasant village. He consoled them, letting them know the madness of the night, of beloved animals turned savage was the work of evil magic and that he would seek justice for them.<br> Ritual prayers were performed for the dead, both human and animal, and for those likely to be cast aside, the animals, he worked hard to see them treated in proper druidic manner before the party's exit. <br>_________<br><br>Destroyed Cabin -<br><br> OOC:<br> Arawn will take advantage of his magical topaz, smuggler training and Mana Sense to scan the ruins. If this fails to turn anything up he'll then cast God's Eyes EL1 to see through the most prevalent debris (wood, I'm guessing) to search for anything of interest (papers, treasure, hidden compartments or chambers).<br><br> IC:<br> Once the search was done Arawn looked to the man's burnt and broken body. He might not be alive for Fremea to interrogate but that didn't mean she couldn't.<br><br> "He may yet prove useful to us," he told his companions, his voice quite somber. <br><br> "I can try and summon his spirit for questioning, no more than 3. Such is not without risk and his words, though truthful, may prove cryptic if vengeance does not lure him towards clear answers."<br><br> "If the answer is yes then choose your questions carefully. And if the time of death is ascertained then the akashic records may be called upon to view the attack and time prior. I can call upon the Akasha though Z'leyra is undoubtedly more skilled at that."<br><br><br><b>Octagi 4:</b><br><br> (Assuming Arawn hasn't been asked to look for the Elven Council and already left...)<br><br> "A blessing upon you," Arawn told the trio of shrouded peasants. "But are sickness and problems an issue in these parts? And how fare things between here and the capital?"<br><br>________<br><br> Arawn smiled at the news of Raban's careful tending of the dog. The sun-shy cast his gaze to the horizon, hoping to catch some sign of the dog. The wound would heal but he had to wonder why the dog was separated from it's pack? Or was it simply loose from an outlying farm?<br> </div></body>