.hmmessage P
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<body class='hmmessage'><div dir='ltr'> Arawn shared an empathetic look with Iedi as she shared the news of Gaeduro's injuries. Had the woman remained in town he could have helped but he hoped that with proper rest and a good healer she'd make a complete recovery.<br><br><br> "A pity to hear but I hope she returns to full health soon. And hopefully you can get word to her on running the tavern in her absence as it would benefit both parties.<br><br> But how odd that these things would happen. Has it always been so, unusual things like this happening at her tavern? Or was it a recent thing - did anything unusual happen around the time the odd events started? Or since?"<br>_____________________________________________________<br><br><br> Before parting ways with Iedi he asked her about other inns and taverns about town, in particular the Rotten Egg tavern where the party was to meet Varange later.<br><br> "This is all so fascinating. I wonder if odd things are still going on?," he commented, feigning excitement. "If you notice anything else odd around the tavern I'd love to hear about it! I'll definitely have to pay you a visit and look at your wares later on, after I've settled in."<br><br>_____________________________________________________<br><br><br> While Iedi was busy with her customer Arawn took a moment to respond to Kell's thoughts.<br><br> "Yeah, I'd be willing to guess Varange is somehow behind or linked to this. But I doubt he simply wanted a more private spot. He chose the tavern and would have known about it, the type and volume of patrons. The change in venue had to occur for another reason, but what?<br> Does he need the place empty for exploration? Is he buying time? Or setting us up?"<br><br> Arawn's brow furrowed with deep thought on the matter, his eyes turning to stare at the boarded-up tavern.<br><br> "I'd really like to take a look around in there as soon as possible, without drawing attention to ourselves."<br><br>OOC: Arawn will not attempt to break in at the moment (unless the party discusses this further) but he'll walk around the tavern (casually as he doesn't want to appear suspicious to anyone watching) before heading out. Aside from looking/listening for anything of interest he'll also use Mana Sense in case magic might linger around/in the building that could serve as the source of the disturbance.<br> </div></body>