<font face="Courier New, Courier" size=1> For new players
only. Old players should have grasp.<br><br>
I am still getting confusion on IBT.<br><br>
IBT is simply a dirty way to say free form role
I term it IBT in Between Time. IBT adventures.
This is<br>
what YOU want to do. Adventures tend to be more
and coordinated. <br><br>
As outlined by David and my other updates I'll go over the
points again.<br><br>
IBT should have:<br>
* Skills<br>
* Spells<br>
* Other<br><br>
1) Skills:<br>
Simply state which skills to
practice. You CAN practice skills<br>
while doing other things. You
can cast spells and do things.<br>
Just as long as you spend 1 day (8
hour period).<br><br>
Practice alone: 1 point per day<br>
Practice with teacher: 2 point per
With teacher and book: 3 points per
Books may not be able to be done for
every skill.<br><br>
It is possible to do more than 1
Example: Practice Sword and
Climbing. If it is the same<br>
day you get half of above
points. So if doing this solo<br>
you would get 0.5 each. Would
need to divide up the time<br>
into 4 hours. One can learn
NEW skills with a teacher like<br>
a PC or you may need to hire a
person. If unsure how much<br>
ask. <br><br>
IBT Example:<br>
Febris 8: Do
Sword practice<br>
Febris 9: Do
Dagger - Fight Practice<br>
Febris 10: Do
Sword and Dagger Fighting today practice<br><br>
2) Spells: Assuming a magic user. Same as skills
but there is<br>
no real time limit. Most
spells are minutes at most. So<br>
could cast 20 in a few
minutes. Things to keep in mind:<br><br>
* Keep tabs of daily limits of
Energy Level unless you have<br>
a aid (Wand/Staff) which
can increase this limit. <br>
* Keep in mind Mana Regen.
First # is how much you gain a<br>
day the +# is if you
rest. Rest needs a full 24 hour day.<br>
For me the 'day' begins
at sunrise. So sunrise to sunrise<br>
no spells you get this
second #.<br>
* I'd try to be at full mana at end
of IBT just in case.<br>
* If unsure how much it costs to do
this or how much to learn<br>
that or such ask.
I have the CNL chart online now.<br>
* Learning spells is possible but
may be limited in some<br>
cases. If unsure
* Post the EL you cast and how many
if any recasts you do.<br><br>
Febris 8: Cast
Luck x2 EL1, Cast Fire Dart EL0 x3 Recast 2<br>
Febris 9: Cast
Luck x5 EL0 Recast 5 try to get to next EL.<br>
3) Other<br>
A) Making items:<br>
Some like to make
stuff. You have rules now for Jewelry<br>
items online. I
have rules for Tanning. Use the basic<br>
Armorer rules for
amount of times.<br><br>
If you are unsure
how long ask. You should keep in mind<br>
if you make
magical items the Laws of Magic apply You<br>
must make it
yourself from virgin material no hirelings.<br>
You should gather
supplies and materials before hand. If<br>
you do not I'll
assume its done and pay an expenses.<br>
I post expenses in
each IBT for review. Keep in mind<br>
if you fail in
some part of the magic crafting the item<br>
could be
destroyed. Some basic items if fail could also<br>
be destroyed
(making a wooden item if you chop too short<br>
destroyed). Keep this in mind in overall IBT. If<br>
you are unsure on
rules for this like making some odd piece<br>
of clothing ask.
8: Make Brass Ring, Cheap Ruby inset, extra care<br>
9: Make Sword Day 1 of 3<br>
10: Make Sword Day 2 of 3<br>
11: Make Sword Day 3 of 3 Complete.<br>
Enchant for To hit and damage.<br><br>
B) Encounters:<br>
I will be doing
random encounters. Unless you hole<br>
away in a crate in
a library you'll likely have some<br>
I use a Motivation chart created by<br>
Burton to
determine motivation. I also do basic<br>
types of
encounters like bandits, beggars or merchants<br>
to name a
few. Most tend to be easy but some may be<br>
combat. I
will randomly handle these combats based<br>
on what you may do
or what I think you'll do. With 100<br>
days x10
characters doing it round robin for interaction<br>
would take months.
So this is the easy way to earn<br>
experience as
well. So if you have typical combat<br>
sop let me
know It can be very generic.<br><br>
* If encountered
by 1 hostile defense myself and<br>
if needed but try to knock out.<br>
* if outnumbered
and able to do so run.<br>
* If outnumbered
but easy combat handle as normal.<br><br>
It doesn't have to
be exact like "if attacked by 3<br>
gang members draw
sword and shield. Parry 2 and<br>
then attack 3rd
and if middle gang member does bad<br>
damage then
run." No need for that just generic simple<br>
I typically do NOT
cast magic in these encounter. Only<br>
because it may
ruin your spell casting plans. I just<br>
do this for pure
combat/experience. Plus I'd have to<br>
stop and ask which
spell and it would bog things down.<br><br>
C) Shopping: Folks will search for
special items or buy<br>
supplies for
travel. Should denote such in IBT in<br>
fashion. The more rare items take to find you<br>
should devote
time. Time could be 2-3 hours a day<br>
or once a
month. <br><br>
8: Search for Black Poppy spend up to 5 days<br>
9: Buy 30 Arrows, 2 Daggers, 30 Rations<br><br>
D) Other Stuff:<br>
Anything not
covered by above.<br><br>
A) Stat training:
As listed in my document per 4 days<br>
you spend training you get 1 CP for that stat. But<br>
this would take away skill training unless you wanted<br>
partial skill points.<br><br>
Febris 8: Day 3 of 4 Strength body building<br>
Febris 9: Day 4 of 4 Strength body building<br><br>
B) Buying
Teleporting to other nations.<br>
Special research at library.<br><br>
All this should cover 95% of what one
typically needs to<br>
do for IBT.<br><br>
There is NO need to do a hour by hour,
minute by minute<br>
timeline. Just generic like
Combined example:<br>
Febris 8: Practice Sword,
Search for new boots<br>
Cast Luck x4 EL1<br>
Febris 9: Hire Dagger Teacher,
Practice Dagger Fight and<br>
Throw (0.5 each for 4 hours each).<br>
Cast Fire Darts EL0 x4, 2 recasts, Cast Tempest x1 eL2<br>
Read more on the Gods of War book.<br>
Febris 10: Start to learn War Staff
with teacher maybe Xian?<br>
Cast 10 Fire Darts EL0, 2 recasts.<br>
Start shop for magical talisman of Luck spend 3 days.<br><br>
This should be plenty of examples
from me and others now.<br>
If still confused. I can do
IBT for ya. :) But seriously<br>
its not that complicated. See the
top of Adventure 7s website.<br>
I have several actual IBTS from
You must tell me IBT is final before
I start to process.<br>
Another tip is I read IBT line by
line. I rarely read<br>
forward. So if Day 10 depends
on something on Day 20 you<br>
should make note of this. I
process this way line by line<br>
and do results.<br><br>
I will email you results and get
approval. You can approve<br>
or remove sections as you see fit if
deem them not worthy<br>
for public. Once approved I
will post results to the List.<br><br>
Now on to IBT!!! <br><br>