<font face="Courier New, Courier" size=1>
Player Character
Name Type
Status/Notes Sex<br>
FH.John Haight...........Arawn.............Druid
.Normal/Alfar... Ma<br>
--.Tobie Bonahoom........Fremea............Sidh....Normal/Faerry..
W2.David Sanders.........Kiet.Sunan........Acrobat
Normal/Human ..Ma<br>
Broere...........Unali.............Ninja...Normal/Human ..Fe<br>
Koponen..........Z'leyra...........Healer..Normal/Human ..Fe<br>
Animals: Corona [Eagle] Z'leyra<br><br>
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pnpgm@list.powersandperils.org (mailing list)<br>
Private emails (not public actions) to
Game Update #-18a sequence (file #71)<br>
Admin Notes: None. <br>
[New Stuff]<br><br>
* Fremea's
[Decalis 3rd, 1635TH, Cetric's Village]<br>
After leaving the Kameran lands thanks to Arawn's teleport<br>
group greets the Zen'da plains people. As others look<br>
to be
starving, Fremea's small stomach makes her not need<br>
food at all. So as the others go through the usual<br>
pleasantries, Fremea spends time with the kids.<br><br>
Some who have known Fremea for a long time see a change.<br>
used to be a timid easy to anger Faerry. Most Faerry<br>
no real keen interest in humans much less kids. But<br>
seems the kids reach her soft spot. Varange, Kaylle<br>
even especially Thig would care less if a kid was stuck<br>
in a
well but Fremea is different. Some of that credit may<br>
go to
Arawn who helped to relieve and guide her to control<br>
anger. To use it as a focus for a target of anguish but<br>
to use
that anger as fuel for her inner will.<br><br>
Then it is too soon the party must leave again. Fremea<br>
a few final hugs. She knows it is such a different<br>
here. In the cities some would simply call her a<br>
- and have. But here these people are more communal<br>
nature and the creatures around. While most Zen'da might<br>
have seen a single Faerry they don't recognize her<br>
as a
demon but simply as a being with wings who, to them,<br>
nice. Of course this vulnerable nature of the Zen'da<br>
also lead to problems in trusting anything that comes along.<br><br>
[Sivas, Marentia - Library roof]<br><br>
The pigeons in their cages scramble at the sudden<br>
teleport of the group. While some can sense it <br>
still a bit disturbing to the tiny creatures. Kaylle<br>
to like these creatures and even tries to send messages<br>
them. But he is no trainer so many fail. But Kaylle<br>
such a recluse that the birds are tangible friends.<br><br>
Once on the street the sudden appearance of Xian prompts<br>
confusion and alarm. The strange wizard goes from person<br>
person and ends up with Fremea. He uses the word Queen<br>
as if
its a official title? But before she can even ask he<br>
gone again through that strange portal. Maybe if Z'leyra<br>
here with Corona he might've stuck around. What in the<br>
hells - or whatever Kiet says - does he mean? Maybe getting<br>
the wizard is just nuts.<br><br>
[Sivas, Marentia - Cholan's Tavern]<br><br>
At the tavern Fremea drinks a bit too much for her size.<br>
of what? But she asks Cholan about her parents and<br>
as well as the kids.<br><br>
The ex-sailor now turned merchant-tavern-owner uses<br>
injured arm to pour some water for Fremea. "It has<br>
been a
long time. Rumor was some of you guys were dead.<br>
mother was most worried. But what's that lad's name<br>
the cheek mole? Griff or Groff? He took a bit of<br>
a lead
with the kids. Together with that little miss with<br>
long ponytails. Or so I was told." He wipes the bar<br>
and folds his arms on it. "To be honest before I got<br>
son, than the gods, I cared little for kids. But now<br>
changes and moves on. As to Kaylle since it has turned<br>
he doesn't come in much. When he does he hugs the back<br>
and nose in a book." He leans forward and grins.
to get him...ya know..." Then he realizes his mistake<br>
changes the subject. "I did hear there some problem at<br>
warehouse but it was fixed. Not sure what." Then
on to fill another patron's order.<br><br>
Fremea perks up and finishes her drunk then rushes out<br>
head home.<br><br>
[Sivas, Marentia - Fremea's Warehouse-kids-converted-home]<br><br>
Fremea arrives and find her parents asleep. Most of the<br>
are always in bed. But a few of the older teens are<br>
the kitchen table drinking hot tea. The kids are<br>
to see Fremea return after almost a year - 10 months.<br>
tries to catch up on what has come about in her long<br>
The older boy around 17 explains that since winter started<br>
have a steady 18 kids. They are down 4 due to at least<br>
who ran away and could not be found. The other 3 found<br>
and went through normal channels to be adopted. Fremea<br>
nods. While most of these kids are street urchins or homeless<br>
- for
various reasons from abuse to poverty - she technically<br>
doesn't have rights on them. She can't force kids to stay.<br>
back some kids were tricked into stealing for pure money<br>
by a
cruel task master. This is how this whole thing started.<br>
stopped that man. That seems to obligate the kids to stay<br>
remain loyal. But Fremea also knows that while she does<br>
them to use their talents - even stealing - it is for<br>
most part for the right reason.<br><br>
It seems at least 2 kids were arrested. But Etain helped to<br>
convince the City Guard to release them with no charges if they<br>
some City Improvement Work - basically free labor for<br>
city to tend gardens, clean parks and such. Half a year ago<br>
demanded the kids must get formal school training. Etain<br>
to help but the wide diverse age range led to issues. So<br>
found a school friendly to their issues.<br><br>
Though very recently the main issue was the city was<br>
threatening to close down the place and send the kids to<br>
orphanages. Kaylle, Etain, a bit of help from Marta Valnon,<br>
and even letters from Commander Farseeker helped to sway<br>
city not to shut the place down. Then they tried to<br>
the property tax was not paid when it was but was actually<br>
increased. They tried to shut the place down but some strange<br>
donation only signed by the letter V paid for the taxes. The<br>
have no idea who that was. The older kids learned the<br>
neighbors did not 'like' the feel for this place as trashy<br>
homeless folks. So Etain turned it around by cleaning up<br>
place and even doing work around the neighborhood to<br>
improve their places. Slowly they won the neighbors over.<br><br>
In the end it is just Fremea and older boy and it has<br>
been a
few hours. It must be 1 or 2am now. But Fremea<br>
realizes the boy is nervous. "I got a job offer. As
between here and Maren city. I'm good as a driver<br>
know the horses well. But I turned it down to help out<br>
here. As you know most of the kids here are under 12.
help....but now ...that you are back..."<br><br>
Fremea smiles and clasps his hands. She tells him he should<br>
the job. To see this kid just almost 2 years earlier<br>
forced to dig ditches for some noble to pay off his<br>
family's debt. To be beaten daily by the work foreman.
humiliation at the hands of the nobles teen daughter.<br>
To get
to this point. But it is study work on the main<br>
highway and very little risk due to patrols keeping bandits<br>
Fremea ends up in bed unsure how she got there as she is<br>
exhausted to even undress. She dreams of the word Queen.<br><br>
[Decalis 4th, 1635TH - Sivas, Marentia]<br>
[Fremea's warehouse]<br><br>
Fremea wakes up with the sun already well above the<br>
horizon. She heads to the kitchen for water as she is very<br>
thirsty. There she finds her parents. They don't seem
by her
appearance as others told them. They hug and Saya<br>
drenches her in kisses.<br><br>
Fremea notices the place is quiet. Her father explains<br>
kids are at school after a big breakfast. They were<br>
to greet her but Etain says a set schedule is good for<br>
humans. Fremea and her parents sit as she explains where<br>
has been. She does not go into the Shape Shifters that<br>
according to Arawn could be dangerous to be spread around.<br>
simply says they were trapped in a magical prison. That<br>
lost Kell. Anorlic is especially sad to his this as the<br>
merchant had good stories and jokes.<br><br>
Then Fremea tackles her question if she herself was here<br>
recently. While the 'event' was 2 days ago - though with<br>
time slip who knows - the memory seems to be less and<br>
clear. She stepped through the wall and in the same<br>
kitchen she was at. Then Varange appears to blabber about<br>
things. To the right the door to the living room she<br>
her parents and kids. But in reality only Varange<br>
saw her.<br><br>
Confused her parents confirm that she was not here. As to<br>
Varange, Saya admits he scares her. But it seems she was not<br>
as well. So was this true or a dream? False or reality?<br>
Varange could really confirm this it seems. She asks about<br>
city troubles.<br><br>
"Etain is a clever Elf." Saya grins. "With
help from Kaylle's<br>
they were able to use the law against them. Then they did<br>
silly tax stuff. Then some strange person who only signed<br>
it as
V donated the money in our name. Humans are strange folks<br>
seem to be kind folks. That wasn't too long ago."<br><br>
Fremea wonders if her time here and the time lapse shift<br>
prison was not just 2 days ago but maybe weeks ago?<br><br>
Saya gets a bit serious. "I know you wanted the kids to
unstructured and do their own fun things. But you were...gone<br>
months. We hoped you were alive. We even got a letter<br>
some Farseeker guy that claimed as long as you were with<br>
and that other lady you would be fine."<br><br>
For the next 4-5 hours Fremea catches up on what has been<br>
on around her kids a and the city.<br><br>
That afternoon the kids return and are happy to see Fremea<br>
back. Fremea especially hugs Chaz a cute 4 year old boy who<br>
found alone on the street. He has now grown a full inch<br>
and 20
pounds bigger. Now at age 5 he even has a good set of<br>
teeth. For 3-4 hours the kids share stories and tales of the<br>
loads at school Fremea hates to see the chaos of these<br>
turn into order. But it is for their own good.<br><br>
That evening the older teens - the inner circle that even her<br>
parents don't share - spend quiet time with her. They explain<br>
'gifts' they obtained through their deeds. They do admit<br>
still steal but try to only from merchants or families who<br>
known to be abusers or "bad". Etain knows the kids
this but threatens to shut the group down. So the teens<br>
decided to go to him first for approval. Like stealing saddles<br>
sell from a stable owner who openly beats his horses and<br>
into pulp without worry. The merchant who trades food<br>
sex from poor peasants women. They would steal from him<br>
buy food and other things for the other kids. That same<br>
merchant lost so much and he had to close down his stall.<br><br>
Fremea doesn't like Etain getting in her business but in this<br>
it seems right since she was gone for 10 months.<br><br>
The Wing - nick named the inner group - is considering a<br>
to steal from a warehouse. It seems the merchant beats<br>
wife and kids on drunken rages and then sells his products<br>
to get
presents for his mistresses. Fremea considers this but<br>
give it some thought.<br><br>
Fremea wonders if she went the wrong way with the kids,<br>
her parents and Etain have created much more than she<br>
thought of. But, after hearing about the adventures<br>
are still having she is extremely proud. She may not<br>
much about Faerry kind, but she does know they would<br>
been good at being in the best company. Once the idea of<br>
warehouse is brought up, she almost said to do it now,<br>
she knows it needs to be scouted and planned a bit. She<br>
tell them the next day that she is in to help them and<br>
sure it goes down correctly.<br><br>
[Decalis 5th, 1635th, Sivas, Marentia]<br>
[Kaylle's Library]<br><br>
Fremea finds Kayllle at the library and catches up. She<br>
him for helping out with things. But as she speaks<br>
she is
clearly distracted. Not only is Raki engrossed in<br>
book - how can he learn to read that fast? - but she is<br>
distracted for other reasons.<br><br>
She has been gone so long to Kaylle, she is not sure he<br>
wants to spend time with her anymore. The thoughts run<br>
through her head as load as can be. She never thought about<br>
much she missed him until she saw him again. Maybe now is<br>
the time to deal with this. She will come back over the<br>
few weeks to see if he still wants to spend time with<br>
Fremea returns to the warehouse-home to help out with the kids<br>
daily chores.<br><br>
Fremea sits in her tiny office. It isn't any where as big as<br>
Z'leyra's or
Unali's. But it big enough for her. The place<br>
is full of
dust. She figures her mother feared not to clean<br>
for jinxing
her return. There are some letters on her desk<br>
but she
doesn't get as many as both other manor owners. Some<br>
are personal
letters from Farseeker, Thig, Kaylle and Varange!<br><br>
She inspects the letter from Varange and it is almost brand<br>
new with no
dust. She rushes outside to ask her parents<br>
if they
placed the letter there. They deny such. She returns<br>
to her
office and sits down at her desk. She slowly opens it.<br>
It reads as
"This whole thing is fishy. I was told you were not
months. Then on the second night in town you seem to just<br>
appear...then disappear as quickly. I questioned your
don't worry
I did not harm them. They were not aware. I<br>
ignored your
dear parents. No. This whole thing is fishy.<br>
I have no
idea where you were or are or if you will return.<br>
But I may
need to find out. It intrigues me. Your sappy<br>
heart to
appear after months being gone and to hear your<br>
parents in
next room? Not to even try to see them. Very<br>
I hope you heed my words. We should work together<br>
apart. Together we can bring order and power back to our<br>
Fremea sits back and reads it three more times. So it was<br>
If not disorted in overall reality. At that moment<br>
she decides
she will need to boost up defenses for this place<br>
and her
private place. To keep the riff-raff out.<br><br>
Fremea has been thinking about what to do about this whole<br>
thing with
Varange. He truly believes that he is doing all the<br>
things he
does for 'their' people, but it seems to hurt lots<br>
more people
than to help. He wanted to control the device,<br>
maybe to
take on the Kotothi forces, but she does not really<br>
that. He seems to be playing more games to keep<br>
else going. She may have to track him down later,<br>
after she
has learned more about the device and to control it<br>
The others are letters of concern for her return and hope that<br>
she makes it
back. Kaylle includes questions about Donara and<br>
things there
for his personal knowledge.<br><br>
Fremea casts Luck and then a Knowledge spell. She learns from<br>
it read
& write Katai. <br><br>
That night Fremea spends time reading her special book. She<br>
continue to do this nightly as a regular routine. Until<br>
she can
improve her reading skills and the knowledge that is<br>
within the
book. It may take a few months or more but it will<br>
be worth
6th, 1635TH, Sivas, Marentia]<br>
With help from Kaylle, Fremea has arranged a meeting with<br>
a jeweler
who dabbles in magic. Kaylle does warn that he<br>
is rough as
a magician so not great as he isn't even really<br>
trained but
self taught. Fremea arrives at his shop and<br>
starts the
process to learn how to enhance a diamond. It is not<br>
magic but runes, gestures, correct words and the<br>
methods than
great magic.<br><br>
Over the next 5 days Fremea learns Diamond Enhancement Rite<br>
from the old
jeweler. He is very stern and Fremea realizes the<br>
man has NO
sense of humor. But she has to pay him 5 copper to<br>
learn those
5 days. <br><br>
Late that afternoon Fremea flies toward the hills outside<br>
Landing on a hill Fremea casts Luck, insubstantiability,<br>
(though a winged flyer doesn't need it but its good<br>
just in
case) and then casts teleport. These are just to practice<br>
and improve
her skills. The insubstantiability spell does fail<br>
though. But being in hills there is little risk. The
Landing as the sun is low in the horizon she digs in her<br>
bag and
looks around to ensure no one is around. She removes<br>
An's'alum relic. It gleams in the sun. It is a risk to<br>
use it but
she should have some practice. She flies toward<br>
a farm full
of cows. Landing in a tree she ensures no one can<br>
see her and
then raises the relic and invokes it. She concentrates<br>
on the
cows. The beasts are not known to be hostile but every<br>
animal has
its breaking point. It seems to take forever but<br>
soon the
cows begin to move together and ..bump against each<br>
Fremea figures this is their fighting? Some wag tails and<br>
spit but
this is the extent of their 'fighting'. A farm hand<br>
arrives to
calm the cows and is a bit confused.<br><br>
Fremea flies toward other homes and manors. Trying to find<br>
her next
target. There we go! A farm that has a huge pen of<br>
chickens. Roosters are known to be hostile and deadly.
on the roof
of the silo she points the relic which should have<br>
a range of
70 feet toward the pen. Soon the chickens are a blur<br>
of feathers
and cackles! There must be dozens of them fighting<br>
each other
but all she can see is feathers and wings. The<br>
farmer runs
up and gasps as he watches the chaos in confusion.<br>
Soon the
relic ends and there must be a half dozen dead birds.<br>
someone is eating chicken tonight.<br><br>
7th, 1635TH, Sivas, Marentia]<br><br>
After a hardy breakfast and seeing the kids off to school, Fremea<br>
heads to a
local park. Marentia is not known for its great forests.<br>
But there
are light woods. At the park she collects wood that<br>
will be
suitable for her purpose. She collects enough material and<br>
then bags it
up. Then she heads to the jeweler's place to learn the<br>
Diamond rite
After a long day of learning the diamond rite and listening<br>
to the old
man pass gas without even saying he is sorry Fremea<br>
is glad to
leave the shop. At her own personal home away from<br>
warehouse she sits at the fire and makes the wood objects.<br>
She has no
actual carpentry skills to make ornate items but she<br>
has watched
her dad at work. But it doesn't take much effort<br>
to make 10
round - mostly round - disks of wood. Size of small<br>
With ten made she spends time using a piece of wood to<br>
paint using
some spare white paint a symbol on it. It isn't<br>
too fancy
but humans are stupid - mostly. She places the<br>
disks on the
table and lets them dry and heads to bed after<br>
doing some
book reading.<br><br>
8th, 1635TH, Sivas, Marentia]<br><br>
In the morning she picks two of the wooden disks she made<br>
and casts
Luck but doesn't realize it fails since there are<br>
no visual
clues. She then casts a spell onto the disk and<br>
then seals
it with a ward pact. She repeats this for the<br>
second disk
and based on the mana signatures it seems to have<br>
worked. She smiles and places both in her coin bag.<br><br>
11th, 1635TH, Sivas, Marentia]<br><br>
After learning the final bits of the Diamond Rite Fremea<br>
flies toward
the library. She finds Kaylle but doesn't see<br>
Raki at
all. He explains he is off to watch folks at the market.<br><br>
"Raki is trying to get a hold of his emotions as much as he<br>
can since
his people aren't made for them. I explained if he<br>
wants to
understand humans he should watch us." Kaylle
Fremea defers to the Scholar's wisdom but letting Raki loose<br>
on the
city? Regardless Fremea asks him if there are ways to<br>
learn of
land she can buy around her home. <br><br>
"There are books...but best bet is to go to the Land
Fremea sighs. Like the office in Ticasi Kiet investigated?<br><br>
"They have all the public records. But you should.
Ahem. Wear<br>
disguise. The office is not too keen on non humans. As a
you'll have little chance. Maybe take Etain with you or<br>
Kell...I'm...sorry...I forgot...Maybe Cholan or Kes?"<br><br>
Fremea flies to find Etain and asks to meet her at the office<br>
of the Land
or whatever its called in a couple hours. The<br>
Elf agrees
after he finishes something.<br><br>
Two hours. Plenty of time for some fun!<br><br>
Dressed in her "kid" disguise she walks down the street.<br>
She eyes the
crowd and finds some targets. Sitting on a bench<br>
she pulls
out a book she got from the library and pretends to read<br>
She then covertly eyes a merchant trying to sell a woman<br>
pottery. She concentrates and with her innate ability to cast<br>
sidh magic
casts a spell. The merchant is getting a bit testy<br>
with the
woman so Fremea casts a Sonata spell for peace. Soon<br>
merchant's face forms a smile. This confuses the woman.<br>
The woman
offers another bid and the man nods. Confused the<br>
woman picks
up the vase and prepares to leave but the man<br>
another vase in her hands for free and grins.<br><br>
The woman rushes off with her free vase. Then Fremea stands<br>
as the spell
fades. Fremea inspects a vase and covertly<br>
places one
of her wooden disks inside. She says this is defective!<br>
There is
something inside. Then plops it down and then rushes<br>
off but not
before turning around to see the fun.<br><br>
The merchant grumbles clearly not affected by peaceful thoughts<br>
and jungles
the vase. He opens it and sees the disk. He<br>
turns it
around and it plops onto his head. The ward activates<br>
and the man
become paralyzed. The vase slips form his hands<br>
and breaks
onto the ground. Fremea smiles.<br><br>
A man tries to buy a vase but gets angry when the trader<br>
him. He plops down coins and picks up two vases.<br>
But then
turns around when he notices the merchant didn't<br>
even see
what type of cons. Looking around the man digs in<br>
his bag and
replaces the copper with brass bits and grabs<br>
another vase
and runs away.<br><br>
Soon the spell ends and the merchant looks around confused.<br>
A older
woman in her 70s saunters up to buy a vase or two.<br>
Fremea then
casts another spell to enhance sensations. This<br>
time casts
onto the woman.<br><br>
The man reaches for the coins and smiles. This is when<br>
the woman
feels the man's warm touch and smiles herself.<br>
She asks
what perfume he is wearing but he says just dust. He<br>
laughs but
the white ivory of his teeth seems to make the<br>
woman back
into her youth. Memories seem to stir and maybe<br>
it was
lust. She suddenly reaches toward the man head and<br>
pulls him
forward and kisses him. Then pushes him to the<br>
behind the stall and she circles around and smiles.<br>
The man
begins to mumble confused as she leaps onto top of<br>
Out of view of the street the last thing Fremea hears<br>
is the man
crying for help from the woman.<br><br>
Fremea explores some more streets and finds a seedy<br>
tavern keen
for riff raff and thieves. The door is<br>
small and
she drops her second disk onto the stoop of the<br>
door and
waits. She lets 4-5 enter and exit. But then<br>
spots a man
around 300 pounds and mostly fat. She points<br>
to the disk
and asks if it is his. The fat man leans over<br>
and picks it
up and becomes paralyzed now with his butt<br>
facing out
and his head at the door.<br><br>
Fremea heads to watch in private as some try to get past<br>
the fat
man. Some begin to argue and hit the man or<br>
even kick
him. Finally 3 sailors grab the idiot and<br>
slam him
into the front window - though by accident<br>
first. They then enter the tavern only to be<br>
thrown out
by the bar owner who lost a window. The<br>
tavern owner
notices the disks and picks it up. He soon<br>
paralyzed in mid-yell at the fleeing sailors.<br><br>
Etain and Fremea head to the land office. Etain does<br>
most of the
talking. But after a long discussion it seems<br>
no good land
is for sale around her home or warehouse yet. <br><br>
12th, 1635TH, Sivas, Marentia]<br><br>
Fremea flies toward the warehouse to say good bye to her<br>
parents. Today is Kell's funeral in Ba'ru. As she is
to leave a
messenger drops by with a book and note from<br>
Kaylle. The scholar found a book on Sapphire enhancement<br>
Rite she can
learn. But will need to be returned within<br>
a week since
it is loaned to him.<br><br>
Fremea packs the book and flies toward Z'leyra's manor.<br>
There now in
her full dress disguise she waits for the<br>
others. Soon Chion teleports those who need to go to<br>
the Ba'ru
city margins at Kell's birth home.<br><br>
Fremea is impressed by the funeral. The speeches by<br>
Arawn and
Kiet. Kiet who would not bat an eye torturing<br>
a Fomorian
and enjoy it sheds tears for his friend Kell.<br>
She wishes
she could have a friend as close to those<br>
2. Maybe
Etain one day? But Etain did teach her to be<br>
aloof and
isolated as her skills as the Royal ...whatever<br>
she may call
it - assassin, thief, diplomat, spy or whatever<br>
is done
efficiently. On the ride back to the feast she<br>
recalls that
short girl with the strange large wolf. She<br>
was as small
as her almost. She wonders if that girl was<br>
a Fae in
Fremea gives her farewell to Kell's mother and sister. His<br>
mother asks
why she is wearing that silly dress. That Kell<br>
told them
about her. This seems to relieve Fremea a bit<br>
and she
hears about Giants and Dwarfs in this land and<br>
more of her kind but they don't see it. <br><br>
Fremea then is teleported late that night by Chion<br>
Sivas. She spends the night reading her two books<br>
to learn the
Sapphire Rite and the fun herbalism book.<br>
Over the
next 5 days Fremea learns the Sapphire Rite.<br><br>
13th, 1635TH, Sivas, Marentia]<br><br>
Reading books is tiresome and Fremea decides some fun is in<br>
She flies toward one of the brothels. She peers inside<br>
the window
to see the action. After the 3rd window she recognizes<br>
a familiar
head. Full of red hair. She smiles. So this<br>
is where Mae
is working. She does seem very...skilled at it.<br>
The use of
her head and rotation is quite interesting. But<br>
Mae might
kill her if she found out. So 2 more windows. She<br>
finds a room
empty. She sneaks inside and waits in the small<br>
closet. Soon two men and a young girl enter. They begin<br>
to speak of
prices and actions. Reaching a hand out Fremea<br>
innately sleep mist. The three soon fall asleep. She<br>
quickly with
effort places both men who were hoping to<br>
be on the
girl instead on top of each other. She places<br>
the girl on
the chair and adds a bit more coin to the girl's<br>
hands than
she was going to be paid. Positioning body<br>
parts and
bodies of both men she quietly exits the room.<br><br>
A minute later she can hear both men screaming about why<br>
one guy is
doing the other guy and arguing over the details.<br>
Down the
hall she can hear a older woman telling some guy<br>
how naughty
he was and should not have stolen things from<br>
the laundry
including female knickers. She peeks inside<br>
to see a
older woman, probably the brothel owner, holding<br>
a teen boy
in her lap spanking him. Hurting poor boys is<br>
good! He may not be innocent but not cool. She reaches<br>
in and casts
the spell again to make both sleep. On the<br>
desk she
notices book of tabs and payments. She spots Mae's<br>
name and
decides to add 2 zeroes to her name to improve<br>
proceeds. After all dwarves should not be cruel to<br>
heads! She sits on the desk and waits for the<br>
woman to
wake. She startles the woman and then openly<br>
fascination. She tells the woman to free the<br>
lad and give
him a bonus. Maybe a free ride with one<br>
of the girls
and some coins for a good supper. The woman<br>
nods and
dresses the waking boy as Fremea leaves.<br><br>
That evening Fremea practices some more spells. She<br>
casts Luck,
insubstantiability, levitate and then<br>
one random
14th, 1635TH, Sivas, Marentia]<br><br>
At her own personal home without parents or kids she sets<br>
out her
jeweler tools. She bought them recently from<br>
market. They aren't as good or magical as say<br>
but they will do the job fine without magic.<br><br>
With gold and silver material bought at the market<br>
she begins to make a large necklace. She<br>
places a
central piece with enough room to house and<br>
set 2
gems. It takes her own 92 minutes to finish the<br>
necklace. She estimates it is worth 58-60 silver alone<br>
as is.
Now she grabs her diamond and sapphire she recently<br>
acquired. She casts luck to help her odds. She then
onto both of the gems. The diamond becomes<br>
enhanced. But the sapphire does not. She repeats it
both are
good. <br><br>
She inspects it<br>
and the
necklace to ensure no damage as failure can lead<br>
destruction. But the luck helped. She recasts it this<br>
time and in
fact gets a critical success. She sets the<br>
gems into the necklace and inspects her work.<br><br>
She then casts Knowledge to gain more Read and Writing for<br>
Katai to
improve her skill.<br><br>
18th, 1635TH, Sivas, Marentia]<br><br>
Fremea decides to have some Faerry fun. Most Faerry love<br>
borderline dangerous pranks. But even if it wasn't<br>
in her blood
she'd still have fun. She casts 2 more ward<br>
pacts on her
newly made wooden disks after casting luck.<br><br>
She prowls the city for victims. It doesn't take long for her<br>
to spot a
pickpocket. She walks past and drops the wooden<br>
The thief sees this and picks up. Most citizens would<br>
stop others
for lost coin. But a thief doesn't care. She<br>
dropped the
disk on a tall vendor's stall that is closed. The<br>
thief grabs
and becomes paralyzed. She walks up to the man<br>
and stares
into his eyes. She uses her innate fascination<br>
and speaks
to the man quietly.<br><br>
She checks his coin bag and finds it is rather full of<br>
coin. She leaves and then removes her dress to find<br>
a roof to
watch and land on. She waits for the spell to end<br>
and the man
looks around. "Call the guard I am a bad man!<br>
I have
stolen all these coins from others!"<br><br>
Fremea snickers and moves on. Back in her young girl's dress<br>
she spots 20
minutes later a guard she knows. A city guard<br>
who has
hassled her kids for a long time. He is definitely corrupt<br>
lazy. She decides he will be her next victim. She
the guard
and a captain patrolling on foot a market. The captain<br>
enters into
a store to talk to the merchant and Fremea makes<br>
move. She moves to the guard and places the coin at the<br>
window of a
shop. She then tugs on the man's tunic and points<br>
to the disk
asking if it is his. The city guard as usual<br>
ignores her
being a lowly kid. Fremea moves away and the man<br>
looks at the
He grabs it and becomes paralyzed. Fremea returns and<br>
places the
man outward. Others pass but figure the man<br>
is just
drunk. She spots a horse tied up at the shop's front.<br>
She sots a
large bag. She can't do much with it since others<br>
would surely
see. But she can accidentally walk by and opps the<br>
bag falls
down. She places her dagger back in her sleeve and<br>
picks up the
bag as if not knowing where it was before. She<br>
shrugs and
spots the guard. Figuring a city guard would be<br>
best to
return items she ties the bag around the man's arm. Then<br>
Fremea finds a roof perch and waits. Within moments a large<br>
man exits
the shop and notices his bag gone off the saddle. He<br>
the man. "What are you doing with my bag?" He<br>
pushes the
man. "I said what ARE YOU DOING!" HE repeats<br>
this two
more times with the paralyzed guard only staring<br>
space. Soon the Captain exits. The man looks at the<br>
guard. "This person stole my bag!"<br><br>
"Mendorf what are you doing?" The Captain pushes the<br>
"I'm talking to you! Why are you holding his
A fruit vendor approaches. "I saw the whole thing!"
moans at
hearing this and decides its time to leave. "He<br>
reaches for
the bag and took it off. He was going through it<br>
when the man
came out."<br><br>
Fremea grins. The vendor is lying but maybe he is a victim<br>
of the
corrupt guard as well. The captain unties the bag<br>
and hands it
to the man.<br><br>
The man looks inside to ensure all items are there and the<br>
takes a quick tally. "Aside from that small wine<br>
bottle I'd
say 30 silver?" he turns to the guard and glares<br>
just as the
guard returns to normal.<br><br>
"Mendorf are you drunk?"<br><br>
"What? I was just ..." He looks around for the disk
it is
gone. The captain looks to the large man and fruit<br>
vendor. "I will take your statements. Do you wish to
"We do!" Both vendor and large man say<br><br>
"What charges?!" Mendorf asks.<br><br>
Fremea decides time to leave. The boring part comes<br>
as the
captain takes down a report.<br><br>
Fremea walks the street for more victims. But this<br>
time she
wants to practice her newly learned Mind Foyson<br>
A spell that can do fun things to a mind. A spell<br>
she learned
very recently and with some research.<br><br>
She finds 2 adult males and a older woman. She speaks<br>
the words of
the magic but nothing happens at least that<br>
notices. Frustrated and almost beat for touching<br>
the woman
she finds a new target. A man who is moving<br>
bricks from
a wagon to the rear of a shop for a small<br>
structure of some sort. She touches the man asking<br>
if the
bricks are heavy. The man hefts a arm full of them<br>
from the
wagon and grunts. Before he moves on she speaks<br>
words. She concentrates on his strength. The man<br>
moves away
and 2 seconds later seems to stagger. He grunts<br>
as if having
worked a full day and not minutes. He begins<br>
to sweat as
he can't figure out what is wrong with his<br>
strength. He leans a bit and drops 2 bricks. Then 2 more<br>
and finally
it seems to be better. He moves to the work<br>
site and
lowers the bricks gently. How could 4 bricks suddenly<br>
be so
Fremea grins as finally the spell seems to have worked. This<br>
seems to
continue for a full minute as the man tries another<br>
load but
this time seems to put some bricks back.<br><br>
19th, 1635TH, Sivas, Marentia]<br><br>
Fremea flies high over the city to feel the warm nice air<br>
on her
wings. She encounters a single brown eagle flying<br>
along side
her. It watches her very curiously. Then when<br>
she speaks a
few squawks of Eagle tongue the bird almost forgets<br>
to flap his
wings in shock. Soon the two fly together as she<br>
watches the
eagle pinpoint food and gather some for lunch.<br><br>
20th, 1635TH, Sivas, Marentia]<br><br>
Fremea practices her luck, insubstantiability, levitate<br>
and then a
blind random teleport. She ends up about half<br>
a mile away
half way in a smelly outhouse. <br><br>
She then prowls the city to figure out how to practice with<br>
An's'alum relic again. She spots a group of women selling<br>
cakes for
some charity. That would be fun but it would be mean<br>
and there
are kids around. She moves on and finds a group<br>
of men at a
park. Seems they are protesting against a man speaking<br>
about the
recent L'p'nth conflict. How war is good for the<br>
nation and
shows the might of the nation. But the men and women<br>
are arguing
that pacifism is best that all should be friendly and<br>
share love.
Fremea rolls her eyes. Then sits down nearby and brings<br>
out the
relic. She activates it pointing at the group of 2 dozen<br>
men and
women. Soon the pacifist are raising fists and shouting.<br>
Soon they
are throwing punches at the military representatives. Soon<br>
a full drawn
out brawl is seen with fists, laundry, bags, fruit and<br>
So easily to create quarrels with the relic.<br><br>
Fremea moves on and passes a tavern. A tavern brawl would be<br>
common. No fun there. Then she spots folks watching a<br>
match in a field. Soon the crowd is deeply into it<br>
with the
excitement as they begin to wrestle and fight each other.<br><br>
21st, 1635TH, Sivas, Marentia]<br><br>
Fremea prowls the town again in a disguise that makes her look<br>
much older
than a young girl. After a couple hours she finds<br>
good worthy
- but not so innocent - victims. Now she sits in<br>
a outside
eatery sipping on tea. She overhears a older man<br>
speaking to
another man about his mother in law. How he is<br>
marrying some girl for her money. They laugh at how ugly<br>
she is and
can't do better than a donkey in bed. Fremea gets<br>
upset and
waits. She with her innate ability casts a sensation<br>
spell to
make the other man to soon dance as if he needs a<br>
outhouse. Soon the man runs to find the said outhouse.
stands and approaches. She casts openly a fascination<br>
spell before
the nasty man can protest. She tells the man to<br>
tell the
truth to both of the women. Then she leevs as the<br>
man quietly
stands and moves down the street. Fremea follows<br>
the man in
his daze.<br><br>
Soon the man enters a nice 3 story home. Fremea sneaks up to<br>
the bushes
and listens. Soon yelling occurs and crying as well<br>
as dishes
being thrown likely at the man. Soon the man exits<br>
the house
bleeding and running for his life. Behind him the<br>
mother in
law's husband carries a large metal club. Fremea<br>
laughs at
the justice.<br><br>
Couple hours later she finds herself sitting on a bench.<br>
Nearby on
the grass she hears two boys talking. Probably<br>
in their mid
teens. One boy tells the other about a girl<br>
he likes for
the last 3 years but is too shy. The other boy<br>
tries to
encounter the shy boy but the shy boy just watches<br>
a group of 3
girls in the distance. Fremea's understands<br>
these things
and turns to speak to the boy. She tries to<br>
utter the
same words of encouragement. That regret is a<br>
thing not to
keep long. She quietly speaks the words<br>
to invoke a
fascination spell on the boy. She tells the<br>
boy to act
with bold courage.<br><br>
The boy stands and moves toward the girls. Fremea though<br>
wonders if
the spell worked. There was no obvious facial<br>
shown when one is in the trance. The girls begin<br>
to giggle
then sway back and forth on their feet. Then<br>
one girl
smiles. The boy on the grass pumps a fist. The<br>
girl then
hugs the teen. The ex-shy boy then runs back to<br>
join his
friend. The one on the grass asked what they<br>
will be
doing. The other boy gasps and runs back to<br>
setup some
plans having forgotten to ask.<br><br>
Fremea smiles and moves onward.<br><br>
26th, 1635TH, Sivas, Marentia]<br><br>
It has been days since her last set of pranks. Fremea<br>
is flying
this time in the south hills. She rarely visits<br>
this area
but is curious how the people live here. The<br>
hair on her
neck prickles and she looks around. She spots<br>
a lone Roc
diving straight for her<br><br>
Fremea tries a death spiral but the rock is too fast and<br>
used the sun
to screen his attack. The large claws cut across<br>
left wing doing 5 points of damage ripping flesh<br>
from her
back and wing.<br><br>
Fremea pulls her bow/arrows out and nocks it. She fires<br>
but the
arrow goes wild and misses. She considers trying<br>
to fly out
of the area but the Roc is faster than she is.<br>
She dodges
and weaves as she casts a spell. She hovers at<br>
the last few
seconds and speaks the words knowing she<br>
is a
hovering target. But the roc overshoots her position<br>
She knocks her bow again and fires. The magic takes hold<br>
of the arrow
and makes multiple copies. As it leaves the<br>
bow there
are now 6 arrows flying toward the roc. Half of<br>
the arrows
hit the beast while half miss. Two of the arrows<br>
only do 1
point of damage each. But the last one does 9<br>
points in
the left shoulder. <br><br>
The roc attacks again but fails to make contact with the<br>
much smaller
agile Fae.<br><br>
Fremea fires again this time 4 arrows hit. One does 4<br>
and 5 points
for second. The third does 6 more points. The<br>
last does
another 10 points.<br><br>
The roc decides one last desperate attack before it should<br>
flee for
safety. This time it hits Fremea on the back with<br>
a claw but
her armor protects her. The roc turns and flaps<br>
for safety
as it is almost dead.<br><br>
Fremea raises her bow. Killing such a creature that looks<br>
like a very
mutant sized Corona seems unfair. But there<br>
are children
and animals below. She raises and fires one last<br>
volley of
arrows. Four of the six arrows hit and the roc<br>
It plummets to the ground and slams down into a tree.<br><br>
Fremea lands and checks her wound. She'll live but it is<br>
a bit
sore. Fremea casts a healing spell on herseolf and<br>
heals half
the damage. She treats the wound as best she can<br>
but has to
return to home for her mother to bandage the<br>
wing she
can't reach.<br><br>
After some recovery Fremea heads to town in her disguise<br>
After half an hour she finds a acting group in a park<br>
scenes. In this particular scene a king is telling<br>
his troops
to be brave and don't fear the battle. The king<br>
stands about
15 feet away while his troops a group of 8 men<br>
in armor and
wearing uniforms stands to the side. There is<br>
a small
audience of about 40 folks. Fremea inches up to the<br>
front and
decides this could be fun. While most of the yes<br>
are looking
at the king she quietly She casts sleep mist<br>
at the
warriors. While the mist is lightly see it is figured<br>
as a stage
effect? Soon all but one of the warriors collapses<br>
asleep. The king stutters confused by this sudden change of<br>
events. He
looks around for help or new lines. The lone<br>
warrior who
seemed to have resisted the spell looks just as<br>
confused. He tries to kick the others awake. Fremea
slips away<br>
before they
suspect magic. As she does she can hear the audience<br>
at first
laughing then getting tense as things get confusing.<br><br>
Later that afternoon Fremea looks for another target of a prank.<br>
She notices
a man yelling at 2 men for them sleeping late and<br>
their pay and threats to fire them. They are probably<br>
lazy workers
but Fremea doesn't like the abuse. As Fremea enters<br>
the shoe
store the man is behind the counter while the others<br>
stack and
organize. She decides to cast another sleep spell<br>
onto the
upset man and he falls asleep at the counter. The men<br>
look a bit
confused at the shop owner falling asleep but<br>
their work. Soon two older females begin to nudge<br>
and poke the
sleeping man awake. They soon become angry and<br>
one hits the
man in the back with a cane. The workers try to<br>
calm down
the women but women needed him awake. Finally the<br>
spell wears
off and the women - in charge of a local community<br>
group - are
so upset that he slept they threaten to boycott his<br>
The shop owner argues that he never sleeps but the women<br>
and workers
confirm he did. The workers try to keep a straight<br>
face as they
see justice even if its round about.<br><br>
27th, 1635TH, Sivas, Marentia]<br><br>
Fremea casts Luck, insubstantiability, Levitate and then a<br>
teleport. This time she ends up almost 2 miles up in the<br>
air so the
other spells aren't needed.<br><br>
28th, 1635TH, Sivas, Marentia]<br><br>
Fremea casts luck which fails though she has no clue it does<br>
She then casts Knowledge but since nothing is gained she<br>
knows this
one failed. She recasts knowledge and gains more<br>
reading and
writing skills. <br><br>
29th, 1635TH, Sivas, Marentia]<br><br>
Fremea casts luck, then paralysis followed by ward pact on<br>
1 more
wooden disk. For the second disk she casts teleort and<br>
then ward
Fremea spots a drunk beggar that is known by the young<br>
girls in the
warehouse. The creepy beggar will try to touch<br>
them or
chase them. At least 2 of the girls under 10 have<br>
almost been
molested by the beggar. She is tempted to<br>
end the man
with mercy. But decides to use a disk on him. The<br>
man becomes
paralyzed. She then walks up to the beggar and uses<br>
her innate
compulsion to tell the man to never touch a girl again.<br>
In fact the
man will seek a ship at the docks and demand to serve<br>
on ship for
at least a year. Then she leaves the man to his<br>
fate as a
new sailor. Maybe he'll actually clean up.<br><br>
Fremea then tries one more fun prank. Trying her locksmith<br>
skills she
sneaks into a window for a nice home. She places<br>
the wooden
disk on the main kitchen table and simply leaves. The<br>
home belongs
to a merchant who sells ale. He usually gets here<br>
around this
time. Fremea sits from afar and watches the place.<br>
The merchant
finally arrives and spends time inside. Soon<br>
notice him through the kitchen window. The man notices<br>
the disk and
grabs it always the curious type. Instantly the<br>
teleports right in front of Cholan's tavern at a spot that<br>
is behind
bushes so it would be safe. Fremea grins maybe the man<br>
will enter
the tavern and do a deal for Cholan for buying ale. But<br>
she is glad
the imprinted teleport location seems to work.<br><br>
30th, 1635TH, Sivas, Marentia]<br>
[Time: 1:47
Fremea is leaving the warehouse late after spending time<br>
with her dad
on a project to fix the stairs. She is tired<br>
and heading
to her own home. As she flies she notices a large<br>
form flying
ahead. The moon is only at quarter full so it is<br>
hard to tell
but the figure looks tall maybe 9 feet tall with<br>
horns. It
has some shiny mail and a large bow. Fremea slows<br>
down and
lets it have a wide berth. Later she describes this<br>
creature to
Kaylle and he believes it sounded like a Merkabah.<br><br>
31st, 1635TH, Sivas, Marentia]<br><br>
Fremea spends the afternoon looking for more prank targets.<br>
It doesn't
take long. She watches a man beat a dog with a<br>
She stops the man and uses fascinate to tell the man<br>
to report to
the local barracks and admit his crimes all of them.<br>
While animal
cruelty is a light crime King Maros has a strong<br>
view on such
Then she sees a mother beat a young boy for not minding. She<br>
with great
anger uses fascinate and compulsion to command the<br>
mother never
to beat the child again or she will suddenly feel<br>
scared and
[Janaq 1st,
1636TH, Sivas, Marentia]<br><br>
Fremea heads to town for more fun. She casts luck on seeing<br>
messenger. Most have horses but it must be this guy's boss<br>
is too cheap
to afford horses. This boy had has to run from<br>
place to
place. Fremea then casts her mind foyson spell on the<br>
messenger to
diminish his stamina. Fremea then takes to the sky<br>
and watches
from above as the messenger seems to indeed slow down<br>
a bit for a
full minute. It seems to have worked.<br><br>
Fremea then finds a juggler on the street trying to entertain<br>
She fakes falling on him as she casts the spell. Then<br>
stands back
as he tries to juggle 4 balls. But in seconds his<br>
seems diminished. He soon loses one ball and tries<br>
to recover
it but another falls form his hands. This lasts<br>
a full
minute as the juggler seems confused by this sudden bad luck.<br><br>
Fremea then in the same park watches a acrobat trying some<br>
gymnastics. While he is drinking water Fremea casts<br>
a the spell
on him. He then goes to perform a simple beam<br>
exercise and
falls off. Fremea smiles at the lower<br>
agility. The man tries again and it works until his foot<br>
slips and he
falls down again.<br><br>
With fortune Fremea eyes an actor doing s a single speech from a<br>
ancient play
in front of a half dozen people. But he is hard to<br>
The man stops his speech and takes a break. Just before<br>
he goes to
his speech stand Fremea casts the foyson spell on<br>
actor. The man begins his speech but slowly begins to<br>
words. He begins to stutter as he loses the audience<br>
as they
become disappointed. Fremea smiles at the test of<br>
[Janaq 3rd,
1636TH, Sivas, Marentia]<br><br>
Fremea hears Z'leyra is back in Sivas and finds Corona.<br>
Z'leyra is busy doing manor business she asks to fly<br>
him. He agrees and they fly in the hills outside the<br>
city as they
do she practices her eagle tongue.<br><br>
[Janaq 4th,
1636TH, Sivas, Marentia]<br><br>
Fremea practices her luck, insubstantiability, levitate and<br>
blind random teleport spell. This time she ends up<br>
in a home
hovering in front of a fireplace. The old woman there<br>
runs out of
the place screaming ghost! Fremea giggles and levitates<br>
away until
the spells end.<br><br>
[Janaq 5th,
1636TH, Sivas, Marentia]<br><br>
Fremea finds a group of boys and girls in a park. The boys<br>
are clearly
ignoring the girls as they talk about hunting and<br>
stuff. The girls try to get their attention. So Fremea<br>
casts a
Sonata spell on the boys and makes them dance. Soon the<br>
drives the boys to dance with the Mark driving them. The<br>
boys giggle
and dance drawing the attention of the girls finally.<br>
Soon all of
them are dancing and laughing<br><br>
Fremea then notices a man arguing over rent he is not getting<br>
from a
woman. She decides to cast a sensation spell along with<br>
her special
mark to show the woman's side of things. Soon the<br>
man calms
down and decides to give some lee way for the woman.<br><br>
[Janaq 8th,
1636TH, Sivas, Marentia]<br><br>
Fremea casts luck and then Knowledge to gain more reading<br>
and writing
[Janaq 9th,
1636TH, Sivas, Marentia]<br><br>
Fremea casts luck which fails though she does not know this<br>
twice and then ward pact to place the teleport spells<br>
onto the
next 2 wooden disks.<br><br>
Fremea heads to town to have some more fun. She is stopped<br>
soon by a
beggar for food. Instead she tosses one of the wooden<br>
disks and he
catches up. Looking to see if its a coin he frowns<br>
and begins
to speak when he is teleported to Cholans's tavern.<br>
Maybe Cholan
will feel sorry for the guy.<br><br>
Fremea is asked by a Ba'ru merchant on good places to eat.<br>
Fremea grins
and gives him the wooden enchanted disk. The<br>
activates and the man is teleported to Cholan's tavern.<br><br>
[Janaq 10th,
1636TH, Sivas, Marentia]<br><br>
Fremea heads to town to do a bit more fun pranks. She<br>
tries to
cast sleep mist on a merchant who is overcharging<br>
folks but
the spell fails. She tries again but it fails a second<br>
time so she
figures the man is lucky or magic resistant. <br><br>
[Time: 6:00
Fremea is flying home when she spots a hawk trying to<br>
chase a red
bird for a late dinner. The hawk is too fast<br>
but Fremea
dives and scares the hawk giving the small red<br>
bird time to
get away.<br><br>
[Janaq 11th,
1636TH, Sivas, Marentia]<br><br>
Fremea spends a few more hours flying with Corona today<br>
practicing her Eagle tongue.<br><br>
[Janaq 13th,
1636TH, Sivas, Marentia]<br><br>
Fremea casts Luck, insubstantiability, levitate and then<br>
finally a
blind teleport spell. She ends up about 80 feet<br>
below the
ground. She starts to panic from the suffocating<br>
amount of
ground around her. But she had luck and the other<br>
worked so she is not crushed instantly. She levitates<br>
as fast as
she can but realizes this may not be enough spell<br>
time before
it ends before she can escape. She casts another<br>
while underground 2 miles straight up. She coughs<br>
and gaps
once becoming solid again grateful to escape.<br><br>
Update....Next Post!<br><br>
GM: Part 1 of
2. See next post for part 2.<br><br>