<font face="Courier New, Courier" size=1>
Player Character
Name Type
Status/Notes Sex<br>
FH.John Haight...........Arawn.............Druid
.Normal/Alfar... Ma<br>
--.Tobie Bonahoom........Fremea............Sidh....Normal/Faerry..
W2.David Sanders.........Kiet.Sunan........Acrobat
Normal/Human ..Ma<br>
Broere...........Unali.............Ninja...Normal/Human ..Fe<br>
Koponen..........Z'leyra...........Healer..Normal/Human ..Fe<br>
Animals: Corona [Eagle] Z'leyra<br><br>
Game Web Site -
Public posts/actions to
pnpgm@list.powersandperils.org (mailing list)<br>
Private emails (not public actions) to
Game Update #7 sequence (file #94)<br>
Admin Notes: None. <br>
From David: [Re: New
I cannot wait for
the new players. I'm dying...hopefully not<br>
find out who they are and what characters they<br>
bring to this
REALLY looking
forward to it.<br>
GM: Ack. Yep should be
fun. I just hope the new players are<br>
aggressive as the old ones can tend to override actions. So<br>
thing to do is post as soon as possible. So old<br>
players don't interfere. :) As with any rpg it is hard<br>
compete at times with vets.<br><br>
From Z'leyra: [Re:
Dorhak just looks
at Damon with a look of incredulity.<br>
"Auch, what
can that wee one possibly do to an entire ....<br>
GM: Ack.<br><br>
From Arawn: [Re: Actions]<br>
[Back at the
alley, Damon recovers. Is it suddenly<br>
hot over
here? He wipes sweat from his brow. "Ahh.<br>
Guys. Fremea
just flew off. You don't think she is<br>
like I don't
know off to take out the ship?"]<br><br>
possible, though she may simply be scouting things out."<br><br>
Answering Arawn's
question Z'leyra states, "What is going...<br>
GM: Ack. Odd. I
never got that above section on her scouting.<br>
checked all my files nothing. Based on those strange<br>
ascii characters that google inserts it must be from<br>
Mae/Don. So I assume Mae may have emailed folks without<br>
me or something? Since that last line on scouting<br>
never saw till now. Unless I'm missing an email to<br>
converted text file. :) If Mae didn't say it then sorry.<br><br>
From Arawn: [Re: Actions]<br>
Arawn gave Z'leyra
a nod suggesting a 'thank ...<br><br>
Thinking over how
strictly enforced the legal system was in<br>
Marentia he said,
"If there are slavers here shouldn't ....<br>
GM: Ack. <br><br>
From Dorhak: [Re:
Dorhak's mouth
falls open at the suggestion. He slowly turns<br>
his head toward
the freakishly tall elf. "Are ye daft? We....<br>
GM: Ack. <br><br>
From Arawn: [Re: Actions]<br>
Arawn simply shook
his head when Dorhak shared his view.<br><br>
"That's the
exactly my point - evidence before action....<br>
From Kiet: [Re: Actions]<br>
Kiet doesn't
really like the idea of letting the resident..<br>
GM: Ack. I always
figured the sphere was like a light gray or<br>
so has a visual clue. But in bright sunlight it might<br>
harder to see compared to say night.<br><br>
From Mae: [Re: Actions]<br>
Maelorna sighs as
she kneels next to Arawn, "I kept my...<br>
GM: Ack. To clarify if this is
a Fascinate spell death is not<br>
end. Dispel/Banish, Negate Curse, as well as the caster<br>
release the thrall by simple will. So killing him is<br>
the last resort.<br><br>
From Arawn: [Re:
Arawn shared with
Mae a troubled smile, privy to and.....<br><br>
"I know and
so I'm loathe to sanction your..<br>
GM: Ack.<br><br>
From Arawn: [Re: Actions]<br>
How far was Fremea
from the ship when the interrogation<br>
would have
started? And can the party (or Corona) spot her in<br>
case Kiet's
message didn't reach her in time?<br><br>
And sorry for the
RP chit-chat. Arawn's working on the idea<br>
that Fremea is
doing reconnaisence until he hears otherwise at<br>
which point he'd
act with urgency.<br><br>
hether from Mae's
Seduction, a Fascination spell, or<br>
Are you a
slaver or do you work with slavers?<br>
If 1. is,
Yes, how many ships in port and what are the name<br>
of the
How many
slaves on each ship?<br>
How many
slavers on each ship? And are any able to use magic<br>
and, if so,
how many?<br>
Any other
defenses beyond slavers to be prepared for?<br><br>
Beyond this
I'd say leave the man alive for further questioning<br>
such as to
determine whom they work for and why they were<br>
in Dorhak, for example.<br>
GM: Ack. Arawn missed
Damon's story but he'd have said half a mile<br>
or so
down the docks. Based on Corona'a comments she disappeared<br>
to a ship. One can guess from there. Keep in mind it has
seconds of talking so over 2 minutes and interrogation not<br>
started (did warn you guys!). So in 2 minutes she could've<br>
2000 feet or more. But if she was at ship then she might<br>
already done with combat and chilling. Good point on RP you<br>
know. :)<br><br>
From Mae: [Re: Actions]<br>
Maelorna softens
her smile, "Very well," while still caressing<br>
the sailor's
cheek, and casts her two innate abilities, Enthrall<br>
(3) and Seduction
(4), as she hasn't had much practice she<br>
chooses to burn
through both of the abilities, hoping one or<br>
both will work,
either way, she can feel the triumph from her<br>
other half and she
fights the urge to smile in such a manner.<br><br>
If successful
she'll ask the questions to her new pet, having<br>
him t ell all he
can answer in an effort to please her.<br>
GM: Ack. Most of this is OOC
so didn't post below. I assume<br>
Enthrall means Fascinate then Seduction if not.<br><br>
[New Stuff]<br><br>
[Marqi Frisda
23rd, 1636TH; Sivas, Marentia]<br>
[Time: Earlier
when Damon greets party...]<br><br>
hugs Damon and whispers in his ear a few words. The<br>
Captain pulls back
a bit pale and shocked looking around<br>
the party then
nods. <br><br>
[Time: 10:21:00
am] - Sivas City Docks District<br><br>
just looks at Damon with a look of incredulity.<br>
"Auch, what
can that wee one possibly do to an entire shipload<br>
of humans? Fan
them with her wings until they get too chilly to<br>
"Go ahead Mae...wake him and question him. But that
Faerry best not
make warning to that ship or I'll pin her to a<br>
wall by her
the looks on their faces, he says/ "It's just an<br>
I wouldn't harm a hair on her wee little head.<br>
It's just that the
people on that ship owe me, and I intend to<br>
shifts from foot to foot. The dwarf underestimates the<br>
Fae and that could
be deadly. Maybe they should tell him about<br>
the fight with the
Vong and how she took on a small army alone.<br><br>
hears Arawn's request for info and other explanations<br>
of Fremea's
absence. "It's possible, though she may simply be<br>
scouting things
Answering Arawn's question Z'leyra states, "What is going on<br>
is that some
sailors attempted to kidnap and enslave our friend<br>
here. We think
they may have others imprisoned on their ship.<br>
We plan to prevent
them from carrying on with such nefarious<br>
activities. Shall
we proceed down to the docks?"<br><br>
gave Z'leyra a nod suggesting a 'thank you', though<br>
his brow raised a
bit as she proceeded through her answer.<br><br>
Thinking over how strictly enforced the legal system was<br>
in Marentia he
said, "If there are slavers here shouldn't this<br>
be something the
city's military forces investigate and deal<br>
with? Or are at
least brought in on? If it turns out we pick<br>
the wrong ship or
fail to lack evidence we could end up in a<br>
legal situation,
" the tone in his voice making it clear he<br>
was only
suggesting the most sensible answer.<br><br>
cast his eyes to the sky, in the direction Fremea had<br>
flown off
"Let's hope she doesn't start a fight. A simpler and safer<br>
solution to
freeing the slaves is present."<br><br>
Looking down at the unconscious sailor as Z'leyra seemed to<br>
urge the group to
the docks Arawn asked, "So skip questioning<br>
Dorhak's mouth falls open at the suggestion. He slowly turns<br>
his head toward
the freakishly tall elf. "Are ye daft? We<br>
should be able to
get quality information from him about what<br>
they have on that
boat, both people to fight and, if they are<br>
slavers, how much
cargo they're hauling."<br><br>
"Mae...not that you owe me anything (that debt was paid),<br>
but would you
please find out from him what he knows about the<br>
ship and its
mission? It might keep some of these hotheads,<br>
especially our
little winged one, from getting into trouble."<br><br>
"I'm not sure if I care if you eat him."<br><br>
simply shook his head when Dorhak shared his view.<br><br>
"That's the exactly my point - evidence before action.<br>
Although I've a
feeling with this group that law enforcement<br>
will only find
this out after the dust has settled," he said,<br>
shaking his head
yet again, this time in a resigned manner.<br><br>
druid knelt down to use his medical skills to help revive<br>
the man (unless
Z'leyra prefers to take over this duty) so that<br>
Mae could attempt
to extract information. Discussion regarding<br>
the sailor's
enthrallment and feeding could wait until his true<br>
nature was
doesn't really like the idea of letting the resident<br>
demon do her
thing, getting info out of the sailor, but has to<br>
admit it would be
faster and cleaner than anything Kiet could<br>
do himself.
He's not certain he even has the tools to<br>
much. So, it's probably best to let Mae be Mae...<br>
distasteful though
it is.<br>
Damon speaks about Fremea being gone, Kiet starts a<br>
spell and casts an
EL4 Mana Sending to the Faerry "Fremea, this<br>
is Kiet. Please,
just scout out the ship. Don't take them on<br>
hopes to himself that the spell isn't a failure...even<br>
if there is no
real way to tell at least in this bright light.<br>
He gestures and
the thin blue sphere forms and flies skyward.<br><br>
Maelorna sighs as she kneels next to Arawn, "I kept my<br>
promise, this will
break it. I am as evil as both Kiet and<br>
the dwarf are now
professing to be. The dwarf seems to take<br>
pleasure in
torturing others, while Kiet has just confessed to<br>
his skills of
doing such, the choice is either torture him as<br>
Kiet is want to
do, or let me take him quickly and give him a<br>
life. Once I have him as a pet, I am uncertain<br>
how to undo it,
other than kill him. I will abide by your<br>
word Arawn, I made
my promise to you, I will only break it if<br>
you allow
it," she sighs looking down at the sailor and giving<br>
him a knowing
smile, caressing his cheek. All the while<br>
feeling the other
half screaming to take him and be damned with<br>
shared with Mae a troubled smile, privy to and feeling<br>
her inner turmoil.
The Alfar despised torture and shared some of<br>
her concerns
regarding the seeming comfort some might have for<br>
it. And she, more
than any other here, had to tread carefully<br>
when it came to
the acts she might condone and the decisions<br>
she might make.
For if the others were not careful in how they<br>
might choose to
guide her, any slip on her moral path could rain<br>
down regret and
misfortune that could affect the party, and<br>
maybe even nations
and beyond, as well if her dark side ever<br>
"I know and so I'm loathe to sanction your seduction. Not that<br>
I don't trust your
intentions but for fear that this will<br>
entrain you...
slowly numb your sensibilities. It's a slippery<br>
shifts from foot to foot annoyed at the delay. First<br>
the red head
insults her and Kiet now this talk about moral<br>
groans inwardly. First Mae insults him - he thinks and<br>
now Arawn is
taking the chance to teach? When Fremea could<br>
be risking her
released a sigh even as he worked to rouse the man,<br>
though making sure
to bind his feet first in case he should<br>
attempt to jump up
and flee.<br><br>
tosses the water onto the man's face finally.<br><br>
"Exorcism or be able to lift a curse," he continued,<br>
addressing the
issue of undoing her ensorcellment. "I've had<br>
little reason to
practice either... yet. If anyone here is<br>
strong enough to
break your hold then maybe, for if the man<br>
is evil then this
was a loophole given. But only if you feel<br>
it doesn't risk
your corruption. Otherwise we can Fascinate<br>
or, as a druid,
truth-telling divinations are a specialty."<br><br>
"And we should work on teaching you how to cast your innate<br>
ability so
you have options in the future."<br><br>
taps the man's face as the water from Arawn's skin splashes<br>
onto him.
The man wakes up very easily as over four or so minutes<br>
have passed since
knocked out. He looks around and frowns. <br><br>
Maelorna softens her smile, "Very well," while still
the sailor's
cheek, and casts her two innate abilities,<br><br>
"What is going on here?" The sailor asks in clipped
"What is the
meaning of this?"<br><br>
coos and smiles as she stares at the man's eyes and casts<br>
her fascination
spell. She murmurs quietly she has a few<br>
sailor looks around and finds himself outnumbered by<br>
people. "Sure. Ask away.."<br><br>
[Time: 10:23:40
am] - Sivas City Docks District<br><br>
[Time: Seconds
before Fremea turns invisible]<br><br>
Meanwhile back at the ship. Fremea hovers over the ship<br>
about to
attack. She casts a invisibility spell.<br><br>
A man
below on second deck shifts in his bunk. He is alone<br>
as the others are
on deck. He sits up and stands and starts<br>
to pace back and
forth the few feet in his tiny cramped<br>
The rules on this ship are strange. Confined to<br>
quarters at times
like now. Not allowed to go to the third<br>
deck below. What
kind of ship is this?<br><br>
told to keep below decks and out of sight, the man<br>
is a curious sort
and takes every opportunity he can to catch a<br>
glimpse of the
goings-on at port.<br><br>
smells from the docks are clear breakfast is being<br>
made or sold at
local markets.<br><br>
man is hungry and wants breakfast. Why can't he go<br>
upstairs? This
crew of Ba'ru hired sailors is bad enough to get<br>
free reign on
ship. Then again he is so free. It seems only the<br>
men with the
swords tend to be in the below decks. This rare<br>
3 deck ship
intrigues the sailor. But he has never gone to the<br>
level. Though the smell from there is insanely bad.<br><br>
opens the door and peers outside. To the right is the<br>
quarters. The door is shut as always. Sure<br>
the man is new but
why is he restricted so much? They<br>
must not trust
him. But why?<br><br>
must be smugglers. Smugglers are fine people and just<br>
need a bit of
understanding. How else would black markets<br>
thrive. To
the left is a long hallway with 2 bunk rooms<br>
for 8 sailors in
both rooms. Those doors are open it<br>
seems. The
man sneaks out into the hall and knows the<br>
small galley is
further down. It is much smaller than even<br>
a small merchant
ship. About as large as a small bath-<br>
house allowing
only 3-4 folks to sit at one time. Why<br>
such a limited
space for a merchant ship unless they need<br>
he can find some fruit. As the man creeps down the<br>
hall he suddenly
hears shouts. The stairs up is 20 feet up<br>
to the left.
Something about men falling down? The man<br>
ends up near one
of the sailor berth rooms and hears a voice<br>
yell out.
"Send help!" From the stairs. The man hears<br>
footsteps from
forward and to the right which is restricted to<br>
him. The man ducks
into the open door of a berth - glad no<br>
one is
hears a set of feet run past and up the stairs. Clanks<br>
of sword on belts
is heard.<br><br>
man peeks out to see hall empty again. He rushes past<br>
the stairs and
forward to the galley. But his curious nature is<br>
too much. He
peers around the corner to the restricted area.<br>
He sees stairs
heading down but this time unlike days before<br>
theres no guard
there blocking his path.<br><br>
or being curious? He looks back the Captain hasn't opened<br>
his door but if he
hears more yelling he may. The man ignores<br>
the flimsy galley
door and heads to the right toward the tiny<br>
3 steps down to
the lowest deck.<br><br>
It is
only a few steps when it levels out and a door is to<br>
the right.
He listens in but hears a cough. He checks the<br>
door and cracks it
smell is intense and almost knocks him down.<br><br>
[Time: 10:21:00
am] - Sivas City Docks District<br><br>
board the ship Fremea still invisible moves to the<br>
front of the
ship. She passes the man eating the apple when<br>
he suddenly stands
staring at her work. He is very confused<br>
gets within a few feet of the apple eating man.<br>
He stands almost 6
foot, muscular, sunburned so must be a sailor,<br>
wearing loose fitting clothing fitting a ship. His<br>
hair is
yellow-blond unlike the dark black of the crew and<br>
it is grown to his
shoulders tied in a headband. He wears a<br>
leather floppy
hat. He wears a dark green riding tunic, nearly<br>
hiding a teal-blue
under-tunic, brown trousers, brown leather boots<br>
and belt.
man's shoulders, legs and arms appear strong like used to<br>
hard manual
labor. He is clean shaven unlike most of the others.<br>
He doesn't seem to
have weapons on him so Fremea leaves him be<br>
for now.
looks around and sees about a dozen more sailors and<br>
men on the
deck. There are 4 with weapons while the others do not.<br>
A easy
slaughter. <br><br>
sailor runs to the left and bends down. Fremea figures<br>
that must be where
the stairs are down below. The man yells<br>
"Send help!"<br><br>
man then turns and cautiously moves to the back to the<br>
sailors. Fremea realizes she may only have a few seconds<br>
before the men
wake up. She moves toward the stairs. Before<br>
she walks down she
listens to the men. The sailors seem to be<br>
speaking in
clipped Marentian. But the men with swords seem to be<br>
speaking in a
tongue she has no clue the name is.<br><br>
steps down the stairs and enters a dark hallway. To the<br>
right she notices
a hallway maybe 35-40 feet long. There seems to<br>
be 2 open
doors. Further down a 3rd door is open. Then at the<br>
end of the hallway
due right is a closed door. But she sees<br>
no one
around. She glances left and sees the hall end maybe 10<br>
more feet.
She heads that way as there is a intense smell that<br>
her sensitive ears
detects. She passes a flimsy door and<br>
smells what she
figures is soup or broth. She figures it is<br>
a galley.
She creeps further down the hall and tends tightly at<br>
the right.
She spots a smell set of steps. she heads that way<br>
figuring if there
are slaves it would be there. Not at the open<br>
door areas.
She creeps down the stairs and rounds the corner to see<br>
a man with back to
her facing the door.<br><br>
pulls her dagger ready to slice his throat. Then the<br>
man cracks the
door open. The stench seems to hit Fremea like<br>
a wet dog in tar
on a summers day. She braces herself ready<br>
to take the man
out when she hears a voice from inside the other<br>
"About time for relief or is this the new one? I need some
air! Wait your
reaches for the man's shoulder to turn him around to stab<br>
him in the
neck. The man stumbles back a foot from the smell<br>
and turns when he
bumps into Fremea. Fremea thrusts upwards to<br>
his neck and
"Mournath?" Fremea ends the dagger a half inch to his
Wait! This man - this sailor was last seen in the prison.
was last seen
there and disappeared in his "test". He left the<br>
party like a poor
spoiled brat not getting a toy. But she<br>
almost just killed
Mournath looks as shocked as Fremea. What are the chances<br>
of seeing each
other here?<br><br>
Fremea sees a glint of steel as the man inside opens<br>
the door fully and
is about to stab Mournath. She shoves<br>
the sailor behind
her and onto the steps. He falls to the<br>
steps almost
spraining his wrist.<br><br>
lunges at the man. First slamming the door into the<br>
man's chest with a
martial arts kick. Then forcing herself<br>
inside the new
room and uses her knee for a groin shot. The<br>
man reels and
bends in pain. Fremea then grabs the man's<br>
shirt and rams him
into the door cracking the wooden door.<br>
The man slips down
the door and Fremea bashes the man in the<br>
head knocking him
out with the hilt of her dagger.<br><br>
gawks at the door as Mournath enters the hold.<br>
Fremea glances
behind her and flashes a 'I'm sorry' nod. Then<br>
around. The hold is small and squat. It is about 40 by<br>
40 feet taking
some of the rear and forward areas of the ship.<br>
The hold is dark
but some of the hold is under the floor above.<br><br>
To the
left are 2 wooden cages about 10 by 10 feet. They are<br>
floor to ceiling
which is about just under 6 feet. The wooden<br>
cages look tough
with reinforced wood. Prisoners could easily<br>
break away if not
watched by guards. Inside the first cage<br>
are 4 dwarves
sitting on the floor. They are in very cramped<br>
space with not
even a bed. Just a stinking bowl and another<br>
bowl with old
food. In the next cage are 3 more dwarves for<br>
a total of
7. Fremea steps forward anger building. Who cares<br>
what Arawn taught
her on managing her anger.<br><br>
slats are reinforced probably with a thin metal interior.<br>
But there is a
metal sturdy lock on the front. The slats are spaced<br>
about a hand's
length apart all around but the wall behind - which<br>
is the slanted
front of the ship - is solid with no slats. She<br>
jerks the door and
finds no key.<br><br>
Mournath looks to the right of the door and sees a small<br>
wooden cage fit
for a dog. But this is rather large. The<br>
sailor notices two
red eyes low on the ground. Then a growl.<br>
The eyes get close
to the edge of the cage and stares at<br>
the sailor.
That's when Mournath notices it is a very large<br>
silver looking
wolf? A wolf? On a ship?<br><br>
in front and slightly to right of door is a person<br>
in chains.
There is no cage just the person in the chains<br>
is attached to the
wall. Mournath tries to get Fremea's<br>
attention but the
chained person coughs. The sailor moves<br>
toward the
prisoner and checks the chains. There are no<br>
locks and its just
latches. Mournath undoes the latches<br>
and the prisoner's
arms fall to the floor.<br><br>
Mournath lifts the person's chin and see if he is alive.<br>
Then he notices
the eyes flutter a bit. But the sailor<br>
freezes when he
notices her eyes. They are clouded white<br>
with no
iris! Who in their right mind would hold a blind<br>
Mournath tries to help the person up and then notices<br>
something slightly
off. The person is weak but is<br>
dressed in some
odd leathers probably sweating like crazy.<br>
But as he lifts
the prisoner he feels what can only be -<br>
a female
chest! This prisoner is female? Yes - that fits<br>
a bit her hair is
looks at Mournath and with a dry mouth asks for<br>
It takes 3 attempts then Mournath hears "cane".<br>
Of course!
Blind people like beggars use canes. He places<br>
her against the
wall so she can get her legs. Then looks<br>
There near a lump of bags looks like a stick. He<br>
rushes over and
grabs it then returns to the female. She<br>
grabs it and nods
becomes visible as the spell ends. She realizes<br>
the sailors should
also be waking up. She glances at<br>
the downed guard
and then for the first time sees the<br>
person with
Mournath? What the heck? The human doesn't<br>
seem to be a
steps toward the man for a key then stops. No wait!<br>
She turns and
pulls off her necklace. She places the sapphire<br>
on the lock and
hears a click. She tells the dwarves to get<br>
up it is time to
go. She moves to the second cage and unlocks<br>
it as
finally takes in the look of the hold as the dwarves<br>
with great
difficulty help each other up. She glances at<br>
Mournath. Is
he a part of this scum? She'll have to<br>
question him very
soon. She places necklace back on her<br>
neck and looks up.
The ceiling is the deck above. But she<br>
looks up and
notices to the right a latched door. She<br>
wonders if this is
how cargo is loaded. It must lead to<br>
a small shaft up
to the top deck and a crane can lower heavy<br>
crates down.
She turns to Mournath to ask this very<br>
Mournath looks and nods.<br><br>
she doesn't have rope. She glances around the<br>
hold. There
in the corner are some rope - ships always<br>
carry a lot of
rope. So a way out. She turns to the<br>
dwarves. She
asks if they want out. But they don't<br>
seem to
understand. Darn they don't understand her. She<br>
gestures up trying
to make hand signals. Finally a dwarf<br>
nods and
turns to Mournath and says they can escape either<br>
up the stairs or
through that hatch. But either way it<br>
would be a fight
off the ship.<br><br>
suddenly a man storms into the hold. He pulls his<br>
sword. He
charges Mournath. But the female with the<br>
can shoves him to
the side. The female moves forward and<br>
ducks as the sword
swipes just above her head.<br><br>
female depresses a button on the cane and a small<br>
appears. She moves to the side and thrusts the<br>
cane at the man
and impales him. The man falls to<br>
his knees.
The female then yells a grunt as she stabs<br>
the man over and
over with anger unleashed.<br><br>
As the
man falls dead Fremea stares. The female wipes<br>
her head from the
blood and Fremea notices her eyes. What<br>
the heck? Then
Fremea realizes a memory flash. She has seen<br>
this person
before. Where? Two months ago. Yes. Ba'ru.<br>
The funeral.
She recalls this strange person with a animal<br>
head of some sort
on her head riding on a large wolf. Later<br>
she would hear
from Arawn it was a Zehani wolf. Fremea hears<br>
the growl in the
corner and the first time sees the wolf. It<br>
matches and she is
stares at the girl who she figures is female based<br>
on her
grunts. She figures the girl may know some Marenntia<br>
based on being
close to Ba'ru. She asks the female if she<br>
Marentian. The girl nods as she wipes the blood<br>
from her
cane. Fremea then turns to Mournath. She tells<br>
to guard the
grabs the thick rope that is used to secure boats to<br>
the docks.
It is indeed a bit hefty. But she puts it around<br>
shoulder. Then hovering up she opens the hatch. Her<br>
guess is correct
she sees a small shaft - 6 by 4 or so going<br>
to the top
deck. She flies up and away but not before she<br>
glances at the
Mournath grabs the knocked out guard's sword. As<br>
leaves. He is so confused. Is this why this<br>
place was
restricted? What has he gotten himself into?<br><br>
tests the hatch 2 decks up to the top deck and<br>
finds it
unlocked. Why would they? With a groan and<br>
breath she bursts
through the hatch - but not before she<br>
recasts her
invisibility spell.<br><br>
sailors and the apple guy turn to see the hatch<br>
fly open at the
front of the ship. But they are confused<br>
when they see a
thick rope fly up as if a snake loose<br>
and becomes wound
up on the sail rigging. It becomes<br>
visible as she
releases her grip and Fremea flies to<br>
the sky with anger
at her top limit. Time to kill some<br>
hovers and spots the group up she just hit with<br>
sleep mist.
She smiles. Fools! She casts a spell on<br>
her bow and then
nocks the bow with an arrow. She aims at<br>
the group of now 8
men in that area. She fires. The<br>
arrow magically
leaves and becomes visible. But now<br>
it divides
magically into 6 more for a total of 7 arrows.<br><br>
Of the
7 arrows 6 hit their targets. Of those hit two<br>
are sailors while
others have weapons - good! Two arrows hits<br>
#7 doing 3 points
total. One arrow hits #3 doing 5 to the sailor.<br>
One arrow hits #9
doing 5 points. One arrow hits #9 killing<br>
him. Last
arrow hits #12 killing him.<br><br>
men scream confused. The apple eater ducks in between<br>
two storage
cabinets near the rigging hopefully out of range<br>
for whatever the
heck is going on. <br><br>
below Mournath has trouble getting the dwarves up as<br>
they are weak from
time in the cages. He spots a water barrel<br>
and dips out cup
full of water and tries to give them each<br>
water to help
fires again but now the element of surprise is over.<br>
The men all
scatter making groups less likely She fires as<br>
the confused men
have no clue what is going on or where<br>
the arrows are
coming from. Fremea shifts slightly to the<br>
left to at least
not reveal her positiion. Four of the 7<br>
arrows hit
men. One hits #7 again for 3 more points. Two<br>
arrows hit #9
doing the final damage to kill the man. Last<br>
arrow hits #17 and
kills him as arrow goes deep. She smiles<br>
this is too easy
but satisfying!<br><br>
next set of arrows only 2 hit targets. One hits #8 doing<br>
5 points wile
another hits doing 1 point to #4. <br>
of the men begin to figure out best way is to the<br>
stairs down.
Fremea flies below and stands in the way<br>
smiling as he
fires again right at the men. But of the 7<br>
arrows only 1 hits
#10 for 1 point. This causes the men<br>
to hesitate and
find new shelter.<br><br>
Fremea spots the coward hiding between the two storage<br>
lockers - the
apple guy. She raises her bow but stops. The<br>
man seems
horrified. But not by the danger but by the sudden<br>
turn of
events. While the armed men seem scared as if they<br>
were caught eating
from a cookie jar. These two things are<br>
distinct and she
hesitates. Could the man not be a part of<br>
below the blind girl frees the wolf. This causes<br>
a sudden surge of
the dwarfs going back into the cage.<br>
Mournath raises
his sword ready to defend against this wolf<br>
but the female
makes gesture it is friendly to them.<br><br>
raises her bow but suddenly is startled by a voice.<br>
"Fremea, this
is Kiet. Please, just scout out the ship. Don't<br>
take them on
groans now he warns her. A bit too late. She<br>
shrugs and raises
her bow a bit too late now to stop!<br><br>
flies up and away from the group this is too much.<br>
He can't leave
Fremea without help. If he can track her<br>
below two men exit the galley with weapons upon<br>
hearing the
screams above. One notices the guard at the<br>
hold steps
gone. He waves to the other to follow and<br>
they sneak down
the steps. Peering inside they arm<br>
their weapons and
lunge into the hold. Both turn to<br>
the female holding
small repeating crossbows. One is pointed<br>
at the wolfs
head. The other right at the female's head.<br><br>
begin to speak in a strange tongue. But Mournath<br>
gets the
hint. Stand down and drop weapon or both will die!<br><br>
[Time: 10:23:40
am] - Sivas City Docks District<br><br>
[Time: 10:23:40
am] - Sivas City Docks District<br><br>
at the alley the party is a bit surprised to find<br>
the sailor so
willing - but not Mae.<br><br>
tells the man to answer questions by her and the<br>
others. The man
nods and shrugs.<br><br>
asks about his ship's mission.<br><br>
"I don't know. I believe we are dropping off wine<br>
asks his name and who he is.<br><br>
"Vaal Makis from Ba'ru. Just a normal sailor."<br><br>
asks why he is in the port.<br><br>
"Drop cargo off we ships do that you know."<br><br>
frowns this sailor is a bit snarky for a pet.<br><br>
asks what is the ship's name but Damon already said<br>
"Black depths." This seems to confirm Damon's
asks how many sailors.<br><br>
"About 6 or 7. I think we hired a new one in Cholchara.<br>
Some guy who
sketches a lot."<br><br>
asks how many more crew or guards.<br><br>
"The Captain and first mate. There are 12 guards.
this guy who eats
apples. I've not had time to talk to him."<br><br>
sailors for a merchant ship seems high. As well as<br>
12 guards?
Why? Either this is a pirate ship or they are<br>
indeed there to
guard slaves.<br><br>
asks, "What is your cargo?"<br><br>
Sailor glances up for the first time seeing Kiet.<br>
He smiles at Kiet,
"wine and some Ba'ru weapons."<br><br>
"Are you carrying any slaves?"<br><br>
looks up at Kiet and frowns. "Slaves? You<br>
daft man?
Slavery is not allowed these parts."<br><br>
"Why are you trying to collect slaves here?"<br><br>
bound man looks at Mae, "is he deaf?" He looks at<br>
Kiet and
yells. "NO SLAVES!"<br><br>
"Why did you try to collect a dwarf?"<br><br>
"We did? Not sure dwarfs are good sailors. But I suppose<br>
if they can do
hard work..."<br><br>
"Are there any magic users on board?"<br><br>
frowns. "Don't know. Again I've only been on<br>
ship short
time. That fellow Radick..Rodgeick..Radduck whatever<br>
his name might be
one. He just sits around reading. Course<br>
we don't have much
time to spend with him...whoever he is."<br><br>
tries to ask questions now trying to test his truth.<br><br>
"Are you a slaver or do you work with slavers?"<br><br>
man rolls his eyes. "Sure I have 100 sex slaves.
are all cute and
have great butts! Then I wake up."<br><br>
asks, "You mentioned a large crew are the others<br>
guards or
"I think the others are guards. Maybe they are mercs to<br>
be hired I don't
know. They are odd fellows as speak odd<br>
nods, "what kind of strange words?"<br><br>
"Some language I don't know."<br><br>
then asks, "any restricted areas on ship?"<br><br>
"Odd you should mention that. Those guards go to<br>
the lowest deck
which has a very smell...but we are not<br>
allowed. We
figured captain was paranoid folks stealing<br>
stands tall and nods. "I've heard enough. I think<br>
we got the wrong
man. The other one I chased would've been<br>
better.." He
grins lightly then looks around. He frowns and<br>
then back down the
alley. "Guys..where is Unali?"<br><br>
Everyone looks around and notices sure enough Unali has<br>
away! Folks begin to fear she may have gone to<br>
Z'leyra and Arawn look up at same time to ask Corona<br>
but he is also
sailor looks to Mae, "mind untying me now?"<br><br>
Mae is
shocked. Why is this pet so sassy?<br><br>
"You seem like a nice person but I like him better."<br>
The sailor looks
to Damon then Kiet. "And him..they<br>
inner voice in Mae's head can't stop from<br>
a endless
cackle. Mae sighs. Did the spell fail or<br>
did it work but
since he seems to be liking guys not<br>
her maybe it the
spell has no effect for those certain<br>
[Time: 10:26:25
am] - Sivas City Docks District<br><br>
[Time: 10:23:40
am] - Sivas City Docks District<br><br>
reaches the docks after a fast walk but not run.<br>
No need to attract
attention. She breathes and sees a flurry<br>
of activity on the
ship. This must be it indeed but does not<br>
see Fremea.
She notices a ship-to-port thick rope oddly<br>
going from the top
deck to the rigging? That is strange. The<br>
she sees a slew of
arrows fly from the sky and realizes the<br>
archer must be
ways in that she can see. The normal gangplank to<br>
the ship but there
are hapless sailors running around. But<br>
the ship has a
large ship-to-dock rope secureed as normal<br>
to make ship sit
at dock. The rope is as big as 2-3 human<br>
shadow falls on Unali and she looks up to see Corona<br>
flying over
tipping a wing in favor. Unali looks left and<br>
right to see the
traffic. Even with arrows flying it seems<br>
like no one has
paid attention yet. Folks are ignoring it<br>
and walking
past. Some horses and wagons continue on to<br>
did say in the past crews rumble and fight pretty<br>
often so it must
be just another rumble to them.<br><br>
shrugs and does a running jog toward the hefty rope.<br>
With acrobatic
grace she walks across it fast and then leaps<br>
onto the deck
pulling her daggers. She notices the rope<br>
goes below.
She peers down and sees a shaft. A stench of<br>
body odor hits
guard with a dagger charges her from behind and she<br>
turns and ducks
easily. She haunches down and uses the<br>
man's charge to
her advantage. She yanks the man's belt<br>
from below with
dagger in hand and shoves him toward the<br>
shaft. The
man tumbles down like a insane drunk emperor in a<br>
below the guard hits the 3rd deck with a thud.<br><br>
feet below everyone is startled by the sudden<br>
impact by a man
hitting the deck from the shaft. That<br>
is all but the
wolf. He leaps right at the nearest crossbow<br>
man and bites down
on his arm forcing the crossbow to fall.<br><br>
At the
same time the dwarves get courage and pour out.<br>
Some head to the
man who just fell in the hold while others<br>
charge the last
crossbow man. The man turns from aiming<br>
at the blind
female to the horde of dwarves. His bolt<br>
goes wild and hits
the wall.<br><br>
Mournath charges the bowmen and swipes at him but<br>
two of the dwarves
reach him first and pummel him with<br>
fists and
At the
same time Fremea figures there are 15 more to take<br>
care of. She
continues firing without mercy. One arrow hits<br>
#6 and 2 hit #10
making that man fall to the deck. <br><br>
fires at #14 as he leaps toward some tarps and<br>
he is hit with a
arrow (only 1 of the 7) in the head<br>
fires at sailor #4 and hits doing 5 points. She<br>
notices her bow
spell ends.<br><br>
then becomes visible. She then notices behind her<br>
Unali standing at
the hatch she opened! She smiles at<br>
the dagger maiden
and looks at the street for others. She<br>
frowns when she
sees no one else?<br><br>
apple eater peers between the storage lockers as<br>
as guard tries to
take cover with him. They both stare<br>
up at the flying
girl. The guard murmurs a few words the<br>
apple man doesn't
below the wolf releases the arm of the man as the<br>
blind woman comes
up and stabs the man in the side just<br>
as 3 dwarfs come
to help her.<br><br>
all 3 are dead. The Dwarfs stare at Mournath and<br>
and the bind girl.
They look then at Mournath and growl.<br>
This one is a
sailor and must be a part of this. Mournath<br>
frowns at the 7
dwarfs. He might take out one or two but<br>
not all of
them. He begins to back up.<br><br>
yells to Unali to go help Mournath below. The<br>
acrobatic assassin
looks confused. Did she just say<br>
here? The shaft is 30 odd feet below. She<br>
could leap and
probably secure a safe fall. But not<br>
knowing what is
below is dangerous. Same with climbing<br>
the rope
down. She shrugs and moves toward the front<br>
to the
guards seeing Fremea raise weapons and charge.<br>
Fremea laughs at
the fools don't they know she is like<br>
20 feet off the
ground? She fires but the arrow only<br>
hits the
fires again and one dodges as he pulls a dagger from<br>
his belt. He
throws the dagger as the arrow hits the<br>
deck. The
thrown dagger whizzes past her left wing.<br><br>
hits the stairs as the distracted guards are staring<br>
at Fremea.
She heads down the stairs and looks around to<br>
see the dark hall
then smells the mess to the left. She<br>
heads that
way. Then down stairs to find the hold. She<br>
enters and sees
the dwarves slowly stalk Mournath. She<br>
glances right and
sees a short girl with a wolf?<br><br>
above Unali can hear screams and noises. It is<br>
muffles so she
can't tell detail.<br><br>
above 5 sailors leap over the side to escape as<br>
Fremea is
distracted. The noises Unali hears is splashes<br>
and yells as they
plunge into the water.<br><br>
raises her bow and casts the archery spell once more.<br>
She fires at the
guards who are trying to find her.<br><br>
The 7
arrows hit the 5 guards and all penetrate deeply.<br>
Four of the guards
fall to the deck. The last leave the<br>
area and heads
back to the storage lockers to hide.<br><br>
scans the deck and realizes the sailors are<br>
She could take them out but there is time<br>
later. She
lands on the deck and shoulders her bow. She<br>
pulls her
dagger. Checking each fallen person she finds<br>
some dead and
others alive. Those alive she kills with<br>
a quick slice of
the blade to the neck.<br><br>
below the dwarves stop when they see Unali. She does<br>
not look like a
crew person like the blind girl. They<br>
murmur a few
seconds then turn to Mournath again.<br><br>
10-15 seconds Fremea finds only one alive is the<br>
apple guy and the
coward guard hiding in the near the<br>
lockers. She
stalks forward. The apple guy's eyes<br>
widen realizing
this is the end.<br><br>
Suddenly the guard pushes the apple guy into the open.<br>
Then using this
distraction rushes toward Fremea. Fremea<br>
ducks the first
swipe of his sword. A second swipe and<br>
then sweeps his
leg making him fall. She then bases the<br>
man in the head
knocking him out Best to at least leave one<br>
alive for
interrogation. Then she turns to the apple guy<br>
and smiles.
Unali stares at the wolf a wild card. What<br>
side is he
on? The growls of the wolf and dwarfs as<br>
well as the water
splashing outside dulls her senses.<br>
She doesn't notice
a man moving behind her. The man<br>
slips a long
dagger under toward her right temple. "Tell<br>
them to stand down
or you die." He says in broken Marentian.<br><br>
[Time: 10:26:25
am] - Sivas City Docks District<br><br>
GM: Wow a long but
FUN update. I must admit this one was<br>
fun to do. Some surprises. Some nice action Now<br>
both groups are in snych time wise. Because the<br>
interrogation was what almost 3 minutes I had to do<br>
a lot of stuff for Fremea. Yes her approval to end<br>
the crew was done in chat I got more actions as needed.<br>
As you know I normally do 2 phases of combat per update.<br>
But with almost 3 minutes of time it'd have been weeks to<br>
get this one update out. Since Fremea was alone it did<br>
help. But imagine 2 phases, 1-2 questions - next update<br>
2 phases and 2 questions and so on. Would've taken forever.<br>
So based on the interrogation I filled the combat time<br>
up. I did warn you guys dialogue adds time overall.<br>
So I'll try another update Wednesday. I hope this long<br>
update was fun for you guys (notice the star wars reference?).<br><br>
GM: Welcome back
Mournath! Full PC mode!<br>
Feel free to post!<br><br>
GM: Wards should
be placd on ward? Too many ambushes! :)<br><br>