<font face="Courier New, Courier" size=1><br><br>
Character Name
..Raddok..........Miner...Bess Hadley........Ma..Human<br>
..Unali...........Ninja...Wout.Broere........Fe..Human/Dagger Maiden<br>
..Z'leyra.........Healer..Alex Kopas weri....Fe..Fe..Human/Shman/1st
..Brutto..........Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #1<br>
..Finn............Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #2<br>
..Ardrackle.......Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #3<br>
..Zepp............Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #4<br>
..Corona..........Eagle...Npc................Ma..Companion to
[First Mate]<br>
..Zol.Zim.........Wolf....Npc................Ma..Zehani Wolf/Ix's
Game Web Site -
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Private emails (not public actions) to
Game Update #28 sequence (file #285)<br>
Admin Notes: None. <br>
From Raddok: [RE:
OOC: As I am new
to this genre, I would like to ask everyone<br>
what a reasonable
time for daily weapons practice would be. I<br>
would like to
schedule two daily 1-hour practice bouts with 1)<br>
& 2) great sword. Is this too long? Should practice<br>
sessions be
1/2 hour each (totalling 1 hour/day each)? then<br>
again, I've
read that real-life battles lasted all day & men<br>
would be
fighting for hours.<br><br>
advise me, as I'm trying to have a reasonable on-board<br>
schedule for
Raddok (assuming he has various partners with<br>
weapons to practice with each time - variety is good<br>
Also, does
wearing the magic necklace for a day grant<br>
level of a language, or how many points toward that<br>
level - and does r e-using it level it up<br>
I know die are involved, but would like to know<br>
general skill level after wearing it for a day. He<br>
will be
spending at least two hours daily practicing Marentian<br>
meals, chores, rest periods, etc), as well as just<br>
listening to
it all the time. I don't know how many hours<br>
this adds to
his skill practice the being surrounded by it<br>
type of
learning - lol).<br><br>
[Apris 3rd,
at sea, ~ 2 PM]<br><br>
[IC] Raddok
wonders if it's a good idea to wear the necklace<br>
for a day at
some point to improve his Fomorian (current EL 24)<br>
which might
be a smart move, if it increases the El enough to<br>
really help,
and asks K'leyra her opinion. He also asks about<br>
a 2nd
session with the necklace to improve his Marentian - if<br>
thinks it would benefit him, & to schedule him for a<br>
day with it,
if so.<br><br>
[IC] Also,
Raddok doesn't want to butt in, being one of the<br>
new people
in the group, but he is very concerned about the<br>
ship's torn
sail, as he was a volunteer to climb the mast &<br>
spars to
help try to re-tie it, unsuccessfully. He asks K'<br>
leyra, as
First Mate (after deciding that he shouldn't bother<br>
the Captain
- since Raddok's not a seaman who might know what<br>
he's talking
about) if the crew has shared any information<br>
with her or
Captain Dorhak about backup supplies for keeping<br>
the ship in
repair - he tells her he's seen the loose boards &<br>
torn sail,
and been through a whirlpool (which left him very<br>
sick) &
he can't swim, so he's getting worried.<br><br>
He asks if
she and/or Dorhak could arrange a meeting...<br><br>
[OOC - will
send skills practice list when above questions<br>
on practice
time answered - & thanks for any advice!!]<br><br>
[OOC - I
grew up with family vacations, many with two cars (one<br>
driving each, with two kids in each car), and road<br>
was kinda drilled into us by my Dad - lol, so...<br><br>
[IC] Raddok
cannot ignore seeing a torn sail & overhearing a<br>
grumble about no supplies to fix it.<br>
GM: Ack. I've covered this in
previous updates. My core rules<br>
are 8
hours sleep, 8 hours skills and usually 8 hours<br>
chores/other duties. While one can dedicate 10 hours<br>
skills its not vital. I consider a 8 hour shift to be<br>
normal. So again if you do mace, shield and great<br>
that's 3 skills (assuming you actually practice shield<br>
than just 'use it'). So 8 hours with teacher is 2<br>
points. So 8/3=2 hours or so roughly or 0.6 points for<br>
skill. So more skills you do the less points. This is<br>
simplicity as some might say 'ok spend 45 in here 30 min<br>
15 min here 8 min with this skill.' :) Now what one CAN<br>
do is
plan goals. Practice Mace till ELX then Shield till eLY.<br>
But if
not its all points divided equally. Necklace is a starting<br>
EL now
(v1 I believe it was max). This means Em/2 so if you have<br>
a low
EM it may not be worth it if say EM8. :) It is used<br>
in just a minutes or two. Then you poof have a basic<br>
set of
words. You then practice the language as with skills.<br>
So if
you add the Marentian it would be 2/4 or 0.5 points each<br>
assuming can find a teacher. It is a skill so as normal skill<br>
levels. Keep in mind at end of a IBT or adventure I do award<br>
basic points to certain skills for free. This is like<br>
Language like Marentian for being 'around' others. But to<br>
get to
a good EL(say 40?) you need to practice it for a bit.<br>
Necklace is one time use for that langauage and takes about<br>
minutes max. So no need to wear it all day. Once learned<br>
learned like a perm magic/ward in our mind. BTW its Z'leyra<br>
not K.
:) Oh! or is that how Raddok says it? :) As to the<br>
climbing doesn't help if no sail cloth to repair with<br>
materials. More than likely when Fomorians stole the<br>
the ship may have been in drydock to get outfitted<br>
thus no supplies on board why the Fomorians were in the shop<br>
Damon found them. This is why I said supplies are kinda<br>
important as if none are obtained not my fault! :) The torn<br>
is not a major issue its maybe 3-5% of the sail surface.<br>
So its
very minor. For now.<br><br>
From Pyan: [Re: Actions]<br>
Pyan is excited
with the sea the first few days but....<br>
GM: Ack.
Nice! A good surprise. I wasn't expecting<br>
that. Now keep in mind above what I told Raddok.<br>
If you
want to continue to practice let me know. The<br>
necklace is a one time use so you gotta keep it up.<br>
no date was given I'll pick a few days after leaving<br>
before second leg - the 29th.<br><br>
From Z'leyra: [Re:
Z'leyra corrects
the pronunciation that Raddok uses for her name.<br><br>
She then
enlightens him a bit to how the necklace works. "This..<br><br>
practice - note that those without Seaman skill lose<br>
half their
OCV, DCV and weapon ELs (rounded up) when fighting<br>
on a deck of
a moving ship. Basic training rules apply. One<br>
person (with
the highest EL in the weapon being taught) will<br>
be the
instructor and will gain one xp per day and their<br>
student will
gain 2 xp per day. This is reduced by half if<br>
other things
are being done. So basically those training in<br>
skills should allocate entire days to the effort. It<br>
may be
best to spend a couple weeks being trained as a Seaman<br>
first, so
that you don't have the penalty. While Z'leyra is<br>
no expert,
she knows enough to introduce the landlubbers to<br>
the skill.
Yes, she will train those interested in Seamanship<br>
for the
first couple weeks. After that she will join in on<br>
reaching port, in addition to getting the fighting dagger<br>
and sheath
for a party member, Z'leyra gets gear for the ship.<br>
Extra sails
and sailcloth, sewing gear, carpentry tools and<br>
lumber, as
well as improved outfitting for the kitchen<br>
some of the less expensive spices.<br>
GM: Ack. Wow longest post from
you in ages. :)<br><br>
From Raddok: [Re:
[Marqi 25th or
26th - back note (if possible, please, since<br>
notes about
arranging practice times for skills)]<br><br>
After listening to
K'leyra's explanation about the necklace and<br>
the problems of
fighting on a moving ship for landlubbers,<br>
Raddok thanks her
for the use of the necklace & triple-checks<br>
that he pronounces
"Understand" in Marentian correctly (and her<br>
name), before
placing it over his head for the day. He also<br>
agrees out loud
about her assessment of fighting skills on a<br>
rocking deck, and
asks if she could please have him trained<br>
first in
Seamanship, so that he can be more effective for both<br>
their sea journey
& for weapons skills practice later. [OOC -<br>
I'll let the GM
determine ELs of these things, altho I'll keep<br>
[Marqi 27th]<br>
Raddok is
intrigued by Arawn's explanation of the spell Battle<br>
Mind during dinner
& silently wonders to himself if any<br>
experience he
might gain under such a spell might just stick<br>
with him. It seems
worth the effort to him, even if not so, for<br>
the moment at
least, & knowing he would be glad for a spurt to<br>
his reflexes, he
volunteers to Arawn that he's willing to become<br>
part of such a
team if one is formed, and if Arawn has plenty of<br>
volunteers, to
take his turn among the others. Raddok adds that<br>
if he finds it too
uncomfortable, he promises to let Arawn know.<br>
He also tells
Arawn that he needs to earn to swim, and would be<br>
glad of his
assistance, at Arawn's convenience.<br><br>
Raddok will spend the first two weeks on board<br>
ship for his
skills practice in learning Seamanship from K'leyra<br>
full-time (8
hours/day), then both will evaluate his skill level<br>
& determine if
he can start weapons practice yet. In addition,<br>
he will start to
learn swimming from Arawn at whatever intervals<br>
the elf deems it
safe (hours to be determined by Arawn & GM).<br>
Since they will
apparently be in port at the time, it hopefully<br>
won't cut into his
seamanship training.<br><br>
He silently hopes
that fresh vegetables, meat and cheese will be<br>
among the new
foodstuffs, but says nothing. He feels he's butted<br>
in enough
about things he doesn't know much about.<br>
GM: Ack. Battle
Mind if you read my spell documents are from the<br>
Wars New Jedi Order series. It uses that power greatly<br>
the Jedi star fighter squadron. As always folks will have<br>
to say
who joins the BM or not as I will not know until combat<br>
(and forget). 2 Weeks of seaman will learn the skill.<br>
Marentian on 26th. Gotcha. Swimming is the issue. As
explained during day its impractical to learn. The ship<br>
simply going to fast. So it has to be done at night while<br>
anchored. Though the spell from Arawn is still active during<br>
time it causes great currents so one is in danger of<br>
swept away. Then there is issue of sharks. Since<br>
would be from sundown to sunrise that's about 12 hours.<br>
Assuming you sleep 8 hours. When do you train? Sundown<br>
usually 6-7pm. Chores. Dinner. So how long do you<br>
dedicate to swimming? How many hours so I can figure out<br>
fractional amounts assuming a full 8 hours sleep.<br><br>
From Kiet: [Re:
Sorry...first I was having email trouble then work...<br><br>
Assuming she
replies to the affirmative, Kiet will cast a 5x<br>
cost Tongues
spell in order to permanently learn it.<br>
Epensive in
mana, but it also helps improve the use of the<br>
spell over
time. It takes Kiet almost half a minute to g<br>
ather the
mana for such a spell.<br><br>
don't have Rachelle's email address so we could RP<br>
Can you send that to me at dasandersx@comcast.net...thanx!<br><br>
4 hours max.) if he agrees, Kiet will allow him to<br>
borrow one
of his daggers while training on board ship.<br><br>
Being that
they are at sea, and that quarters are tight, Kiet<br>
decides it
would be well near impossible to find an unused<br>
corner of
the ship suitable for Purification (for knowledge<br>
spells) nor
for his air Magics. However, Kiet will still spend<br>
available free time studying his magic crafting book,<br>
for anything useful about crafting a staff.<br>
GM: Ack. So you
want the experience not the necklace to be used?<br>
Under the rules I set 4 hours would only earn half the<br>
points. Learning dagger from scratch takes hours and<br>
hours of work. I'll ask Rachelle on email if she hasn't<br>
already given it below. But you can look at Archives for<br>
her post her emails is there. :) More public than<br>
giving it here. She is active on Skype as well. But<br>
just CC stuff. As to reading I'll consider that your<br>
skill Read/Write. As to know spells let me know when<br>
to cast them. Crow's nest is tallest point and is fine<br>
but any where on deck is fine as well.<br><br>
From Arawn: [Re:
avoided commenting on Kaz's opinion regarding...<br><br>
[Marqi 23rd
discussing events in the captain's quarters with...<br>
"I've been trying to piece together what I can before we...<br><br>
and the coded letter:<br><br>
will likely know that Arawn has been practicing with<br>
Code/Decode spell for some time if he decides to share<br>
letter and needs help with decoding it.<br><br>
Battle-Mind spell:<br>
watched while some among them sparred on deck, ...<br>
"The last time I had this discussion we were aboard ...<br><br>
For the sake of those asking questions Arawn will<br>
in a way to convey the mechanics of the spell as<br>
here -
<a href="http://powersandperils.org/L_NewSpells" eudora="autourl">
htm#BattleMind - no need io RP a response but please let me<br>
if you're open to being part of this spell whenever he<br>
it - new and old players as well as the NPC's, Scott.<br><br>
Kasha (or Vistair, if it's easier for you, Scott):<br><br>
hearing that Z'leyra would be heading into town...<br><br>
This is mainly cooking supplies but will also include<br>
repair supplies if Scott rules Arawn wasn't able to grab<br>
in Sivas. Scott let me know how much this will cost if<br>
already answered above. and if an instruction book on how<br>
read/write Fomorian can be found he'll pay for that as well.)<br><br>
Arawn will do so for a few hours any time the water<br>
shallow enough to allow for safe lessons, starting with<br>
day in Kasha. Please let me know who wants lessons.)<br><br>
2nd 12:29pm]<br><br>
OOC: If the party ever wishes to slow down the ship
meet with other ships at sea Arawn will just cancel/dispel<br>
Friendly Current and recast it afterwards. Please feel free<br>
post if anyone ever wants this done.<br><br>
anyone in the party speak Bhamoti? If so, Arawn would<br>
interested in learning it from them.<br>
GM: Ack. As to Kaz
you got to get use dot folks will not always<br>
defer and bow to you. Some have strong prejudices. I
bought one up in this encounter. Same with King Maros<br>
he won't be welcome even in some Marentian homes. I do love<br>
my Red Herring pudding! :) Kiet hasn't revealed the letter<br>
yet (as of this post maybe later post/email I've not go to).<br>
Battle Mind I may forget who will sign up so may need to<br>
do a personal note. Cooking, Repair and book. A
vague for 1st 2 but I can try to work on it. Ii hate to<br>
be anal but I like details X nails and Y hammers. :)<br>
Otherwise mean GM sits in and says opps didn't buy that<br>
or not enough! I never got info on buying stuff in Sivas<br>
from you? So this will have to be at Vistair. Issue is<br>
at 8pm most places will be closed. So Dorhak may have<br>
to order ship to stay a few hours after sunrise. As to
ship from FC spell I have no clue if folks will do this<br>
until its posted. I could post and stop every single<br>
encounter but it'd be time consuming bogging things down.<br>
This is why I post as a simple encounter. Since spell<br>
is in effect can't slow don.n So this what if is kind<br>
of hard to deal it should be done or not be done. :)<br>
The ship doesn't even have a simple Ship's Boat (smaller<br>
ship to shore boat). So its the entire ship or not.<br>
I believe no one speaks Bhamoti. But being so close and<br>
friends to Marentia its easy to find a Marentian speaking<br>
person. The more important issue who is learning to speak<br>
Fomorian? :)<br><br>
From Kiet: [RE:
Kiet tells
Dorhak and Z'leyra about his stash of horns and<br>
whistles. He
offers them for use by the ships watch. The<br>
horns would
work well in the fog. The horns, three of them,<br>
are quite
ornate and Kiet expects to take them with him off<br>
the ship
when a-trekking we will go. The whistles might best<br>
be used if
an emergency happens and we need to wake the<br>
The watch
should ALWAYS have the whistles on their person<br>
during that
GM: Ack. A very good
idea indeed Kiet! Good job.<br><br>
From Ix: [Re:
Sorry as
well for not responding! I just had no idea what<br>
I'm to post
while on the ship. If it'll be easier for you,<br>
I have
skype: InunekoYoukai<br>
and discord:
Ix does her
best to handle the food on board the ship, or at<br>
least run
quality control with her sense of smell and touch<br>
to try to
catch anything that's gone off.<br>
Since she is
of no real help to anyone at the moment,<br>
aside, she's definitely no sailor. In her free<br>
time she
tries to find a not so crowded area so she can<br>
dancing on the moving ship to help with her balance.<br>
f she cannot
find a suitable place to do so, she'll settle<br>
down and
play her bone ocarina.<br>
GM: Ack. Plenty of place
to dance. Do you need a teacher<br>
or this all self? Teach like Z could help give you more<br>
points. Did you see Z's post on seamanship? As to not<br>
posting this is fine. RP with others just get to know<br>
each other. Kiet is trying to do that for you.<br><br>
From Kiet: [Re:
"I am a
Grey Elder mage. I know a spell that allows...<br>
From Ix: [Re:
does sound useful. I'm just a shaman," she ...<br>
GM: Ack.<br><br>
From Mournath: [Re:
Sorry for
the delay in posting yet again. My work place is<br>
locations and I've been neck-deep in that process and<br>
setting up
our network in the new building.<br><br>
will be spending his time checking and double-checking<br>
navigational headings. He's using charts that were<br>
acquired and
taking site lines constantly. He's a little<br>
nervouse at
such a responsibility but determined to do the<br>
When in
doubt at all, Mournath will seek a second opinion on<br>
any needed
course corrections.<br><br>
In what
downtime he has, a little 'harpoon' fishing with his<br>
spear and
some line will take his time as well as scribblings<br>
in his
GM: Ack. As
always and this is to everyone if busy don't worry<br>
I understand. Its taken me 3 days to do this update so<br>
I fully understand being busy. There is no mandatory<br>
posting needed by anyone unless I say otherwise and then<br>
I'd probably email ya. :) So for all don't worry about<br>
apologizing for any delays. Since I won't finish this<br>
update tonight I will be making one in fact! The nice<br>
thing about being in sight of shore is one can't be lost.<br>
The issue is when its foggy. This makes the logical<br>
assumption for 'being' lost. Under the rules I use for<br>
navigation. For night since at anchor there is no 'lost'<br>
so I have to treat it as a wrong calculation or such.<br>
So its not a major issue. The issue may be when leaving<br>
the Bhamotin shore to cross to Vahear at the end. That<br>
going to be open water. So your mini IBT is spear fishing?<br>
I can treat that as a fishing skill. :)<br><br>
[New Stuff]<br><br>
[Marqi 23rd,
[Time: 1:14pm,
Sivas, Marentia]<br><br>
discussing events in the captain's quarters with Unali<br>
Arawn decided to
take the initiative and speak with Damon off<br>
to the side of the
"I've been trying to piece together what I can before we set<br>
sail on this
adventure. I'm still working on a few things but<br>
Unali had
mentioned you were able to pull something from<br>
captain's body
before Vox was able to notice it. What did you<br>
places right hand over hears and left hand outstretched<br>
and staggers back
a step. "You do not trust me? Well Unali<br>
I guess.
I've known her for over 3 years. You...well...fine."<br>
He pulls the
parchment from his vest and hands it over. <br><br>
tries to read it but its in a language not learned<br>
to read.
Damon crosses his arms. "A simple docume ton<br>
good contacts who
are good merchants. I was able to skim<br>
it so fast I
recognized the style we captains hold for<br>
fortune. The Fomorian must've stole it from the old<br>
captain who had
his own contacts. As I do my own contacts<br>
in Ba'ru.
Networking is never ending. One must build<br>
all new
hands the parchment back and Damon places it back<br>
in his vest.
"Besides. It wasn't on his body it was<br>
in his
chest. Maybe you got some wrong information? I<br>
doubt the
Fomorians would need that info unless they went<br>
back to
Ba'ru. You are free to translate it if you don't<br>
me." Damon pulls the paper back out and frowns<br>
at Arawn.
holds the parchment up. Then points to some area<br>
on it.
"This here look familiar? It is a street and a<br>
shop called the
Drunken Snail. It deals here as you can read<br>
this part here..in
Marentian wines. I deal with this shop<br>
often but the
other contacts I have not."<br><br>
"Happy now?" Damon says smiling.<br><br>
[Marqi 23rd,
[Ba'ru, Kaz's Hut,
avoided commenting on Kaz's opinion regarding human<br>
hospitality, the
Alfar knowing that this varied from culture<br>
to culture,
regardless of race.<br><br>
"I'm sorry to hear that," he said, addressing Kaz's<br>
victimization. Too
much trauma, too many scars seemed to stand<br>
in the way for the
old man to easily heal and avoid prejudices<br>
and anxieties.
"It's a balancing act that, between trust and<br>
caution. I
understand and hope that joy makes its way back into<br>
your life even at
this hour."<br><br>
As Kaz
looked down to Zol Zim Arawn did so as well with a<br>
quiet smile. But
the hermit's next words caused him to look up,<br>
taking the man's
words with due seriousness.<br><br>
"Thank you for the advice. I hate violence but Death has had<br>
the misfortune of
making an appearance in regards to my<br>
companions and
myself more than once, the last recently in<br>
fact. I do not
know if this is what you sense, or surrounding<br>
one of my
companions... or more distant beings, but I'll ponder<br>
your words for
some time."<br><br>
remains expressionless until Arawn mentions he hates<br>
Then a half second flair of something sparks<br>
but Arawn can't
read it even with his great empathy powers.<br>
It is so fleeting
it is impossible to read.<br><br>
[Marqi 24th,
begins the trip looking forward to being on the ship.<br>
It's been far too
long. Then he finds out Mournath is going to<br>
navigate. A bit of
trepidation runs thru Kiet's bones at the<br>
thought of that. A
good navigator is essential for a safe<br>
However, Dorhak has ordered that the ship (Dorhak<br>
keeps calling it a
boat) stay near land, at least to keep it<br>
in sight.
This seems wise.<br><br>
is used to ships supplies being dull and mundane. Sadly,<br>
his tokens don't
work well on board ship, with little to put in<br>
the bucket...at
least little that Kiet doesn't mind having in<br>
the bucket.
Cooking is always a chore. Often time the only<br>
hot food was for
the captain, prepared over a charcoal<br>
Cooking fires were a serious no-no.<br><br>
One of
the first things Kiet does is look up Ix. He ponders<br>
her place here,
her infirmity with her eyes, and that blasted<br>
wolf. He knows something is not right here. Not<br>
menacing, but far
too off to be 'normal'. She is, of course, a<br>
barbarian and a
shaman. Much like Z'leyra. Has a pet like her<br>
too. This
one, however, often looks at us like we're future<br>
meals. Quite
approaches Ix openly, not trying to be sneaky or trying<br>
to startle her or
that beast. He asks in several tongues "Ix?<br>
Might I cast a
spell to learn your native tongue? We never<br>
know when it might
be useful."<br><br>
Kiet asks if he could learn her language, she tilts<br>
her head,
"How would you do that? I don't mind, but I'm<br>
interested to
know. Something like that would have been<br>
really helpful
after I got lost."<br><br>
"I am a Grey Elder mage. I know a spell that allows me to<br>
speak languages I
do not know. Put enough power into it, and<br>
I can learn the
language. It's similar to what Z'leyra's<br>
does. It can even help me speak to animals and other<br>
things. I am
also hoping to someday improve my skill in that<br>
"That does sound useful. I'm just a shaman," Ix smiles
reaches over to
gently pat the wolf. "Zol'zim isn't much of a<br>
talker, but he
sings beautifully. He does appreciate the food.<br>
I'm sure he'd let
you know if he didn't."<br><br>
nods and glances at the wolf. Why does he always lick<br>
his lips when
looking at him? Then again when Dorhak is<br>
nearby he goes
lick-crazy like Dorhak is a nice juicy teddy<br>
bear to love off
looks over to the large wolf. Hmmm..."How about you,<br>
wolf? Are
you in the mood for a chat too?" Kiet smiles a bit<br>
since he is making
a small joke. To Ix he says "I hope he<br>
appreciates the
food I brought on board for him."<br><br>
will excuse himself while he goes to retrieve his wand.<br>
He returns
shortly. "This will take me less than a minute to<br>
cast, but it is
expensive in mana." He casts the spell at 5x<br>
cost in hopes of
wolf smiles slightly and likes Kiet of all the various<br>
passengers the
most. But each time Mae passes the wolf<br>
growls and ears
perk up. <br><br>
realizes that he may also need to make a language<br>
learning magic
toy. It is useful. Landing in Bhamotin's capital<br>
port without
knowing some of the language is a hindrance at<br>
best. Kiet
looks around to see if a dock worker is nearby then<br>
decides to try
casting the 5x cost Tongues spell again,<br>
gathering the mana
as discretely out of sight as possible, then<br>
yelling out to the
dock worker in Marentian. He asks him to<br>
casts the language spell and learns Kll'maun at<br>
a starting
level. <br><br>
does his best to help the borrowed sailors with the<br>
Kiet still likes climbing the rigging and such.<br><br>
also talks to Raddok. He hears that he wants to learn to<br>
use a dagger, but
tries to hide his laugh when he says he wants<br>
to use it for
cutting food. Kiet would only use a dagger for<br>
that purpose if he
was destitute. A small knife would work far<br>
Donaran, Kiet offers "I can teach you to use a dagger, if<br>
you wish.
However, I think only a few hours a day, what with<br>
the work on board
ship." <br><br>
[Marqi 27th,
watched while some among them sparred on deck,<br>
practicing their
combat skills. His thoughts drifted back to a<br>
prior sea voyage
and, when the party was gathered together for<br>
a meal, he decided
to share them for the benefit of the newer<br>
"The last time I had this discussion we were aboard another s<br>
hip so I think it
fitting that I do so now. Especially as we'll<br>
likely encounter
danger before this mission is through.<br><br>
of this group are familiar with a particular ability I<br>
have to bond us in
battle. It's a magic that's found great use<br>
among Sidh in the
battlefield, allowing a small force to<br>
comfortably engage
a larger, greater threat - the Battle-Mind.<br>
For those who
allow themselves to be linked by the spell it<br>
grants enhanced
coordination of efforts, increasing battle<br>
skill and insight
into tactics."<br><br>
"I mention this as I'd like to know who would be interested<br>
in this during
battles. It will help me to avoid targeting those<br>
not interested who
might otherwise resist the spell. I can bond<br>
up to 4 other
people. All I ask is a list of those open to this<br>
so that I know to
target you during battle."<br><br>
[Marqi 26th,
Z'leyra explains the language necklace to Raddok and others.<br><br>
then enlightens him a bit to how the necklace works.<br>
Language Necklace is ensorcelled to be able to cast a<br>
Tongues spell
twice per day. It is cast by having it around<br>
one's neck
as a necklace, grasping it and saying the Marentian<br>
"Understand". When so triggered it casts a very powerful<br>
spell on the wearer. This spell allows the recipient<br>
understand a language being spoken nearby and potentially<br>
to learn the
language to a skill that seems based on the<br>
odds of this working to permanently learn the<br>
language are
higher for those with stronger will and<br>
empathy. As she
regains mana she will further enchant the<br>
necklace to
boost the wearer's Empathy and later Willpower,<br>
both enchantments
requiring considerable mana.<br><br>
tries to use the language necklace to learn Marentian<br>
from another
person. The spell works and he can now understand<br>
very basic
words. <br>
[Marqi 29th,
is excited with the sea the first few days but that<br>
quickly fads as
the tedium of life on a small piece of wood in<br>
a large body of
water. After spending a day watching Corona fly<br>
around the ship he
starts trying to learn how to talk to him as<br>
he has seen others
do. even going up to Z'leyra and asking<br>
"Does the
necklace only work with human tongues?"<br><br>
The at
night Z'leyra improved her necklace to boost Will<br>
onto the rope
necklace to help the wearer. <br><br>
[Apris 3rd,
[Time: 2:01
asks if she and/or Dorhak could arrange a meeting with<br>
the ship's crew
& experienced seamen among their group when they<br>
arrive at their
next port to decide what supplies are needed for<br>
the ship's
immediate repair and for maintenance at sea. "I<br>
apologize if I seem forward, but I have a friend who's<br>
a trader, and he
carries spare wheels and rims, harness, reins,<br>
boards, poles,
& the hardware and tools to use them, in a<br>
special storage
area below his wagon for road repairs. I laughed<br>
at him about it,
and he told me that wagons never break down in<br>
a town - only when
there's no help to be had, so it was only<br>
practical - and
safe - to be prepared."<br><br>
tips his hat apologetically, and retreats, after again<br>
thanking her for
his new knife. He wonders if any of the others<br>
had already told
her this, and hopes that the meeting is<br>
scheduled, is
successful & that funds are sufficient.<br><br>
[Time: 8:20
hearing that Z'leyra would be heading into town to pick<br>
up supplies he
presented her with a small list and a handful of<br>
"I had planned on heading into town to resupply but as you'll<br>
be doing so I
figure I can use this time to try and teach the<br>
basics of swimming
to Raddok and any others interested."<br><br>
reaching port, in addition to getting the fighting<br>
dagger and sheath
for a party member, Z'leyra gets gear for the<br>
ship. Extra sails
and sailcloth, sewing gear, carpentry tools<br>
and lumber, as
well as improved outfitting for the kitchen<br>
including some of
the less expensive spices.<br><br>
But at
this hour she knows there will be no markets open<br>
or any
shops. Folks will be home with their families. She<br>
warns Dorhak they
may have to stay a few hours after sunrise to<br>
get the supply run
done. Dorhak growls but what is a few<br>
extra hours when
the ship is going pretty fast with Arawn's<br>
tried to learn Bhamotin in Kasha but Pyan had already<br>
used the language
that day. So tonight Kiet borrows the necklace<br>
and finds someone
who speaks Marentian and Bhamotiin to learn<br>
the new
language. Kiet asks about any boosting to the<br>
body and Z'leyra
explains there are boosts. So Kiet is<br>
forced to remove
his items that also help. Once on the dock<br>
he learns the
language. <br><br>
decides in the morning to get repair supplies<br>
(not that he knows
Z'leyra is doing so), cooking supplies<br>
and if possible a
book on learning Fomorian. Sadly,<br>
after 3 libraries
Arawn will fail to locate such a book<br>
in this city at
Z'leyra agrees to buy a fighting dagger for Raddok since<br>
he is currently
low on funds. Then Raddok asks if possible<br>
if he could also
get a throwing dagger. Z'leyra considers<br>
and agrees.
They were all once not as rich as those with<br>
land or large sums
of wealth. Kiet offers to help teach<br>
Raddok the use of
dagger fighting. <br><br>
tries to learn Bhamotin but finds Kiet has used the<br>
necklace today so
reserves it for tomorrow morning and to learn<br>
the language from
Kiet himself since he learned it. Indeed the<br>
next morning she
learns the language.<br><br>
port Mournath places his charts in Dorhak's quarters and<br>
the Captain
approaches him.<br><br>
Dorhak knows that we are approximately half way to the<br>
destination, but
checks with Mournath about that. "So,<br>
How fare yet his day? From our previous discussions<br>
we should be about
half way there, should we not? My plans are<br>
to go ahead and
stop at Halle and Tilal in Rogozini and Cerulean<br>
Hailing from Marentia, neither should prove<br>
However, I truly wish to avoid Dechat and No'mal.<br>
Can you see you
way to steer us away from the coast north of<br>
the Vahear
islands, then make landfall somewhere on their<br>
"I don't know those Rogizini or Cerulean people."<br><br>
pays for the Tug fees at the delight of Dorhak. <br><br>
[Apris 4th,
[Time: 9:41
impatient Dorhak prowls the deck back and forth waiting<br>
for Arawn and
Z'leyra to return. By now food, water and some<br>
other supplies
have been delivered by wagon by store. But it<br>
seems the two are
after other things.<br><br>
Vistair a city of 14,000 is bustling with activity all<br>
around. The
sailors are eager to leave as the sun has been<br>
up for a few hours
already. The day will mainly partly<br>
cloudly all day
and a very balmy hot day with temperatures<br>
only getting to
low 80s as hot as 96.<br><br>
are good winds or at least that's the report from<br>
the sailors who
wait. By end of the day the ship will make<br>
17 odd miles
before anchoring.<br><br>
Finally the two come rushing down the docks and Dorhak<br>
orders ropes
remove even before they are on board. He<br>
is eager to get
going. As the ship drifts backwards the<br>
two have to leap
on board or run on the gangplank.<br><br>
[Time: 12:18
sweltering heat is disturbing to most of the<br>
folks not used to
ship life. But Mae enjoys the sailors<br>
who work without
from the ship that is moving fast south-westward,<br>
a thing emerges
from the depths. It peeps outs and then<br>
scans the
area. It then quickly submerges only to come<br>
up a bit distance
away to do the same. Then it emerges<br>
again and signals
to his allies.<br><br>
the ship is sped by Arawn's magic which gives it<br>
almost 60% of its
boost the beings begin to approach from<br>
the west
underwater. They are used to such things moving<br>
fast and lumbering
in the water. The player have been at<br>
water for almost 2
weeks and feel safe to this point. Being<br>
in friendly waters
far from Climan pirate patrols they<br>
are at ease even
leaving weapons and armor below decks. Some<br>
still do carry at
least a dagger or sword. But by far most<br>
do not as its not
worth using during chores and ship life.<br><br>
of the ship is sitting around eating lunch on<br>
deck or those who
can fit in the tiny galley there. Shifts<br>
are taken at the
steering wheel b Mournath, Arawn or a sailor<br>
who is trained on
basic course. This to allow the crew to eat<br>
while getting the
ship constantly moving.<br><br>
is broken around the ship as the beings creep toward<br>
the ship.
These beings are used to such strong currents<br>
even the ship's
magic. But these beings are used to taking<br>
ships and head to
the back as well as front. They are skilled<br>
enough swimmers to
use the current of the magic far out to actually<br>
drive them into
the ship itself.<br><br>
high above is the first to see the beings crawl<br>
up the side of the
ship silently. He dives low fast and<br>
gives warnings
those who understand him. <br><br>
is deep in the ship using a rarely used access hatch<br>
to the bowls of
the ship. He knows that Mae has been using<br>
the dark area of
the ship that aren't rooms - the inter space<br>
areas where bilge
and hull only are - to eat rats. Rather<br>
to drain them for
food. Arawn is taking a survey to see how<br>
many rats may have
been lost mainly to avoid the noon time<br>
sun for sun-shy
folks like himself.<br><br>
the crow's nest Barbosa who has been trying to help<br>
notices at the
same time and yells. Raddok on deck hears<br>
this as "fish
Mermen climb up the deck using ropes, nets or tridents<br>
or hooks in well
skilled ways. They swarm over the deck<br>
all in a oddly
coordinated manor.<br><br>
at the steering wheel blows a whistle of warning.<br><br>
Update....Saturday or Next week (Tue/Wed)<br><br>
GM: Finally its
out. Finally we have some combat. Sorry<br>
for delay But storms, sickness in staff, blah blah blah.<br>
Took about a week to get through old posts and emails.<br>
Once done only half a day to finish update. For combat<br>
for those new I do 2 phases or 6 seconds. This means you<br>
can plan for such actions for 2 phases. This means great<br>
speeches or Bond Villain death speeches are not good as<br>
by time you finish combat is over. Combat typically takes<br>
me 3 hours per phase. A lot of bookkeeping work. Charts<br>
and such. I'll be using the hex deck plans that are now<br>
on the site I posted about long ago. Bottom of links section<br>
for a layout I randomly placed folks below using table
As to combat reminder those without Seaman ship will suffer<br>
a bit of effectiveness. Those who are learning its only<br>
been 2 weeks which is not qiute long enough to learn.<br>
As to armor. Since in friendly waters I assume folks will<br>
NOT be wearing armor. Even leather will be hot like today<br>
where its very hot. So I assume no one is wearing any.<br><br>
As to weapons normally at least some crew MAY have some.<br>
At least a sailor may have a dagger/sword. Captain is<br>
allowed on most ships per protocol to wear whatever. First<br>
Mate and helmsman MAY have some weapons. But as this<br>
is lunch hour I assume most will not have access to<br>
weapons. Now with that said some folks are naked without<br>
such weapons. So I assume they will be armed.<br><br>
Dorhak - Per protocol as Captain could be armed<br>
Fremea - Likes her daggers<br>
Ix - Probably a dagger as moving blindly...<br>
Mournath Could be armed with dagger/knife<br>
Unali Sleeps with daggers<br>
Z'leyra Probably war staff only IF that<br>
Sailors Maybe dagger/knives<br><br>
I listed above for sop I know of characters. So<br>
if you have items in locker son deck or rooms you<br>
will need to obtain them. I'd have to have been<br>
warned in advance of wearing things like crossbows<br>
or such on deck. Merman will be armed with spears,<br>
tridents, daggers, rarely swords, nets and maybe<br>
maces with light armor. I list the mermen on<br>
deck but others may be coming.<br><br>
So plan for 2 phases of actions. I need to do a map<br>
and do the movement charts so that'll be Saturday<br>
probably so I may not get full 2 phases on Saturday<br>
but will try if not then you have till Tuesday.<br>
If questions ask!<br><br>
For Mini IBT if not listed will be default Seamanship.<br>
If need to learn languages learned via necklasce change<br>
or update your skill info. If language fails you can<br>
grab it the next day or say repeat until learned. To<br>
reserve it. Its April 4th so the dates are free based on<br>
chart below for those days used.<br><br>
GM: Raddok -
Learned Marentian for your Em half it.<br>
Can use the language table I posted to find its not<br>
very high. If need to practice can do so as a skill.<br>
If need to switch skills again like dagger (see below<br>
list) let me know). I won't process the mini IBT<br>
points until just before Vahear.<br><br>
Pyan - Sorry Pyan. You can ask for necklace over and<br>
over see schedule below for days not used.<br><br>
Dorhak - Meant to email you but kept forgetting to ask<br>
if ok to keep ship a bit longer in port the next day.<br>
Hope this is fine. Heavy Armor during noon sun?<br>
Let me know. By rules of the sea your the only one<br>
that would not be weird looking in armor as Captain.<br><br>
Arawn - Sorry about random location but it was<br>
random. So to fit it in story I figure maybe looking<br>
for Mae killing rats? You may hear muffled voices and<br>
the whistle but unsure of what's going on. It will<br>
take a few phases to get from middle rear of ship<br>
to the front where the hatch to hold is from the inner<br>
bowls of ship.<br><br>
Fremea - For story we could say you have need to be<br>
alone out of sun? It is hot hot in smuggler's hold<br>
since no good air. But I assume hatch would be open to<br>
top deck.<br><br>
Ix - At times wolf will be away eating or sleeping. In<br>
This case sleeping in a room.<br><br>
Kiet - Who needs weapons. Then again fire on board a ship...<br><br>
Mournath - Maybe you and the sailors in hold are just<br>
sitting, eating, drinking and chatting in the cool<br>
area of the day?<br><br>
GM: Mini IBT
[Marqi 24 Present<br><br>
Player Skills<br>
Mournath Spear - Fighting *<br>
IX Dance
Raddok Swimming * [3/24-4/7],
Swimming * [Partial]<br>
Unali Swimming *, Seaman *<br>
Z'leyra Seamanship *<br><br>
* Notes that you can find a teacher/master for more points.<br><br>
GM: Language
Necklace Use: Roll W+EM or less<br>
Buff: +Em Mar 24th, +W Mar 29th<br><br>
Learning Notes<br>
Mar 26th
Mar 29th Eagle from Corona Fail<br>
Apr 3rd
Apr 4th Bhamotin from Kiet Success<br><br>
GM: Positions for
Combat Starting Phase 0<br><br>
TAble Used:<br>
01-50 - Below<br>
51-100 Above Deck<br>
01-05 Smuggler Hold<br>
06-15 Galley<br>
16-25 Berths<br>
26-75 Hold<br>
76-100 Other (bilge, bowls inner space areas]<br>
Above Deck<br>
01-03 Crows Nest (only 1 max)<br>
04-05 Steering Wheel<br>
06-08 Lockers Area<br>
09-10 Rigging Area<br>
11-40 Front of Ship<br>
41-70 Rear of Ship<br>
71-100 Center of Ship<br><br>
Player Location<br>
Arawn Below - Other - Near Smuggler Area<br>
Dorhak Below - North Side Berth room<br>
Fremea Smuggler's Hold<br>
Ix Above - Center of top
Kiet Above - Front of Ship<br>
Mae Above - Front of ship<br>
Mournath Hold<br>
Pyan Below - Berth - SE Berth Room<br>
Raddok Above - Center of Top Deck<br>
Unali Above - Front of ship<br>
Z'leyra Above - Rigging Area top deck<br>
Barbasa Above - Crow's Nest<br>
Brutto Above - Center of Top Deck<br>
Finn... Below - Hold<br>
Ardrackle Below - Hold<br>
Zepp Above - Steering ship<br>
Corona Above - High Above<br>
Zol'Zim Below - Berth - SE Corner sleeping<br><br>
1-16 Above - Rear of Ship<br>
17 Above - Port of ship - Rear<br>
18-19 Above - Starboard - Center of ship<br><br>