<font face="Courier New, Courier" size=1><br><br>
Character Name
..Raddok..........Miner...Bess Hadley........Ma..Human<br>
..Unali...........Ninja...Wout.Broere........Fe..Human/Dagger Maiden<br>
..Z'leyra.........Healer..Alex Koponen.......Fe..Human/Shman/1st
..Brutto..........Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #1<br>
..Finn............Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #2<br>
..Ardrackle.......Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #3<br>
..Zepp............Sailor..Npc................Ma..Sailor #4<br>
Corona..........Eagle...Npc................Ma..Companion to
Z'leyra <br>
..Zol.Zim.........Wolf....Npc................Ma..Zehani Wolf/Ix's
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Private emails (not public actions) to
Game Update #34 sequence (file #337)<br>
Admin Notes: None. <br>
From Dorhak: [Re:
Dorhak calls the sailors and
passengers together.<br>
"We are going to set
watches for the nights. Captain...<br>
GM: Ack. So 4 watches
Assuming a 12 hour night 7p-7am<br>
3 hours per watch. I'll assume this for the<br>
of any future events above.<br><br>
From Raddok: [Re:
As Raddok saw the
last of the mermen disappear, he came ...<br><br>
[OOC: or the
quilted - whichever is cooler to wear - please<br>
inform me -
thanks. If he has residual soreness from his healed<br>
wound, the quilted
might be more comfortable to wear…]<br>
GM: Ack. Typically it
takes several phases to Don a suite<br>
armor. Anywhere from 1-2 to 5-6+ for bigger items.<br>
So if
you place it nearby it may take a few phases.<br>
some cases its not just placing a shirt on which<br>
can be
done in one phase. You have to unfold or<br>
creases or such.<br><br>
From Arawn: [Re: Dwarf
- Dwarf Elder -<br><br>
[The day following
the battle with the mermen Arawn will<br>
approach Raddok]<br><br>
"I realize
we'll likely be encountering other dwarves...<br>
OOC: If the answer
is, yes, then Arawn will cast<br>
Tongues to learn the language permanently.<br>
GM: Ack.<br><br>
From Arawn: [Re: Actions]<br>
OOC Stuff:<br>
Healing -<br><br>
I'm good with
having Arawn pass on primary healing duty to<br>
Z'leyra if she
wants the role. And he'd like to assist/learn<br>
from Z'leyra while
she performs first aid/healing on the<br>
humans he'll do so
if time permits.<br>
Z'leyra/Alex, are
you going to perform magical healing for<br>
wounded? If not, or if no response is given, Scott,<br>
please assume
Arawn will do so as previously posted.<br><br>
Attire/Guard Duty Attire -<br><br>
He'll keep his
attire minimal - breathable pants and, during<br>
the day, his katai
hat to block the sun. Daytime gear - Elven<br>
Dagger and, when
the sea is calm, his Wand on him. Night/Guard<br>
Duty gear - Elven
Dagger, Elven Bow and Elven Arrows, Elven<br>
Buckler and Helm.
If the sea is calm he'll also bring his<br>
IC Stuff:<br><br>
Arawn busied
himself in the time prior to setting sail<br>
once more, from
healing to writing detailed notes on the<br>
mermen marks and
range through to mopping up the drowned hold.<br>
And when Finn
mentioned the need to anchor lest his magical<br>
currents drive
them off course for now he give a curt nod before<br>
dismissing the
magic. He had heard of sea magics that could<br>
navigate vessels
to a destination and decided it would be<br>
worthwhile to
learn such a spell in the future, his heart<br>
already set on
further adventures at sea.<br>
When Dorhak gave
the watch order Arawn nodded in assent,...<br>
"The rats are
growing scarce in the hold," he affably ....<br>
GM: Ack. No real need to
stop the magic to recast it<br>
since once anchor is dropped the ship won't move. <br><br>
From Z'leyra: [Re:
After the wounded
have been patched Z'leyra will practice her<br>
Sidh Healing
spell on those with minor wounds and then Orient<br>
herself and
use EL5 shamanic healing on those with more serious<br>
GM: Ack. <br><br>
From Raddok: [Re:
Day following the
battle with mermen (4/5)<br><br>
When Arawn
requests learning Dwarf Elder from Raddok, he<br>
"I will be glad to help, but my knowledge of....<br><br>
[OOC: Raddok's
current knowledge is EL20.]<br>
GM: Ack.<br><br>
[New Stuff]<br><br>
[Apris 4th,
[After combat for
next few hours]<br><br>
Raddok saw the last of the mermen disappear, he came to a<br>
stop, startled at
what Ix seemed to have done. It made him<br>
uneasy. But he
tried to counter his doubts by giving credit<br>
where it was due,
and after hesitating for a few moments, turned<br>
toward the blind
(shaman, was she?) and called to Ix, saying<br>
"Thanks." He nodded toward her although he didn't know if
be aware of it or
moved around the lockers to find that the seamen nearly had<br>
the fire out - it
was the sails that had been on fire, and he<br>
could see them all
laying out on the deck, still smoldering a<br>
little, and nearly
soaking wet. "Quick thinking!" he called out<br>
to the seamen
still sweeping water from a tipped barrel across<br>
the heavy
canvases. He looked to see how he could help, but<br>
suddenly he became
aware of his shield's weight upon his injured<br>
side, and
carefully lowered it to the deck with both hands,<br>
biting his lip as
he tried to keep a groan from escaping. He<br>
decided that he
wasn't needed here, especially when Z'leyra<br>
called him over
after seeing his bloodied side to have him get<br>
in line to be
Raddok's been healed, he will receive his watch<br>
assignment from
Dorhak. He's pleased that both he and Ix, the<br>
new members to
this band of adventurers, would be on watch with<br>
their Captain.
This would provide Captain Dorhak, a chance to<br>
get to know his
new team members better, so the two new members<br>
could work more
effectively with the entire group; they would<br>
all also learn
about each other's skills a bit more. Ix was a<br>
mystery to him, as
they had spoken little more than to exchange<br>
hellos so far (the
wolf being a discouraging factor, Raddok<br>
admitted to
himself), and Dorhak, being the Captain, had been<br>
busy all over the
ship, while Raddok, himself, had been busy<br>
seamanship under Z'leyra or whichever seaman she had<br>
assigned him to
for that particular day.<br><br>
being treated for his wound, Raddok helped, as allowed<br>
by Z'leyra, with
ship's repairs, but was glad to rest and relax<br>
that evening over
his supper. He reflected that these<br>
adventurers had
skills he had never seen, and he felt a bit<br>
safer among them,
and a challenge to try to live up to what<br>
they might need
from him.<br><br>
A song
began to rise above the sounds of the sea, and Raddok<br>
found himself
caught up in the dwarves' song, catching enough<br>
of the words to
hear the hope and dreams within the melancholy<br>
It was
a good evening overall, and he hoped he would sleep<br>
fairly w ell, once
his watch was over. Being on first watch, he<br>
would be able to
sleep the rest of the night uninterrupted -<br>
unless something
else happened. He carefully finished cleaning<br>
his mace and
shield, and lay his leather armor beside him, ready<br>
to don for his
watch duty.<br><br>
[Time: 10:03
Z'leyra gathers her medical supplies as the sail replacement<br>
cloth is being
gathered up for replacement on the sails.<br><br>
Z'leyra asks if Arawn will offer any healing magic but he says<br>
this time he'll
let her do so.<br><br>
Several watch as Z'leyra does the initial first aid and<br>
basic healing
skills including Raddok, Mournath and Arawn.<br><br>
Mournath will take part in learning what he can pickup on the<br>
art of healing as
it is being taught When he gets a chance,<br>
he muses to the
party 'Why would the mermen run to the lower<br>
decks like
that? Are we carrying something that attracts<br>
them? Did
they perhaps KNOW this ship and have dealings with<br>
looks up from his work at the rigging just as the sailors<br>
get the anchor
overboard. "They like women. Probably wanted<br>
to take them and
kill the rest. I suspect once they found<br>
their friends dead
they wanted to take ship with them. While<br>
upper deck is
great for fire protection - it takes serious fire<br>
to burn up here
aside from the sails due to the heavy board<br>
work. Down
below its a fire hazard and I'm sure they realize<br>
this as
well. If they could spread fire below fast enough<br>
to sink the ship
they'd be happy. But I'm only guessing here."<br><br>
first treats Ix's minor wounds and then casts a<br>
Sidh healing spell on
her. Her wounds heal up fully.<br><br>
Next she
works on Mae but for some reason the herbs are<br>
either bad or Mae's odd
nature prevents her to take the<br>
full benefits of the
healing skill. So she casts a spell<br>
to heal that way and it
heals slightly but is still there.<br><br>
Z'leyra then
treats Raddok and casts a spell and it works<br>
fine but borderline
success. Raddok's wounds heal fully.<br><br>
Z'leyra then
with help from Arawn treats her own two wounds.<br>
She then casts a spell
on herself. Her two wounds heal up<br>
fully and she is back to
Finally she
moves to Fremea who while most would take it<br>
as a light wound to her
frame it is moderate. The healing<br>
skill works as best it
can for non human and then she cast<br>
her healing spell which
heals the fully wound completely.<br><br>
tells Mae that may not want to risk another<br>
healing but can try in
the morning.<br><br>
Barbosa then
runs up and reminds he is wounded. With help<br>
from Arawn they treat
the dwarf as best she can since she<br>
has no training in dwarf
healng. Then casts a spell to<br>
cast him healing half of
his wound by 50%. She'll try again<br>
[Apris 4th,
[Time: 9:21
Dorhak gave the watch order Arawn nodded in assent,<br>
preparing to sleep
through most of the day until his beloved<br>
night cloaked the
sea in a reflection of stars and moonlight.<br>
Before he did
however he swung by to visit with Mae.<br><br>
"The rats are growing scarce in the hold," he affably<br>
"Hope you were able to sate yourself on the mermen.<br>
But let me know if
your hunger starts to grow unreasonable.<br>
Though I'm sure
some of the sailors might not mind your<br>
attention. But
just let me know if that comes to pass so I can<br>
tend to
[Apris 4th,
[Time: 7:12
gathers the crew and passengers for a group<br>
meeting after
spending time in his cabin letting his<br>
dinner get a bit
cold as he worked on the details.<br><br>
"We are going to set watches for the nights. Captain
sailors shall be
exempt from this duty." He looks around.<br>
"Everyone on
watch shall have weapons at hand, shields if you<br>
Have them, and
Kiet? Is it ok to leave the horns and whistles<br>
with the
watch? Use them if you can."<br><br>
"during the day, if you aren’t on duty, feel free to keep a<br>
lookout. It
wouldn’t surprise me to run into those scaly creatures<br>
again. Or
something worse. Keep you weapons handy."<br><br>
"I will I’ll take the first watch, with Raddok and Ix.
Arawn, Mae, and
Pyandalgor. Third watch will be Fremea,<br>
Z’leyra, and
Mournath. Fourth watch will be Unali, Kiet, and<br>
Barbasa. If
you have any questions, bring them up to Z’leyra."<br><br>
wonder how Ix can even be on watch with her condition. The<br>
mystery of hr
blindness yet ability to see regardless intensifies.<br><br>
[Apris 5th,
[Time: 7:09
checks her wounds with Z'leyra and finds her wounds<br>
have naturally
healed. She is fully recovered.<br><br>
Z'leyra checks Barbosa and finds his wounds healed some.<br>
But she is able to
cast a Sidh healing and finishes the<br>
job to heal him
completely. <br>
approaches Raddok before breakfast.<br><br>
"I realize we'll likely be encountering other dwarves..we<br>
make it to where
they're imprisoned. I figure that the more of<br>
us that are able
speak with them the better. No pressure but<br>
would you be
willing to allow me to learn the dwarven tongue<br>
Arawn requests learning Dwarf Elder from Raddok, he<br>
replies, "I
will be glad to help, but my knowledge of the<br>
tongue is a
bit unpracticed as I haven't used it for a few<br>
years. I only
spent several months among them, and my<br>
knowledge is
limited pretty much to mining discussions we had,<br>
and the sharing of
a few old tales. I have been refreshing<br>
my memory since I
met Dorhak and Barbasa, which is good. I have<br>
not tried to teach
it before, but you are welcome to whatever<br>
knowledge I have,
since I believe you are respectful of the<br>
dwarven race. It
would be good to have others to practice the<br>
language with.
GM: Another
short update. Because the above posts and<br>
storms and delays on starting the update I did not<br>
have time to finish the next set of days/travel. I<br>
will try that later. I also need to wait for some<br>
answers from John/Arawn for updating his sheet. I<br>
am off Monday so I will try for the next set of travel<br>
then and see if any encounters exist. If not then<br>
move to the next poor. The next 3 sections (IBT,<br>
Language and Watches) I keep for mainly to keep as<br>
reminder to you and myself. Still time to add to<br>
or change IBT/Language. Failure on Mae's Healing skill<br>
was just a bad roll. So for rpg purpose I blame her<br>
half breed status? :) Lastly, I assume the loot will<br>
be sold next port since not commented on last update.<br>
If so I ran the figures and it is 313 Copper for the<br>
party unless done otherwise. <br><br>
GM: Mini IBT
[Marqi 24 Present<br><br>
Player Skills<br>
Arawn Study God's Eyes<br>
Dorhak Seamanship *<br>
Fremea Seamanship *<br>
Mournath Spear - Fighting * <br>
IX Dance
Pyan Seamanship*, Eagle
Raddok Learn Seamanship, Then Dagger,
Unali Swimming *, Seaman *<br>
Z'leyra Seamanship *<br><br>
* Notes that you can find a teacher/master for more points.<br><br>
GM: Language
Necklace Use: Roll W+EM or less<br>
Buff: +Em Mar 24th, +W Mar 29th<br><br>
Learning Notes<br>
Mar 26th
Mar 29th Eagle from Corona Fail<br>
Mar 30th Eagle from Corona Success<br>
Apr 3rd
Apr 4th Bhamotin from Kiet Success<br>
Apr 5th Bhamotin from Kiet Success<br><br>
GM: Watch
First ( 7-10pm) - Dorhak, Raddok, Ix<br>
Second (10- 1am) - Arawn, Mae, Pyan<br>
Third ( 1- 4am) - Fremea, Z'leyra, Mournath<br>
Fourth ( 4- 7am) - Unali, Kiet, Barbosa<br><br>