<div dir="ltr"><div>Z'leyra asks (in Katai) Tsia Phan "Would you prefer to talk in Katai or practice your Marentian?"</div><div><br></div><div>Upon receiving an answer she will then engage in conversation with her in the chosen language covering the following topics...if Phan is agreeable to talking.</div><div>
Make sure Phan is fed and given water to drink. <br></div><div>
Do you know knot work such that we can have a quick release fake knot till we get out of sight of those thinking you guilty of crimes? Figure once out of sight you can have your limbs free. <br></div><div>What weapons do you want to use? Shield? Does she want the loan of such?<br></div><div>Mention that she (Z'leyra) is a weapon smith and can sharpen/repair/manufacture weapons given the tools and time.</div><div>What other languages is she familiar with?</div><div>The party has traveled a not and most speak a number of languages. Z'leyra enjoys learning new languages.</div><div></div><div>Can you describe where we are in relation to Katai? What you know of this land?</div><div>Exchange synopsis' of personal histories bit by bit,.</div><div><br></div></div>