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<span><span> Arawn rose from his slumber with a start, the tent ballooning out and away, tossing him and some of his gear out in the process. The windstorm had come out of nowhere, without warning from those on watch, and it was enough to set the alfar on
guard. His eyes, naturally attuned to the dark, took in the disarray all around him even as he caught sight of the oncoming giant.<br>
<div> Though he had never faced one he knew well enough the children of Utgard Geror, servant of the Great Serpent Kototh. He glanced at his heavier gear, lying within reach, reaching for them even as he quickly thought of his action against the evil. A well
placed spell could fell the giant or cancel the wind but if it failed to get through the storm giant's defenses it would leave the rest of the party vulnerable. Turning his head to and fro too quickly assess his companions, he could see the tell-tale build-up
of magic around Kiet and Z'leyra while Raddok lifted the Fire Ring towards the storm giant. Not wishing to risk disrupting their actions he focused his spell on the other party members instead.</div>
<div> A practioner of Storm Magic he knew that the wind spell should only affect a limited corridor and if the party could evacuate the area they would be free to move. Casting against the howling wind he attempted to Translocate the other party members outside
the confines of the storm giant's spell. If he succeeded his focus would then be to prevent the giant from casting further magics, whether to slay or flee.</div>
<div> OOC:<br>
<div> - Arawn will cast Translocation (EL 7 to cover 8 people) to move himself and the rest of the party (including NPC's) outside of the visible effects (blowing grass, dirt, tents, etc.) of the Wind spell. If he can place them in various spots he'll do
so as intelligently as possible - armed party members within charging distance of the giant, while those without weapons will be moved to a spot where they can arm themselves, and ideally in a rough circle so any spell cast by the Storm Giant shouldn't be
able to reach all of them. But if they have to all go to one spot he'll pick an area that can afford some cover while allowing armed party members to be able to charge into melee.</div>
<div> - After this Arawn will maintain his distance from the giant and focus on using Negate Magic (max EL) to hopefully block any further spellcasting from the Storm Giant. If he finds himself charged and unable to escape he'll cast Energy Shield (assuming
it shouldn't get in the way of Negate Magic).</div>