Character Name
Sex Notes
..Arawn...........Druid...John.Haight........Ma..Alfar/Backup Navigator
..Unali...........Ninja...Wout.Broere........Fe..Human/Dagger Maiden
..Kimis...........Warrior.NPC................Fe..Normal/Diumgi Companion
..Z'leyra.........Healer..Alex Koponen.......Fe..Human/Shaman/1st Mate
..Bes (2).........Warrior.npc................Mo..Bes..............
<x-tab> </x-tab>Game Web
Site - http:/nrgcomputers.com/pbem/
<x-tab> </x-tab>Public
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<x-tab> </x-tab>Private
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<x-tab> </x-tab>Game
Update #152 sequence (file #1135)
<x-tab> </x-tab>
<x-tab> </x-tab>Admin
Notes: Mournath removed off Roster. :<
<x-tab> </x-tab>
<x-tab> </x-tab>[Recap]
<x-tab> </x-tab>
From Kiet: [Re: Actions]
<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>
</x-tab>If nobody else
wants Mournath's spear, Kiet is at least trained and can use it.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
GM: Ack.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
From Z'leyra: [Re: Actions]
<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>
</x-tab>Z'leyra is fine
with Kiet getting the spear. She does ask if he can give her lessons on
effective use of spears sometime.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
GM: Ack.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
From Fremea: [Re: Actions]
<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>
</x-tab>Fremea is very
glad to see Unali come through the tunnel and
<x-tab> </x-tab>
GM: Ack.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
From John: [Re: Delay]
<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>
</x-tab>I've been out of
town and will return tomorrow. Forgot charger to laptop so unable to
write a proper post until tomorrow or Monday.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
GM: Ack. Thanks for note.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
From Arawn: [Re: Actions]
<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>
</x-tab>When Fremea
shared her news regarding the strange man Arawn
<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>
</x-tab>"I have to
be frugal with my magic right now," Arawn said,
<x-tab> </x-tab>
GM: Ack. Technically I did not see where Fremea gave
details. But we can assume she did. ;)
<x-tab> </x-tab>
From Arawn: [Re: Actions]
<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>
</x-tab>Before Fremea
left to scout the area in the direction of the
<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>
<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>
looking for a place, a rock connected to eagles, likely
<x-tab> </x-tab>
GM: Ack.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
From Arawn: [Re: Actions]
<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>
</x-tab>Mournath's spear
and other gear:
<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>
</x-tab>I'm good with
Kiet taking the spear and Raddok grabbing a token to remember the
When Raddok drew his attention to the magical amulet Arawn gave
<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>
<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>
</x-tab>[OOC: You
described the journal as looking almost like it was coded or had uncoded
itself. If he truly feels it might be coded and his investigation doesn't
offer anything valuable, he'll cast Decode at EL 0 just in case it
uncovers a code]
<x-tab> </x-tab>
<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>
<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>
</x-tab>Before heading
down below to investigate the hidden lair Arawn made sure to collect the
tourmaline back from Z'leyra, securing it away from the others so as to
not blind anyone.
<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>
<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>
</x-tab>OOC: Arawn has a
Talisman of Summoning. He'd like to summon an alfar if possible and ask
his brethren if they can heal the wounded of the party with Healing Mist,
explaining the recent magical drain the part has experienced.
If this doesn't work, he'll offer to cast Healing Mist on the wounded.
He'll definitely do so for King Strata and Pyan, while offering it to
Dorhak and Pyan if they want it now or save it for later.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
GM: Ack. There is a faint hue of magic but it does
seem like it uncoded on its own. Probably by your touch and not
<x-tab> </x-tab>
From Fremea: [Re: Actions]
<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>
</x-tab>She nods at what
he proposes for hopefully figuring out who it ...
<x-tab> </x-tab>
GM: Ack.
_<x-tab> </x-tab>
From Raddok: [Re: Actions]
<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>
</x-tab>Raddok willingly
joins Arawn as he explores the lair, using
<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>
</x-tab>If Barbosa and/or
Dorhak are present, he will consult with them as a matter of course for
anything that he or anyone else notices.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
GM: Ack.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
<x-tab> </x-tab>[New
</b> <x-tab> </x-tab>[Ma
1636TH]<x-tab> </x-tab>
<x-tab> </x-tab>
[Time: 2:30:27 pm]
<x-tab> </x-tab>
Arawn tended to the wounded and then studied the key,
sensing for any magic around it. He then glanced at the ashes of the dead
male, kneeling down beside it to offer a rite to help put its spirit to
<x-tab> </x-tab>
"If I didn't expect trouble ahead I'd be tempted to
speak to his spirit in hopes of answers," he said after he was done.
"But I'm guessing he was the keeper of the portal we seek, this
being the key, and perhaps the reasons the witches killed him."
<x-tab> </x-tab>
Arawn examines the key found in the mystery man's
boot. There is no magic on it but it is a thin small key uses for
cuffs or locks probably small chests locks or a cabinet o fa
<x-tab> </x-tab>
<x-tab> </x-tab>
Arawn gives a prayer to the dead man and examines his
clothing. Lots of tiny cuts and tears like one might see moving
through thorny bushes. His leather belt has hooks for tools or
items to carry.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
[Time: 2:35 pm]
<x-tab> </x-tab>
Fremea is very glad to see Unali come through the tunnel and
not another damn enemy. She was handling these three on her own just
fine, but it was tiring fighting all of them at once.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
She is glad to have one alive for questioning, though she is
not going to do it, since she has no mana and no idea what they speak.
Since Unali is here, that means the others should be also. After her
search of the place, she really needs to learn how to spot hidden places
better, like Raban, she looks to Unali and it seems she has the rest
handled, including dragging the captured one up. She makes her way up the
tunnel to the forest again.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
She is stunned to see the Vily. She has never seen one
before, even she was told about them and they should be avoided at all
costs. Fremea will keep her eye on the Vily, just to make sure nothing is
to happen to her. Once she is up top, it seems there was a lot of
fighting up here also. Maybe she should have used the device, well it
doesn't matter now. She then finds out about Mournath and that he is a
pile of dust. She didn't know him much, but it is a pity, as he turned
out to be ok, for a human. She is really glad to have taken out that
caster first.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
When Fremea shared her news regarding the strange man Arawn
listened intently, his face contorted with thought. He tried to
piece the information together, unsure if he could identify the man.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
"I have to be frugal with my magic right now,"
Arawn said, looking to Z'leyra and Fremea. "But when we have a
chance to rest, I have a spell that I can use to look into your memory.
With it I can view your encounter with the man and time underground,
usually in greater detail than what the viewer would have noticed.
We can do so after we've reached safety. Just let me know if you're
comfortable with that," he offered Fremea.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
Before Fremea left to scout the area in the direction of the
portal Arawn made sure to catch her up on the information shared by the
Vily, including an evil in the direction of the cave.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
"We're looking for a place, a rock connected to eagles,
likely a mountain I imagine. I'm not sure if that means eagles nest there
or if it looks like an eagle but the portal-cave is there."
<x-tab> </x-tab>
Fremea nods at what he proposes for hopefully figuring out
who it was before he became ashes. "We shall explore what I might
not be able to see myself later."
<x-tab> </x-tab>
Just before flying off.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
Fremea, still very upset, stops and looks at Arawn, hoping
he isn't going to also scold her. Much to her surprise he doesn't say a
word about it.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
"I shall be more watchful for that possibility. Thank
She will pull out her telescope as she fly's up to start seeing more
towards the direction she has been pointed out to.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
The king leans on his spear next to Dorhak. You
should be mindful of those you command. Loyalty is earned not a
right. The Fae are over zealous and tend to act before they
think. It reminds me of another race we know. He smiles and
glances at Barbosa and back at the dwarf.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
When Raddok drew his attention to the magical amulet Arawn
gave a nod. "I'm not sure if it's ability to detect brass will come
in handy but you never know. Go for it," he said, encouraging the
<x-tab> </x-tab>
Arawn realized that looking over the journal was going to
take some time but decided that looking at the last entry and going
backwards might offer better insight into things. He knew that time was
limited and so speed read for only a few minutes, looking for any clues
or names that might stand out.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
Arawn then turned to Raddok, Barbosa, and Dorhak. "If
either of you are free to join me your skill as miners might provide some
insight," he asked of the trio.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
Arawn takes out the Toadstone as he investigates, hoping it
will alert him to any poisoned traps he might stumble on. His enhanced
topaz was also active, the alfar hoping his training as a smuggler along
with the magical stone will help him discover anything of importance.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
He walked the entire lair, using his skills as a Smuggler
and Architect to search for hidden chambers or unusual construction. He
also checked out the chest, searching it for a false bottom or secret
compartment before moving to the makeshift nightstand to do the same.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
<x-tab> </x-tab>
He paused at the section of collapsed wall, wondering if a
room or tunnel had been hastily closed off to hide something. If either
Raddok, Dorhak, or Barbosa are with him he'll seek their thoughts on
whether they think there might be a hidden room or tunnel on the other
<x-tab> </x-tab>
Raddok willingly joins Arawn as he explores the lair, using
his miner's skills to seek out traps, hidden doors & possible sites
for a small key in the walls/stones. He will attempt to use the amulet of
finding brass, standing at the point Arawn recommends as best. He will
concentrate, clearing his mind of distractions, reciting the keyword to
activate the amulet, & look for any kind of response, knowing he has
only one chance with the amulet per day & that is not a great one. He
will heed any warning given to him, but closely check for structural
integrity of his surroundings, an automatic action for almost any miner,
and for possible anomalies in the walls, doors, floor & ceilings
<x-tab> </x-tab>
[Time: 2:40 pm]
<x-tab> </x-tab>
Minutes earlier Arawn glanced at the journal found by
Unali. Since this guy seems to have been here a short time maybe
a couple weeks? It seems he hasn't wrote that much. To him it was
short term but to those he may have left behind in Middle World if from
there it was at least 3.5 years. But this journal doesn't show
the years just the weeks. So something is missing and Arawn feels
it. The entries - last 2 speak of birds and what he has
seen. Still reports the hills to the south show no activity.
Does that mean he was expecting their arrival? The journal has a
lot of doodles of birds and trees. This guy had a thing for them it
<x-tab> </x-tab>
As Raddok climbs the stairs down below he activates his
amulet. Barbosa comes and looks around the base. Arawn uses
his topaz to help in his search. Both Raddok and Barbosa can tell
this is no cave or tunnel. Its a nicely built structure that shows
no sign of age not even dust. Arawn nods knowing that it was
probably build only weeks ago. Checking the bedroom nothing is
found. As Raddok ventures to the other room Raddok does sense
something from the amulet but it is confusing.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
Barbosa comments on the destroyed area. A simple wall
you can see behind it is dirt and sand. So doubt there was
more behind this wall. But if they wanted this thing destroyed they
felt it might've had important stuff on it.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
Raddok turns round and round and learns how to gauge the
spell of the amulet. It does sense brass in two areas. The
desk but it seems to be melted what might've been drawer handles or
buttons. But there is a definite sense to Raddok of it being high.
He glances at the ceiling of stone. But sees nothing not even a
single crack. It seems to say its high up in the air. Which
means its outside this place or in the silo. To test this he moves
away from the silo but it still feels above not but above and to the
side. So its not the silo?
<x-tab> </x-tab>
Arawn notices that that the candle holder on the south wall
opposite the destroyed desk show signs of heavy use smudges. The
candle is barely but 20% used so it can't be use of the candle. Its
screwed into the wall. But it seems odd that its used a lot for a
static item that isn't carried. He places hands around and on the
stone around the screw. It shifts the holder slightly and Arawn
grins as he sees the candle bounce but not the holder. He lifts the
candle out and discovers a small spring. He pushes down with 3
fingers and releases it. Nothing. He holds the spring down for
<x-tab> </x-tab>
Below the holder about 3 inches a square of stone puts
out. He hands candle to Barbosa to hold for now. Inspects the
stone piece the size of 4x4 inches that is now jutted out about 2
inches. At the bottom of the jutted piece a small half inch
attachment with a lever. He lowers the piece to make it flat with
back to ceiling and looks inside.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
A small alcove about 6x6 inches. Using candle they
peer inside to find 2 springs at top that popped the square out.
But inside is a single item. Arawn can sense it has magical
power. But it seems foreign. The aura shows a subtle blue but
not a dangerous aura that shows a trap. He reaches in and puts item
in his palm. It is the size of a ink well. In fact it looks
like a ink well but a tan color with a flat top and no ink. Arawn
can not tell at this point what its purpose is. It is same shape
and dimensions of a ink well but no open top with ink there.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
Arawn closes the plate and puts candle back in. He
stares at the silo bottom but Fremea warned of the ward there.
Getting too close could be bad so he moves back out.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
Before the trio go up Barbosa stops them. Look
there. There is a lot of mud and dirt against that wall. But
in the hall here to both rooms its spread out equally. But not there.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
Barbosa traces the wall and taps it with hilt of his
mace. Suddenly the sound stops from the thump to a slight
echo. He looks up at the hallway candle holder and checks for a
spring. But finds nothing. He drops his mace and reaches out
to try to twist the holder. As the heavy mace hits the ground a
click is heard. The trio stop and hold breath. Arawn approaches and
finds the ground stone seems to shift under the mace a weight
trigger? At the place the heavy dry mud was. He places his
foot on it and his full body weight. Now his foot is right up
against the wall. A position not found if just walked by and not tried
every stone.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
A click is heard and a large plate 2 feet away pops
out. This time its 4x4 feet. Lowering the plate they look
inside to see a cubby hole. But its not treasure. Its food, water,
a set of boots, rope, 2 grappling hooks, spikes and a spyglass. But
nothing is magical.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
The trio leaves to go back outside as its near time of
Vily's return. Arawn tells the wounded to approach. He moves
to the wounded witch and checks her. But he frowns. She was
patched up to stop the bleeding. But now she is dead. Too
much blood loss but there is sign of a new wound on her side that looks
like a wound made by a triangle.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
Kimis growls, 'that one! I saw it move away as everyone
looked at key. He was near her and moved away. All look to where
she points at the Bes guard.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
The King frowns and stands tall, you did this?
<x-tab> </x-tab>
Yes. They killed two of us here my friend there and
the one we found back earlier just before got here. I could not
stand to see one live.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
This is not our way! I am disappointed in you. He
turns to Arawn. But I can see why.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
Arawn activates his summoning talisman and wait. He asks for
a Alfar to help. Suddenly Arawn feels tingly. Then nothing.
More nothing. Did he just summon himself an alfar to appear? He did
ask for another Alfar not him. But guess the talisman found nearest
alfar him. Then again maybe it worked but the barrier from here to the
upper world is too much the spell failed or could not reach there?He
sighs and figures he'll have to do it himself.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
Barbosa notices Pyan is missing. He tells Dorhak and
Dorhak yells for the hunter. Pyan appears from bushes to the north
west of the stairs. Based on how its laid out underground he was NW
of the structure. The hunter is smirking a bit. Dorhak orders him
to come for healing.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
The mist falls on the wounded and it takes about 40 seconds
to heal the worst Pyan. When the mist ends all are fully
healed. Arawn wakes up just as the Vily returns to land on top of
the silo. The ward doesn't seem to affect her so must be for those
who enter the silo only?
<x-tab> </x-tab>
I have returned to destroy this blight on my forest.
My allies are nearby and will help. I suggest you all move
on. The Vily lands on the ground and inspects the dead from
<x-tab> </x-tab>
Dorhak waves the party to group up and prepare to
<x-tab> </x-tab>GM:
Actions? Comments?
<x-tab> </x-tab>
Next update....Mon/Tue?
<x-tab> </x-tab>GM: I
almost had this out yesterday as the new posts came in. But the
distraction of current events delayed it. I may have messed up the
word image of the base. So will clarify. Top of screen is
north. The base itself lies on a diagonal from 7 to 1 on a
clock. The Silo is at 7 in SW. The sleeping area is 1 or
NW. The fight and party was at 5/6 o clock with south/SE.
Hope this clarifies it. That it matters now . ;) I will assume all
stuff is done here and will move on unless last sec plans are done.
<x-tab> </x-tab>GM:
Groups- [here to remind me of walking groups]
<x-tab> </x-tab>
<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>
</x-tab>1st Triad
Dorhak, Barbosa, Raddok
<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>
</x-tab>2nd Triad
Z'leyra, Tsia, Unali, King, Arawn.
<x-tab> </x-tab>
3rd Triad Pyan, Opus, Kimis, Kiet.