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<b>..Character Name...Player..................Type....Not es.....</b>
<b>Male...Klorgar..........Tobie.Bonahoom...Tracker...Human,.......... </b>
<b>Female.Varo Mineholder..Bess.Hadley......Merchant..Human...........</b>
<b> Game Web Site – <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http:/nrgcomputers.com/RQ/rq.htm">http:/nrgcomputers.com/RQ/rq.htm</a> (case matters)</b>
<b> Public posts/actions to <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:pnpgm@list.powersandperils.org">pnpgm@list.powersandperils.org</a> (mailing list)</b>
<b> Private emails (not public actions) to <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:pnpgm@comcast.net">pnpgm@comcast.net</a></b>
<b> Game Update #52 sequence (file #290)</b>
<b> ----------------------------------------------------------------</b>
<b> Admin Note: None</b>
<b> ----------------------------------------------------------------</b>
<b> [Recap]</b>
<b> From Razgor: [Re: Actions]</b>
<b> Razgor grabs his large shield and uses that to block the nearest …</b>
<b> GM: Ack.</b>
<b> From Mournath: [Re: Actions]</b>
<b> I'm sorry folks,I've been sick for weeks at this point. I tried to</b>
<b>post a few times, but nothing seemed to have gotten through. So,</b>
<b>here's hoping this goes out!</b>
<b> [IC] As the collapse begins, Mournath makes a quick logical choice. …</b>
<b> GM: Ack. Ahh. This is why no stream. Hope you get better. Yeah server has been down a few times randomly. Last time was a power outage in Europe. This is why I've seen for a long time check the Archives – url above. If post goes out it'lll show there within minutes. If not then CC to me personally email. </b>
<b> From Rocky: [Re: Actions]</b>
<b> Rocky quickly assesses whether it is best to stay near the center …</b>
<b> GM: Ack.</b>
<b> From Juno: [Re: Actions]</b>
<b>Juno cast multimissle(1) on his spear and throws it at the crystal in hopes</b>
<b>to destroy it.</b>
<b>Juno Prays silently:</b>
“<b>bless this spear make it more and make it good. “</b>
<b>At the same time he uses his imagination in his mind and visualizes it</b>
<b>being destroyed:</b>
<b> From Varo: [Re: Actions]</b>
<b> Varo hears Mournath’s shout, snaps out of her shock at what …</b>
<b> GM: Ack.</b>
<b> ----------------------------------------------------------------</b>
<b> [New Stuff]</b>
<b> [Fireday, Movement week, Storm Season, 1625, Genertela, Glorantha]</b>
<b> [Time: 7;56 pm]</b>
<b> Razgor grabs his large shield and uses that to block the nearest light </b>
<b> ideally he would break the light going to the top crystal, but not sure from the description if he can reach that high.</b>
<b> Juno and Varo watch as Razgor rushes into the large cavern. While Verek is gone from the cave having levitated upwards and out, the part where the hanging light or crystals are intact. The pool is still shimmering with gray, white and a small bit of orange. The reflection on the cave ball make it look like a dance hall where they use mirrors and crystal falls to make it colorful. </b>
<b> Juno nods to himself as it is a good idea to stop the ritual with a large device like the shield. But the powerful priest-in training knows it may be too late. If this talisman is imbibed with the power of this pool and the moon due to some alignment of the moon, then the damage is done. </b>
<b> As the collapse begins, Mournath makes a quick logical choice. As</b>
<b>the 'new god' has floated up and out through the ceiling, creating a</b>
<b>hole above, the safest place to be in Mournath's mind is out there, in</b>
<b>the center of the pool, where the opening to the surface has appeared.</b>
<b>Mournath yells out to his companions, 'Into the pool! No rocks can</b>
<b>fall on your head where there are no rocks above you!' and dives into</b>
<b>the pool.</b>
<b> Marusk think that is a good plan. But once he and Mounath get to the pool they find it is only a couple feet deep. More a fountain pit than a well.</b>
<b> Rocky quickly assesses whether it is best to stay near the center of the opening to the sky or to run for it to avoid falling rocks and debris. Choosing quickly he then acts on it avoiding damage as best he can. </b>
<b> Juno cast multimissile(1) on his spear and throws it at the crystal in hopes to destroy it.</b>
<b> Juno Prays silently, “bless this spear make it more and make it good.“ </b>
<b>At the same time he uses his imagination in his mind and visualizes it</b>
<b>being destroyed: </b>
<b> Varo hears Mournath’s shout, snaps out of her shock at what she’s seeing around her, and follows him at a run, diving into the pool. As she hits the water, holding her bow close to her chest, she tries to start moving her shield with her free hand to cover her head & shoulders, not just her back.</b>
<b>She concentrates on holding her faith in Ernalda close within her & sends a quick prayer for deliverance for herself & her companions as they work together to stop this crazy man who led them here.</b>
<b> Juno throws his spears at the crystal as Varo reaches the pool. Now Razgar, Varo and Mounath is in the pool. They are bathed in the flashing white and gray lights. But they do not feel any power changes. </b>
<b> Razgar raises his shield to hit the crystal as the spears fly overhead. The second one does hit while the others splash onto the rock wall some distance away. The spear cracks the crystal and spear falls tip down toward the three. Razgor side steps as the spear heads his head but clips the crystal as well with his shield. The crystal shatters and rains down into the pool. The shield deflects the spear and it crashes to the ground. This probably saved one of the 3 from damage. As the crystal shards rain down pieces slice and slice clothing cutting shoulders and arms. </b>
<b> As this happens Kaz shakes his head and flees back down the tunnel passage to the library. </b>
<b> </b>
<b> Klargar follows Kaz suspicious of this whole event. He doesn't want to be trapped in this place.</b>
<b> As the tinkling of crystal and glass starts to end only thing heard is the rumble. But it suddenly stops. All three have minor cuts but not serious damage. Better than a spear head in the head. The group looks around. The moonlight beam has ended. Now normal moon glare is seen on the rock wall but as the moon moves high overhead that'll soon be gone. In fact ritual may have ended on its own in minutes once the alignment was over. </b>
<b> A voice is heard high above as the cave in seems to stop. Only a few pebbles fall from the ceilings. “Awww. Destroy the place. I assume this talisman will have power till end of time? But it is still glowing!” The rumble is heard again. “I do need worshipers I'll give you 30 seconds to leave and come outside.”</b>
<b> While the full rumble has subsided the noise is still there as Verek seems to be ready to destroy the cave.</b>
<b> The group looks around. The hole is now maybe 18 feet high. The hole has expanded to about 8 feet wide with uneven edges. So directly above there is no rocks – a good thing. But even if they got lucky and got ropes to climb out that would take time. Rocky knows caves. They may be safe from above. But the side walls could collapse and pile up above them. He decides to follow Kaz.</b>
<b> Marusk with a bleeding left arm nods, “lets get out of here.”</b>
<b> For those who leave they run the passage. By now Kaz has run back into the library. Klargar stands at the secret passage and ensures door not shut. ?The group leaves the passage and watches as Kaz runs out of the library to the hallway.</b>
<b> His 'bodyguard' stops and says in rough words that Marusks translates as “This way to the Observatory!”</b>
<b> The group follows and wonders why not use front door and exits that way? Its closer. But maybe if Verek is on the roof that could give him an advantage of height. Maybe this room has a way to the roof?</b>
<b> As the group darts to the hallway they hear behind them in the passage the tunnel and cave seem to collapse as this manor side of the house shakes.</b>
<b> The group loses track of Kaz but his fellow cultist are easy to follow as they reach the stairs to the second floor. After a run down a shaky hallway echoes of a cave collapse is heard far below. Kaz runs into a room. It is well lit by a couple dozen candles on the walls that is shaking. High above a glass ceiling is seen. It is amazing to think this could be built so far from a city supply line. On the east wall are all windows floor to ceiling. It overlooks high up on this mountain to the ocean probably 10 or so miles away. The only indication of water is the moon on the water rippling. Some of the cultist amble in the room unsure what to do. Those who enter the Observatory do see a ladder that leads to a wooden roof hatch. Suddenly Verek hovers-within eyesight of the window to the east. “Come outside. We’ll talk like civilized ...beings. I will not harm you.” So he doens't consider himself a man just a being?</b>
<b> Kaz's man heads to the ladder on a subtle nod from Kaz. Then Kaz climbs the ladder. Followed by Marusk and Klargar. The rest start to climb onto the roof.</b>
<b> Verek is on the edge of the roof to the left and about 30 feet away. He watches the moon. “Imagine. IF this was a Moon Week or Moonday. What other powers does this possibly give then?” He reaches to his chest probably or the talisman. He ignores the group as they climb up and form in ranks. Verek continues, “sorry to deceive you. There is no vault. But I can give so much more than Lunars and power.” He finally turns to face the group. </b>
<b> Kaz steps forward to within about 10 feet of Verek. Verek shifts his sheathed sword n his hip. “Simple. Kneel. Swear fealty. Follow me. I can do so much but a army is needed for the minor parts as I carve this land in my image.”</b>
<b> The group is unsure why Kaz is doing this. If he is in this plan that would explain it. </b>
<b> Kaz moves slowly toward Verek as now everyone is on the roof that wants up here. Kaz ends up 5 feet away. Kaz's bodyguard rushes up but Verek waves a hand for him to stop about 8 feet away. Kaz nods and outstretches his arms. Rocky takes this time to start to reload his arbalest. Those with bows and such prepare to fire at Verek but Kaz is in the way. </b>
<b> Kaz Kneels at 3 feet form Verek. Great now folks can fire a good shot at his chest now. Verek steps in front of Kaz and smiles. “I swear...that you will be a dead god!” At the word 'that' he reaches up and grabs the talisman. HE tries to yank it away. But Verek smiles and he glowing Talisman emits a web of energy and knocks Kaz to the ground. “You have made a bad choice. You do not have the faith or power to stop me!”</b>
<b> With that Verek raises both hands and using the power of gravity like the moon does he sweeps Kaz toward the edge of the roof. The bodyguard runs and Verek clapses his hands and a beam of white energy hits the man and like Jaren ends up with a gaping smoking hole in his chest on the ground.</b>
<b> Then Verek waves at Kaz and the leader goes rolling off the roof to the side of the mountain far below. “Now...anyone else want to make another bad choice?”</b>
<b> Those with missile weapons raise them and aim. Surely he can't take on a dozen or more at one time?</b>
<b> GM: Actions? Comments?</b>
<b> Next update....next tue/wed? When posts come in :)</b>
<b> GM: A good spot to end. Let me know who stayed in cave. I will assume all climb to not. I also will assume for time's sake all of party is on roof? So 3 weeks left so 2 maybe 3 if we are lucky more updates? Depending on if you find a solution. ) So I could work on updraft sat if enough posts but probably will be Tuesday. I liked the idea of disrupting the ritual. If this was table top that might've ended it there. But I technically had him float-up and away so the ritual was completed. But good role playing. The clues are there. So I hope one more update before Xmas. </b>