[pnpgm] Game update #264 - File #456 - Empty rooms and Surprises..
pnpgm at softhome.net
Fri Apr 16 07:10:14 CEST 2004
Ht Alias/Player Character Name Type Status/Notes Sex
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Rh NPC Noble Aren Solest Duke Normal/Human Ma
Rh Balrog Balrog Warrior Normal/Human Ma
Wh Tom Crockett Caladan Wizard Normal/Human Ma
?? Marcel Liberty Chion Sailor Normal/Human Ma
?? Burton Choinski Cholan Sailor Normal/Human Ma
Rh Bob Eldred/Nomad Damon Sailor Normal/Human Ma
Wh Ryan Torres Farseeker Warrior Normal/Human Ma
Wh Tim Falkenberg Malradh ben Kasha Merc Normal/Human Ma
Wh NPC Spy Suresh Nambler Spy Normal/Human Ma
Rh Orion (Paul Broman) Trembyl Fighter Normal/Human Ma
Rh NPC Fighter Triest Warrior Normal/Human Ma
Wh Franseco B./Bondo Valgor Noble Normal/Human Ma
Rh Scott Adams Xian Wizard Normal/Human Ma
Wh Wout Broere Unali Ninja Normal/Human Fe
Wh Alex Koponen Z'leyra Healer Normal/Human Fe
-- Lyman R. Hampton Kaylle Scholar Normal/Faerry Ma
-- Wayne Richardson/Uji Thig Sidh MU Normal/Faerry Ma
Rh ------???----------- Neva Archer Normal/Elf Fe
Rh Sergi Sallent Jordi Unsure Normal/Elf Ma
Rh Npc Noble Marta Valnon Noble Normal/Human Fe
Ally Section - Diplomats/Ex prisoners - 26 Allies
G1 Akat, Zenon (Goidan), Chandris, Eri (Kolari)
G1 Vaeth, Tuon (Donaran), Vaidia, Anil (Donaran)
G2 *Zablin, Ris (Zen'dan) Ayddar Nylykerka (Thaliban)
G2 Nil Spaar (Ursmaian), Norda Proi (Lemasan)
G3 Walling, Dex (Helvan) Zing, Troyis (Kll'Maun)
G3 Amin, Rajwani (Lemasan), Qasir, Shah (Ro'babzan)
G1 Jevan, Corz (Bhamotin), Jezek, Gord (Bhamotin)
G1 Qualres, Diana (Shuikalese), Oolas, Kirz (Katalan)
G1 Abzyon, Wi (Choisuan), Xavier, Rua (Fomorian),
G1 Makki, Pov (Katalan), Matta, Kartz (R'hiselkan)
G4 Zenakhis, Trom (Fomorian), Ackbar, Feli (Chunrey)
G4 Jozak, Mer (Robari), Zabel, Eti (Artadan)
G4 Goins, Sharmon (Teosian(, Havirmar Havigashu (Vahearian)
Player Email Address Email Status
Scott Adams pnpgm at softhome.net Working
Marcel Liberty/Chion kzinti_maouse at yahoo.com Working
Tim Falkenberg Malradh at yahoo.co.uk Unknown
Wout Broere broere at powersandperils.org Working
Burton Choinski bchoinski at attbi.com Working
Sergi Sallent igresigres at yahoo.com Working
Alex Koponen" akoponen at mosquitonet.com Working
Animals: Ventrius/Pogo Thig's dogs, Firesnake of Caladan's
Tikil (Cholan's Ferret) (in bag)
FisherKing (Z'leyra's Eagle), 2 Wagon Horses, Hippogriff
Powers & Perils Web Page - for some who might want it:
http://abroere.xs4all.nl/broere/pnp/) or www.powersandperils.org
Game Web Site - For updates, files, links, etc.
Public posts/actions to pnpgm at abroere.xs4all.nl (mailing list)
Private emails (not public actions) to pnpgm at softhome.net
Game Update #264 in sequence (file #456)
Admin notes: None
[Recap] - None
[New Stuff - Current Situation]
From Unali: [Re: Actions]
Unali will join Farseekers group for now.
BTW, there are two npcs marked A on the map, Anil and Aren
GM: Doh! I also realized today I don't think Chion is on
the map. :<
From Jordi: [Re: actions]
Jordi prepares himself to enter the nearest room:
"We must hurry. Every second increases teh chances
that we are discovered. We will start with this room,
then with the northern room; we will just "clean" it,
we won't stop to search".
Jordi prepares to enter the room first, as soon as someone
opens the door.
"We careful, Neva, if there are guards into the room, I
will try to outflank and attack them from the rear."
OOC: I hope you're fully recovered, Scott.
GM: I'm better thanks. Hmm. This changes your previous
actions then going down the south tunnel and going
invisible? Does the room searching mean your invisible
or visible. I suppose you'd mention the invisible part
if you wanted that.
Time: Estimated 6:31am-6:46am - Morning Day 22
----------- Gargoyle Den ---------------
[Z'leyra continues her rampage of anguuish. She gets to
the last group of creatures near the door...Valgor
watches outside and waits...]
----------- Level 4 ---------------
[Trembyl leads his prisoners into the room Unali freed
her prisoners. After finding the keys from Marta before
they leave, trembyl and other lock them up. One cell
with the nurse and wounded man on the stretecher.]
Nurse: "You can't leave us here!"
Trembyl: "We will. There are others knocked out elsewhere.
They will soon wake and by then hopefully we'll be gone.
You won't be in here for long."
[Meanwhile below occurs roughly the same time..]
[Farseeker opens the door near him. He quickly sees a
well lit large cavern of a room. He charges forward
at a full run with his chainmail clanking. He quickly
sees two guards in the center of the room with their
backs to him. Kasha follows next and also runs behind
[Unali reaches level 5. She notices Farseeker's group
head into the room leaving Kaylle in the hall. She
travels toward that direction.]
[One male guard hears the noise and slowly turns. He
is wearing leather, leather helmet and has a sword in
his sheath. He turns and sees the room invaders. He
quickly grabs for his sword..]
[Ris, Aren and then Shah rush into the room. All of
the group only make it about 20-30 feet into the
room and still about 30-40 feet from the guards.]
[Kaylle then heads toward the room and peers in..]
[The female guard now turns hearing the noise as well
and she is holding a crossbow in her hands. She
is wearing leather and it looks like a dagger on her
belt. With crossbow still raises she sees the invaders
and takes a quick aim..]
Turn 1: Phase 1
[The female guard aims and fires. She hits Shah squarely
in the upper left shoulder doing 4 points of damage.
Shah is shocked and thrown back a foot but is still
[Farseeker rushes forward and swings his great sword
at a guard but fails to hit. Kasha also meets his
guard and fails to hit as well.]
[Unali heads into the room after the others..]
[Ris charges with sword in hand right at Guard #10
with the crossbow. He meets up with her and
impales the guard doing massive 12 points of damage.
The guard too shocked and still holding the crossbow
looks down at the wound and then collapses..]
[Aren charges guard #9 and swings sword right at the
guard's side doing 4 point of damage..]
[Shah stands and sheaths his sword. He grabs for his
wound and the bolt. He wonders if he should pull
it. But as he ponders this Kaylle comes up and
inspects the wound..]
Turn 1: Phase 2
[Kaylle finds the bolt is loose.]
Kaylle: "Is that your diamond on the floor?" [he points
which distracts the diplomat who really didn't get
all the words but understands the meaning. Shah is
tricked into looking away just as Kaylle pulls the
bolt out. Shah gives a yelp and then drops to his
knees from the quick pain..]
[Farseeker swings at Guard #9 who shifts out of the
blow just in time. But Kasha hits from behind
with his mace and does the final death blow. The
guard falls to the ground.]
[Unali and the others catch up and inspect the room..]
[Jordi explains his plan. He quickly opens the door to
room H and finds a small cave/room. A few enter but
find no one there. It appears to just have a couple
chairs, small table, dim lantern (almost out), and
a stand or post of some sorts with some blood streaks
on it.]
Wi: "A torture or interrogation room?"
[Jordi leaves the door open then crosses to the other
side and opens that door after listening a few seconds.
They rush in and find a barracks like setup. Just
small beds and a few dim lanterns. But no one is
in bed or in the room.]
[Jordi and the others head back into the hallway..]
[Kaylle/Shah stop the bleeding and quickly bandage it
with a bandage in Kaylle's pack.]
[Farseeker quickly recognizes the items in the room.
A few missile targets/bullseyes, a few body dummies
for melee weapon practice, and a shelf of wooden
weapons. The dirt is shifted and its been trampled
on alot here.]
Farseeker: "A practice field area ot training room.
Guess she was practicing her crossbow skills."
Kasha: "Well with that lucky shot she didn't need much
practice I guess."
Aren: "Over here is another door."
Time: Estimated 6:33am-6:48am - Morning Day 22
[Two minutes pass]
GM: Was going to do a five minute update but will see what
actions next.
Actions? Comments?
Next update monday..or sooner with actions.
Forgot to place Thig and Chion. I put both with Trembyl's
group unless you tell me otherwise Chion.
Level 5 - Human Barracks
1 2 3 4 5 6
B|% % Room D %%%%%%%%* A%%% Room K |
C|% % Barracks %%%% %%%% %%% Medical |
D|% % %%%% %%%% %%%=%%% Bay |
E|% %%%%%%=%%%%%%%%%%%=%%%%%%%%%g %%%%=%%% %%%%%%%%%|
F|% NCL g %%%%%%%%%|
G|% %% %%%% %% JDW %%% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%|
H|% %%%=%%%%%% %%%%%%=%%%%%%% %%%%% %% %|
I|% % % %Room % %%=%%%%%%% % %|
J|% % % % H % % % %% Room J %|
K|% % % %%%%%%%% % % [ %|
L|% % Room I % % Armorery %|
M|% %=% %%%%% %|
N|% % %%%%% %|
O|% % Practice%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%|
P|% % Area %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%|
Q|% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%|
A = Stairs from 4. J = Armorery
K = Medical Bay g = Dead Guards
D = Barracks H = Discipline/Interrogation
I = Practice/Training area
J = Jordi [G28] N = Neva [F28]
C = Caladan [F29] D = Dex [G29]
L = Amin [F30] W = Wi [G30]
F = Farseeker [Room I] K = Kasha [Room I]
R = Ris [Room I] S = Suresh [Room I]
H = Shah [Room I] A = Aren [Room I]
E = Kaylle [Room I] U = Unali [Room I]
Gargoyle Den = Z'leyra/Valgor
Room K = Trembyl, Cholan, Balrog, Triest, Ayddar, Troyis
Going to Main cave - Spaar, Qorz, Marta, Talz, Females (2)
Level 4 - Xian, Balrog, Thig, Trembyl, Cholan,
Triest, Chion [Going to 5]
D Barracks
|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%| Each Col = 2 feet Each Row = 10 feet
A|%||`||`||`||`||`||`||` +%| = Door
B|%` `%| % Rock Wall/Cave Wall
C|%|| || || || || || || `%| || = Bed
D|%` `%| ` = Shelf
E|%|| || || || || || `%| + = Torch
F|%+ ___ +%| __ = Table
H - Discipline/Interrogation room
|%%%%%%=%%%%%%%%| Each Col = 2 feet Each Row = 10 feet
A|%+ * +%| = Door * = Seat
B|%` # [--] %| % Rock/Cave wall + = Lantern/Torch
C|%` * %| * Fire bucket # = Whipping Post/Stockade
D|%+ * +%| ` Shelf of tools/torture gear
|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%| [-] Small table
I -Practice/fighting area
%%%%%%%%=%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%| Each Col = 2 feet Each Row = 10 feet
A%%%%%+ +%| = Door
B%%%%% `%| % Rock/Cave wall
C%%%%%* `%| & = Hallway
D & |% `%| ` = Shelf of training weapons
E |% `%| * = Seat
F|%=%% # +%| # = Dummy for practice
G|% g g %| _ = Missile weapon target
H|% %|
I|%` # %| g = Dead Guards
J|%` *%|
K|%` %|
L|%+ _ _ _ _ +%|
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