[pnpgm] Game update #267 - File #459 - Level 6 Exploration begins..
pnpgm at softhome.net
Tue Apr 27 05:08:25 CEST 2004
Ht Alias/Player Character Name Type Status/Notes Sex
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Rh NPC Noble Aren Solest Duke Normal/Human Ma
Rh Balrog Balrog Warrior Normal/Human Ma
Wh Tom Crockett Caladan Wizard Normal/Human Ma
?? Marcel Liberty Chion Sailor Normal/Human Ma
?? Burton Choinski Cholan Sailor Normal/Human Ma
Rh Bob Eldred/Nomad Damon Sailor Normal/Human Ma
Wh Ryan Torres Farseeker Warrior Normal/Human Ma
Wh Tim Falkenberg Malradh ben Kasha Merc Normal/Human Ma
Wh NPC Spy Suresh Nambler Spy Normal/Human Ma
Rh Orion (Paul Broman) Trembyl Fighter Normal/Human Ma
Rh NPC Fighter Triest Warrior Normal/Human Ma
Wh Franseco B./Bondo Valgor Noble Normal/Human Ma
Rh Scott Adams Xian Wizard Normal/Human Ma
Wh Wout Broere Unali Ninja Normal/Human Fe
Wh Alex Koponen Z'leyra Healer Normal/Human Fe
-- Lyman R. Hampton Kaylle Scholar Normal/Faerry Ma
-- Wayne Richardson/Uji Thig Sidh MU Normal/Faerry Ma
Rh ------???----------- Neva Archer Normal/Elf Fe
Rh Sergi Sallent Jordi Unsure Normal/Elf Ma
Rh Npc Noble Marta Valnon Noble Normal/Human Fe
Ally Section - Diplomats/Ex prisoners - 26 Allies
G1 Akat, Zenon (Goidan), Chandris, Eri (Kolari)
G1 Vaeth, Tuon (Donaran), Vaidia, Anil (Donaran)
G2 *Zablin, Ris (Zen'dan) Ayddar Nylykerka (Thaliban)
G2 Nil Spaar (Ursmaian), Norda Proi (Lemasan)
G3 Walling, Dex (Helvan) Zing, Troyis (Kll'Maun)
G3 Amin, Rajwani (Lemasan), Qasir, Shah (Ro'babzan)
G1 Jevan, Corz (Bhamotin), Jezek, Gord (Bhamotin)
G1 Qualres, Diana (Shuikalese), Oolas, Kirz (Katalan)
G1 Abzyon, Wi (Choisuan), Xavier, Rua (Fomorian),
G1 Makki, Pov (Katalan), Matta, Kartz (R'hiselkan)
G4 Zenakhis, Trom (Fomorian), Ackbar, Feli (Chunrey)
G4 Jozak, Mer (Robari), Zabel, Eti (Artadan)
G4 Goins, Sharmon (Teosian(, Havirmar Havigashu (Vahearian)
Player Email Address Email Status
Scott Adams pnpgm at softhome.net Working
Marcel Liberty/Chion kzinti_maouse at yahoo.com Working
Tim Falkenberg Malradh at yahoo.co.uk Unknown
Wout Broere broere at powersandperils.org Working
Burton Choinski bchoinski at attbi.com Working
Sergi Sallent igresigres at yahoo.com Working
Alex Koponen" akoponen at mosquitonet.com Working
Animals: Ventrius/Pogo Thig's dogs, Firesnake of Caladan's
Tikil (Cholan's Ferret) (in bag)
FisherKing (Z'leyra's Eagle), 2 Wagon Horses, Hippogriff
Powers & Perils Web Page - for some who might want it:
http://abroere.xs4all.nl/broere/pnp/) or www.powersandperils.org
Game Web Site - For updates, files, links, etc.
Public posts/actions to pnpgm at abroere.xs4all.nl (mailing list)
Private emails (not public actions) to pnpgm at softhome.net
Game Update #267 in sequence (file #459)
Admin notes: Minor mistakes in the loot file. I'll have to
correct it before its uploaded to website. Stay tuned.
[Recap] - None
[New Stuff - Current Situation]
From Z'leyra: [Re: Actions]
Z'leyra responds "Yeah, I'll survive." She kneels down and
lays FisherKing's body near the wall. Noticing the gore on
her clothing she grimaces then wryly suggests "Maybe they
will faint from fear when they see me." "Guess I will have
some serious cleaning to do." Then slings her staff and
readies her shield and axe. "Lets finish it."
GM: Ack.
From Jordi: [Re: Actions]
Jordi stops for some moments. "We are dong something
wrong. We must stop for some seconds to interrogate
the prisioners. It will be good to know the number of
levels above us, and what we will find in each one."
GM: Ack.
Time: Estimated 6:42am-6:57am - Morning Day 22
Xian to Z'leyra: "Welcome back. Hmm..may want to stay downwind
that smells a bit."
Triest: "We found a latrine down the hall there."
Farseeker [listens to jordi]: "Good point. We could interrogate.
But the problem is the longer we wait we are bound to be
found out. I'm actually amazed we've gotten this far up
five levels without setting off alarms. Do you want to
stay behind and interrogate them?"
Xian: "Remember that creature thing told me about the next
level. Rather he showed me pictures in my mind. From
what i gather the next level is mostly offices. Probably
some administration level. There shouldn't be that many
guards there. Beyond that the creature could not go up."
Trembyl: "We can interrogate these guards who may not know
anything due to their station as simple guards or we
can move on. I say we move on. I know in my gut time
is running out. You guys decide who is with me for
the stairs?"
Aren: "Somoene needs to take them down to the cells none
the less."
[Dex, Wi, Kasha, Ris, Amin and shah volunterr to escor them
to the cells.]
[Farseeker, Trembyl, Caladan, and Unali edge away and toward
the stair areas up to level 6. They travel up as the others
continue to chat about interrogation to scout the area.
As they get to level 6 the stairs end in a tight area. They
soon find a door. They listen in and hear a clank of something
on something else. Then a few seconds later hear it again.
They recognize it as fork or something on a plate. They
hear muffled voices so figure this room is occupied.
As farseeker listens to the door Trembyl and Unali find
a tunnel going north. There are no torches so its dark.
It seems to stretch on. Suddenly they hear muffled footsteps
in the dirt slowly approaching. They try to see what
is coming but do not see anything. The noise is steady so
its not panicky or alert. Maybe a patrol. They edge around
the corner their heads to view. A few seconds later they
see the glint of some metal on the low light that is in
their area. Unali calculates only one person based on the
amount of steady footsteps. That's good. She waits for
the person to approach with daggers ready.
But caladan up against the rock face suddenly sneezes when
some dust and sand fall from the wall that he disturbs.
The footsteps suddenly stop.
Voice [in climan] "Identify yourself. Restricted area!"
[seconds pass.] "Identify yourself!" [then when no
reply comes the footsteps begin to sound again but
this time the sound is going away. And faster..unali
dashes around the corner in chase...]
[Caladan looks at Farseeker sorry for sneezing..]
[Trembyl hearing the voice prepares his arbalest silently.]
[Unali runs 30 feet after the person but sees a form about
10 feet from her moving away..]
Trembyl: "Unali down!" [Unali's memory flashes having seen
trembyl load his weapon and she dives to the ground.
Two seconds later a bolt flies over her head..]
[Unali hears a swosh and then a crumble like sand impact.
No cry from the form..a miss...she jumps to her feet
and runs after the person..In the distance she sees
a slit of light under what may be a door. She realizes
she must stop the guard before he/she gets to the door.
But he/she has 10 feet head start...she'll never catch up.
Unali has only one chance to throw her throwing dagger in
almost complete darkness at a form in front of her. This
would only leave her one dagger. She doesn't have time
for the sling. She grabs the dagger and tries to aim at
the darker dark form in front of her roughly in the center
of the tunnel. She flings the dagger. A feminine cry
of pain is heard. So the guard is female. She hits in
the back of the guard who seems to stop momentarily, but
then continues. But it gains Unali 4-5 feet.
The others down the hall only listen too late to catch up.
Caladan notices another door on the other side of the
small expanse of the stairs. He listens but hears nothing.
The female guard's footstops stop as she gets to the door.
But in pain she tries to grab the dagger but can't reach it.
She tries the door to open it but in the darkness it takes
a second or two to find the handle. Which is just enough
time for Unali to get in range and leap at her with her
fighting dagger. Unali swings her dagger at the top of
the dark form and gets lucky hitting her head. Doing
6 subdual damage. This with the other physical damge
is enough to knock the guard out just as she grabs the
door handle. Unali breaths a sigh of relief. She
checks the body. Alive but unconscious. She is wearing
leather and a mace is on the ground. A guard nad not
some official type at least. Unali drags the body a few
feet back from the door. She then gives a quick whistle
of all ok and Trembyl signals the others.
Caladan hearing nothing opens the door. He finds a couple
lanterns in the ceiling. The room is empty. But he finds
the room is very elaborate decorated. A nicely carved table,
leather bound chairs that look to be of high station. A
liquor box, shelves of fine wine glasses and mugs. Some kind
of lounge from the layout. Probably for officers or the
priestess themselves.
Time: Estimated 6:44am-6:59am - Morning Day 22
[Two minutes pass]
Actions? Comments?
Next update Monday....
Level 5 -
Xian, Thig, Triest, Chion, Jordi, Caladan, Amin, Farseeker,
Neva, Dex, Wi, Kasha, Ris, Shah, Kaylle, Suresh, Aren,
Unali, Z'leyra, Valgor [26 total]
Main cave - Spaar, Qorz, Marta, Talz, Females (2) [Level 2]
Level 6 - Office Level
1 2 3 4 5 6
B|% %%|
C|% %%|
D|% %%%%=%%%% %%|
E|% %%|
F|% %%%%%=%%% %|
G|% % % %|
H|% % % %|
I|% %g% %|
J|% %U%%%%%%%%%% %|
K|% % %% % %|
L|% %%%%=%%T% % %|
M|% %%%%%F %% Q % %|
N|% %%W %% C[ % %|
O|% %%%%*%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %|
Normal scale = each row = 20 feet. Each column = 5 feet
Q = Priestess Lounge
W = Stairs down to 5
g = Knocked out guard
F = Farseeker, T=Trembyl, C=Caladan, U=Unali
Door L32, N37, F35
Q Priestess Lounge
|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%| Each Col=2 Foot Each Row = 5 feet
A|%+ [====] +%| % Rock/Cave Wall
B|% . `%| . Statue
C|% * `%| [==] Table
D|% [=====] `%| ` Shelf
E|% * * %| * Seat
F|% #%| # Liquor Br
G|[ . %| __ = Bookcase
H|%+ _______ +%| ] = Door
A quick update. There are 2 doors. Then door in the
tunnel will go east/west. So three choices. If you
have a particular choice let me know. If you want to
interrogate the prisoners let me know and ask the
questions you want.
Longshot - ZC of AdventureNet International Echomail Network
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