[pnpgm] Jordi - Between two fires, sorry, between two women.
igresigres at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 28 12:43:42 CEST 2004
First, a OOC question:
The cryptic sentence of Jordi, telling Unali that
he will never play cards with her:
Jordi believes that when Unali disappeared after
entering level 7, she was magically teleported to the
Asaghi's lair; there, the monster offered her a
similar choice that it later offered to Jordi. Jordi
believes that Unali agreed, and then explained the
monster how to cast an invisibility spell -but with
some flaws. Then, the monster returned Unali. So,
when the monster tried to cast magic, to fight against
Jordi, it was trying to cast the invisibility spell,
with no chance of success, thanks to Unali trick.
Jordi believes that someone able to trick a monster in
such a way is a dangerous opponent in a card game...
Second, a semi-OOC question:
Are Neva & Jordi lovers? (this question was made
by our GM).
My initial answer was: "Not yet." I haven't
dedicated any time to think about this, but when I
read the question, the "not yet" appeared in a zero
time answer.
Rationale: Neva has a low status in elf society.
This is a big problem in elf society; Jordi has to
convince his uncle, the King, to allow the marriage.
If Jordi and Neva were lovers, and Neva gives birth a
child -Jordi's son- people can think something like
that: "Okey, she knew the King will never allow the
marriage, so she offered him sex, with the idea of
having a child; then, the King will be hardpressed to
allow the marriage." (OOC: this is the "traditional
Spanish" way: if your girlfriend is pregnant, an
inmediate visit to the church is mandatory... and
elven society, in this game, is very traditional).
So, Jordi decided against it, because the way
the King is (or, at least, the way I imagine the King
is) a child will be a barrier -not a shortcut- in
Jordi and Neva way to marry. And, if I'm wrong and
the King will then accept the marriage, Neva will be
forever marked in elven society, no matter what she
will do later (well, Jordi will also be marked, but he
doesn't care). And Jordi is decided to marry Neva, in
a way that doesn't compromise her/their future.
(By the way, GM, is Neva attractive? Because
Jordi's willpower is not excepcionally high... and a
gentleman like Jordi can't negate a beautiful lady a
wish if she insists...).
Third, another semi-OOC question:
Healing Chion. Jordi will cas first a EL1
healing spell on Chion; if it fails, then he will cast
up to three EL 0 healing spells, until one succeds.
Remember, GM, Sidh tongue EL = 80.
I'm sorry about being unable to do something
more for Chion, but Jordi's healing spell EL is 1, and
he is low on mana.
Sorry for the lenght of the OOC questions.
Jordi thanks Z'leyra and Sava for their healing
Then, for the first time since he is with the
party, he makes something very strange: he calls Neva,
and he begins to speak with her in elven in a corner,
out of reach of the rest of the party. He has
dedicated some time to Neva before, but in the middle
of a crisis situation, the time has been minimum.
Now, he seems to forget the rest of the world, and
concentrates his attention fully on Neva. And he
doesn't care for the time he dedicates to her.
"Neva, you don't have to worry for Sava or for
any other women in the world. If you don't know it by
now, we have a big communication problem. And I want
to marry you, and we will marry, after my uncle and
the elven council of nobility accept it, no matter if
I have to kill half the dragons in the middle, high
and lower world to accomplish it. And treat she well,
because she has been the prisioner of a terrible
monster without teaching it her magical arts, and she
is shocked, and she needs a friend, and I can't help
her as much as you can."
Jordi, being an honest elf, doesn't tell Neva
that Sava, being a princess, can be a good testimony
of her acts in the elven council of nobility that
grants an elf access to the higher levels of status.
(OOC: I imagine that this kills Jordi's 2
minutes of time of the update...).
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