[pnpgm] Game update #306 - File #502 - Turn 2 Phase 1+2 Guardian Combat
pnpgm at softhome.net
Fri Oct 1 04:22:04 CEST 2004
Ht Alias/Player Character Name Type Status/Notes Sex
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Rh NPC Noble Aren Solest Duke Normal/Human Ma
Rh Balrog Balrog Warrior Normal/Human Ma
Wh Tom Crockett Caladan Wizard Normal/Human Ma
?? Marcel Liberty Chion Sailor Normal/Human Ma
?? Burton Choinski Cholan Sailor Normal/Human Ma
Rh Bob Eldred/Nomad Damon Sailor Normal/Human Ma
Wh Ryan Torres Farseeker Warrior Normal/Human Ma
Wh Tim Falkenberg Malradh ben Kasha Merc Normal/Human Ma
Wh NPC Spy Suresh Nambler Spy Normal/Human Ma
Rh Orion (Paul Broman) Trembyl Fighter Normal/Human Ma
Rh NPC Fighter Triest Warrior Normal/Human Ma
Wh Franseco B./Bondo Valgor Noble Dead /Human Ma
Rh Scott Adams Xian Wizard Normal/Human Ma
Wh Wout Broere Unali Ninja Normal/Human Fe
Wh Alex Koponen Z'leyra Healer Normal/Human Fe
-- Chris Wells Ben'dar Warrior Normal/Human Ma
-- Lyman R. Hampton Kaylle Scholar Normal/Faerry Ma
-- Wayne Richardson/Uji Thig Sidh MU Normal/Faerry Ma
Rh ------???----------- Neva Archer Normal/Elf Fe
Rh Sergi Sallent Jordi Unsure Normal/Elf Ma
Rh Npc Noble Marta Valnon Noble Normal/Human Fe
Ally Section - Diplomats/Ex prisoners - 26 Allies
G1 Akat, Zenon (Goidan), Chandris, Eri (Kolari)
G1 Vaeth, Tuon (Donaran), Vaidia, Anil (Donaran)
G2 *Zablin, Ris (Zen'dan) Ayddar Nylykerka (Thaliban)
G2 Nil Spaar (Ursmaian), Norda Proi (Lemasan)
G3 Walling, Dex (Helvan) Zing, Troyis (Kll'Maun)
G3 Amin, Rajwani (Lemasan), Qasir, Shah (Ro'babzan)
G1 Jevan, Corz (Bhamotin), Jezek, Gord (Bhamotin)
G1 Qualres, Diana (Shuikalese), Oolas, Kirz (Katalan)
G1 Abzyon, Wi (Choisuan), Xavier, Rua (Fomorian),
G1 Makki, Pov (Katalan), Matta, Kartz (R'hiselkan)
G4 Zenakhis, Trom (Fomorian), Ackbar, Feli (Chunrey)
G4 Jozak, Mer (Robari), Zabel, Eti (Artadan)
G4 Goins, Sharmon (Teosian(, Havirmar Havigashu (Vahearian)
Player Email Address Email Status
Scott Adams pnpgm at softhome.net Working
Marcel Liberty/Chion kzinti_maouse at yahoo.com Working
Tim Falkenberg Malradh at yahoo.co.uk Unknown
Wout Broere broere at powersandperils.org Working
Burton Choinski bchoinski at attbi.com Working
Sergi Sallent igresigres at yahoo.com Working
Alex Koponen akoponen at mosquitonet.com Working
Chris Wells ckwells at comcast.net
Animals: Ventrius/Pogo Thig's dogs, Firesnake of Caladan's
Tikil (Cholan's Ferret) (in bag)
2 Wagon Horses, Hippogriff
Powers & Perils Web Page - for some who might want it:
http://abroere.xs4all.nl/broere/pnp/) or
Game Web Site - For updates, files, links, etc.
Public posts/actions to pnpgm at abroere.xs4all.nl (mailing list)
Private emails (not public actions) to pnpgm at softhome.net
Game Update #306 in sequence (file #502)
Admin notes: None
[Recap] - None
[New Stuff - Current Situation]
From Z'leyra: [Re: Actions]
Z'leyra figures that she probably won't have time to search
the priestess before dealing with the critters or healing
party members.
She will help any that reach her and need healing. She will
participate in any group attack on the dragon or firehound
where the creature comes through a doorway and is surrounded
by the party attacking it.
GM: Ack.
From Unali: [Re: Actions]
As Unali passes Sava she will tell her "Come, time to leave
here. Run!"
She will turn once at the exit to see if everyone gets out of
the large hall safely, but doesn't feel that this is the best
spot for a last stand. There is a door in the next room we
didn't blow up, so that would be a better spot.
GM: Ack. yes I have a new map to show that location roughly.
From Ben'Dar: [Re: Actions]
Ben'Dar veers to the west, sliding in behind Unali and Cholan
and slowing briefly, if necessary, to allow Unali and Cholan
to pass him. Having heard the scream and seeing the stumbling,
bleeding Cholan heading south, Ben'Dar decides some help is in
order. Motioning them urgently toward the southern end of the
room, he shouts "Go! Go! Go!"
Ben'Dar will fall in behind them, keeping in between them and
the hounds. If one of those hounds tries to take another bite
out of Cholan, Ben'Dar will offer it the business end of his
spear instead. :) As Ben'Dar continues to retreat to the
south, he keeps watch over his shoulder. If one of the
hounds charges in his direction, he will whirl around and
attack, trying to buy time for the injured party members who
are retreating in front of him.
Ben'Dar will also keep an eye on Farseeker, who is basically
surrounded by hounds at this point and heavily injured if I
remember correctly. If Farseeker stops to fight or gets knocked
down or something, Ben'Dar will dash back and help him fight off
the hounds. If that happens, he will also call to Kasha and
motion to him to help as well, since he's still north of
Ben'Dar's position.
I know there are a lot of "ifs" there... sorry.........
OOC question for the group... Are we running away completely
(i.e. thru the stone/metal door and wedge it shut behind us
and get the heck out of here) or are we going to try some kind
of combined defense at the southern entrance to this room?
I'm sorta leaning toward running away completely after seeing
how that dragon swatted Jordi up against the wall and how it
seems to be totally unconcerned with the punishment Kasha was
dealing out to it... Thoughts?
OOC Question for Jordi... I have no idea if Jordi can escape
his predicament or not on his own. I know you've got magic -
think you can escape or do we need to be moving back toward
you to create a distraction and/or give you some assistance?
Ben'Dar certainly has no idea, but I'm sure others (Neva?)
would know and might direct us back up there if they think
Jordi has no way of escaping on his own.
OOC question for GM... Are these sorts of OOC questions/
conversations encouraged or should I just stick to what Ben'Dar
can actually say in-game? Just wondering what's preferred.
GM: Ack. As to plan once everyone leaves that's up to you
guys. :) As to OOCs they are fine. you can slso directly
email a person or post actions on the list and thus folks
will see and be able to react to them before they get to the
update. So yes they are fine.
From Jordi: [Re: Actions]
Jordi simply yells: "Run, Run!!!"
Now that the mist has disappeared (OOC: the mist disappears
when Jordi is damaged; I didn't read that Jordi has received
any damaged, but I imagine that being thrown against a wall,
even if no HP are involved, counts as damage, because in the
map there is no mist; or perhaps it disappeared because the
wind dispersed it...) Jordi is facing the dragon, unable to
even raise a sword in self- defense, inmobile against a wall.
To the south, he sees Neva flee, and knowing that she will
survive calms him. He begins to cast the words of another
"concealing mist" spell, hoping that it will make the dragon
lost some seconds before it kills Jordi; seconds that perhaps
save the life of another party members.
Then, he feels some hands grabbing him from the wall.
"Caladan friends" -thinks Jordi- "perhaps I'm not dead..."
He tries to remain motionless, hoping that it will help the
creatures to take him away from the dragon. And if he's wrong...
well, then it doesn't matter.
OOC question: Ben'dar only knows that Jordi was able, using
magic, to discover that allowed free passage throught the
defenses of the 6th level, plus some healing magic and the mist.
He knows that Jordi has no means of crossing a solid wall -if
he was able to do it, he should have used it instead of
entering throught the door-. About decisions... well, Jordi is
clearing yelling "run, run".
GM: Ack. Mist is still there. You weren't damaged enough to
have it negated. In my mind enough damage would be 1 hp. But
the bruises and sores from impact on the wall would not cause
that with your armor and clothing. Just bruises. So the mist
is still there.
Time: Estimated 7:21am-7:36am - Morning Day 22
Turn 2: Phase 1
[Mana Allocation] - None
[Missile Fire] - None
[Magic Effect]
[The wind continues to buffet Jordi against the ground nad
wall so much that he can barely keep from breathing by
force of will...]
[Melee & Movement]
[Thig flies the rest of the way out of the Throne room and
leaves the area..]
[Farseeker knows he has two choices. Stay and fight and
possibly die here as two attack him or run for it and
have a chance to flee. He decides running is his best
option. Being too wounded. He runs about 25 feet then
twists and faces the hounds with sword raised in parry
while going the last 5 feet or so toward the exit backwards.]
[Trembyl stands firm. Watching the dragon now in full
view and the hounds over his shoulder. He quickly spies
south and finds folks are still fleeing. His plan can't
be done yet...]
[Unali passes by Sava telling her to run and continues south..]
[One hellhound charges after Kasha and gets behind hin trying
to nip his rear leg. He bites but does only 2 points of
GM: Rolled a severe hit but only a rolled 1+2=3 points..whew!
[Second hellhound charges after Farseeker and tries to bite
him as well but finds the sword is too much to get around
and does not hit the man.]
[Ben'dar sees Farseeker attacked only feet away and runs
to help him. He tries to spear the hound but fails to hit.]
[Caladan follows Neva out of the throne room...]
[Wi leaves and enters the hallway where Z'leyra is already
sitting and few of the diplomats are standing.]
[Kasha decides to look over his shoulder and sees Trembyl
just standing in the distance holding the staff. Maybe
that was his voice he heard to flee the area. He sees
the hound at his heels and decides to run for it. He
heads south and rounds around the pillar out of sight.]
[Cholan heads toward the exit while blood leaves his hand
in spurts...]
[Z'leyra stands and views everyone. Chion is sleeping..
Have 2 bodies...diplomats seem in fair shape...she
makes sure no one needs immediate attention..]
[Jordi looks up to see the dark form above him...]
GM: As per last update bottom.
[Jordi doesn't know what he is seeing. The mist is still
there and he sees a set of eyes...that..are..glowing?
then two hands with sharp looking claws..could this be
another demon or summoned beast?...to die without the
ability to even defend himself? As the hands touch him
he feels hardness in them and a slight jolt as he is
moved...then ...darkness..]
[Suresh plops the unconscious body of Chion down on the
floor and slumps to take a breath....he wills himself
to get energy back to help the others..]
[Ris sees Chion and backs away as far away as he can..]
[Both Xian and Aren get to the entrance to the throne room.]
[Sava heads to the south..]
[The dragon moves...it twists to the NW and walks/waddles
toward where Jordi is...there is still a bit of mist there
so it sniffs the airs and claws the ground..but does not
hit anything...it then turns and twists to eye Trembyl
and walks that way but is at least 5 feet away...]
Turn 2: Phase 2
[Mana Allocation] - None
[Trembyl has two choices now. To save folks against the
hounds or the more fierce dragon now on the rampage.
He rather go against the hounds first but can't with
the dragon only feet away. He decides the dragon must
be dealt with first...]
[Missile Fire] - None
[Magic Effect] -
[The wind continues even after the dragon moves from
his last position to the area where Jordi was thrown
back against the wall...]
[Trembyl raises the staff toward the dragon then with one
firm hand slams it against the ground while speaking
a few words of magic creation. Suddenly the entire cave
begins to rumble and sand and dust begin to shower the
entire northern end of the room. Al those in the cave
can see the results or hear it or feel it. Those still
in the cave that know something is up are: Farseeker,
Ben'dar, Kasha, Unali, Cholan, Xian, Aren and Sava.
Those who see the actual event below are Farseeker and
Ben'dar. All others feel the rumble, shake and dust
and sand falling from the ceiling as if the entire
mountain is about to go...but in fact only a great
avalanche of rocks from the Rows A-I are affected
directly by the great avalanche spell. Huge boulders
and rocks begin to fall all around Trembyl. The pillars
begin to shake back and forth. Great amounts of sand fall
to the ground. Then small rocks..pebbles...hand size
rocks and then finally large rocks as large as a hellhound
fall from the ceiling. Two large boulders hit the throne
and destroy it with the body of the bodyguard. The dragon
becomes nervous at the rumbling and confused. Suddenly
its large 45 foot dragon body begins to be pelted by rocks
and boulders all over its body. A large boulder the size
of a large bull cow falls on to the back of the dragon and
causes him to flatten against the ground and lose his breath
which flies toward trembyl. The total damage from the rocks
amount to 17 points but its tough hide protects against most
but it still takes 13 points...this together with the
damage done by Kasha...knocks it out and to the ground..
parts of its body is completely covered in rocks and sand
while others like its head, neck, right wing and tail are
not covered by anything...its eyes close and the tail stops
to move..
Unfournately trembyl is also among the falling rocks...
rocks the size of car wheels impact on him as well though
he dodges most (knowing what is about to occur) he still
takes 15 points of smashing damage and is slightly buried
by the rocks..]
[One of the hounds at J5 on the outskirts of the falling
rocks is slightly affected and takes 10 points from
cuts and bruises/impacts from rocks. The hellhound is
crushed under rocks..]
[Melee & Movement]
[Farseeker sees Trembyl crushed under rocks. He remembers
being crushed as well previously and decides not to flee
he swings at the hellhound...The great sword slices the
leg off doing 12 points. The already wounded hellhound
is killed the blow..]
[Everyone leaves the room...]
[At this point end of the phase ends with Farseeker and
Ben'dar and Trembyl and Jordi? last in the room..]
[Combat is over effectively. Hellhounds killed.]
[See bottom...]
Actions? Comments?
Next update Monday...
Level 6 - Kaylle [Searching rooms], Valgor [Dead], Trembyl
Level 7 -
Unali, Chion, Caladan, Suresh, Farseeker, Xian
Aren, Amin, Dex, Wi, Kasha, Ris, Shah, Cholan
Jordi?, Z'leyra, Neva, Triest, Thig
Main cave - Spaar, Qorz, Marta, Talz, Females (2) [Level 2]
[Zoomed map - Just use this map instead..]
1 2 3 4 5
%+__+ |**|J \ +%A + = Torch Stands [From Ground up]
%| \__/ \DDDD |%B | = Tapestry of some picture on walls
%|__/ \__DDDDD_|%C O = Pillars 2.5 Diameter [To ceiling]
%| \__/Y \__/ |%D |**|= Throne
%|__O \__/ O__|%E ? = Circle is not represented here on this map
%| \__/ \__/ |%F # = Cabinets (Food, Liqour, Water]
%|__/ \__/ \__|%G
%| \__/ \__/ |%H 1-4 = Guards
%+__/ \__/ \__+%I P = Priestess [L2]
%/ \__/ \__/ d\%J 5 = Bodyguard [B3]
%\__/ \__/ \__/%K d = Dog [K4]
%/ \__/d \__/ \%L t = Timon [Body at L3 - Not on map]
%\__/ \FB/ \__/%M 1 = [I4] 2 = [G4] 3 = [O1] 4 = [N3]
%/ \__/ \__/ \%N
%\__/ \__/ \__#%O ? = Thig [??]
%/ O__/ \__O #%P F = Farseeker [G3] K = Kasha [K5]
%\__/ \__/ \__#%Q T = Triest [??] H = Cholan [M2]
%/ \__/ \__/ \%R U = Unali [M2] J = Jordi [A3] [Behind throne]
%\__/ \__/ \__/%S N = Neva [??] S = Suresh [??]
%/ \__/ \__/ \%T C = Caladan [??] s = Shah [??] - Dead
%\__/ \__/ \__/%U V = Sava [O3] r = Ris [??]
%+ \__/ \__/ %V W = Wi [??] X = Xian [Q3]
%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%W I = Chion [??] A = Amin [??]
D = Dax [??] E = Aren [R4]
Z = Z'leyra [??] B = Ben'dar [N4]
Y = Trembyl [D3]
Level 7 - Crown level
1 2 3 4 5 6
B|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% *%%%%%%%%%%|
C|%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %% %%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%|
D|%%%%%%%%%%%%%% B %%% %% %%%%% T%%%%%%%|
E|% %%%% %%% C %% D %%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%|
F|% %%%% %%% %% %%%%% %%%%%%%|
G|% A %%%%%%%=%%%%%% %% %%% %%=%%%%%%%%%%|
H|% %%%%% %%%%%%%%=%%%%%%%%=%%%%%%%==%%%%%%%%%%%%%%|
I|% %%%%% %%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%|
J|% %%% 7%%%%%%%%%=%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%|
k|%%%%=%%%%%%PP % %%%%%%%=%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%|
L|%% ]PP%%%%=%%%%%% %%%%% G %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%|
M|%% %%%%% %%% %%%% %%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%|
N|%% %%%%%% %%% F %%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%% T %%%%%|
O|%% %%%%%%% E %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%|
P|%% % %%%% %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%|
All those who exited the room are in areas K-L 11-14 where
P is. Just in the hallway. Combat ends. I'll jump and assume
the following actions...
The rocks continue to fall for about 4 seconds all around. Ben'dar
and Farseeker wait for it to end. Those outside hear the rumble
and become nervous as to what is going on. they see dust float
out into the hallway where they are. As the dust clears Farseeker
runs to help Trembyl...Ben'dar runs to the dragon to check it
after watching the other hellhound die. He fins the dragon knocked
out but alive. He takes his spear and stabs the dragon in the
head where the brain and eye sockets are. The final damage finally
kills the dragon and its breath ends. Its lungs stop and the
rest of the body collapses as rocks fall around its body. Ben'dar
leaps as a boulder slides from his shoulder and almost hits him.
Ben'dar raises his spear in triumph and gives a battle yelp.
Farseeker continues to dig out Trembyl. Thig peeks around the
corner and sees Farseeker. He turns to the others and yells
"They need help. Looks like battle is over!"
[Unali, Kasha, Suresh, Z'leyra all run into the cave and help
dig Trembyl out. They find a leg is badly bleeding but most
of the damage is from crushing rocks before buried. He
is still alive. They eye the situation as the once clean
room is a mess of rocks and sand.]
[Neva goes running past toward the throne to where Jordi is.
She and Thig continue to search where they thought he was
but finds nothing but rocks and a broken throne. But there
is no Jordi...Neva starts to cry silently as they continue
to look behind the throne..]
[Z'leyra begins to treat minor wounds first and check for
any life threatening wounds...]
[See next post...update supplement![
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