[pnpgm] Game update #309a - File #511 - Supplement - Prepations are spice of life..
pnpgm at softhome.net
Sun Oct 24 04:38:03 CEST 2004
Ht Alias/Player Character Name Type Status/Notes Sex
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Rh NPC Noble Aren Solest Duke Normal/Human Ma
Rh Balrog Balrog Warrior Normal/Human Ma
Wh Tom Crockett Caladan Wizard Normal/Human Ma
?? Marcel Liberty Chion Sailor Normal/Human Ma
?? Burton Choinski Cholan Sailor Normal/Human Ma
Rh Bob Eldred/Nomad Damon Sailor Normal/Human Ma
Wh Ryan Torres Farseeker Warrior Normal/Human Ma
Wh Tim Falkenberg Malradh ben Kasha Merc Normal/Human Ma
Wh NPC Spy Suresh Nambler Spy Normal/Human Ma
Rh Orion (Paul Broman) Trembyl Fighter Normal/Human Ma
Rh NPC Fighter Triest Warrior Normal/Human Ma
Wh Franseco B./Bondo Valgor Noble Dead /Human Ma
Rh Scott Adams Xian Wizard Normal/Human Ma
Wh Wout Broere Unali Ninja Normal/Human Fe
Wh Alex Koponen Z'leyra Healer Normal/Human Fe
-- Chris Wells Ben'dar Warrior Normal/Human Ma
-- Lyman R. Hampton Kaylle Scholar Normal/Faerry Ma
-- Wayne Richardson/Uji Thig Sidh MU Normal/Faerry Ma
Rh ------???----------- Neva Archer Normal/Elf Fe
Rh Sergi Sallent Jordi Unsure Normal/Elf Ma
Rh Npc Noble Marta Valnon Noble Normal/Human Fe
Ally Section - Diplomats/Ex prisoners - 26 Allies
G1 Akat, Zenon (Goidan), Chandris, Eri (Kolari)
G1 Vaeth, Tuon (Donaran), Vaidia, Anil (Donaran)
G2 *Zablin, Ris (Zen'dan) Ayddar Nylykerka (Thaliban)
G2 Nil Spaar (Ursmaian), Norda Proi (Lemasan)
G3 Walling, Dex (Helvan) Zing, Troyis (Kll'Maun)
G3 Amin, Rajwani (Lemasan), Qasir, Shah (Ro'babzan)
G1 Jevan, Corz (Bhamotin), Jezek, Gord (Bhamotin)
G1 Qualres, Diana (Shuikalese), Oolas, Kirz (Katalan)
G1 Abzyon, Wi (Choisuan), Xavier, Rua (Fomorian),
G1 Makki, Pov (Katalan), Matta, Kartz (R'hiselkan)
G4 Zenakhis, Trom (Fomorian), Ackbar, Feli (Chunrey)
G4 Jozak, Mer (Robari), Zabel, Eti (Artadan)
G4 Goins, Sharmon (Teosian(, Havirmar Havigashu (Vahearian)
Player Email Address Email Status
Scott Adams pnpgm at softhome.net Working
Marcel Liberty/Chion kzinti_maouse at yahoo.com Working
Tim Falkenberg Malradh at yahoo.co.uk Unknown
Wout Broere broere at powersandperils.org Working
Burton Choinski bchoinski at attbi.com Working
Sergi Sallent igresigres at yahoo.com Working
Alex Koponen akoponen at mosquitonet.com Working
Chris Wells ckwells at comcast.net
Animals: Ventrius/Pogo Thig's dogs, Firesnake of Caladan's
Tikil (Cholan's Ferret) (in bag)
2 Wagon Horses, Hippogriff
Powers & Perils Web Page - for some who might want it:
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Game Web Site - For updates, files, links, etc.
Public posts/actions to pnpgm at abroere.xs4all.nl (mailing list)
Private emails (not public actions) to pnpgm at softhome.net
Game Update #309a in sequence (file #511)
Admin notes: Supplment update.
[Recap] - None
[New Stuff - Current Situation]
-------------------------New Stuff----------------------------
From Z'leyra: [Re: Actions]
As FisherKing is not yet buried Z'leyra takes a feather and
gives it to Caladan saying "For the use you propose FisherKing
would want you to have this."
"Hmmm...wonder if your spell works with dragon skin? That would
certainly distract the airship crew if a dragon overflew them a
few times."
"Sorry guys, I didn't have enough magic to learn how to
communicate with the hippogriff. I doubt I can control it well
enough to have it ridden. I may try to have it follow me
towards the airship, maybe it would distract the crew, even
fight for us if the crew attacked it." When she goes she will
indicate to the hippogriff to follow her.
To Ben'Dar "I will talk with you about Ticasi and horses later,
when we have time to converse."
To Jordi "Yes, as a healer I would like those items. I hope
that I will again have an eagle as companion, the hood would
then be useful when in towns."
"Certainly it would be a good idea to prepare to fight if we
fail in downing the ship."
To Thig and Kaylle "Fly up using cloud as cover till close
then go invisible and help distract the crew or get the jar
if I cannot. We are going for the jar, not to fight."
If we have to leave the hippogriff behind she will release the
fascination on the hippogriff when we leave Clima.
Shows the Chalcedony stone(s) to Thig and Kaylle asking if they
could tell if it was enhanced or enhancable, if partially
enhanceable can they tell which parts?
As Z'leyra strips off her clothing and equipment in preparation
for shapechanging she says "We will have our best chance of
winning by dropping their ship into the sea. If we do not
succeed then the fighting here will be brutal. Prepare."
"One aspect of my plan that I do regret is that any prisoners
or innocents on the airship will be slain along with the
crew. We might not be able to find or identify them. I doubt
we could rescue them even if we find them."
GM: Will transfer the Healing stuff from Jordi. As to ben'dar
that conversation is in the future :) As to the stone we
talked about that in ICQ. Not enhanced.
Caladan: "I'm honored to take the feather from one so brave as
your bird. I will not dishonor him. As to the dragon thing.
I could do it. But this should be stealthy as much as we
can do. Otherwise we may force them down to sea level and
then our chances decrease. But I will consider it."
[Thig and Kaylle agree to help in distraction.]
Thig: "On prisoners. I could fly into the ship through magic
and quickly traverse it looking for any prisoners. If there
are some we can attempt rescue before or after the jar is
taken. Kaylle will have to be the distractor as I search
the ship but I'll only seconds but it shouldn't take too
long to find any unconscious or trapped persons."
From Ben'dar: [Re: Actions]
OOC to Z'leyra/Alex: Sorry, I was thinking our conversation
was a future conversation, taking place when we're on the
ship sailing home. You had mentioned earlier that you told
Ben'Dar your brigand/horse story "Over the coming days". I
should have prefaced my reply similarly. :-)
Once Ben'Dar understands what's going on (stupid language
barrier!), he decides to plan for the worst case scenario. He
figures that the flying ship is going to have their most vital
weakness (the magic jar) well protected, so he thinks the
flying mission may be risky and may not succeed. He says to
Jordi, "If they don't succeed, I agree with you that we should
prepare for a fight. Let's prepare to ambush them if they reach
the cave."
OOC to GM: Could the warships' siege weapons be used inside
the cave? For example, aim them at the entrance so that if the
bad ship does enter, we can fire whatever big weapons we have
on them before they can attack? Is there anything else in the
cave that might be useful in an ambush (netting, barrels of
oil, etc)?
Ben'Dar will do what he can to prepare for a possible fight,
along the lines of the OOC questions above.
GM: No your correct that conversation will be on the ship.
Z'leyra just forgot that :). No objects in the cave can help.
There are boxes and crates that could be used but that would
take some time. The weapons on the ship could be turned to
the cave entrance yes. Good plan.
From Chion: [Re: Actions]
"Why should we attack them while they are outside the cave?
We should let them come in. Archers can go up to the area
where the Gargoyles were. Fighters can be aboard each of the
other ships, perhaps loaded arbelists can be aimed at the
flying ship after it is docked... No doubt there will be at
least one more priestess I'll need to kill... Hmmm... what
else should we consider... Ah yes, no doubt the ones coming
back will be of relatively high moral, since they no doubt
just looted a city or two. So they might have some wounded
and or some folks that aren't all that ready to fight if
caught by surprise in a confined space. Perhaps we should
put a few heads on pikes as a welcome? Naw... these guys
probably wouldn't go for that. I don't think the plan to get
the jar off the ship will work, since it seemed resistant to
magic when I tried the other one. Maybe we could figure out
how to use the one we have to get one of these two to fly?
That might work... so much time to consider such things..."
>From the rambling loud mind of Chion.
GM: Ack. Good words. See below.
Time: 11:29-11:44am
* Ship: Taking Merchant ship
* Layover: Leaving today after loading loot
* Sink Ships: Near cave entrance
* Magical Creatures: Destroy creatures by throwing into sea.
* Loot Question:
GM: ERROR! I goofed. On the loot question I had 2 duplicates
of Ben'dar and Z'leyra counted twice. So with that said
here is the correct setup for this vote.
A) Keep personal loot profit and party profit.
b) Keep party profit minus personal property amount.
So that anything taken personally would not take away
from party treasury. Thus if you make 300 gold and
party share is 40 gold then you get no party profit but
keep the 300 personal property.
C) Personal: A or B but up to the player
Unali/Wout - A Thig/Wayne - A
Caladan/Tom - B Damon/Bob - B
Farseeker/Ryan - B Z'leyra/Alex - B
Bendar/Chris - B Xian/Scott - C
Chion/Marcel - ? Jordi/Sergi - None
Option A - 2 Option 2 - 5
Option 3 - 1 No vote - 2
Majority = 6 [of 10]
GM: So there is no majority yet. Chion and Jordi needs to
vote on this. Jordi had no comment but both could make
the vote a majority. If you don't understand the options
let me know.
This is just a supplement update. Its not a real update.
Since there are now two votes for ambush I wante to do this
before actions took place.
Airship: 1) Ambush in Cave 2) Fly and take out 3) No comment
Aren : 2 Balrog : 1
Damon : 2 * 9 Diplomats : 1
Suresh : 2 Chion : 1 *
Triest : 2 Kasha : 1
Xian : 2 Ben'Dar : 1 *
Kaylle : 2 Jordi : 1 *
17 Diplomats : 2 Caladan : 2 *
Farseeker : 2 * Trembyl : 2 *
Z'leyra : 2 * Thig : 2 *
Cholan : 3 Unali : 3 [Not posted yet]
Neva : 3 Marta : 1
* Core Player group.
Vote: 1) Ambush - 15 2) Attack in air - 28 3) None - 3
Total - 46 [Majority is 24] 28 for Attack in air
Total - 9 [Majority is 5] 6 for Attack in air
Both majority of Total and Core Players have decided the attack
in the air plan is the best.
GM: Since we do have a schism here of sorts. We'll go with
BOTH plans. The attack in the air will take place and there
will be an ambush. If the attack in the air fails the
climans will likely result in 2 things. Retreat for
reinforcements or investigate their hiding place. If they
retreat there is still option of giving chase by the captured
Damon: "We don't have much time guys. Four to five minutes max
I estimate. The ship from my spyglass looks like its moving
about 30 miles per hour. At that rate and distance its easy
to figure four minutes before they reach here. So move FAST!"
Farseeker: "We can prepare a ambush but if we have to do it then
we are doomed. The ship will likely send the gargoyles up
to their roost killing any archers we send. We know they
could have as many as 30 gargoyles. The ship will then send
a small boat here to this spot to have the curtain raised.
If we ambush here they won't enter. So we'll have to leave
this area and hope they don't look into the sea cave or
discover our archers first. So we need to plan this but there
isn't time. Trembyl if you have to use the staff at close
range for some water or wind magic or if they do enter the
cave ...smash them with rocks in a avalanche..."
Triest: "Then how do we escape?"
Trembyl: "Rocks can move and I can move them again..."
GM: Ok. 4-5 Minutes to prepare. If you have specific positions
or a specific plan of action let me know. Otherwise as
stated I'll send archers to the roost with a fighter or
two. Send some to the ship weapons. Send some in the
hallway to attack those who enter the side hole. Unfournately
theres not much time to plan it all due to them just being
seen. I'll try to enact BOTH plans on monday night. If
you can get actions by then do so. But for those doing the
ambush no rush. As I'll likely do the air stuff first and
even if that fails it'll be a update or two before i get
to any possible ambush situation so theres no rush.
Expect update monday...
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