[pnpgm] Game update #305 - File #501 - Turn 1 Phase 3+4 Guardian Combat
pnpgm at softhome.net
Tue Sep 28 05:44:17 CEST 2004
Ht Alias/Player Character Name Type Status/Notes Sex
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Rh NPC Noble Aren Solest Duke Normal/Human Ma
Rh Balrog Balrog Warrior Normal/Human Ma
Wh Tom Crockett Caladan Wizard Normal/Human Ma
?? Marcel Liberty Chion Sailor Normal/Human Ma
?? Burton Choinski Cholan Sailor Normal/Human Ma
Rh Bob Eldred/Nomad Damon Sailor Normal/Human Ma
Wh Ryan Torres Farseeker Warrior Normal/Human Ma
Wh Tim Falkenberg Malradh ben Kasha Merc Normal/Human Ma
Wh NPC Spy Suresh Nambler Spy Normal/Human Ma
Rh Orion (Paul Broman) Trembyl Fighter Normal/Human Ma
Rh NPC Fighter Triest Warrior Normal/Human Ma
Wh Franseco B./Bondo Valgor Noble Dead /Human Ma
Rh Scott Adams Xian Wizard Normal/Human Ma
Wh Wout Broere Unali Ninja Normal/Human Fe
Wh Alex Koponen Z'leyra Healer Normal/Human Fe
-- Chris Wells Ben'dar Warrior Normal/Human Ma
-- Lyman R. Hampton Kaylle Scholar Normal/Faerry Ma
-- Wayne Richardson/Uji Thig Sidh MU Normal/Faerry Ma
Rh ------???----------- Neva Archer Normal/Elf Fe
Rh Sergi Sallent Jordi Unsure Normal/Elf Ma
Rh Npc Noble Marta Valnon Noble Normal/Human Fe
Ally Section - Diplomats/Ex prisoners - 26 Allies
G1 Akat, Zenon (Goidan), Chandris, Eri (Kolari)
G1 Vaeth, Tuon (Donaran), Vaidia, Anil (Donaran)
G2 *Zablin, Ris (Zen'dan) Ayddar Nylykerka (Thaliban)
G2 Nil Spaar (Ursmaian), Norda Proi (Lemasan)
G3 Walling, Dex (Helvan) Zing, Troyis (Kll'Maun)
G3 Amin, Rajwani (Lemasan), Qasir, Shah (Ro'babzan)
G1 Jevan, Corz (Bhamotin), Jezek, Gord (Bhamotin)
G1 Qualres, Diana (Shuikalese), Oolas, Kirz (Katalan)
G1 Abzyon, Wi (Choisuan), Xavier, Rua (Fomorian),
G1 Makki, Pov (Katalan), Matta, Kartz (R'hiselkan)
G4 Zenakhis, Trom (Fomorian), Ackbar, Feli (Chunrey)
G4 Jozak, Mer (Robari), Zabel, Eti (Artadan)
G4 Goins, Sharmon (Teosian(, Havirmar Havigashu (Vahearian)
Player Email Address Email Status
Scott Adams pnpgm at softhome.net Working
Marcel Liberty/Chion kzinti_maouse at yahoo.com Working
Tim Falkenberg Malradh at yahoo.co.uk Unknown
Wout Broere broere at powersandperils.org Working
Burton Choinski bchoinski at attbi.com Working
Sergi Sallent igresigres at yahoo.com Working
Alex Koponen akoponen at mosquitonet.com Working
Chris Wells ckwells at comcast.net
Animals: Ventrius/Pogo Thig's dogs, Firesnake of Caladan's
Tikil (Cholan's Ferret) (in bag)
2 Wagon Horses, Hippogriff
Powers & Perils Web Page - for some who might want it:
http://abroere.xs4all.nl/broere/pnp/) or
Game Web Site - For updates, files, links, etc.
Public posts/actions to pnpgm at abroere.xs4all.nl (mailing list)
Private emails (not public actions) to pnpgm at softhome.net
Game Update #305 in sequence (file #501)
Admin notes: Well Hurricane J was a bit more effective than
Hurricane F. A bit more windy, rainy and more power outage.
Compared to maybe 45 min losing power first time lost power
from 11pm to 2pm the next day. And we have 2 more months
in the season....joy joy... Sadly, the beaches have suffered
greatly in beach erosion with 4 hurricanes in 6 weeks the
worst of such situations since 1897.
[Recap] - None
[New Stuff - Current Situation]
From Unali: [Re: Actions]
Unali will spend one or at most two phases with the hounds
(as long as Cholan and Farseeker stay here also), in order
to give the other a chance to retreat. No further heroics
going against the dragon. With the hounds dead or after two
phases if there is an opening, she will run towards the exit.
Re: ACk.
From Ben'dar: [Re: Actions]
Ben'Dar realizes that our opportunity for an initial "shock"
attack by the party on the monsters is over, for good or ill.
He dashes away from the dragon, out of the mist, to the
Southwest, around the pillar. He will closely follow Aren and
Xian as they withdraw to the entrance at the South end of the
room, watching over his shoulder for pursuit. As he moves
away from the dragon, he yells to Jordi and Kasha
(unfortunately in Zendali), "Jordi, Kasha! Fall back and
help cover the retreat of the others! Let's group up by the
open doorway to the South!" If the dragon or the hounds charge
us as we withdraw, Ben'Dar will turn and face them with his
spear, trying to give Xian and Aren time to get out of the
room safely. But even if this happens, he will still be
maneuvering backwards toward the south end of the room in a
strategic withdrawal, fighting defensively.
Ben'Dar can't really see what's going on with the hounds,
being enveloped in the mist. But as he retreats, he should
be able to see what's going on better. Hopefully Farseeker
and the others attacking the hounds will fall back as well
so that we can regroup and combine our strength. If not,
Ben'Dar will call out to them as well to try to help
coordinate an orderly "withdrawal and regroup" maneuver.
But as he retreats, if Ben'Dar sees someone fall into dire
trouble (i.e. trapped between the hounds and the dragon or
something), he will rush back into the fray and try to help
everyone withdraw safely together.
OOC: Here's what I'm thinking: If we can get the whole party
grouped into the adjacent room to the south, we should have
enough firepower with spells, bows, etc to destroy these
monsters when they follow us through the destroyed doorway at
the south end of this big room. We can have our fighters close
in behind whatever monster enters the room, surrounding it and
hopefully killing it quickly. Also, I think we may actually do
better against the dragon in a tight, confined space rather than
in this huge room where the dragon can move around freely, and
even take to the air to pick us off at its leisure. Correct
me if I'm wrong about this last part...I don't know a thing
about dragons in Powers & Perils and I'm assuming it's
basically a big lizard. If it can use magic or breath fire,
then maybe this isn't such a great plan....?
GM: Ack. Most dragons are immune to many magic and can do
magic in some form like fire or others. They are huge beasts
like lizards with wings and can be as long as in this case
this dragon, 65 feet long. This dragon is 45 though to
make it easier for hexes :). They are tough and fierce and
even a group of fighters at full strength would have a hard
time. In maybe 10 games over the last 20 years I've had
dragons and it was not a pretty site afterwards.
From Z'leyra: [Re: Actions]
Z'leyra keeps dragging the priestess' body. Once past a door
she will stop and search the body or tend to wounded if any
around. [Darn. We got the worst situation...the party split,
some leaving and others fighting. We should all have done one
or all do the other.]
GM: Ack.
From Jordi: [Re: Actions]
Jordi begins to think. One dog out, but the rest seem to be
okey; the dragon is active and ready to fight now. And he
hears Z'leyra. (OOC: I haven't look at the hellhound or
dragon drescriptions in the game, but I -and Jordi- know that
Dragons in Powers are very nasty...).
It seems that the party is retreating. Jordi will simply try
to draw the attention of the monster, attacking it -and
hopefully damaging it- and then atracting it. "Flee. I will
entertain it." Jordi simply moves to the north of the room
and attacks the dragon, trying to atract it to the direction
opposite the retreat route of the party.
PS: I wish the hurricane season is ended, and I hope you are
GM: Ack. As to hurricane see admin note above.
Time: Estimated 7:21am-7:36am - Morning Day 22
Turn 1: Phase 3
[Mana Allocation] - None
[Missile Fire] - None
[Magic Effect]
[The magic occurs at the exact same time...]
[One hound turns its head and suddenly a beam of fire
shoots out from its head (mouth or eyes the trio
near them is unsure?). It hits cholan squarely
in the right hand with full Fire Dart effect Cholan
immediately flexes his hand and drops his axe to the
ground. He looks down to his hand now on full fire
and the skin has become melted as the flame dart has
pierced his hand clean through...he loses 14 points
of damage and screams in agony..]
[The other hellhound aka FireHound for obvious reasons,
turns to Unali and she notices its eyes glow bright
and suddenly Unali screams as waves of invisible pain
wash over her...she tries to step back to find her
head spinning and becoming dizzy from the sheer pain..
she grits her tetth as sweat begins to drip from her
face as adrenline begin to pump greatly...she doesn
not yell out but becomes almost immobile..her knees
begin to buckle]
GM: Rolled a 1 even with modifiers this would've worked
[The dragon roars loudly as it becomes fully aware now
and hurts from being damaged. A thing dragons just
tend not to feel. The breath is felt by Ben'dar and
Kasha and is stank. The dragon then turns its head
and tail. The tail begins to move side to side behind
it and its head moves to where he saw this mysterious
cloud form. In that general direction. The dragon's
eyes dart back and forth. He never sees Jordi but
he can smell him having a very large nose. This dragon
enjoys Elf flesh. It turns its head in the general
direction of the throne, where Jordi's hex is, and
suddenly a gust of wind blows. It creates a huge
dust cloud that covers the north rear wall and throne
with dirt, sand, pebbles and even begins to force
minor rocks to fall from the wall. Its a huge and
powerful wind it suddenly knocks Jordi back 3 feet...
5 feet...he tries to stagger against it..7 feet...
9 feet..blam..he hits the throne left side and
is deflected up against the rear wall. By now sand
and dust is flying. He tries to cover his hand by
his shield but its also forced back onto the head
of Jordi in a massive vice grip...suddenly jordi
loses his footing and falls to the ground in the
niche where the dog was behind the throne...the
mist has also moved and covers the entire hex of
the throne as its compressed by the wind...]
[Melee & Movement]
[Thig sees the mist and what looks like a figure tumble
and fumble to the ground but can't tell for sure. He
tries to approach bu the wind is so strong he knows
he'll also be slammed against the wall..]
[Farseeker does a side down swing on the hound that just
fired a dart at Cholan's hand and hits him in the
back doing 9 points of damage added to the previous
damage but the best still stands..]
[Triest moves further southward..]
[Trembyl moves northward. He hits the throne hex where
the mist is and suddenly goes to his knees. The wind
is strong here but he ignores it. It is slightly
degraded at this height. He feels the ground and finds
the bodyguard body..then feels more faster and finds
the staff..he grabs it and puts a hand on it. But
nothing happens to him like that happened to Xian..]
[Unali tries to lift her hands to swing the daggers but
finds the pain just so overwhelming..she staggers back
involuntarily..or subconsciously...and tries to will
herself to move forward again..but suddenly feels sick
and her knees buckle again..she turns and tries to
move southward but slowly..only gets about 18 feet
and then falls to her knees and the pain in her hands
hurts so much she only holds her daggers by sheer will..]
[Neva sees the dragon roar and lowers her bow..she sees
what could only be Jordi be blown back by the wind..
she doesn't see him exactly through the mist but knows
he is inside it..she gasps in horror and starts to
stride forward but Caladan grabs her arm and stops her.]
[Ben'dar moves yelling his comments but the roar o the
wind and other things no one seems to understand him
but Caladan directly...but they do understand the slight
frantic nature of the comments..he runs south past the
pillar and turns toward the south...]
[Caladan turns to Neva and shakes his head. He speaks
in Marentian "We must flee now! Before its too late."
He grabs her and drags her whole body in his strong
arms by her shoulders...]
GM: She didn't move but Caldan helps her move for her
[Kasha with a bloodthrist no one seems to know about
swings down his mace again and hits the dragon again
doing another 7 points of damage to it..as it slices
leg tissue..]
[Cholan grabs his burnt and now slightly deformed hand
in the other hand and backs away as blood, liquified
tissue and shared bone shift in his grasp. He begins
to go into shock but backs away and runs to the south
ignoring the hounds and his dropped axe..]
[Z'leyra hears the roar of the dragon and a blood
curtling scream from the north..she continues to
drag the priestess out of the room but twists to
see cholan..unali and others have retreated but
they seem in extreme pain..she drags the body
out of the room and into the south room.]
[Jordi tries to stand...heck..tries to stand up but
the wind is so fierce and strong it just is keeping
him pinned down on his rear with his back to the wall..
he looks for a chance out...if he can crawl behind the
throne maybe the wind will lessen there..but the wind
is just too strong..]
[Suresh and Chion on his shoulders make it to the entrance
to the room southward..]
[Ris continues to drag Shah's body out into the east room
hallway from the south room and out the big metal door..]
[Xian shaken from the staff damage moves slowly but fast
to the south..he wonders though ..did he just see Trembyl
pass him?...no..couldn't be...he was almost dead a level
[Amin and Dax enter the south room and turn toward the
outer hallway...]
[Aren follows Xian and overtakes him slightly in retreat
to the south..]
[The dragon sniffs the air..and get's its bearings..
as a gurgle is heard in its throat..]
[Sava sees Unali and runs toward her...but doesn't
get too close...she recognizes the hounds and knows
what they can do..she knows Unali must be suffering
from..and forms a action..]
Turn 1: Phase 4
[Mana Allocation] - None
[Missile Fire] - None
[Magic Effect]
[The wind continues to blow against Jordi up to him
and pushes him to the wall...]
[Sava murmurs a few words and a wave of blue energy
that seems cool to the touch overcomes Unali..but
suddenly her pain completely ends and she feels
[Melee & Movement]
[Thig sees nothing he can do here. Sadly he cna't
help jordi..fight against the dragon and get close
to the hounds..he heads and turns to the south and
with a frown flies south..]
[Farseeker sees he is alone now and cna't fight two in
his weakened state. He decides a retreat is in order
and runs to the south while keeping an eye over his
shoulder for them to follow..]
[Triest continues south and exits the throne room..]
[Trembyl backs away and out of the wind and stands up.
He feels power run through his body and smiles but
with a half frown..he yells out loud in a general
scream over the roar of the wind to anyone..]
Trembyl: "Everyone leave the room now!" [in Marentian]
[Unali doesn't realize where her cure came from as her
head was down..but stands and now runs at full speed
toward the south and past Sava..]
[The hellhounds bark and run lumbering toward the
crowd of fleeing..their nearest targets are Cholan
and Farseeker. The large canine bites at Farseeker
but fails to make contact. The other hound however
bites onto Cholan's rear leg leg and draws a severe
leg gnash doing 7 more points to him..]
[Neva knows things have changed and without Caladan's
help moves south...but a tear starts to stream down
her fast as she worries for Jordi..]
[Ben'dar moves south another 30 feet...]
[Caladan moves south and meets up with Neva..]
[Wi mvoes south and exits the throne room..]
[Kasha hears the strong voice even over the wind of
Trembyl and doesn't realize who said it but thinks
now is a good time to move..he turns and heads south..]
[Cholan through severe pain moves southward and meets
up with Unali...]
[Z'leyra moves out to the outer hallway past the
large metal door and drops the body.she sags and
rests and prepares to search the body..]
[Jordi continues to will himself to move but finds it
is impossible against the strong magical wind...
doom and worry overcome him..is this the end?...the
dragon will surely find him and kill him before Jordi
can even lift a finger in defense...his mind floats
to that of his family and Neva...]
[Suresh feeling the weight of the sleeping Chion finally
exits the throne room oblivious to what is occuring
behind him..]
[Z'leyra hears the roar of the dragon and a blood
curtling scream from the north..she continues to
drag the priestess out of the room but twists to
see cholan..unali and others have retreated but
they seem in extreme pain..she drags the body
out of the room and into the south room.]
[Jordi tries to stand...heck..tries to stand up but
the wind is so fierce and strong it just is keeping
him pinned down on his rear with his back to the wall..
he looks for a chance out...if he can crawl behind the
throne maybe the wind will lessen there..but the wind
is just too strong..]
[Suresh and Chion on his shoulders make it to the entrance
to the room southward..]
[Ris continues to drag Shah's body out into the east room
hallway from the south room and out the big metal door..]
[Xian shaken from the staff damage moves slowly but fast
to the south..he wonders though ..did he just see Trembyl
pass him?...no..couldn't be...he was almost dead a level
[Amin and Dax enter the south room and turn toward the
outer hallway...]
[Aren follows Xian and overtakes him slightly in retreat
to the south..]
[The dragon sniffs the air..and get's its bearings..
as a gurgle is heard in its throat..]
[Ris...dax and Amin helping Ris with Shah's body get
to the outter hallway and fall to the ground in
exhaustion and adrenline..]
[Xian and Aren continues southward..]
[The dragon shifts around and continues to sniff the air..
as the mist leaves his area he suddenly sees the party
all fleeing south...]
Actions? Comments?
Next update Friday...
Level 6 - Kaylle [Searching rooms], Valgor [Dead], Trembyl
Level 7 -
Unali, Chion, Caladan, Suresh, Farseeker, Xian
Aren, Amin, Dex, Wi, Kasha, Ris, Shah, Cholan
Jordi?, Z'leyra, Neva, Triest, Thig
Main cave - Spaar, Qorz, Marta, Talz, Females (2) [Level 2]
[Zoomed map - Just use this map instead..]
1 2 3 4 5
%+__+ |**|J \D+%A + = Torch Stands [From Ground up]
%| \__/ \___DD|%B | = Tapestry of some picture on walls
%|__/ \__/ \DD|%C O = Pillars 2.5 Diameter [To ceiling]
%| \__/Y \__/ |%D |**|= Throne
%|__O \__/ O__|%E ? = Circle is not represented here on this map
%| \__/d \__/ |%F # = Cabinets (Food, Liqour, Water]
%|__/d \F_/ \__|%G
%| \__/ \__/ |%H 1-4 = Guards
%+__/ \__/ \__+%I P = Priestess [L2]
%/ \__/ \__/ \%J 5 = Bodyguard [B3]
%\__/ \__/ \_K/%K d = Dog [K4]
%/ \__/ \__/ \%L t = Timon [Body at L3 - Not on map]
%\__/HU\__/ \__/%M 1 = [I4] 2 = [G4] 3 = [O1] 4 = [N3]
%/ \__/ \B_/ \%N
%\__/ \V_/ \__#%O ? = Thig [D3] [Not on map in Air/Hovering]
%/ O__/ \__O #%P F = Farseeker [G3] K = Kasha [K5]
%\__/ \_X/ \__#%Q T = Triest [??] H = Cholan [M2]
%/ \__/ E__/ \%R U = Unali [M2] J = Jordi [A3] [Behind throne]
%\__/ \__/ \__/%S N = Neva [U3] S = Suresh [??]
%/ \__/ \__/ \%T C = Caladan [U3] s = Shah [??] - Dead
%\__/ \CN/ \__/%U V = Sava [O3] r = Ris [??]
%+ \__/ \__/ %V W = Wi [??] X = Xian [Q3]
%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%W I = Chion [??] A = Amin [??]
D = Dax [??] E = Aren [R4]
Z = Z'leyra [??] B = Ben'dar [N4]
Y = Trembyl [D3]
Those with ?? on map are off the map and most are in the outter
hall of the larger level map previously seen. Those south
of the south pillars will be off map first phase and those
north of it but Kasha and up will be off map at end of next update.
This will only leave Kasha, Farseeker, Jordi and Trembyl on the
map at the end of the next phase. Unless actions change or
are dictated otherwise. Unfournately the dogs are fast and
are now moving. A slightly grim update....
Oh for a phase climax....this also occurs...
As Jordi begins to dispair he suddenly sees a dark form above
him in the mist...hits eyes are barely open and he is unsure
of what he is seeing...but suddenly two arms or hands? reach
out for him...
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