[pnpgm] Game update #321 File #527 - A Ranch? A school?
pnpgm at softhome.net
Sat Jan 1 04:20:00 CET 2005
Alias/Player Character Name Type Status/Notes Sex
Balrog Balrog Warrior Normal/Human Ma
Chris Wells Ben'dar Warrior Normal/Human Ma
Tom Crockett Caladan Wizard Normal/Human Ma
Marcel Liberty Chion Sailor Normal/Human Ma
Bob Eldred/Nomad Damon Sailor Normal/Human Ma
Ryan Torres Farseeker Warrior Normal/Human Ma
Sergi Sallent Jordi Wizard Normal/Elf Ma
Tim Falkenberg Malradh ben Kasha Merc Normal/Human Ma
NPC Plaqyer Neva Archer Normal/Elf Fe
Wayne Richardson/Uji Thig Sidh MU Normal/Faerry Ma
Orion (Paul Broman) Trembyl Wizard Normal/Human Ma
Wout Broere Unali Ninja Normal/Human Fe
Scott Adams Xian Wizard Normal/Human Ma
Alex Koponen Z'leyra Healer Normal/Human Fe
Animals: Ventrius/Pogo Thig's dogs, Firesnake of Caladan's
Player Email Address
Wout Broere broere at powersandperils.org
Alex Koponen akoponen at mosquitonet.com
Sergi Sallent igresigres at yahoo.com
Scott Adams pnpgm at softhome.net
Chris Wells ckwells at comcast.net
Marcel Liberty kzinti_maouse at yahoo.com
Powers & Perils Web Page - for some who might want it:
or <http://www.powersandperils.org/>www.powersandperils.org
Game Web Site - For updates, files, links, etc.
Public posts/actions to pnpgm at abroere.xs4all.nl (mailing list)
Private emails (not public actions) to pnpgm at softhome.net
Game Update #321 in sequence (file #527)
Admin notes: Brother is better and home now. Thanks for
all the concern. Now we must think of those in SE Asia. Happy
new year to everyone. Assuming I post this in time. Having
trouble getting on the internet ia the ISP :<
Will handle posted actions below this time.
[During Z'leyra's audience with the King...]
From Z'leyra
[He places both of his hands on the table and slumps over.
Then realizes he is doing so and stands tall. A slight
grimace quickly fades from his face as if sometimes being
a King is a pain.]
**In her opinion as a healer is this indicative of a medical
problem? Perhaps something she could cure? Or just reaction to
the tiresome annoyance of dealing with affairs of state?
GM: As I state above its little of being tired of dealing with
affairs of state ie being a king and having to always stand
up straight, talk right, etc.
"Your Majesty, you know your kingdom best. The School of Healing
should be in a city that does not already have an excess of
healers. The city should have good trade connections and
preferably a climate suitable for growing herbs of healing.
Hopefully the gentry and people would be enthusiastic to have
such a school in their midst. Beyond that, you are the one best
qualified for determining where such a school would be needed."
"The primary reason for putting it near a poor district would be
to ensure that there are enough examples of injured and diseased
individuals so that the school would be able to show live
instruction each day of how to care for wounds and how to cure
diseases. If placed in an upper class or even middle class
district it might not attract enough people needing healing, as
these often use private healers and might object to their healing
being viewed by others than the healer. Such districts would also
object to the flow of poor people through the district to and
from the School."
"We would welcome the priests. They have much to teach us and we
could help to teach them. We honor the gods of healing and pray
that they will look kindly upon this venture."
"The reasons for the one day a week rule is primarily that along
with healing skills, we expect the healing masters to be
demonstrating and using a fair bit of healing magics. Such
magic can be draining and it takes some time to recover. Another
reason is to encourage different healing techniques to be taught.
I have found that they are generally helpful to each other, not
"Maybe someday the School will be so successful as to have two or
even three shifts of masters per day. Perhaps 21 masters per
week. As far as what they would do the rest of the week, they
could continue their private practices or use their healing
skills as assistant teachers in the school or study the skills
and spells demonstrated by the other masters - hopefully
improving even further as masters of the healing arts."
"I am foreign born. I do not expect to be placed in charge of of
an important institution, unknown as I am. Nor do I seek to be
an administrator. I am a healer. A master of the skill of healing.
I believe this world could use more healers, that the healers
can be better healers."
"If you know of a better way to administer the School, please, do
the better way. That is not my forte. I have thought upon the
subject and presented my best thoughts on how it might properly
be done. Nor am I a merchant. I do not know if the school will
show a small loss. It might, I don't know. It might also prove
to be quite profitable. No doubt the prices charged will
determine the profitability. If it is popular and many are
willing to pay to be treated there it likely WILL be profitable.
In presenting the idea I thought it best to err on the side of
"Free healing? That is for yourself or your administrator to
decide. Certainly I'd support free healing for the troops in
time of war. But it would not be the teachers charging fees.
It would be the administrator charging fees and in turn paying
salaries. Free treatment would reduce the profitability of the
School but provide more patients. Effectively it would be an
increase in the troops pay, paid to those troops needing healing.
It might make it easier to hire troops but if you wanted the
School to be profitable the other patients would have to be
charged more to cover the expenses incurred providing the free
"Fees, of course, would be set in consultation with the masters
to determine a price that covered costs and prevented the school
from being swamped yet are still low enough to attract the
patients needed for teaching. If patients with certain conditions
were rare, they might get reduced costs or even free treatment
so as to provide examples of how to treat those conditions.
The costs for studying at the School should be set so as to
have the proper number of students. Possibly those of particular
talent should be given scholarships to help them afford the
instruction. Those teaching should get an equal amount of
free study as part of their pay and to encourage them to be
the best healer they can be."
"This School's reason for existence is to train healers. I see
healing the poor as the easiest and most useful way to do so.
The middle class, wealthy and highborn would be welcome as well.
Indeed, treatment by an acknowledged master would ensure that
they are getting good treatment. One could pay extra to ensure
the master of the day treated you rather than being treated by
one of the students. It still wouldn't allow for private
treatment in the School, for that one would have to hire a
master on one of his days off."
"If my healing of patients qualifies me as one of the masters
<she smiles confidently> I would teach students and heal patients
one day a week and be paid for it. A healer of my skill gets
around 15 silver coins per week for instruction. (Though as a
mage I get somewhat more). We might round that to 2 silver coins
and one copper for the one day I teach. Pay would eventually be
determined by the evaluations of how our patients fared. Perhaps
the master whose patients fared best would not only be paid the
most but be granted the title of Grand Healer. A goal to keep
the healers striving to improve their skills."
"Probably I would start the day by examining and evaluating each
patient. This evaluation would be the basis for determining how
well the healer, I wouldn't be told which student or master, did
in treating the patient the previous day. Then I would spend
the day treating patients while demonstrating to students and
supervising students on their treatment of patients. Records
would be kept of each so that each healer could be evaluated
and trained to overcome any weaknesses found. I would likely
study under another master healer another day during the week."
"What I do the rest of the week would have nothing to do with the
school unless I hire on as an assistant teacher to another master,
as such I would not be expected to use much magic and I might be
paid somewhat less per day. If the School is large enough,
assistant teachers may need to be hired - they could be temporary
masters if a master is away. I suspect that Masters of Healing
in the School would attract wealthy clients and be paid well
if they practice privately during the days they are not at the
School. In any case, I and other masters would be expected to
recover our magical energies for use during the day we are
master of the School."
"Yes, I ask that you fund and own the School of Healing. I am
wealthy, even wealthy enough to fund a small school. I am not
wealthy enough at the moment to fund such a school as I hope
this will become. Nor is it the place for a private individual
to do so. This School of Healing should be great. It should be
part of the Kingdom. It should be part of what makes Marentia
great. It should belong to Marentia."
She bows to the King.
King [As she listens to Z'leyra she occasionally does a slight
stare at the group of courtiers in the corner for their
reaction. Occasionally he nods his head to her answers and
mulls it over. Then he turns to her and replies.]
"Very interesting and intriguing ideas. Your answers were
well thought out. This school sounds like a daunting task.
I would suggest doing it at Sivas for the temperature of
the garden required, as it gets too cold here, and for
the trade the city has. Sivas is a collection for traffic
of all kinds of the province and outside nations. Putting
it in the poor district would likely mean near the water
front property near the many wharfs. This would mean you
would likely get alot of travellers in need of help. We
will have to involve the priests in some way as we get
this project going. As to me funding such a operation.
There are ...issues with that situation. If I fund it
entirely it could be seen as favoritism to one healer
and endorsement of the school. While I would clearly
endorse it in the end I do see that I could donate funds
to the project rather than fund it myself. I will have
one of my aides contact you and work out the details. Let
the majordomo know where your staying so we can contact you
in the next few weeks. But I think once details are done
we can certainly start such a major project. I do hope
you success. As to the administrator I'm too busy for
such a position but I'm sure that's one detail we can iron
out later."
[King then rounds the table to come and shake the hand of the
healer but then leans to her ears and whispers.]
King: "There are politics involved. The Royal Healer would
not like such a school here in Maren to comepte with him.
Plus if the priests help in the school favoritism could
show to one of their sect or gods and there would be
religious ramifications. Nobility politics and other issues."
[he then leans back and speaks out loud again]
King: "I do hope your healers are well trained. I know I've
visited some in the past for a simple tooth problem and
I was in pain for days!" [He grins and winks as the Royal
Healer in the corner shifts back and forth]
[During Ben'dar's audience with the King...]
From Ben'dar:
OOC: Going out of town today...won't be back until the 29th. I
would post on the public list, but I don't have access to that
here at work. Happy holidays all! Scott, I hope your brother
recovers quickly.
GM: Same to you.
ACTIONS: (Being a foreigner and a new-comer to the group, I don't
know if the king will grant any favors to Ben'Dar. If not, he
remains silently stoic and proud in bearing.) If he is granted,
Ben'Dar will bow gravely and say (in Zen'dan, so someone will
probably have to translate unless the king also speaks Zen'dan,
which is entirely possible), "King of Marentia, you honor me
greatly. I am a warrior of Zen'da and our two people are strong
friends. Though I love the rolling plains of my homeland and
desire to see it again greatly, I am greatly impressed with your
land. I would like to stay here and use my skills to strengthen
your mighty kingdom in whatever way I can. If it pleases you,
grant me citizenship and give me an official document that tells
all the world that I am one of Marentia's loyal sons and lets all
men know that I may freely live, work, and trade in your kingdom
and in the lands of Marentia's allies as well."
King [Speaking in Zen'dali actually] "I assume you are not waned
in any other nation or wanted in your own tribal land?"
GM: Assuming Ben'dar shakes his head telling the truth
King: "Then you are granted citizenship with the full rights
and privledges. Why do you wish to work here and not return
to your home land?"
Ben'dar: If the king asks about why he would wish to live, work,
and trade in Marentia, Ben'Dar will explain in some detail about
his skills as a horseman and of his dream of becoming a renowned
rider and trainer of fine warhorses. He tells the king that he
wishes to ultimately become a trader-merchant of his highly trained
warhorses, and that he wishes to trade in Marentia and to her
allies. He explains the obvious benefits that this would bring
to Marentia (i.e. having more trade to boost the economy, and
having an additional supply of fine quality war horses to help
the defense of the nation).
King: "An exciting project! In fact due to a recent conflict
with raiders from L'p'nth we lost many horses in the raid so
Marentia could always use more horse resources."
Ben'dar: If the king shows any further interest, Ben'Dar will detail
out his plans of building multiple training ranches and a horse
breeding ranch per the spreadsheet project I sent you earlier.
He will dramatically and enthusiastically explain his well-
thought-out plan and explain that the only thing holding him
back is initial funding and that he is looking for an investor
who would share in the considerable profits of the enterprise.
[The king listens intently]
Ben'dar: If the king shows even more interest...(I know I'm really
stretching at this point but who knows, maybe the king is a horse
guy too), Ben'Dar will talk specific amounts of gold needed for
the initial ranch investment and estimated monthly profits and
annual numbers of trained warhorses that will be available. He
asks the king for funds to begin building Dragon Tooth Steeds.
(Yeah yeah I know none of these last 3 paragraphs will probably
happen, but hey, it isn't everyday that you're standing in front
of a king who is asking "what favor can I grant you?" heheheh
King: "Very interesting. Excuse me for a moment."
[Was that a shove off? The king turns and walks to the group of
courtiers in the corner and whispers to them. A servant rushes
out of the hall. The king then makes small talk with the general
there in the corner.]
[What seems like forever but is only 3 minutes the servant comes
back in carrying a scroll and whispers to the king. The King
then turns around and with scroll in hand walks toward the
center table where Ben'dar is still standing by.]
King: "Sorry for that. Your idea is intriguing. I would welcome
such a venture in this province. However, I can't very well
invest in every venture out there. However maybe in the
future if the first is profitable I could invest in the
future ranches you have. But I do have something for you."
[He waves for Ben'dar to approach the table. There the king
unravels a long scroll with writing. He moves his hand
in front of it and starts to talk again.]
King: "This is a deed to a small ranch. It is yours. I have
a knight who served the kingdom for 20 years here. When
I became king we became friends. When he got older and could
no longer fight well he sought after being a cow rancher. He
did well for several years until he died just 4 months ago.
Unfournately he had no family as his wife had died just half
a year prior to his death. He had no kids so being a loyal
knight to the kingdom he put the ranch to go to his king
as inheritance. Unfournately this sort of thing happens
often from the poorest peasant to the richast noble. Most
of the time I sell things like this off to auction and give
proceeds to those who need it like teh poor. Just two days
ago I was figuring out what to do with this piece of land.
But you have solved that. You will own the property and
everything on it. It is 105 acres with a 4 room house, bunkhouse
for 20 ranch hands, corral for about 50 animals, well and there
is a fence around the property. He kept cows but it could
be adapted for horses very easilly. It includes furniture as
well. I hope this is sufficient for you?"
GM: Details coming in email soon.
[During Chion's time with King]
From Chion: [Re: Reward]
King [After a short pause of reflection] "Your homeland is
where? You also state you are a freeman. But implying that you
should not be otherwise. Should we be apraised of something?"
Chion replies to the king's questions as follows:
"I was born free in the far land of North Katai I am a free mage
of the realm of the Dark Lands. I am a free sailor of free waters.
I note the status for I know not whether you enslave your subjects
or those subjects from other realms whom you see fit to exact
your lordly rightiousness. Should you be appraised of something,
it should be this - I would prefer a reward to an accusation
when a reward is offered. Your majesty."
With a polite bow at the end of his words. Of course.
[King stares at Chion. He hears the slight implication of being
a accuser of something. A emotionless expression falls on his
face then he simply says.]
King: "Accepted. Documents will be provided."
[What seems like a long time but only is about 2.5 hours the
full audience with the king nears the end. But juat then
a servant approaches the king with a scroll and the aide
the group saw the previous night on the ship. They whisper
a few seconds then both leave. The king examines the scroll
and then sits down in his chair.]
King: "There is a slight problem. My people have searched your
ship. Quite an interesting load you have returned. Much
gold and booty. All that will remain yours as you've earned
it. But of course the taxes will have to be applied for
the income. But the problem comes in two items. In search
of the magical items my people have found them to be evil
items that should be confiscated. I'm inclined to agree
with them. You were asked last night if you had anything
to declare or hide. It seems no one spoke up as to anything
in particular. But these two items are in question. " [He
reads from the scroll] "A staff that has a evil spell in it
that can endanger many lives and a talisman with a evil
power in it." [He goes on to describe the objects] "Our
people are already holding it but they will not bring it
here to the palace. Whose items are these? You are not
in trouble if you speak up I just wish like to ask what
you intend to do with these items?"
GM: The king describes the Staff Chion grabbed and a Talisman
that unali took up in her inventory. Both have chaotic
powers in them. For the staff Chion already knows what
the ability is. For unali she doesn't at this point.
Ok. A status update.
I've worked on 3 months for Unali and Ben'dar [Email soon
to be sent or sent]. I've finished the final 2 weeks actions
so all I have to do is 3 months actions for everyone.
[Three Months Actions]
Ben'dar - Working, waiting for replies
Chion - Started, but waiting for replies
Jordi - Got nothing so far
Unali - Working, waiting on replies
Z'leyra - Waiting for actions, Alex still working on.
Once 3 months are over next adventure will begin.
King's reward still hasn't been asked from Unali or Jordi. If
you wish to Hold your rward for later let me know as well. Xian
and Caladan did that if you recall reading.
Happy New Year!
Oh. BTW the website is working and should be updated sometime
this weekend. I may be removing alot of the files for the
next adventure. But my isp just expanded me from 20 megs to
50 megs of space so maybe not :)
Next update? Possibly monday if anything maybe a status
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