[pnpgm] Jordi waits.
igresigres at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 20 20:07:30 CEST 2005
After saying what he had to say, Jordi waits in
the campament the end of the conflict. He doesn't
understand the customs of this people, and he is
worried by Jolcz; he told Enoz that he didn't want to
harm them, and now, due to what Jordi considers
Cetric's evil maquinations, he has, in a involuntary
way, harmed Jolcz.
(In Marentian, to Strie'bog)
"I will wait here; I feel an obligation to Jolcz,
and I fear what Cetric has reserved for her."
(In Zen'da, to Ben'dar)
"The problem is, my friend, that I don't know if
I wish to remain here. I don't understand this
people, nor their ways."
Jordi moves near Jolcz:
"How do you feel? Are you okey? I'm sorry for all
this, but I didn't expect what was waiting for us
Jordi doesn't know what to expect from Caladan's
tribe, and he is ready for anything -combat, magic,
speaking more...-. There is, however, something that
bothers him: how is it posible that Caladan and
Ben'dar are citizens of this nation? Are they
exceptional between this people? Perhaps they are
different to the rest of his nation, being honest and
decent men, and they live in Marentia because they
don't like the way the majority of their countrymen
are... like Enoz, who lives away from his tribe...
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