[pnpgm] Game update #110 - File #412 - Party rests more..
Scott Adams
longshot at darktech.org
Fri Sep 1 09:08:43 CEST 2006
HT Alias/Player Character Name Type Status/Notes Sex
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
R3 Balrog................Balrog............Warrior.Normal/Human Ma
?? Chris Wells...........Ben'dar...........Warrior.Normal/Human Ma
R4 Tom Crockett..........Caladan...........Wizard..Normal/Human Ma
R1 Marcel Liberty........Chion.............Sailor..Normal/Human Ma
W3 Ryan Torres...........Farseeker.........Warrior.Normal/Human Ma
W2 Sergi Sallent.........Jordi.............Wizard..Normal/Elf Ma
R4 Tim Falkenberg........Malradh ben Kasha.Merc....Normal/Human Ma
R3 Wayne Richardson/Uji..Thig..............Sidh MU.Normal/Faerry Ma
Do Robert Maxwell........Strie'bog.........Artist..Normal/Human Ma
R3 Orion (Paul Broman)...Trembyl...........Wizard..Normal/Human Ma
W3 Wout Broere...........Unali.............Ninja...Normal/Human Fe
R3 Scott Adams...........Xian..............Wizard..Normal/Human Ma
W2 Alex Koponen..........Z'leyra...........Healer..Normal/Human Fe
Animals: Ventrius/Pogo Thig's dogs, Firesnake of Caladan's,
Z'Leyra's Eagle, 2 Draft Horses, Wolf - Boyzdar
6 Captured Zen'da Horses
Game Web Site - For updates, files, links, etc.
Public posts/actions to pnpgm at abroere.xs4all.nl (mailing list)
Private emails (not public actions) to longshot at darktech.org
Game Update #110 in sequence (file #412)
Admin notes: None.
From Ben'dar: [Re: Actions]
Ben'Dar doesn't back down to Durge, and he glances around
at the warriors backing him up with an amused grin. He
seems to be greatly enjoying the fact that Durge seems bold
only because of all his fellow warriors backing him up.
In response to Durge's words about the claw, Ben'Dar merely
rolls his eyes, shakes his head and makes an insulting
gesture of dismissal, the same as a Zen'Dan adult would
give to a disobedient child.
Later during the interrogation of prisoners...
Ben'Dar gives an exaggerated sigh of exasperation as Durge
once again gets in his face. He seems about to say
something highly insulting, but holds his tongue as
Gib'borah waves Durge away.
In reply to Gib'borah, Ben'Dar merely nods curtly and
turns on his heel and walks away. He is satisfied that
the young enemy leader knows nothing more. Ben'Dar is
unwilling to take the risk of questioning either of the
spellcasters, who are probably just desperate enough to
lash out with their magic if given the chance.
Vote on Castle: Ben'Dar will defer to Chion in this matter,
but he will mention that the people in the castle sound
like soft civilized folk who probably enjoy their beauty
sleep, so an early morning surprise attack might be best.
GM: Ack.
From Unali: [Re: Actions]
Unali's sees the large serpentine and finds that a very
attractive gem to be made into a brooch in the future. She
would like that. Of course a split of the treasure taken
home and converted to money is much appreciated. Deduct the
value of the gem from her income.
As she hears Xians suggestion on delaying the decision on
the claw, she finds that an attractive one. "It may have to
be destroyed, but for now we have no idea what it can do or
to what extent it will corrupt the user. I feel we should
find out more, and the castle would be the first spot to
look. Hopefully we know more when we return. At least till
then, let's restrain from destroying it. Placing it away
from everybody's hands seems a good idea."
In the days before going to the castle, Unali will practise
her two-weapon fighting. I expect the two village girls
might be interested to watch and maybe practise also. She
will encourage them to practise with her.
Chion: "You have seen the castle inside. Dare you guess
what routine they had going before you shook them up. They
will have upped the guard for some days, but how long.
They might be letting their guard down, or maybe not as
they are L'(spit). If you have a suggestion for the time
to go, say so and we will follow it."
If no suggestion is made she will say "Then we might best
strike them when people are less wakeful. Just before sunrise."
GM: Ack. Serpentine Gem noted on treasure link on website.
From Chion: [Re: Actions]
After Gib-borah finishes his speech Chion will say to nobody
in general, "I guess that "settles" that." He has no
intention of interfering with the "plain justice" each is
to receive. His mind starts to "roam" to other thing. (take
that evil GM!)
[Another post..]
Chion will ask for something to draw the map out on. He will
draw the map in as much detail as he can (which, I believe
is nearly 100% accurately due to his training). He will ask
Farseeker, "If you were making a hidden castle, where would
you put the rest of the rooms?" and perhaps Farseeker's (and
other peoples') strategic training can provide some insight
into the rest of the layout. "We should all commit the map
to memory. I suggest we all teleport into a hallway instead
of into a room which might be warded in some way. Ideas?"
He will say in casual generallity to the group who wish to
go to the castle, "I will rest before going. I intend upon
going during the early morning, perhaps at about 4 am. We
should all work on sleeping at different hours for the next
few days so we can be awake at this time. Oh, and we may need
to ride for a day to the south prior to attempting the move.
I will need to do some calculations." He will attempt to
calculate the real distance to the hidded fortress using
the maps he looked at at Wounderal's and perhaps in his
books, and of course from his own recollections from making
the journey a few times.
The preperation for the teleport will be as normal;
insubstantial, invisible, teleport - all using mana from
his staff if possible. I know the insubstantial and
invisible is short lived when done this way
GM: Ack. You mention a ride south? Elaborate.
The insubstantial would be difficult for a gorup of
10. The invisible would work though.
[New Stuff]
GM: The below is the admin part of the update on what occurs
days 55-60.
GM: Experience for Days 55-59 waiting for the Magic Users
to regenerate.
Balrog stays by himself for the 5 days mostly. Occasionally
he decides to be with others but is always thinking quietly.
He spends time on the camp outskirts learning Whip and
Short Sword. He gets to the point he has perfected his Whip
Ben'dar practices from another warrior - one of which was
the one that he raced against - Tuol - Scimitar from a
horse. While he has perfected horsemanship he learns
to swing and balance the scimitar but is still unskilled.
Farseeker spends the 5 days with A'zort. They quickly
become good friends and the large warrior seems to tease
the stranger as a brother always slapping him on the back
and forcing him to lose his breath. A'zort teaches him
a few tricks with a Throwing Axe skill and Farseeker finally
masters it. The last 3 days Farseeker spends practicing
his Pike skill and improves his skill.
Xian spends a lot of time with Cetric and Cetric goes over
some herbs in the area. This 5 days of study helps Xian
to improve his herbalist skill. Other times he plays
his flute with Strie'bog and entertains the village.
Trembyl takes the 5 days to continue his training under
a warrior in the village. He had already started while
the party was in the enemy camp and tracking. He knows
its a good chance to experience such great riders and
their knowledge.
Kashs spends time with the horse riders as well learning
their plains tricks. He also tries to further learn the
Thig spends the five days playing with the dogs and
making notes in his journal. He learns from Kasha
how to improve his sling skill. thig also casts
some illusion spells each day to improve that spell.
He also spends time playing his flute with Xian
and Strie'bog.
Unali spends the five days learning her two weapon
fighting. She asks Hullah to help out as a sparing
partner. Both learn from each other. Unali is
surprised to find she has picked up a few tricks from
watching the older boys fight. Including a nasty under
cut swing that the Zen'da seem to have perfected.
All these five days the males scowl and even go as far
to complain about the females to Gib'borah. He ignores
their complaints as Unali is a guest though quietly
agrees half way with the complainers. Durge especially
is upset about the antics the few days. Hullah upset
that she could be shunned asks Unali to practice on the
northern side of the lodge away from most eyes.
Z'leyra spends her time learning from Farseeker hand
to hand. Farseeker explains that while the Zen'da could
teach her their prejudice is strong. Plus they seem to
excel in Wrestling more than hand to hand combat. He
will teach her more combat stances. She also spends
time away on the perimeter of the camp doing many spells.
At the start of the experience she had no experience
to combat well. By the 5th day she has learned enough
to learn the skill and gain a level.
Player Skill 55 56 57 58 59 Notes
Balrog Whip 1 1 1 - - +1 EL/Now at Max
Short Sword - - - 1 1
Ben'dar Scimitar 2 2 2 2 2 Learning
Farseeker Throwing Axe 2 2 - - - +1 EL/Now at Max
Pike - - 1 1 1 +1 EL
Xian Herbalist 2 2 2 2 2 +2 EL
Trembyl Horsemanship 2 2 2 2 2
Kasha Horsemanship 2 2 2 2 2 +1 EL/Now at max
Thig Sling 2 2 2 2 2 +1 EL
Unali 2-Wpn Fight 2 2 2 2 * +1 EL/Now at max
Z'leyra Hand-2-Hand 2 2 2 2 2 +1 EL/Learned
Chion ??????????? - No Data -
Strie'bog ??????????? - No Data -
GM: Unali after only 4 days your at Max skill now. Do
you want to practice another skill if so in what?
For 1 or 2 points depending? Please let me know.
GM: I did not get info on skill practice from Chion and
Strie'bog so guess they don't practice anything?
GM: Party Gear -
Balrog - Takes leather armor, numerous daggers, 2 Short Swords
(one spare in sheath), Whip and sling on belt. Bag of ammo.
Backpack he packs a couple rations, water, candle,, flint
and his locksmith tools. He still wears his amulet.
Ben'dar - Wears Dragon Armor and leaves leather. Takes
Pike, Dagger (belt), Spear (sheath), Bow (Back), Whip (belt)
and Auiver (back). Taking Fangs/Claws I assume.
In a bag tied to belt (doesn't hang low) take a torch
and a couple rations in case long expedition.
GM: Do you take the pike? Being in tight quarters like
a hallway or small room it might be hard to use
compared to a spear? Its safe to leave the 15 pound
silver bars with your horse.
Farseeker packs his gear. He takes only his chainmail,
great sword (sheath) and battle Axe (back). He
stores on his backpack a couple rations, water skin,
torch and candle with flint.
Xian will don his Banded Armor for the castle. He will
use his war staff, belt his daggers and place his
arbalest & quiver on back. In his backpack he has a
few assorted small items.
Trembyl will wear his leather armor, belt his daggers,
use his magical scimitar and take his Arbalest &
auivers (back). He takes some survival gear in his
backpack like food, water, flint, torch and candle.
Kasha travels light he will wear his Ring Mail, use his
magical mace, belt his daggers and sling. He will
strap a bag to his back (which can be released in
combat) with food, water, bandages and flints inside.
Along with his fancy boots he'll wear his cloak as
it seems to make him look bigger.
Thig will wear his leather armor, shield (back/hand),
belt his daggers, hold his staff, sheath his short
staff, belt his sling, wear his repeating crossbow (back),
In his backpack he stores torch, candle, flints, water
and food and a container. He still wears his ring and
Unali will prepare by her chainmail and full helmet. She
will belt her daggers and have some in hand. She belts
her magical sling & ammo, She can keep at ready her
magical scimitar in the sheath. She also will take
her bow/quiver (back). To help hide her in the shadows
she wears her normal boots, black clothing and cowl.
She straps a water skin on her belt and keeps a couple
rations in her pouch.
GM: Unali I'll assume you wear chain and full. If
not and you want leather and leather helm let me know.
Figured you'd want the best defense. Will assume
you only take the magical sling (not the other) and
the magical scimitar as a backup? Unali I do need
to know which magical items you take? You can
email me privately.
Chion will wear his chainmail & full helmet. He will belt
his Sai and sword. Will wear his crossbow and quiver
on back. He will hold his staff. He will wear his
sailor clothes, cloak and amulet.
GM: Will assume you leave your shield and battle axe.
Assume everything else left behind.
Strie'bog will wear his quilted/leather armor. He
will use his axe (back), quiver (back) and longbow (bow).
He will wear his standard (non-fine) clothing in case
theres blood. In his backpack he'll take water skin,
bags, some food, herbs and one of his potions. He
will have at his side his Balalaika.
GM: Everything else assume to be left behind.
Z'leyra will wear her Dragon helm, leather/ring armor,
Buckler in hand, staff in hand (which means can't use
full staff ability), daggers in belt, sling in belt
and longbow on back with quiver. She will continue
to wear her 2 purses, belt, belt pouch, square pouch
all around her. Along with drum, water skin, backpack
on back and a heavy satchel on shoulder she looks
like she is going on a long journey with the bags
and other gear. She wears good boots, a bracelet
on her left arm and ring on right hand. Around her neck
is a chain necklace. Another ring is on her left hand.
On her belt she has a nice dagger scabbard. In
the satchel are various items. She has a backpack
full of sacks and bags.
GM: Ben'dar, Unali, Chion and Strie'bog have GM entries
above for comments and clarifications on gear.
GM: Teleport Inclusion Data -
Player Body Weight + Gear Weight # of Inclusions
Balrog 194 + 36 = 228 1
Ben'dar 188 + 26 = 214 1
Farseeker 190 + 70 = 260 1
Xian 168 + 32 = 200 1
Trembyl 214 + 26 = 240 1
Kasha 209 + 18 = 227 1
Thig 73 + 42 = 125 1
Unali 126 + 74 = 200 1
Chion 243 + 76 = 319 -
Strie'bog 176 + 25 = 201 1
Z'leyra 140 + 54 = 194 1
Total 10
Total Inclusions: 10 [Can't take anymore unless replace]
Total Weight : 2,408 pounds
GM: I had to do the above to figure out if all can be
transported via the spell safely.
Octaqi 25, in the 163rd Year [TH]
[Meanwhile in Caladan's Village]
[Day 55 of Trip]
[Unali replies to Xian's plans.]
Xian: "The oblivion spell could be useful for even
placing gear and special items like the claw.
But it looks like no one is interested in the plan."
[Chion gets help from Thig in putting a map together
on some scrolls he has. Chion has to sit for some
time to make sure a good scale and placement of
rooms and halls are accurate. Later that night
he asks Farseeker to study and come up with a battle
plan. Farseeker explains he will come up with one
in the morning.]
Octaqi 26, in the 163rd Year [TH]
[Meanwhile in Caladan's Village]
[Day 56 of Trip]
[The Day stays clear all day and reaches a temperature
of 85-86. A good chance from the cool fall weather.]
[After breakfast Farseeker speaks with Chion and others
interested in tactics.]
Farseeker: "I've studied the map. This castle is unique
in that it is built into the mountain itself. While
a fort of this style is not uncommon it does hold
special defenses. The problem is it hardened and
reinforced by the mountain itself. I believe Trembyl
will be useful on this trip as he can make the mountain
rumble. Cave ins will be our best weapon if we decide
to destroy the place but it would have to be done in
places to do the most damage like the entrance hall
and the side openings on the first floor. That way
it would be difficult to dig and escape out or re-enter.
This looks like the standard L'p'nth defense castle
layout. The first floor is for presentations and
administrative duties. This likely includes store
rooms and non-essential areas. It looks like you've
explored 90% of it except for these 2 side areas on
the left and right.
The L'p'nth use the standard castle and fortress lay
outs that Marentia and Bhamotin use. The second
floor based on the limited 10% exploration...by
my guess...is likely a quarters floor. There could
be more vital rooms here. Based on the mountain
size though there could be more floors. But I'd
have to guess theres only five more floors. The
higher the mountain may get the harder to dig
out. So can't tell from this how many more. Most
mountain forts only have 3-5 floors though. If
there is a 3rd floor it would be likely that or
the second floor where the vital areas are.
The problem is we just don't know how far this
place goes up and sideways. There could be tunnels
going all over the place. This scale could only
be a minor chunk of it.
As to where to insert us....I've come up with only
three places based on this map. It would depend
on if we went take finish exploring level 1 or go
and attack the guards in the barracks right away.
If we go to level 1 then here by the kitchen where
likely there would be no one. Also here south of
the banquet hall. That hall would likely not have
much traffic. If we go to level 2 there is only
one place here by the barracks."
GM: For level 1 he points to coordinates D59-D60
by the kitchen. The other place south of
the hall is N13/N14. For level 2 he points to
the barracks hallway D59/D60 as well. Check
the website map for those coordinates.
[He continues..]
Farseeker: "That's my choice. But its ultimately
up to you as you'd be the pilot on this trip.
You know the layout more than us. If we do
go at 4am then floor one would likely be patrolled
only by a couple men aside from the entry areas
in front. The level 2 might have more guarding
doors but mostly asleep."
Balrog: "I'm taking my kit in case we need to open
up some doors. If the armory is here they
might have a vault nearby."
Farseeker: "Actually L'p'nth from what I've studied
of past battles is that they don't vault up their
treasure. They tend to do it in their cities
but rarely on the frontier areas like this. If
there is more treasure it'll be few and far between.
There won't be any great vault rooms. But
I could be wrong."
Kasha: "This area here on the first level east of
the main entry unexplored. I am sure its got
to be a horse stable. We heard they sent horses
out. So they have horses. Now if they do they
would not keep them anywhere but level 1 due to
stair issues and other issues like food and wastes.
It would have to be connected to the entry hall
for quick exit. So this HAS to be the stable."
Thig: "I've heard the L'p'nth have strange rooms
in most castles for rituals. If this is the
case it has to be on level 3. The reason is
if level 2 is living areas they would not taint
the ritual or ceremony room with visitors and
casual on-lookers. That to me would indicate
a level 3 does exist."
Trembyl: "What kind of rituals?"
thig: "Don't know. But they have dark gods."
Xian: "Looks like unless they have tunnels there
could only be one way in and out. We take
that entry out with rocks or fire it will be
a major step. But the other places are all stone
and rock and wouldn't burn too much to spread
fires from room to room."
[Day 56 of Trip] - Time: Late afternoon
[The Zen'da grab the shaman for his justice. Since
none of the party has argued against the justice
verdicts the political and war council has decided
the Zen'da follow through. While most prefer not
to delve into internal matters of the tribe they
know even this tribe has political issues. A clan
like Caladan's has to deal with other clans for
peace. The other chiefs would pressure Gib'borah
to act in certain ways for peace. While some believe
the verdicts are barbaric most believe it is justice
to some degree. The party is disappointed that no
more information could be learned from the three.
The shaman was the least resistant to torture as he
seems to have grown up among Zen'da and know their
ways already. Even though its been a day the plants
gathered have been found quicker. Cetric makes the
paralytic drink. This makes the party nervous as he
betrayed them the same way. The shaman is grabbed.
They toss him back and forth hitting him some more
and he continues to take it. The warriors laugh.
Then they get quiet when Durge approaches. Two warriors
grab the shaman and holds his head still. Durge forces
the mouth open and pulls the tongue out with some tong
like thing. He then with a quick swipe of his dagger
cuts the shaman's tongue out. As stated this is to
ensure no spells can be cast. To ensure he has no
objects on him he is stripped and checked. Those
who decide to watch mount up with the Zen'da and
ride out about 2 miles west of the camp. The
shaman is placed on the ground and forced to drink
the paralytic drink. It soon overtakes him and he
can't move a inch. The drug in this case will last
at least 2 days. Cetric sprinkles some material that
stinks around the shaman. This is to ward off the
shaman's tonah - snakes from helping him. but it
also serves as a double effect. It will call Cetric's
tonah - Wolves to investigate. At that point it will
be up to nature for the shaman's fate. The nude shaman
bakes in the hot sun for some time before he is left
there. The tongue bleeding has stopped when his
mouth is forced shut and can't be opened again from
the drug. If he don't choke to death he'll be eaten
soon. The Zen'da seem to respect this shaman as he
went to his fate with dignity and so they will respect
this shaman and even bury his remains in a couple
days with full shamanic dignity....]
[Day 56 of Trip] - Time: 11:13pm]
[A warrior on patrol a half mile south of the village
encounters a Te'sla. The warrior's horse gets scared
but hut the warrior gives the Te'sla a broad path
to flee the area. Later when this is learned the
party shake their heads at the loss of good hide. But
the warrior likely had no clue of its worth.]
Octaqi 27, in the 163rd Year [TH]
[Meanwhile in Caladan's Village]
[Day 57 of Trip]
[Today clouds move in making it mostly partly cloudy
for the whole day. The temperature also declines
only to the mid 70s as a high. Near 4pm the village
is hit by a dust storm that lasts for 5 full minutes
and coats the area with sand and dust.]
[Time : Late afternoon]
[Today the warriors grab the wizard for his justice.
He is given a chance to save himself by giving
information which can help the Zen'da and the party
but he refuses to speak. Its clear from his answers
that hatred of the Zen'da is imbred upon him. The
wizard is stripped and checked. As with the shaman
fear of spells makes Durge remove his tongue as well.
But the blood loose is great so a delay for justice
comes an hour later till its stopped. The warriors
grab and lead him away from the leader. The group then
takes him to the east side of the camp where a pit
already exists. This pit is usually made for wastes
and trash then reburied upon so the pit is actually a
'hill' higher than the ground. The pit this time is
about 8 feet across and about 5 feet deep. At the
bottom a large fire has been prepared. it sees
already burning wood and trash. Above it only 4 feet
above is a long wooden spit like beam. The party who
wishes to watch notice some pulley and wench system
where it seems to be able to be turned through brute
force. Thig speaks to the warriors and mentions he
has pulleys in his bags. He could suggest a better
setup. Trembyl stops him though and makes Thig realize
this is a cruel way to day. Thig shrugs but understands
and when the warriors ignore the faerry he gives up.
The wizard is tied to the beam and its moved over the
fire. He is wrapped in a thick blanket which keeps the
heat inside. The warriors explain this is a common
technique they use in the Western Tribes. Forest folks
especially hate this death and fear it. Those in
the party still think its barbaric. The warriors explain
it will be hours before anything comes of it. Hours
later occasional screams can be heard muffled as the
body heats up and boils....]]
[In the last 2 days Durge has been talking quietly with
Gib'borah about the strangers. Especially the "freaks"
like Jordi and Thig. The disgrace the women are showing
by fighting and doing other things reserved for only
shamans. Though this is private conversations it
occasionally becomes vocal and overheard. Its clear
as leader Gib'borah agrees in spirit to the arguments
but the party is a proven guest to the village. He
is torn between tradition and honor. Its clear Durge
is a traditionalist while Gib'borah is a bit more
progressive in thinking. An hour after the wizard
is placed in the pit Durge rounds the corner and sees
Ben'dar talking to another warrior. Durge walks by
and eyes Ben'dar who glares back. Its clear Durge
is still upset about something or just normally bitter.]
[Durge walks up to Ben'dar and glares.]
Durge: "You disrespect me. This is enough to make me
kill you. You realize when the chief days I could
be chief then? You disrespect me again and I'll have
to deal with you. Got it? If your girly shorts gets
ruffled and you want to take me on we can duel as
a Zen'da duels. Otherwise step aside."
[To the right the other warrior stares at Ben'dar.]
GM: Personality and Zen'da. A wonderful thing eh?
If you want to go with a challenge let me know.
The fight would be non-lethal and likely to KO
by traditional Zen'da rules. But there is drawing
of blood challenges as well. The way the challenge
is given you know the custom is this allows you to
pick the type of challenge. However, if you even
consider a death duel there could be consequences
you realize this.
Octaqi 28, in the 163rd Year [TH]
[Meanwhile in Caladan's Village]
[Day 58 of Trip]
[Today the clouds leave the area and its clear and
sunny all day. But the temperature drops further
only getting into the mid '60s.]
[Today the warriors without Durge gathers around
the last prisoner the boy leader. Seems Durge is
not in the village today or not interested. The
lodge leader takes up his duties. The boy is
stripped at the amusement of the young girls of
the village. The warriors taunt him and ask for
more info. The boy refuses still. As they walk
him away his knees give way. He is punched a
few times. Then the boy starts to break. He
begins to cry and plead. The warriors all laugh.]
[Seeing his chance Farseeker walks over to Gib'borah
and whispers to him.]
Farseeker: "Death tends to make one pull at grass
if they are falling off a cliff. Can I speak
to him?"
[Gib'borah nods and Farseeker walks over. The boy
on his knees continues to cry. He kneels and
asks the other warriors to leave.]
Farseeker: "I've seen what they did to the other 2.
Its not a good sight. Help us and we will help
Leader: "How?"
Farseeker: "What's your name boy?"
Leader: "Nelf."
Farseeker: "Well Nelf. First what do you know about
claw? What about the castle we found? If you
help us maybe we'll ask them to free you."
[With hope he begins to speak..]
Nelf: "I don't know anything about the Claw. We
were ordered to find it and return it. There
was a meeting place in the mountains but there
was nothing there but trees. So likely it
was a planned place not to reveal other things.
The castle I visited only twice. I only saw the
first floor. I could describe some areas to
you. Please will you free me?"
[Farseeker waves Chion over and asks for his map.
He places it on the ground. He waits for Nelf.
Nelf looks at it and doesn't understand the words
but Farseeker helps him. The blank places he
helps to reveal.]
[On the left he explains the top room is a latrine
waste room for going to the bathroom. He recalls
the next room was empty. Then stairs he shows.
The Fighting area he was led to once and shown
where solders practice fighting. He sows
some more empty areas. One the east side he
shows the stables and stable storage area. Kasha
is happy to be proven right. But the room north
of the stable storage area he never went into.]
Farseeker: "How recent is this info?"
Nelf: "A month ago. Now will you help."
Farseeker: "Well I did not lie. You will be
set free but under their conditions."
[Farseeker stands as the warriors pick him up and
march him away. Farseeker joins the party
standing nearby and whispers.]
Farseeker: "He gave us some more info I'll explain
in a bit. He doesn't deserve to die slowly he
did help us somewhat. Maybe someone..." [He looks
at Ben'dar for some reason and then others] "..could
go and track him after dark and help him?"
[the implication is there a quick and civilized form
of death. But the words are not said...]
GM: New map areas added. This would make level 1
95% explored if the info was true and accurate.
[The warriors lead him to the outskirts of the
party. They explain he is free. The boy pleads
for food and water but is given none. The warriors
glare and threaten to kill him if he doesn't move
on. The confused boy looks at the plains in
desperation. He is told the L'p'nth is that way
and about 400 miles or so. The boy has no choice
but to walk off at the laughter of the tribe. The
party realizes he clearly has some survival skills
but won't last a day or two. Especially once he
crosses the Ser'manda lands in a few days if he lasts
that long. The Ser'manda will kill him likely.]
Octaqi 29, in the 163rd Year [TH]
[Meanwhile in Caladan's Village]
[Day 59 of Trip]
[Day 58 of Trip] - Time: Just before sunrise]
[As the women wake and prepare morning meals and
get to their village duties a rider is let in
with a torch. He is a messenger that informs
Gib'borah later that Clan Nemat has found a new
location and gives their rough location. He
also explains patrols on the Bova border has only
seen some lone riders but no war bands.]
[Later in the day its decided the other chiefs are
ok to leave. It looks like war may be delayed.
The bova may be preparing for things but if they
haven't attacked by now they may not want to.
By the end of the day the clan chiefs and their
warriors leave. The village's population shrinks
by half. Its clear the chiefs must return to their
tribes to prepare for a long winter as well.]
[The only other thing that occurs that day is around
3:15pm a group of 8 enter the village. Clearly
other Zen'da. Gib'borah, Durge and Cetric meet
with them privately in the lodge. Other lodge members
meet and they have some secret meeting. The
party is clearly curious but based on the rumors that
spread it must be some form of Lodge to Lodge meeting.]
[During these five days Caladan comes to realize he
is back from the dead. He accepts it but does not
speak of his strange dream. Day 56 he spends all
day in the Tipi laying down and building energy.
Day 57 he does sit and exits for a short walk to the
campfire to eat but has to be mostly carried by others
in helping as his walking is not steady. This
short walk seems to exhaust him. Day 58 he starts
to make short walks on his on but is still tired.
Finally on day 59 he starts to walk without going tired
as his energy builds. Its clear to the party it
will take some time to regain full strength.]
Caladan: "I wish I could go to the castle but I'm in
no shape to fight. My energy level has to build
up and my magical strength feels drained and will need
to also build up. I would be a disadvantage to the
group. I do wish you luck though."
[Also some strange things occur in the five days.
Day 56 midday some birds seem to fly straight through
the village and create havoc among villagers. Day 57
Durge is surprised to find a snake under his spear
when he grabs and almost gets bitten. Day 58 a group
of 4 horses all seem to buck for no reason against
a warrior. Day 59 in the morning as Durge tries to
mount a horse the horse suddenly turns round and round
and Durge falls off. This creates laughter among the
other warriors. Durge gets upset though and beats the
horse then storms to clean up his muddy clothing.]
GM: BTW anyone going to offer any horses to the Village
as a prize or offering? Just curious.
Actions? Comments?
Next update Friday...
Ok. Chion or others where do you wish to teleport
to? Was going to do it in this upddate but this one
is fairly large and its 20 minutes to my bed time at 3am :)
So ran out of time.
Castle map and Loot info bottom of the page links
last 2 links are now updated...
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