[pnpgm] Game update Supplemental - Where's my coffee!!?!?!?
Scott Adams
longshot at darktech.org
Tue Sep 19 03:18:04 CEST 2006
Well no update for Monday.
No actions/comments but only from Z'leyra and Rob. I'll let
the past 2 updates on friday get digested some more. That
way if you need to post something by friday then that's fine.
If no actions/comments by Friday we'll move on up to the
3rd floor ad do more Express Gaming as the last 2 udpates
on Friday.
Another reason not doing it tonight is I need to work
on some level 3 "stuff". I know I should've done it
months ago when I did up the maps but I didn't know the
time of day the raid would occur. So gotta do stuff we
call in the Computer Game Design world Populate the World
and Streamline the AI :). Basically work on:
* Fleshing out People stats
* Fleshing out possible Treasure
* Fleshing out the dragons and 3,000 Demons to defeat....
oh well..maybe not..but does sound like a good challenge? hrmmm
* Work on where folks are at this time of night.
Will work on Friday's update Wed/Thurs...till then
Cya! I'll take Actions/comments if you desire.
BTW if you missed the map done so far its on the bottom of
the game website. But I'll post it here below in case
you missed it :) (as filler)
[Player Maps]
Scale - 1 Column (1-60)= 10 feet wide [Thug 600x600 fet maps]
1 Row (A-T) = 30 feet long
Legend - - or _ = Room Stone walls
=, [, ]= Doors (Wooden or iron) South
/--\ = Room Door (Larger) /I\
\--/ = Room Door (Larger) East <--*--> West
% or . = Mountain Rock wall (solid) \I/
I = Room Walls North
[Castle Ground Floor]
1 2 3 4 5 6
A [CellI Stairs IPriv I Throne Room IPriv IKit I I Kitch ]
B [ I South I 1 ] [ 2 IStor] [ en ]
C [____I----=----I_____I I_____Iage_I I________]
D [ I_______/==\______I ]
E [____ %% ------------]
F [LatrI %% I--------I-------\==/------I------I I ]
G [ine I %% [ I I I [ Messhall ]
H [----I_ %% I BanquetI I Priv I I ]
I [EmptyI %% I ] [ I [ ]
J [------ %% I Hall I Ballroom ILoungeI I___________]
K [StairI %% I ] [ I [ Stairs]
L [ I %% [ I I ] %% I ]
M [-----I %% I________I_______/==\______I______I %% I_______]
N [EmptyI % %% I ]
O [--------- %%%%%%% -------- ------------ %%% [ Empty ]
P [Fighting] %%%%%% _________/__\___ I ]
Q [ I IGuardI I---------------- --------]
R [ Area I__________I ] Entry I I IStable ]
S [--------I EmIptyI IArea I I Stables I [Storage]
T [%%%%%%%%% I I I I / ] I ]
1 2 3 4 5 6
[Castle Second Floor]
1 2 3 4 5 6
A [%%%%I Stairs I Int. I Armorery I Barracks 1 ]
B [%%%%I ITortueI I Foot ]
C [%%%%I----=----I---=--I-------==-------I----=----------=-----]
D [%%%%% ]
E [%%%%% %% ________ %%%%%%%%%%% ---------]
F [LatrI %%%%%% I ----=----- % I ]
G [ine I %%% ShowerI ---------- I I % I Barrack]
H [----I **%% ] I MeetingI I Lounge I %% [ 2 ]
I [%%%%% %%% I [ Room ] [ ] % I Calv. ]
J [------ %%%%%%_______I I I I I 5 I________]
K [StairI I--------- I---=----I % [ Stairs]
L [ I ....... ... ....%% I ]
M [-----I % -=------ % I_______]
N [StoraI %% IOfficerI ----------------------- %% I ]
O [ ge ] % I LoungeI % I Offices I I %%% I Empty ]
P [ I % I------=I % I I I Empty I %% I ]
Q [ I % [ I % I I I I %% I ]
R [-----I % IStorageI I--=----=--I--=-------I I_______]
S [__,____,__I-------I_,______[ ]__,________,_______,______,___]
T [ <------ Solider Catapult Cliffs ---> ]
1 2 3 4 5 6
[Castle Third Floor]
1 2 3 4 5 6
[1st Floor]
[Cells] - 40x60' I----------IA 1 Column = 4 feet wide 1-10
I I_I_I_I IB 1 Row =10 feet long A-F
I__I I_IC = = Door
I I I_ID * = Desk (4x3')
I__I *IE
[Stairs South]- 90x60' 123456789 1 Colmn - 10 feet wide
I---------IA 1 Row - 10 feet long
I.........IB + - Torches on stands
[1st Floor] I.........IC %%% - Rock Wall
I...%%%%%%ID ... - Stairs
I %%%%%%IE
I+ +IF
[Stairs South]- 90x60' 123456789 1 Colmn - 10 feet wide
I---------IA 1 Row - 10 feet long
I.........IB + - Torches on stands
[2nd Floor] I.........IC %%% - Rock Wall
I%%%%%%...ID ... - Stairs
I+ +IF
[Private 1] - 50x30' 1234567890 1 Column = 5 feet
I----------IA 1 Row = 5 Feet
I-- [B [ Door opens left
Couch -> I# . IC * - Small wet bar
I# ID . - Chairs
I-- . *IE
[Private 2] - 50x30' 1234567890 1 Column = 5 feet
I----------IA 1 Row = 5 Feet
] I---I[B [ Door opens right
I . . IC * - Small wet bar
I. ID . - Chairs
I . #IE I--I = Table
I*________#IF # - Small couch
[Throne Room] - 70x80' 12345678901234567 1 Column = 10 feet
I-----------------IA /\ - Doors
I+ . I**I . +IB 1 Row = 10 feet
I. .IC [] - Doors
] o o [D I**I - Large Throne
I. .IE + - Torch stands
I. o o .IF o - Orante stone columns
I. .IG . - Chairs
[Kitchen Storage] - 40x60' 1234567890 1 Column = 4 feet
I----------IA 1 Row = 10 feet
I$$ @@@@@@IB ## - Lockers
I$$ @IC ** - Barrels
I$$ ]D @@ - Crates
I** @@@IE
[Kitchen] - 80x60' 1234567890
I--@@@-----IA 1 Column = 8 feet
I+ I---IB 1 Row = 10 feet
I ## ,IC [ - Door
[ ##### *ID I--- = Water basin
I ## `IE * - Fire/Hearth
I+ I---IF + - Torch stand
I----------I ### - Cooking Tables
@@@ - Cooking Ovens
[Latrine - All Levels] - 40x60' 1234567890
I---###----IA 1 Column = 4 feet
I. +IB 1 Row = 10 feet
[Same for all I. :. IC [ - Door
Three Levels] I. :. [D + - Torch stands
I. IE . - Latrine pit
I____,____+IF ## - Water pit
:. - Chair and mirror
, - Water Basin
[Stair East] - 50x60' 1234567890 1 Column = 5 feet
I----------IA 1 Row = 10 feet
I%....%% +IB % - Rock Wall
[Same for all I%...%% IC . - Stairs (Winding)
levels] I%..%% ]D + - torch stand
I% % IE
[Stair West] - 50x60' 1234567890 1 Column = 5 feet
I----------IA 1 Row = 10 feet
I+ %IB % - Rock Wall
[Same for all I % IC . - Stairs (Winding)
levels] [ %%..ID + - torch stand
I %%..%IE
[Fighting Area] - 80x90' 1234567890 1 Column = 8 feet
I----------IA 1 Row = 15 feet
I` +IB [ - Door
I` IC ` - Bow Targets
I [D + - Torch stands
[Banquet Hall] - 80x210' 1234567890 1 Column = 8 feet
I----=-----IA 1 Row = 30 feet
I ... IB = and [ - Doors
I .###. IC ### - Table
[ .###. ]D `.` - Chairs
I .###. IE
I ``` IF
[Ballroom] - 170x210'
[Private Lounge] - 60x210'
[Messhall] - 110x150' 1234567890 1 column = 11 feet
I----------IA 1 Row - 21 feet
I# IB II - Table and benches
I# II II IC ## - Table for food/water
[Guard Sentry Area] - 50x120' 1234567890 1 Column = 5 feet
I----------IA 1 Row = 12 feet
I .##. IB [] - Door
[ .##. IC ` - Ladders [12 feet]
I ]D %% = Rock Wall
I.##. . IE ## = Table
I.##. # `IF . = Chairs
I.##. . `IG
[Stables] - 150x90' 123456789012345 1 Column = 10 feet
I---------------IA 1 Row = 10 feet
I___: I,I,I,I IB / and [ - Door
I___: :__IC / [Wooden] [ [Iron]
I___: ##### __ID __ = Wooden wall
I___: ### __IE : = Wooden Half door
I___: ## __IF ` or , = Stall doors
I ___IG I = Stall wooden walls
/ I`I`I`I [H ## = Grooming, shoe area
[Stable Storage] - 70x90' 1234567890 1 Column = 7 feet
I----------IA 1 Row = 15 feet
I ** #####IB [ Door
[ #IC * = Barrel
I * * * ID # = Locker/Crates
I## ##IE
[Second Floor]
[Interogation Chamber/Torture] - 60x60' 1234567890 1 Column = 6 feet
I----------I 1 Row =\ 10 feet
I[] []IA / = Door
I * IB [] = Stock
I` ## *@* `IC ` = Shelf
I` ## * `ID ## = Rack/Bed
I` `IE * = Chair
I____\_____IF @ = Small table
[Armorery] - 160x60' 1234567890123456
I----------------IA 1 Column = 10 feet
I# # # *I####IB 1 Row = 10 feet
I# # # *I# #IC /\ = Iron Door
I# # # *I# #ID [ = Iron Door to Vault
I# [ #IE # = Crate/Box/Locker
I#______/\_______IF * = Ammo Barrel
[Barracks 1 - Infantry] - 210x60'
I---------------------IA 1 Column = 10 feet
I # # # # # # # # # # IB 1 Row = 10 feet
I IC / = Wooden door
I # # # # [-] # # # # ID # = Bed/Footlocker
I IE [-] = Table
[Fountain/Shower] - 70x150' 1234567890 1 Column = 7 feet
I-----$$$$-IA 1 Row = 15 feet
%%__: IB %% = Rock Wall
%%__: * IC [ - Door
%%__: ID __= Stall wooden wall
%%__: * ]E : = Curtain
%%__: IF $$ = Water Basin
%%__: * IG * = Chair
%%__: IH @@= Small table
%%__: II
[Meeting Room] - 80x90' 1234567890 1 Column = 8 feet
I----------IA 1 Row = 15 feet
I ..... IB ## = Table
I .#####. IC ` or . = Chair
[ .#####. ]D
I ````` IE
[Lounge] - 80x120' 124567890 1 Column = 8 feet
I----/----IA 1 Row = 12 feet
I.## .##IB . or ` = Chair
I .. .#IC ## \= Table
I .. .ID @ = Cabinet for food/Water/Drink
[ .##. .. ]E
I .##..##.IF
I `` .##.IG
I .##.IH
I@ `` II
I at ___/____IJ
[Barracks 2 - Calvary] - 80x150' 1234567890 1 Column = 8 feet
I----------IA 1 Row = 15 feet
I # # # # #IB # = Bed/Foot Locker
I IC @ = Table
I . at . #ID . = Chair
[ ... IE $$ = Gear locker
I$ @@@ #IF
I$ @@@ IG
I$ ... #IH
[Storage] - 50x120' 1234567890 1 Column = 5 feet
I----------IA 1 Row = 20 feet
I####### IB # = Crates/Boxes
I ]C * = Barrels
I****** #ID
I****** ##IE
[Officer Lounge] - 70x60' 1234567890 1 Column = 7 feet
I--/-------IA 1 Row = 10 feet
I@ .... IB # = Table
I. #### IC . = Chair
I# .... @ID ` = Chair
I. #### IE @ = Cabinet for food/Drink
[Storage 2] - 70x60' 1234567890 1 Column = 7 feet
I----------IA 1 Row = 10 feet
I ````````IB ` = Shelves of materials
[ #### `IC ## = Crates/Boxes
I` #### `ID
I` #### `IE
[Offices] - 50x90' 1234567890 1 Column = 5 feet
I----------IA 1 Row = 15 feet
I #. ` @@IB # = Desk
I ### @IC . = Chair
I . . @ID @ = Cabinet
I $IE $ = Book case (small)
I____/_____IF ` = Cabinet for food/drink
[Third Floor]
Updated: 9/16/06
Floor 1 - Explored by Chion Previously
Floor 2 - Explored by Chion partially (5%), party (95%)
Floor 3 - Unexplored
People - As of the 4-5am Hour
1st Floor - Unknown
2nd Floor - Barracks - 16
Latrine - 1
Lounge - 2
Barracks 2 - 15
Cliff Esentry - 5
Patrol - 6
45 [At least 4 Knocked Out]
3rd Floor - Unknown
4th Floor - ??
Nth Floor - ??
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