[pnpgm] Game update #34 - File #156 - Introductions are made
Scott Adams
longshot at darktech.org
Tue Apr 10 05:23:48 CEST 2007
HT Alias/Player Character Name Type Status/Notes Sex
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
R1 John Haight...........Arawn.............Druid .Normal/Alfar Ma
?? Chris Wells...........Ben'dar...........Warrior.Normal/Human Ma
W2 Marcel Liberty........Chion.............Sailor..Normal/Human Ma
W3 Ryan Torres...........Farseeker.........Warrior.Normal/Human Ma
R3 Wayne Richardson/Uji..Thig..............Sidh MU.Normal/Faerry Ma
W2 Robert Maxwell........Strie'bog.........Bard ..Normal/Human Ma
R3 Orion (Paul Broman)...Trembyl...........Wizard..Normal/Human Ma
W4 Wout Broere...........Unali.............Ninja...Normal/Human Fe
R3 Scott Adams...........Xian..............Wizard..Normal/Human Ma
R4 Alex Koponen..........Z'leyra...........Healer..Normal/Human Fe
Animals: Corona [Eagle] Z'leyra, Boyzdar [Wolf] (Strie'bog),
Game Web Site - http://www.funport.com/longshot/pbem
Public posts/actions to pnpgm at abroere.xs4all.nl (mailing list)
Private emails (not public actions) to longshot at darktech.org
Game Update 234 in sequence (file #156)
Admin notes: None.
From Ben'dar: [Re: Actions]
Ben'Dar pulls a length of bandaging from a saddle bag and
offers it to Z'leyra. "I don't have alot, but you can make
better use of this than I can." (Ben'Dar gives his 25 feet
of bandages to Z'leyra, along with whatever other healing
supplies he has - some healing herbs & burn ointment I think?)
GM: Ack. So far no post and so I've not done the transaction
as it hasn't been replied to and okayed.
From Chion: [Re: Actions]
Chion says rather warmly, "Mercy for all creatures? I guess
this is as good a time as any to start that. I say we leave
him to his own devices and fate." And with that he smiles at
the Goblin and says "Good luck out there." And then turns and
walks back to the fire in camp.
Chion, off to the side and rear of the group he travels with,
makes a slight small face in order to see if the eyeless man
can see or is truly blind (of course, he could just not care).
He thinks to himself, "Don't want to make that mistake twice,
now do I?" His thoughts returning to Chosai he remembers the
man. His gong. His hat. The bandages covering his eyes. And
easy mark his father had told him. Just be light as a field
mouse and creep up and take his purse string. Just that
easy. Sure.
When the man had grabbed his arm Chion thought it broke. But
that is an easy mistake at that age. Pain is relative to age
most of all. Chion smiles inside.
My hands are like that now. Master Hori, I miss you, old man.
GM: Ack.
From Strie'bog: [Re: Actions]
Upon seeing his friend, "Vassily!" He will then try to catch
up quickly with his friend. As they wallk, and after he find
out what has been happening with Vassily, he will tell his
friend of his adventures. Especially all that has happened
since entering the forest (especially about the attack at the
cottage and the goblin/shaman attack (at least what he has
been told by the others).
If he wants to talk to the others about it, Strie'bog will
As for the goblin, Strie'bog votes for letting him fend for
himself in the woods.
During the final meeting, Strie'bog glances at Unali and
Farseeker, then turns his full attention to the elderly man
with no eyes.
"Greetings Miklav, Forestal of Cerunnos!" he starts in a
friendly voice. "The Lord of Life grant that all is well
with you."
Strie'bog pauses. "A vision has brought me home, a dire
warning of the forest. I come seeking my mother, for she
was not in her home. The Winter Solstice draws close, so I
had hoped she would be here. As always, your wisdom is a
beacon in dark times." He then motions to his friends,
"These are companions who I have met on my travels. Each
omes with an open heart, and each has come to aid in
discover ing the turth behind the visions I have received."
He will then proceed to introduce his companions.
All the while, he remains calm despite the rising tension,
hoping that his calm will help to put others at ease.
GM: Ack.
[New Stuff]
[Decalis 15th, 106th day since left Marentia, 41st day of
Adventure #3 of the 1633rd year [TH].]
[Location: Pavassa Forest - Sacred Forest]
GM: It has been decided. The Goblin will be left in
the camp. It won't wake till midday or so. Then
it will find its friends and the shaman all dead.
[Time: 5:02pm]
[As Strie'bog and Vasily walk they catch up on what
has been going on.]
Vassily: "Well as I've said I'm here for the Solstice
Ceremony in six days. I've been busy trying to see
to various things with it...."
[He goes on to explain some of the various chores he
has been doing like organizing the feast and collecting
the various religious items. Strie'bog explains what
has been up...]
Vassily: "The Zen'da? I've never been that far south.
Just the western Vassa forests." [He whispers] "Isn't
that one there one of them?" [He points to Ben'dar
and Strie'bog nods.] "So you decided to return home
to visit your mom? That's always good to do. It has
been ...well...seven or so months since I've seen
her. I hope she is well."
[Strie'bog explains the attack at the cabin and then the
goblin attack. At the cabin attack Vassily stops short.]
Vassily: "The cabin was attacked?! Who in their right
mind would do such a thing? That makes no sense at
all. But its good to hear your mother wasn't there.
Maybe Miklav will have some information on where she
might be. As for the shaman you guys took down sounds
like he was a tough one. Your friends sound like
good people."
[As the party continues toward the final meeting and the
clearing in the forest more small talk is done...]
[Time: 5:52pm]
[At the final meeting. A strong breeze is felt going
through the clearing which blows through the thick
hair of people like Ben'dar and Z'leyra. Tension can
be felt as Unali almost reaches for her belt. But
with a glance from Farseeker she stops. But those
who know Unali know she would not have stopped if
she wanted to. In fact Unali's eyes do not move
from the human. So she could never have seen
others in the party glance at her. Only the light
tap on the shoulder by Farseeker may have restrained
her. Knowing the party is here with her she unflexs
her arms and puts them to her side. A Position she
knows she can reach for her daggers if need be. But
she realizes that is what Strie'bog warned the party
of - pulling no weapons in this place. ]
[All the while Strie'bog glances at both with a calm
face. As the human speaking to the eyeless one stops
speaking Strie'bog turns to face the elderly man.]
Strie'bog: "Greetings Miklav, Forestal of Cerunnos!" [he
starts in a friendly voice.] "The Lord of Life grant
that all is well with you."
[Strie'bog pauses.] "A vision has brought me home, a
dire warning of the forest. I come seeking my mother,
for she was not in her home. The Winter Solstice draws
close, so I had hoped she would be here. As always, your
wisdom is a beacon in dark times." [He then motions to
his friends,] "These are companions who I have met on my
travels. Each comes with an open heart, and each has come
to aid in discovering the truth behind the visions I
have received." [He will then proceed to introduce his
[Strie'bog introduces Ben'dar, Chion, Farseeker As
he does Thig looks around to the south and then
turns north. He is amazed to see the strands of
fog seem to be gone now. In its place he sees
an amazing sight. The land rises up to a hill
some 70-80 feet high. On top seems to be a small
castle or fort. Thig hears his name and turns to
see Strie'bog introduce him. He nods back in
greeting. Strie'bog then introduces Trembyl. At
Unali Strie'bog stands in front of her and gives
her a quick "be calm" look then introduces her.]
[Strie'bog then introduces Z'leyra and before the
introduction of Arawn the Elf in armor speaks.]
Elf: "An honor! An Alfar I've never seen before!"
[The Elf begins to kneel as a sign of respect but
the elderly man makes some noise from his throat
like a growl and uses his staff to poke at the
Elf. The Elf then stands and steps back.]
[Miklav stands and stares at the party for many seconds.
The party is unsure if he has memorized the position
of each person by Strie'bog's voice or what. He
passes over Ben'dar, Farseeker and Xian fast. At
Chion he stares for a few more seconds. At Unali
he stops and stares longer as well. Unali only
returns his tare for a split second then back to
the other human. Maybe it was nothing but some
seem to notice a very subtle nod from the elderly
man. He then stares at Strie'bog.]
Miklav: "Strie'bog. It is good to see you. I was
not expecting you back so soon. When I heard of
the attack by the Giants, I learned you were back."
[The party looks at Strie'bog but notice no surprise
from him. Then the man continues as if in need to
explain to the others.]
Miklav: "My friends have informed me of your presence."
[At this a strong breeze blows and shift's the white
hair as if in a tornado. He then turns his attention
back to the others. He stares at Thig.] "Thig, my
Sidh friend. You see before you a Faerry hill. You
are welcome to visit them. Mertz will be glad to
escort you there."
[The Forestal waves a hand at the Elf.]
Miklav: "Mertz is the Warlord of the hill and attached
to the place with the Faerry queen Vul'ham."
[Thig speaks in Faerry sidh as the man spoke to him
in Faerry sidh.]
Thig: "I..I am honored. It has been a long time.
Could I go now?" [The elder nods. Thig then
turns to Marentian.] "A group of other faerry to
spend time with. If you guys don't need me I'll
be going there that ok with you?"
[Strie'bog tries to translate to the party.]
Farseeker: "Strie'bog he spoke Marentian."
Trembyl: "No he spoke in Donaran."
[Ben'dar is confused as he heard Zen'dali.]
[A few seconds pass as the party realize the man seems
to understand and speak in multiple languages. The
man leans on his staff and a small grin comes to
his old lips.]
Miklav: "My friends help me to understand and then spread
my speech to others. But it only works in this place.
In the Greater Forest it does not."
[The party is unsure if that means his friends are
the humans, the forest, the animals or even the
trees themselves.]
Mertz: "By your leave. I will escort our new friend
to the hill. He looks anxious to get there."
[he turns to Arawn] "I am here at your service
if you need of me I will be at the Hill. Summon
me and I will come."
[Arawn shifts feet as this seems to make him oddly
uncomfortable in front of the others. But to
be recognized as an Alfar is good. The other
people in the party clearly seem to ignore that
higher status.]
Farseeker: "Thig you just saw Varange a few months back."
Thig: "Varange is a freak even among our kind. If these
are normal Faerry I would like to be among my own
kind. No offense but it has been a few years to be
around normal Faerry."
[With that Mertz parts around the other 3 Humans and
waves Thig on. Both he and Thig walk toward the
Faerry hill. For the first time the party turns and
now sees the full view of the Faerry Hill which doesn't
seem to have been there moments ago? Arawn wonders
if there are other Elves here.]
Miklav: "Trembyl I sense a great connection to the earth
in you. I wouldn't be surprised if your abilities here
are amplified."
Trembyl: "Yes sir. I'm an Elementalist at heart. I've
not used those abilities in the forest yet. In
fact these wounds prevented me."
[The man simply nods. Then stares at Z'leyra.]
Miklav: "A Shaman is useful in a forest like this. The
Vassa Shaman's are simple and good people."
[Z'leyra tries to recall if Strie'bog mentioned her as
a shaman but her drum would give it away? But
as she ponders this he continues.]
Miklav: "Your friend the eagle is a unique creature."
[He says this while staring at Z'leyra but Strie'bog
never introduced Corona?] "I learned he attacked
a Giant in a unique fashion. A special bird..."
[The man for the first time stands straight and moves
forward. The human talking to him when the party
approached steps back and the other Human Unali is
staring at moves aside. The man walks slowly toward
Arawn and uses his staff to lean on. The eyeless one
stops a foot from Arawn.]
Miklav: "Mertz was correct an Alfar has never been here
to my knowledge. To see you travel with humans is
interesting to me. I also sensed your presence. I
do not understand how you came here. The Sentinels
reported no presence of an Elf entering the Greater
Forest. Then suddenly you were heard about when
the Giants attacked you. The forest I learn from
each day even after so...so many years....I learn
from it and it learns from me. together with she
who is the living glory of the gods we learn new
things. If you are here maybe the gods have sent
you here for a purpose?"
[The human who was speaking to the Forestal on approach
steps forward and speaks in Vassa which STrie'bog
translates seeing confusion in other's faces.]
Man: "Forestal, the sun is setting we should be getting
to the Night Duties."
[The man stares at Arawn and continues to speak without
turning to the human.]
Miklav: "Stok means well but he is impatient. I've spent
three years trying to teach him patience."
[Farseeker seeing the tension asks the man.]
Farseeker: "Sir. Who is--"
Miklav: "This is Pan'to. A recent arrival like yourself."
[With that he turns to Strie'bog and approaches. He
leans down and pats Boyzdar on the head. The wolf returns
a snuggle back. The man then stands and places his
hand on Strie'bog's shoulder.]
Miklav: "I only got word yesterday of the cabin being
attacked. Your mother was expected here days ago.
She has not been seen and I've not heard word yet.
The Shaman your friends took down was tracked by the
Sentinels for days. The Vassa were trying to find
him but to be honest their chances were slim. It
was fournate you took him down for the Vassa."
[The other humans steps forward and clears his throat.]
Stok: "Sir. I was not able to finish the report.
She was last seen--"
[The Man turns around quickly for a old man and stares
at Stok who gulps slightly.]
Stok: "--east of here. A Vassa clan reports a group of
strangers carrying someone unconscious by a horse
eastward. The hunters did not know who it was at
first but when the hunters return to the village
a new party went to find the strangers. Led by
the local clan shaman a fight came about in the
stranger's camp. With the distraction of the fight
the Shaman found it was Strie'bog's mother who
was a prisoner. Before she could be set free more
strangers came into camp and killed all of them but
one who escaped to give word to his clan. That
was one day ago."
[Strie'bog translates the Vassa words but his voice
breaks a bit as he hears the news of his mother's
fate. Of all the people how could she be a prisoner?]
Miklav: "You were just going to tell me?" [Stok nods.
The gray haired man turns and for the first time
silver light as if a fire seems to lap out of the
eye sockets of the man. This takes the party aback.
Even Unali breaks her stare to stare at the Forestal.]
"Strie'bog I did not know. You and your friends will
go after these strangers and find your mother!" [The
silver fire seems to stop] "Night is coming and you
can't travel tonight. But in the morning. Acolyte
Vassily can see to your arrangements for food and
water. I will have to investigate this further with
my friends of the forest. To not know this till now
is confusing as if something has tainted the forest."
[Farseeker looks at Unali who still stares at Pan'to but
is unsure why.]
Miklav: "Strie'bog you spoke of a vision?"
Actions? Comments?
Dialogue. Questions. Comments?
Next update Monday...
[Player/Animal Physical Status]
Player Healing HPV Damage / Status
Trembyl 2 9 Moderate Damage
Unali 2 5 Minor Damage
I will update the People link (People encounters in
Adventure #3) link later on today with the people and
names mentioned above so it can be checked if you foreet.
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