[pnpgm] Game update #17 - File #75 - Strie'bog gets home
Scott Adams
longshot at darktech.org
Fri Feb 2 07:51:30 CET 2007
HT Alias/Player Character Name Type Status/Notes Sex
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
R1 John Haight...........Arawn.............Druid .Normal/Alfar Ma
?? Chris Wells...........Ben'dar...........Warrior.Normal/Human Ma
W2 Marcel Liberty........Chion.............Sailor..Normal/Human Ma
W3 Ryan Torres...........Farseeker.........Warrior.Normal/Human Ma
R3 Wayne Richardson/Uji..Thig..............Sidh MU.Normal/Faerry Ma
W2 Robert Maxwell........Strie'bog.........Bard ..Normal/Human Ma
R3 Orion (Paul Broman)...Trembyl...........Wizard..Normal/Human Ma
W4 Wout Broere...........Unali.............Ninja...Normal/Human Fe
R3 Scott Adams...........Xian..............Wizard..Normal/Human Ma
R4 Alex Koponen..........Z'leyra...........Healer..Normal/Human Fe
Animals: Corona [Eagle] Z'leyra, Boyzdar [Wolf] (Strie'bog),
Game Web Site - http://www.funport.com/longshot/pbem
Public posts/actions to pnpgm at abroere.xs4all.nl (mailing list)
Private emails (not public actions) to longshot at darktech.org
Game Update #16 in sequence (file #71)
Admin notes: None.
From Ben'dar: [Re: Actions]
In the village.....
Ben'Dar nods respectfully to Cheron and says, "Thank you for
your hospitality. You and your people are very kind."
Later on the trail....
Ben'Dar says in a low voice to Thig, "Did they see you?" To
Strei'bog, he says, "If they are part of the forest's sickness,
we can cure it readily enough."
GM: Ack.
From Strie'bog: [Re: Actions]
As we walk, Strie'bog will talk about Cernunnos for those who
would like to listen.
[The Story removed for space only - but still an excellent
story. For full story see the list or website link.]
"Of course, it can be said that it is the grace of Manu that
brought us all together on this path."
After a few minutes, "Cernunnos is the Lord of Life and Nature,
ruler of the Court of Cernunnos and of Life. He is the slain
god that rose again...."
I'll continue this a little later.
"The trees have told me that there are men lost in the wood.
They are causing damage to the woods, and may have come just
to cause damage, but they are now trapped. If these are the
ones lost, they may be dangerous, or they may just want to
find a way out. I suggest we find out their intent."
GM: Ack. Good information for the party.
From Arawn: [Re: Introductions]
For those wondering what Arawn looks like here is a brief
Appearance: [Remove for space.]
As time passes in the village Arawn offers to look over the
damaged armor of the party. Assuming that the means presents
itself while in the village he will help anyone that asks,
although with time limits will work on the most damaged and
precious armor first.
(In Zendali)
"I do not know if this village possesses the resources to do
so but if so I have some training as an armorer and can see
about performing repairs on your armor anyone wishes. It will
be limited but it might be the last chance we have for a
while to rework it."
During the stay among the villagers he does what he can to
make himself useful, offering his healing talents to those
in need and assisting in any other ways that are needed, time
permitting. On occasion he disappears for short periods into
the forest, sometimes returning with various plants bundled
together. Seeing the respect given to Thig Arawn will take
advantage of this to share stories and his love of the Sidh
gods to any who show an interest, especially among the children.
He says little of himself until Strie'bog speaks to him
directly. As the blessing ceremony came to a close he watched
the silver- eyed bard cross the village clearing toward him.
In response to Strie'bogs inquiry Arawn unwraps the bandage
around his face uncovering a warm smile underneath. Taking a
seat he shares a little of himself with the bard.
(In the Tongue of the Woods unless other party members choose
to eit in, in which case he speaks in Z'endali)
"It is a pleasure to walk alongside a bard. My journey in
this world has found me far from my brethren, of the blood
and those of spirit. You are correct I am far... very far
from home. I do wish to return some time but other things
call to me at the moment. Right now, the strangeness in
these woods. I do hope to restore things here quickly as I
have some pressing concerns of my own. Namely a missing
companion." A shadow crosses his face as he mentions this
but he grimaces and then allows it to pass before continuing.
"Thank you for the warm greeting. Though I am not a
representative of the Court of Life I respect their ways
nevertheless. I have only recently begun to travel this
world but I serve as a messenger and arm of the Sidh... and
other forces...", he grins slightly, as if musing over some
private joke, "Still the ways of Sidh and the natural and
neutral forces of the worlds have much in common. I look
forward to journeying with you." Adjusting to make himself
more comfortable he asks, "So Strie'bog, please, tell me
more of yourself."
GM: Ack. No one gives their armor or at least no one has posted
such. Armor is in good shape and most know how to fix
their own (problem with player characters, most know how
to do their own thing :)). If you ever wish to converse
privately with another player send me a Carbon Copy of the
email so I can see what's going on. Another PBEM issue.
You had mentioned learning Marentian. But you must
find a sponsor. Tongues spell doesn't force a person
to do so. So you'll have to role play it. As to
Wolf the Tonah tongue as I reported back in the previous
update doesn't work (thus the wolf's reaction) due to
him being domesticated and Tonah is for wild animals.
As to journey actions I will later cover that for
everyone so no need to do that yet. In terms of
continuing the language learning. BTW I don't assign
CEP/MEP/CPs during adventures. I will do CPs after
the adventure but keep a pool going on cep/mep. So
no need to worry about CPs. Just another game note.
As to your action on learning Vassa/Horse again you
should seek out help there :)
[New Stuff]
[Decalis 8th, 99th day since left Marentia, 34th day of
Adventure #3 of the 1633rd year [TH].]
[Location: Pavassa Forest - Vassa Village]
[During Elder's introduction - ]
[Ben'Dar says in a low voice to Thig,] "Did they see you?"
Thig: [Leans and whispers back] "Yes. He looked at me
and said I was a true sidh. Which actually is slightly
wrong but I am a sidh. So i suppose that counts. Its
better than the Zen'da who some were scared of me. Its
clear these people know of my people."
[As Arawn and Strie'bog share stories several of the party
sit in and listen including Farseeker, Thig and Xian.
With the small nit group the party has most of the
information will trickle to others who may not sit in
tonight like Trembyl who is writing notes in his scroll.]
[When Strie'bog explains his own history several are
surprised to hear the details.]
Thig: "Daughter of a god? Arawn is a child of a god.
This party is getting more divine each day."
Farseeker: "Yeah. Well makes me nervous. Now I got
to mind my manners or the gods will take note."
Strie'bog: "Of course, it can be said that it is the grace
of Manu that brought us all together on this path."
Thig: "I'm starting to believe that as well. Its odd that
a party of this diverse and rare people would be
put together now and here. Let's face it, Arawn, a Alfar
is rarely seen in this plane. Varange reports he has
met three but I've only heard one visiting the forest
where I grew up in. A bard and a priest who obviously
has a divine touch" [with a hand he points to his eyes
to reflect Strie'bog's eyes] " joins us just randomly
months ago to come back here now. Myself a servant
of the forest here and now. Z'leyra a healer and
shaman here and now. I'm no gambler like Triest was
but I know the odds of this must be high. This makes
me wonder if there is some divine plan going on here.
Being children of gods do you two have any idea or
calling internally on this?"
GM: Strie'bog I don't have the info on the blessing if
you do it or not. The email we talked about on
the name is still there. So will move on beyond
this point and you can inn insert it later.
Cheron: "Thank you for your visit. I know your anxious
to return to your birth home. I won't delay you.
Be careful there have been strange things going on
in the forest. We've gotten reports of intruders from
the south west and south. We hear of strange things
in the east. We also hear of foul Kotothi creatures
entering the forest from the north west." [With
a stern look he walks up to Strie'bog and speaks only
in a low tone hoping only Strie'bog hears it.] "Your
mother's protections may be failing. We are considering
a visit to the nearby druid for help but he is two
day's ride to the east. But your visit gives us hope.
Please see to your mother. We are concerned. We
will be praying for you and your friends on this trip."
[He steps away and waves a hand over the party.] "May
Manu guide you well and fast."
[Water and what little food the village has can be
given to those who need or request it.]
[Days later...]
[Decalis 13th, 104th day since left Marentia, 39th day of
Adventure #3 of the 1633rd year [TH].]
[Location: Pavassa Forest]
[Time: around 1:37pm.]
[Having just heard Thig's report of the men in the forest
ahead the party plan their move.]
Strie'bog: "The trees have told me that there are men lost in
the wood. They are causing damage to the woods, and may have
come just to cause damage, but they are now trapped. If
these are the ones lost, they may be dangerous, or they may
just want to find a way out. I suggest we find out their
Farseeker: "Ok. Thig you and Corona should fly aerial
recon. Ben'dar and myself will go east then round
about to come to them from the north. Give us some
time to do this. Corona can let you know. Once
this is done the rest of you can come in and trap
them in place to surround and subdue them if needed."
GM: Since I didn't have specific actions on this encounter
I'm improvising a bit.
[It takes about 15 minutes then Corona reports the
two horsemen are in position. The party begins to
move north slowly. For those less skilled on the
horse they fall behind those who are more skilled for
simple tactics (noise, etc.). Once the party reaches
the area about 50 feet away through the trees the
men can be heard laughing. They seem to be resting
in one place not moving. Suddenly Ben'dar and Farseker
emerge from the forest as the party comes through the
low bushes. the ambush is complete and fast. The 4
men are not on their horses which are tied up nearby.
The 4 men get to their feet but see they are outnumbered
2 to 1 at least. With bows and other weapons pointed
at them they stare down the party and sneer. The leader
who seems to have the axe kicks a bird at his boot which
is missing a complete wing. The injured bird limps away
into a bush as the leader gives a slight laugh at the
fun they've been having. For a few tense moments the
two groups stare at each other. One man has his axe
while the others have spears and bows. The bows aren't
loaded as there wasn't time to.]
[Farseeker issues an order to drop their weapons.
Strie'bog translates into Vassa. But the men do not
reply or act. Several other languages are tried but
its clear the men do not understand.]
[The leader grunts and speaks words no one understands.
But Strie'bog explains its Humagi which he doesn't
understand either. The man barks some orders which
aren't understand. As he is doing this one man slips
a hand in his shirt and quickly pulls a dagger out
and flexes his arm back to throw it at what looks like
Arawn. But at that instant Farseeker towering over
the man in his horse uses his great sword to bash the
man once and knocks him out. The dagger never leaves
the man's hand. The leader turns to swing his axe
at Ben'dar but Ben'dar parries with his pike just
as Thig fires a dart into the man's shoulder. The
pain causes the man to stop and consider his odds.
As the leader turns around Farseeker bashes the man
in the head to knock him out. The other two men
drop their bows, quiver and spears.]
[As the party tries to converse with the Huamgi to
learn their intention Corona squawks high above
a warning. Thig goes to the air and both go flying
westward. Soon Thig returns.]
Thig: "More men on horses approach. About six of them.
They had bows but didn't fire on me or Corona."
[The party spreads out or hides in the forest to give
advantage. Soon the riders approach. At about 50
feet the leader of the 6 yells out in Vassa he is
Vassa. Strie'bog waves them forward.]
[The leader in heavy leathers and carrying a large
axe himself with a nice crossbow on his shoulder
speaks up. Strie'bog translates for the party.]
Man: "I am Aggalu chief hunter for my village. We have
been chasing these four for three days. That one"
[He points to the axeman] "killed a hunter when he
found them poaching some one of our hogs. We
believe they have come from the plains. Raids
like this is common but it seems like its more so
these days. I appreciate the help of their capture.
Our village appreciates it. We would like to take
them back for justice by our elders. Unless
you" [he looks at Arawn] "as druid would like to
give immediate justice?"
[The party figures Aggalu would consider Strie'bog
to be leader here but for some reason the Vassa
seem to figure the druid must be. Course they
don't know who Strie'bog is.]
Farseeker: "What is justice here? When we were
travelling with Caladan's brother he said the
Vassa ridicule or banish as punishments. Would
they kill them?"
Aggalu: "What do you say?"
GM: This decision can be determined any time. It
won't shift anything forward. Let me know.
I will move the party forward for speed.
[Clearly Strie'bog is anxious to get home. He is
only hours to his home. He can feel it as he
gets closer and closer. He shifts in his saddle
as he considers the answer as well as others.]
[Afterwards the party will leave the area either
way. No battle will ensue. The party continues
[Time: 1:55pm]
Thig: "These raids must be increasing due to the
events in the forest. To get this far in at
least 4-5 days into the forest the Humagi must
feel confident or be looking for something."
[Time: 2:13pm]
[The party breaks through a large area of ancient
trees into a younger area of trees. As the
party travels about 500 yards they reach a grove
that opens up. As the party approach though their
eyes begin to play tricks as the area up ahead looks
dark or gray. As the party gets there they notice
the land seems barren. The party stops on what
looks like the border. Just feet away where the
grass is green and vibrant the area is dead and dark.
Farseeker dismounts to look it over.]
Xian: "Don't touch the grass!"
Farseeker: "Why?"
Thig: "Just a second. I'm trying to sense magic here
but I sense nothing. Its not magical it almost
feels a natural death."
[The party looks north and finds the square area of
death goes on for about 200 yards northward and
100 yards to the left and right. There are trees
but they are dead and withered away rotten. Grass
is completely gone and only sees sand which is a gray
Trembyl: "Listen."
Xian: "No birds..just the wind. They are avoiding the
area it seems. But Corona is flying over it fine."
[As the party tries to figure this area of death out
no one sees a slight tear in Strie'bog's eyes. He
lowers a cowl and looks around the forest. He knows
where he is now. He simply urges the party to move
around the area but doesn't explain it in the
upcoming minutes. Quietly the party goes to the
right and circles the area. as Strie'bog remains
quiet. Even Boyzdar seems to walk quietly and doesn't
look to the dead area.]
[Time: 3:48pm]
[As Strie'bog leads the way to his home a smile comes to
his face as he recognizes a small grove of open grass
about 30 feet wide. To the left side in the west is a
tall ancient tree about 170 feet tall. The base of the
tree is about 6 feet around with thick roots going
in various directions. It is thriving and green.
Strie'bog dismounts. Even in the shadow of the sun in
the west the eastern side of the tree there is a small
single green and red flower growing. Strie'bog smiles
and grabs his Balalaika tight. The party look at
each other in confusion but let him do this thing.
Strie'bog spends some time touching the tree and thinking
to himself. He then looks north for a few moments and
remounts his horse leading the party away.]
[Time: 5:32pm]
[By now the sun is to the low sky on in the west as winter
continues it gets darker and darker. It will probably
be light for another 30-45 minutes maybe.]
[As the party travel they emerge into a large open grove
about 50 yards by 50 yards. tot he north stands a
large wooden log cabin like house. It looks to maybe
be a 3 room home but hard to tell. Strie'bog smiles
and says its his home. Strie'bog looks around the
scene. To each side on the border are tall trees and
bushes covering most views. A good secluded spot for
a family home. But from the area there doesn't seem
to be a village here or nearby. The horses start
walking north to the home. The party finds a log to
tie up the horses and dismount. The birds in the
area are loud and seem content. The bushes have alot
of flowers blooming even this time of day. The
well shows the bucket seems to be outside and on the
ground with spilled water. But that sometimes happens
with animals.]
Actions? Comments?
Next update Monday...
Ok. I need to know who enters his home and who stays
outside if you decide to. I will do a layout of
the house depending on what actions come next.
So at this point any dialogue and other actions can
be done up to this point. But I really need to know
who goes where. Everyone can go inside if they wish
its large enough. Just let me know. Monday's update
will be a small one based on the moves. If not
determined I will do it randomly. (50% inside, 50%
outside) for each person. But being as this is
the home of Strie'bog will assume he HAS to go inside :)
Dialogue and actions can be filled in the 4 or five places
I've stopped at. Village, raiders, tree, dead area
or home.
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