[pnpgm] Game update #22 - File #102 - Where did he go?
Scott Adams
longshot at darktech.org
Fri Feb 23 07:16:27 CET 2007
HT Alias/Player Character Name Type Status/Notes Sex
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
R1 John Haight...........Arawn.............Druid .Normal/Alfar Ma
?? Chris Wells...........Ben'dar...........Warrior.Normal/Human Ma
W2 Marcel Liberty........Chion.............Sailor..Normal/Human Ma
W3 Ryan Torres...........Farseeker.........Warrior.Normal/Human Ma
R3 Wayne Richardson/Uji..Thig..............Sidh MU.Normal/Faerry Ma
W2 Robert Maxwell........Strie'bog.........Bard ..Normal/Human Ma
R3 Orion (Paul Broman)...Trembyl...........Wizard..Normal/Human Ma
W4 Wout Broere...........Unali.............Ninja...Normal/Human Fe
R3 Scott Adams...........Xian..............Wizard..Normal/Human Ma
R4 Alex Koponen..........Z'leyra...........Healer..Normal/Human Fe
Animals: Corona [Eagle] Z'leyra, Boyzdar [Wolf] (Strie'bog),
Game Web Site - http://www.funport.com/longshot/pbem
Public posts/actions to pnpgm at abroere.xs4all.nl (mailing list)
Private emails (not public actions) to longshot at darktech.org
Game Update 222 in sequence (file #102)
Admin notes: None.
From Ben'dar: [Re: Actions]
Ben'Dar wheels Tef'wo around, searching the area for any
other threats. Hearing sounds of the chase to the north, he
nods to Unali and grins. "Let's go!" He charges after the
flying man, sheathing his pike and taking out his bow as he
rides. He will fire on the flying man as soon as he is in
sight, and will continue to pursue him, firing as he goes,
until the man either escapes or goes down.
GM: Ack.
From Z'leyra: [Re: Actions]
Z'leyra will proceed with Orient Self, then she will cast
Dark Sight EL3. It is likely that she will follow that up
with Fire Darts at the Wizard.
She is surprised that the wizard is apparently using both
chaos and law spells.
GM: Ack.
From Chion: [Re: Actions]
Chion will cast insubstantial. He will then teleport about
200 feet straight into the forest the direction everyone else
is heading. Of course he will then see if he can find the
fleeing person.
GM: Ack.
[New Stuff]
[Decalis 13th, 104th day since left Marentia, 39th day of
Adventure #3 of the 1633rd year [TH].]
[Location: Pavassa Forest - Strie'bog's cabin/home]
[Time: 5:34pm]
GM: First experience on the combat
Player CEP Expertise Skill
Unali 9 18 Dagger
Farseeker 78 24 Great Sword
Ben'dar 96 18 Pike
Note: Magical experience not reported here but already
recorded on character sheets.
GM: Item Damage
Ben'dar - -1 FV to Pike (Took Damage)
Unali - -1 AV to Leather (armor now useless)
GM: Unali may have to wear chainmail till get another
set of leather armor. Let me know.
Ben'dar the Pike took massive stress so did take
some damage but luckily did not break this time.
GM: Ammo Use
Unali - -1 Sling projectile
GM: Skill Training - Days 34-39
Player Skill 34 35 36 37 38 39 Total
Ben'dar Horse Husbandry 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
Farseeker Forest Survival 2 2 2 2 2 2 12
Arawn -None Defined- ------No Points-----------
Xian Forester 2 2 2 2 2 2 12
Chion Healer 2 2 2 2 2 2 12
Trembyl Throwing Dagger 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
Strie'bog Marentian 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
Thig Forester 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
Unali -None Defined- ------No Points-----------
Z'leyra Horse Husbandry 2 2 2 2 2 2 12
Note: Xian +2 to Forester EL, Thig +1 Forester EL
Unali sorry never got your choice. Arawn you mentioned
Forest Survival/Herbalist but your Max in those skills.
So too late for that. Can do more next leg of trip.
[Farseeker pushes the Axeman down to the ground as he
finishes him off. Thig takes to the air. Ben'dar
twirls around in the yard and looks around the
perimeter of the hedge to see if he sees anyone else.]
[Chion and Z'leyra begin to cast mana. Z'leyra by
beating her drum high up in the sky above the forest.]
[Chion becomes insubstantial and Z'leyra enters her trance.]
[Having heard Unali suggest going after the flying man
Arawn rounds and heads for his horse in the front yard.]
GM: Assume this since no posted actions.
[Thig takes to the air and towards the back yard where
he heard Xian said the others were.]
[Farseeker looks over his shoulder and waves down
Farseeker: "Ben'dar! Cover me. I need to clear the
barn of any others. Stand by the door will ya!"
[With that he quickly kicks the door open with a foot
and enters. He begins to check the stalls for any
enemy that might be inside.]
[Unali runs to the east side of the house. She recalls
the outhouse and needs to check it out first.]
[Ben'dar stays by the barn door mounted on Tef'wo. He
grabs his bow after putting his Pike in the string holster.
He looks into the barn but also keeps an eye out at the
wooden box to make sure no one else is there.]
[Trembyl heads east to the court yard. While the others
are outside he knows more may be inside.]
[Strie'bog and Boyzdar head around the corner and to the
south front yard.]
[Chion teleports into the forest beyond the horse and
hedge. He finds himself among some heavy bushes. He
begins to scan the forest looking for the man.]
[Z'leyra casts her dark sight spell and looks down.
Through the trees its difficult to see as trees and
bushes move past her vision. But the darkness area
disappears from view as solid black to a more murky
black though still she can see in it in the natural twilight.
She doesn't see the man at this point.]
[Farseeker quickly checks the rest of the barn and finds
no one there.]
Farseeker: "Its clear!"
[Everyone else runs for their horses. Trembyl gets to
the courtyard and turns into it. Unali reaches the
eastern edge of the house.]
[Ben'dar whirls Tef'wo around and gallops south to the box
to ensure no one is inside. A quick check finds no one
but wood. He heads for the center of the yard. He does
not know of the flying man at this point.]
[Z'leyra shifts her position and gets a better view of the
forest below. The trees are so thick at this height its
hard to view down.]
[Chion sees the dark area ahead now to his south and doesn't
see through the darkness. He scans around for horses or
other people in the area but sees no one.]
[Unali finally reaches the outhouse and finds it empty.]
[Trembyl slowly re-enters the house from the door the
others left from while holding his scimitar.]
[The others run south to their horses.]
[Z'leyra finally sees the man bending over a bush looking
out as if hiding among the tall bushes. She smiles
and lets her energy flow to her Firestone.]
[Farseeker exits the barn just as Arawn gets to the
front yard. Then Strie'bog. He explains about
a escaping man in quick terms only.]
[Z'leyra fires her Fire dart from her helmet and a
lance of hot fire shoots down the 100 feet toward the
forest ground. The fire dart hits the man and bursts
his clothes and the bush into flame.]
[As the others mount horses. Farseeker heads for the
house to check it out as well.]
[Z'leyra begins to levitate lower toward the forest.]
[It takes about 10 seconds for the riders to get around
the sides of the hedge to the area in question. By
then Z'leyra is about 20 feet up. As the trees clear
and smoke begins to subside she notices the man is
still kneeling in the bush! But the bush all around
him is on fire? She blinks her eyes.]
[Ben'dar, Arawn, Strie'bog, Chion, Z'leyra and wolf
surround the darkness area. Arawn casts dark sight
himself and looks inside but the others can't see in it.]
[A few seconds later Z'leyra is only 9 feet above the
burning bush when the man disappears. An illusion!
She thought so. A powerful one she figures. She
and Arawn look around the darkness area but finds no
one there.]
[Confused the area is checked for bushes and trees where
he can be hiding. Some 20 seconds later Corona is seen
flying through the trees toward the party. He lands
on a high bush. Four seconds later Thig follows.]
Thig: "Its no use. I saw Corona fly west through some
trees. I followed. Eventually saw the flying man
turn north after a few seconds then in a blue haze
he disappeared. We've all seen that haze before with
Xian and Chion. He is likely miles away now teleported
somewhere. I think he used something for it though
as he said no words that I heard."
[Soon the area of darkness is searched. The fire is
put out by Arawn and Strie'bog. With the help of
Z'leyra and Ben'dar (who can't see through the darkness)
Thig finds the center of it. He then lowers down into
it and searches with his hands and senses. Soon the
darkness spell fades completely and Thig finds a clay
ball on the ground. He senses magic from it but doesn't
touch it.]
Thig: "I suspect he dropped this. It must cast darkness
and the illusion to fool tracking. Very clever this
one. I don't sense powerful magic from it so it may
not have offensive magic in it."
[The greater forest is searched for more clues or tracks.
Soon to the west Xian is found mounted on a horse with
two others behind him.]
[Xian is spotted by Ben'dar and joins him.]
Xian: "I found these horses...hey...I had to leave with
the body. I didn't want Strie'bog to see the gore and
headless body. Especially if his mother is inside.
I don't know what it would've done for them. Some
might go crazy seeing such things. You know mothers.
I left the body back there in the forest. I heard the
horses and found them. My guess is it was theirs.
That blow of yours was mighty strong!"
[With the sun on the horizon and not even seen anymore
due to the forest the darkness quickly comes. No
clues or tracks are found other than the three men's
tracks that lead west toward their horses.]
[The house is searched and no one else is found inside.]
[When everyone comes back into the front yard Farseeker
comes out. Xian explains he dragged the body behind
the wooden box to Strie'bog.]
Farseeker: "No one is here. Strie'bog. Where can
your mom be? Who were these guys?"
[Strie'bog confused isn't sure himself. But the party
enters the house. Strie'bog checks his mother's room
for clues while the party cleans up the dishes and
stuff on the kitchen floor.]
Trembyl: "So the flying man got away? We should keep
sentries just in case but I doubt he'll be back."
Thig: "Tracking a man is hard enough in the night time
but one who teleports AND flies is near impossible."
[Ben'dar and Unali tie up the horses outside as the temperature
begins to plunge from the night.]
Farseeker: "What should we do with the axe man? Bury him
with the other one in the deeper forest? Arawn,
Strie'bog seems occupied looking for clues. So what's
the customs on burial here? Do you know?"
Actions? Comments?
Next update Monday..
Small update. A transition update. Skill points and
experience are recorded. The deadline for skill points
are over. There will soon be another period though
for spells and skills. I'll announce that next week.
At this point some private emails will go out for some
behind the scenes stuff. That'll help get the next
part going.
For above spell use will record the experience this weekend
and hope to report any EL changes in next update if any EL
changes exist.
At this point the sun is down and forest is getting very
dark. Torches and such can be set outside.
Player Damage
Farseeker 8
Arawn 2
Xian 1 * Already healed most of his own
Strie'bog 1
Unali 6
Z'leyra 6
Thig healed all his damage himself. Strie'bog, Unali
if you want healing say so and from whom. :)
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