[pnpgm] Game update #63 - File #267 - Doom on a wing..
Scott Adams
longshot at darktech.org
Tue Jul 24 08:54:45 CEST 2007
HT Alias/Player Character Name Type Status/Notes Sex
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
R1 John Haight...........Arawn.............Druid .Normal/Alfar Ma
?? Chris Wells...........Ben'dar...........Warrior.Normal/Human Ma
W2 Marcel Liberty........Chion.............Sailor..Normal/Human Ma
W3 Ryan Torres...........Farseeker.........Warrior.Normal/Human Ma
R3 Wayne Richardson/Uji..Thig..............Sidh MU.Normal/Faerry Ma
W2 Robert Maxwell........Strie'bog.........Bard ..Normal/Human Ma
R3 Orion (Paul Broman)...Trembyl...........Wizard..Normal/Human Ma
W4 Wout Broere...........Unali.............Ninja...Normal/Human Fe
R3 Scott Adams...........Xian..............Wizard..Normal/Human Ma
R4 Alex Koponen..........Z'leyra...........Healer..Normal/Human Fe
Animals: Corona [Eagle] Z'leyra, Boyzdar [Wolf] (Strie'bog),
Game Web Site - http://www.funport.com/longshot/pbem
Public posts/actions to pnpgm at abroere.xs4all.nl (mailing list)
Private emails (not public actions) to longshot at darktech.org
Game Update #53 in sequence (file #267)
Admin notes: None.
From Ben'dar: [Re: Actions]
Seeing no enemies about, Ben'Dar says gruffly, "I will scout
around the perimeter of the lake. Anyone want to come along?"
He'll ride Tef'wo around the edge of the lake, keeping within
the trees and watching for anything out of the ordinary,
including signs of anyone who might have been there disturbing
the lake.
If he runs into any trouble, he'll test out his shiny new
battle horn.
GM: Ack.
From Z'leyra: [Re: Actions]
Z'leyra will tell the horses that she thinks the lake water is
bad, that drinking it would likely make them sick. She will ask
Corona to fly over the lake a few hundred feet up and see if
there is anything in or near the water.
Z'leyra asks Thig "Could you wait until Corona has scouted, then
fly over the lake looking for any magical signature?" After they
have reported she will cast OS EL0 and Clairvoyance and Levitate
at max EL then go to the edge of the lake. She will look at her
amber to see if it darkens near the lake. She will cast Balance
Detection thru staff EL0 for both poison and disease. Then she
will cast Shamanic Detection ELmax thru staff to do an analysis
of the water.
GM: Ack.
[New Stuff]
[Decalis 16th, 107th day since left Marentia, 42nd day of
Adventure #3 of the 1633rd year [TH].]
[Location: Pavassa Forest - Eastern Edge/On Plains]
[Time - 10:23am]
[Back at the cabin - Earlier...]
GM: From Arawn not me.
[Arawn watches as the others fawn over the dead. His heart goes
out them and to the dead around him, both the fallen creatures
as well as the dead Witches and Humagi. It always saddened him
to see pain and suffering where there should be love and trust
but he knew that the worlds and it's inhabitants were not yet
ready for this. Perhaps one day, far, far from now. For now
though he offers a suggestion to Z'leyra as she seems most
troubled by the death of her totem.]
Arawn: "I am saddened by the loss of all who have fallen here,
friend and foe, and hope for their speedy return to the never
ending cycle of life. I normally would not try such magics but
if this loss burdens you so greatly then I may try to return
this creature to life, though such an action would be draining
and I can make no promise that it will work. I have never tried
it before."
[Z'leyra turns to face Arawn and glances back to the forest.
To bring it back? Her eyes dart to Arawn and then the forest.
Where was he when Fisherking died? Why save this nameless
Eagle and not him?]
[Time - 10:56am]
[After the man is returned from Oblivion...]
[Arawn looks to the others and speaks up...]
Arawn: "Though such magics seem frightening to some of you the
information that can be given up could be invaluable. I am
suggesting conjuring the spirit of one of the fallen for
Thig: "The ones to question are this one and the witches.
That's only four possible. But we don't know which of
the witches was the leader. The problem with talking
to their spirit is control. Would you be able to
control the spirit? Which of the four do you choose?
How can you know if they tell the truth? Questioning
the dead is differently from the living. Necromancers
have to train for years to do it well. It can backfire
badly if not done well."
[Time - 3:56pm]
[Upon entering the Lake Oca area Arawn separates from the
part dismounting and letting his horse ride forward
following the others. he slips into the forest and uses
his ability to hide and observe.]
[Ben'dar looks around and wrinkles his nose at the brown
water. Without turning around he says out loud gruffly.]
Ben'dar: "I will scout around the perimeter of the lake.
Anyone want to come along?"
[Z'leyra warns the horses in a loud voice of the water. Her
horse voice (which is grunts, whinny and other horse
like noises) seem to echo through the trees. She then
changes to her eagle voice and asks Corona to fly and
observe the forest.]
Z'leyra to Thig: "Could you wait until Corona has scouted, then
fly over the lake looking for any magical signature?"
Thig: "Sure. No problem."
[Arawn moves from the south trees that breaks into the clearing
and silently moves to the western edge of the clearing and
those trees. Every few steps looking, smelling and listening
for any signs of problems.]
[Ben'dar looks back quickly and smiles. Finally some fun
with Tef'wo. Without waiting to see who will join him
he kicks Tef'wo into gear and heads Northwest of the clearing
to the left side of the lake. Around the lake the party
can see patches of clear area where the trees do not encroach.
This may be due to how the water may shift from season to
season or from well used paths by people and animals. Tef'wo
moves into the trees though the path is faster moving than
the thick trees here.]
[Chion watches the party go about some tasks and wonders how
he could possibly help. He is more of a city person than this
outdoors life. Give him a blade and he'll fix things that
way but this?]
[Farseeker sits on his horse for a few minutes and finally
dismounts. He leans against the horse which he has done
often enough not to annoy the horse. He looks bored and
restless not knowing what to do.]
[Thig scans the lake looking for movement and action by fish
or other things.]
[Trembyl walks up close to the lake's edge and wonders what
he might be able to do with Elemental powers.]
[Xian dismounts and watches the area and wonders if this is
just some natural thing.]
[Unali sits on her horse and places her hands in her lap. She
scans the trees to the right slowly for signs of trouble.]
[Z'leyra dismounts and grabs her staff from her horse and
walks closer to the lake and watches Corona fly high above.]
[Strie'bog looks to Bohusara for ideas. He knows he is not
so skilled in this area. Maybe the Druids could come and
help. But wait Arawn is a Druid. Strie'bog glances around
and sees no Arawn but sees his horse. Where did he go?]
[Bohusara studies the lake quietly for about two solid minutes.
Then she scans the forest as if to gain knowledge from the
very observation.]
Bohusara: "Something's not right here."
[Strie'bog looks over to wait for an explanation.]
Bohusara: "The lake looks muddy which could be from anything
like recent rain." [She then casts a spell to summon
a brown bird to her. It lands on her arm and chirps to
her. Through her magical spell she also seems to communicate
with the bird to question it.]
[Inside the forest Arawn comes across footprints. Rather large
two sets like that of humanoid. From the size it looks to
be booted feet. Poachers? Hunters? Tourists? The tracks
seem recent maybe a day maybe two ago.]
[Corona tells Z'leyra that nothing can be seen below the muddy
brown waters. Its thick. Occasionally the water is broken
as if from movement from small fish or current changes but
that's about it.]
[Unali suddenly notices something. The area is quiet. Aside
from the Eagle, other party members and the wind there is
no other sound here. Just 10 minutes from here the forest
was alive with bird noises this time of day. Here there
is no bird or other animals noises. She may be a city
dweller but she knows when an area like this, what surely
must be a major drinking area for local animal life, is
quiet then something is up. She grabs the scabbard of the
magical dagger.]
[Arawn hears movement in the forest and looks to the left.
Kneeling down still inspecting footprints he notices
black forms moving eastward through the trees. Visibility
in the forest is low only maybe 30 feet due to the thick
bushes and trees. Light and shadow play tricks all about
but his Sidh eyes try to filter most things out. Wait.
That figure looked humanoid. Arawn stands and places a
hand on a weapon.]
[Ben'dar slowly moves alone in the forest on the edge of the
lake. He looks into the forest for signs of trouble but
also out into the lake. Coming around a tree he finds some
bones in a pile that could be several deer sized animals.
The bones seem to be clean and fresh but no insects. Maybe
the cold has kept all the insects in hibernation but even
some winter beetles would be here.]
[Thig spots something across the lake just above the water
line. He squints trying to focus on the object. He
considers asking Unali for her spyglass. The object must
be across the lake on the edge. He begins to turn and
explain the observation to the party..]
Bohusara: "Go go go!" [She waves the bird away and turns
suddenly to the forest and scans it. The agile movement
scares Strie'bog and the wolf.]
[Unali draws the magical dagger and the clairvoyance sense
rushes up her arm.]
[Corona gives a warning that something is moving into the forest
which gives Z'leyra a split second warning.]
[Unali's danger sense thanks to the dagger picks up and she
turns her horse to face the east forest now alert.]
Bohusara: "There are people in the forest! Everyone
watch the forest!" [Suddenly objects move from the
forest and head her way...no..toward Strie'bog...she
glances at Strie'bog] "Stry! Down!" [Her motherly
instincts kick in and she lunges with the full force
of her wings and pushes Strie'bog out of the way as
some small objects whiz past him just in the nick of time..]
[Arawn moves north and draws his sword...]
[Ben'dar spots some distance away a wooden structure and
what looks to be a humanoid entering it quickly.
Suddenly from his left he spots 3 humanoids charging his
way. Ben'dar grabs his battle horn and gives a quick
blow with it which the unique moose like noise echoes
through the forest...]
[Humanoids emerge from the west and east forest edges of
the clearing straight at the party.
[As each person turns to face the forest the humanoids are
seen clearly. They average 1.8-1.9 meters tall. They
seem to be 200-250 pounds on average. They have the
standard 2 arms and feet. But other than that human
like feature they seem to differ after that. Most of them
have skin of gray but some have yellow tinted skin (very
light yellow). Their hair is coal black. Their eyes or
rather what seems to be their eyes are sunken into their
skull slightly and look like a sunken eye sack of some
sort. They have a sloping forehead. Their teeth when
seen seem in random configurations or deformed unlike
a normal human mouth. Most of the humanoids seem to be
in fact scared or disfigured somehow. All seem to have
a missing nose but there seems to be a small button of
a nose. Their sloping head has ridges on it as well.
Their faces are stub shaped with skull like faces with
little face tissue. They seem to have less hair on their
heads and body than humans but those that do have head
hair seem to be much longer than humans normally wear their
hair. Some of the humanoids are simply bald. Their eye
"sacks" seem to be blue in color but seem to gleam no
mood or expression.
The humanoids are wearing dark brown or dark black leathers
all over their bodies with large spiked boots. Some carry
what looks to be spears or staffs. Some have what looks
to be like a dagger on their belt. All seem to have a strange
chest or cloth or armor. from the few seconds that is seen
it looks like a suit of armor of ribs like actual ribs?]
[The 9 or so that seem to be seen running toward the party
are snarling with contorted faces. Their staff or spear
is lowered ready for attack. The staff/spear seem to be
rather long its hard to tell in the second or two seen
but it may be as tall standing up as 3 meters. But the
odd part is it seems to be attacked or wrapped around
the body of the humanoids so maybe its only 1.5-2 meters
tall. Again its hard to tell in this brief view.]
[Arawn curses to himself mentally. So the Green lady may
have gotten them into a trap indeed. Unfortunately he
does not see her warn the others...]
Actions? Comments?
Next update Friday...
GM: Website updates.
1. Treasure Report - The treasure report for Adventure #2 and
#3 (treasure from Ezam's castle, Zen'da and now the
Humagi) are there. The report shows how much each of
you will get. Yes. Its a good amount of cash. But
keep in mind the treasure has been getting less and
less :). These adventure you got very little for
example. Assuming no one takes any of the objects in
the list that's the final total for each person after
the adventure is over. When get a chance go take a look.
Issue: Arawn joined Adventure #3. So by right he
earns his share from this adventure. However Adventure #2
back on the plains (some of the treasure is still with
you). Does he earn that share? Unfortunately when I
did the report this weekend I didn't take into account
the division of #2/#3 treasures. So separating the
share from #2 from Arawn is possible but will take time
to figure out. Here is what I need from you guys.
If ANYONE has a problem with Arawn getting his share
for Adventure #2 let me know. You can post this publicly
or in private. If private I'll not reveal the person.
Only let me know if you DO NOT want him to have it. If
I get no negative votes I'll assume all don't care.
It'll only take 1 negative vote in this case. I think
this is fair. Personally I say with the huge amount
of cash coming to each person I say why not. But in
the end its your decision.
2. I also added below this link a simple link to a Jpeg.
Its a very rough visual of the lake area. Consider
the box area a 5x5 mile area for scale. The Brown
(though it looks red its brown or should be and is
on my computer :)) is the lake. The dark green areas
are forest. The light green areas are the clear
(no trees) path area around the lake. I'll eventually
add some other minor marks to the map as we go on.
GM: Arawn - You notice the figures are fast moving and may
have already left the forest into the clearing.
They don't seem to see you at all.
Ben'dar - There are three near you within 30 feet.
They are charging from the west (left. Since you
said you were in the trees I put you there but hadn't
planned on it so didn't do a map in that area. :)
I can make a separate map for you if needed. Let
me know. Assuming you say in the same location.
Strie'bog - The objects that whiz past you seem very
small and hard to see. They rush past you at
about waist level. They could be even sling like
Unali - Danger sense gives you awareness and your able
to move your horse away as other small bullet ball
sized objects whiz past you that would've hit your
side if not warned by the dagger.
GM: I left bottom row of map to show the hexes for scale
purposes. I know the coordinate system for this map
sucks but its a much larger area 230' x 200' or so.
The forest I can't detail every single tree and where
they are compared to bushes. Too much effort. Sorry.
Maybe when I get time. :) Remember if map shows bad
in email check out the game website.
* Player Status Report
Player Player Health Status (% of Total)
Arawn 80% [Light] 1 Healings
* Mana Report
Player Current Mana Percentage (of total)
Arawn 56% [44% Used]
Xian 80% [20% Used]
Chion 87% [13% Used]
Strie'bog 38% [62% Used]
Thig 83% [17% Used]
Z'leyra 60% [40% Used]
[Lake Oca Map ]
%%%%%B%%%\__°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° 1
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%%%%%%%% \__/ \_°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° 3
%%%%%%\__/ \__/ °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°Lake°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° 4
%%%%%%%%%\__/ \__/°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° 5
%%%%%%%%%% \__/ \_°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° 6
%%%%%%%%%%%_/ \__/ \°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° 7
%%%%%%%%%%% \__/ \__/°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° 8
%%%%%%%%%\__/ \__/ \°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° 9
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%_/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__°°°°°°°°°°°° 10
%%%%%%%%%%%%/ \__/ \__/ \__/R \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ 11
%Forest%%%%%%%%/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__ 12
%%%%%%%%%%%_/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__%%%%%%%%% 13
%%%%%%%%%/ \4_/ \__/ \__G \__/ \__/ \Z_/ \__/ \_%%%%%%%%%%%%% 14
%%%%%%%%%%%%/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_SL \__/ \__/ \__/%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 15
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%/ \__/ \__/ \W_/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__%%%%%%%%%%%% 16
%%%%%%%%%%%%% \__/ \__/ \__/ \__C \__/ \__/ \__/ 9%%%%%%%%%%%% 17
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 5__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \10/%%%%%%%%%%% 18
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%_/ \__/ \__/ X\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_%%%%%%%%%% 19
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%__/ \__/ \__/ \__A \__/ \__/ \_%%%%%%%%%%%%% 20
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ F__/ \__/ \__/%%%%%%%% 21
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 6\__/ \__/ \__/WW\__/ \__/ \__/ \__11 \_%%%%%%% 22
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \__/7 \__/ \__/ \WW/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \%%%%% 23
%%%%%%%%%%%%\__/ \8_/ \__U \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__12 \__/%%%%% 24
%%%%%%%A%%%%%%%%__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \%%%%% 25
%%%%%%%%%%%%%__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__%%%%%% 26
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ %%%%%% 27
%%%%%%%%%%%%%__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__%%%%%% 28
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_%%%%%%%%%% 29
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__%%%%%%%%%%%% 30
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ %%%%%%%%%%%% 31
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__%%%%%%%%%%%% 32
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_%%%%%%%%% 33
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%_/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \%%%%%%%% 34
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/%%%%%%%% 35
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ %%%%%%%%% 36
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ 37
Legend = 1 Hex = 10 feet North
1 Row = 5 feet /I\
1 Column = 5 feet
%%% = Forest/Trees
°°° = Pond water
Player/Object Positions -
Player Code Location
Wagon WW j/k22/23
Arawn A H25 In forest, Forest Elf Invisible
Ben'dar B F1 [On Tef'wo] [Top Left of map]
Chion C l17 [Standing on ground]
Farseeker F u22 [Standing on ground]
Thig G c14 [Standing on ground]
Strie'bog S k15 [Standing on ground]
Trembyl R g11 [Standing on ground]
Unali U c24 [On horse]
Xian X h19 [On horse]
Z'leyra Z s14 [Standing on ground]
Bohusara L l15 [Standing on ground]
Corona E ??? [Flying]
Wolf W g16 [On ground]
#1 A C ? Near Ben'dar #2 A ? Near Ben'dar
#3 A ? Near Ben'dar #4 A C 4 N14
#5 A 5 T18 #6 A 6 S22
#7 A 7 U23 #8 A C 8 U24
#9 A C 9 FF17 #10 A C 10 FF18
#11 A 11 GG22 #12 A 12 HH24
Code: A - Staff/Spear, C - Dagger (Belt]
[Other horses not listed on map]
Note: The forest is thick here and you can only see about 5-10 feet
beyond the tree line due to the amount of trees, shrubs and
thick foliage.
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