[pnpgm] Game update #64 -File #271 - Oca Combat Turn 1:Ph 1
Scott Adams
longshot at darktech.org
Sat Jul 28 06:23:38 CEST 2007
HT Alias/Player Character Name Type Status/Notes Sex
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
R1 John Haight...........Arawn.............Druid .Normal/Alfar Ma
?? Chris Wells...........Ben'dar...........Warrior.Normal/Human Ma
W2 Marcel Liberty........Chion.............Sailor..Normal/Human Ma
W3 Ryan Torres...........Farseeker.........Warrior.Normal/Human Ma
R3 Wayne Richardson/Uji..Thig..............Sidh MU.Normal/Faerry Ma
W2 Robert Maxwell........Strie'bog.........Bard ..Normal/Human Ma
R3 Orion (Paul Broman)...Trembyl...........Wizard..Normal/Human Ma
W4 Wout Broere...........Unali.............Ninja...Normal/Human Fe
R3 Scott Adams...........Xian..............Wizard..Normal/Human Ma
R4 Alex Koponen..........Z'leyra...........Healer..Normal/Human Fe
Animals: Corona [Eagle] Z'leyra, Boyzdar [Wolf] (Strie'bog),
Game Web Site - http://www.funport.com/longshot/pbem
Public posts/actions to pnpgm at abroere.xs4all.nl (mailing list)
Private emails (not public actions) to longshot at darktech.org
Game Update #64 in sequence (file #271)
Admin notes: None.
From Ben'dar: [Re: Actions]
Ben'Dar wheels to the left and lowering his pike, charges the
nearest of the 3 creatures.
GM: Ack.
From Chion: [Re: Actions]
Chion stows his staff and dismounts. He will get out his sai
and attempt to avoid being hit by the sling stones while moving
toward the nearest opponent.
GM: Ack.
From Z'leyra: [Re: Actions]
Z'leyra will quickly cast Orient Self EL0 then Sh Invisibility
EL3 followed by Balance spell Speed at max EL. After that she
will draw her blade and go around smacking the enemies (mostly
from behind).
GM: Ack.
[New Stuff]
[Decalis 16th, 107th day since left Marentia, 42nd day of
Adventure #3 of the 1633rd year [TH].]
[Location: Pavassa Forest - Eastern Edge/On Plains]
[Time - 3:56pm]
[Turn 1: Phase 1]
[Mana Allocation - ]
[Z'leyra, Arawn, Bohusara and Xian allocate mana for spells.]
[Missile Fire - ]
[Enemy #2 standing near a tree looks at Ben'dar and
reaches into a sack of some sort. He reaches in
with a big hand and pulls something out. With
a backward flex he then throws it at Ben'dar. Ben'dar
glances just in time to see 5 bullet sized objects
of brown or black nature whizzing his way from the
thrown attack. Four seem to miss Ben'dar but
a 5th collides in his left chest with a "THUD" sound.
It seems to penetrate into the dragon scale armor and
does 1 point of damage.]
[Enemy #9 does the same but pulls out and throws only
one object out toward Farseeker. But it goes past
him entirely.]
[Magic Effect - ]
[Z'leyra begins to beat her drum and enter into her
Shamanic trance.]
[Still on his Horse Xian casts a invisibility spell
on himself and disappears.]
[Arawn though well hidden by his Elf ability in the
thick forest casts quietly a Invisibility spell and
[Bohusara raises her arms and begins to chant and
a tingling is felt within 400 feet around her.]
[Farseeker, Thig, Trembyl, Xian, Z'leyra all feel
the tingling of the great magic. None resist
magically and accept the spell.]
[Arawn, Ben'dar, Chion and Unali also feel the effect
of the spell.]
GM: Strie'bog may be the only one that can resist
the spell. Will email you.
[Melee & Movement-]
[Corona flies over the pond toward the party to help out.]
[Ben'dar whirls his horse around and charges the two
humanoids coming his way. He can't get a full charge
speed in this heavy forest but its a good minor charge.
Ben'dar's magical pike hits the humanoid #1 in the
lower right chest below normal ribs would be. The
blow is high doing 13 points of damage. But the
person remains standing. Tef'wo tries to shoulder
hit the other one but seems to do no damage.]
[Unali draws her other normal dagger and places it in her
shirt for easy reach. For her next move she'll need
a hand to guide the horse. She turns her horse to the
left and charges #8. With the magical dagger in her
right arm she swipes at the tall humanoid. The dagger
fails to hit anything as she rides by and continues
the horse to the south-west then turns left again to
come full circle.]
[Thig takes to the air and reaches for his repeating
crossbow. He knows he'll be of little use to the
others on the ground.]
[Boyzdar sees Strie'bog almost hit turns to stare at
the enemy and growls. He gets in a fighting leap
charge stance ready for orders or action if they
come close. He is wise enough to know attacking
a superior number force by himself is dangerous. so he
does not charge.]
[Farseeker charges forward toward #10. he knows he is
somewhat alone on this flank and hopes others like
Xian support him otherwise a 4 to 1 battle might be
hard even for him. He knows these creatures mean
hostile intent especially since they just threw
something at him. He swings his Great sword and fails
to strike the humanoid as it dodges.]
[Enemy #4 charges toward Thig's general directions.
At the same time #6 charges east toward the Wagon
and horses there.]
[Ben'dar sees in his side vision the one that threw
whatever it was at him watch the bullet sized things
over the shoulder of Ben'dar. Ben'dar then notices
the bullets coming BACK?!? Ben'dar's head whirls as
he hears buzzing like from bugs as they pass him then
slam into the hand of the one who threw them. The
humanoid balls them in his fist. At the same time
#12 heads west toward the center of the clearing.]
[Enemy #1 uses the spear/staff as a staff and tries to
hit Ben'dar but Ben'dar is able to duck just in time
to miss the long shaft.]
[Chion already dismounted stows his staff on the sling
on the horse and draws his sai. He sees over the
horse the enemies from the west then glances to the
east. The closest enemy is #4 so he charges to intercept.]
[Trembyl curses himself for leaving his horse and especially
his Arbalest. He draws his magical scimitar and charges
toward enemy #4. He swings down and swipes a chunk of
the humanoids right shoulder doing 22 points of damage
in the process. As he hits Chion who is looking at
Trembyl knows a sparkle of blue and green aura or something
sparkle over Trembyl. Could that be the spell? The man
continues to stand in that devastating hit.]
[Enemy #7 moves North east toward the wolf.]
[Enemy #5 charges toward Chion with his weapon and thrusts
it like a spear at Chion. It misses his back by a mere
half inch.]
[Z'leyra stands put ready to cast more spells.]
[Enemy #9 moves the few feet toward Farseeker and flanks
him to his left. The Warrior stands still and thrusts
out his staff. Farseeker glances to his left just in
time to see the staff shimmer and suddenly become
alive! The head of the staff seems to turn into a
snake like head and lunge at Farseeker coming toward
his side and biting him on the center of the chest
doing 3 points of damage past his chainmail. The
bite is painful but Farseeker seems to take it.]
[Arawn now invisible moves a few feet to gain his bearings.
He is unsure of the spell that seems to have overcome him.
But he scans in the darker forest for more forms and
seems to find others. He tries to get into position
for some attacks.]
[Enemy #10 thrusts his staff which this time shimmers
in front of Farseeker into a thin and long whip. It
thrusts out and seems to grow slightly and capture
Farseeker's right arm pulling it away from the great sword.]
[Strie'bog gets to his feet and scans the enemy to try
and understand what is going on. He seems to recognize
the spell his mother casts and plans his next move.]
GM: If no actions for next update will fire bow.
[Enemy #8 runs toward Unali on her horse. He gets in
front of the horse and thrusts the staff upwards toward
her. This time the staff shimmers into its snake
like form and tries to bite Unali but she is able to
pull away when the dagger she holds gives her a split
second warning.]
[Enemy #3 tries to hit Ben'dar with the staff but
fails to hit Ben'dar.]
[Enemy #11 runs westward toward the center of the clearing.]
[Xian now invisible moves toward #6 fearing for the horses
and wagon. He comes to the back left of the warrior and
swings his War staff hitting the humanoid in the center
of the back doing 12 points of damage. The blow is
light but Xian seems to feel more damage flowing from the
attack itself?]
Actions? Comments?
Next update Monday...
GM: Will work on update Monday night and this time will
get 2 phases in. I just had time to do 1 phase. I
got behind so its late.
KEEP IN MIND: For those who saw the staff shimmer into
different forms ONLY Unali and Farseeker saw this at
this point. For all others your characters only know
its a normal staff. :)
GM: Arawn - Got actions for next update via ICQ but in
generic attack terms. Do you keep to the forest to
hunt for others or enter the clearing invisible?
Ben'dar - Your the only one so far aware the flying
objects return to their owner. But you still have
3 around you. Sorry ran out of time to do a smaller
map but I'll try to do one this weekend. If you need it.
Chion - Your the only one to know of the Green Lady's
spell Aura effect it seems.
Strie'bog - Actions?
Unali - Stay on horse or go to ground? Fighting with
two daggers is possible but hard to control mount.
Z'leyra got your Invisible actions but what about for
phase 3?
GM: I got a lot of work this weekend on some spell and
experience charts. This is the last combat for this
adventure assuming you all survive :). So if you want
experience you'll need to fight :) Course fighting
in this one could be dangerous. :)
GM: I hope I moved all on the map to good positions. I know
the coordinates in this map suck. But I goofed on its
setup. Oh well. Sue me. My Elf Lawyers are good.
[Lake Oca Map ]
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Legend = 1 Hex = 10 feet North
1 Row = 5 feet /I\
1 Column = 5 feet
%%% = Forest/Trees
°°° = Pond water
Player/Object Positions -
Player Code Location
Wagon WW j/k22/23
Arawn A H25 Invisible In forest, Forest Elf Invisible
Ben'dar B F1 [On Tef'wo] [Top Left of map]
Chion C c14 [Standing on ground]
Farseeker F DD19 [Standing on ground]
Thig G h13 [Flying, 35 feet up]
Strie'bog S k15 [Standing on ground]
Trembyl R Z13 [Standing on ground]
Unali U e28 [On horse]
Xian X c22 Invisible [On horse]
Z'leyra Z s14 [Standing on ground]
Bohusra L l15 [Standing on ground]
Corona E ??? [Flying]
Wolf W g16 [On ground]
#1 A C ? Near Ben'dar #2 A ? Near Ben'dar
#3 A ? Near Ben'dar #4 A C 4 Z14
#5 A 5 c15 #6 A 6 d22
#7 A 7 c19 #8 A C 8 d27
#9 A C 9 CC18 #10 A C 10 FF18
#11 A 11 x21 #12 A 12 x24
Code: A - Staff/Spear, C - Dagger (Belt]
[Other horses not listed on map]
Note: The forest is thick here and you can only see about 5-10 feet
beyond the tree line due to the amount of trees, shrubs and
thick foliage.
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