[pnpgm] Game update #47 - File #209 - Party attacks the enemy
Scott Adams
longshot at darktech.org
Fri Jun 1 07:42:26 CEST 2007
HT Alias/Player Character Name Type Status/Notes Sex
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
R1 John Haight...........Arawn.............Druid .Normal/Alfar Ma
?? Chris Wells...........Ben'dar...........Warrior.Normal/Human Ma
W2 Marcel Liberty........Chion.............Sailor..Normal/Human Ma
W3 Ryan Torres...........Farseeker.........Warrior.Normal/Human Ma
R3 Wayne Richardson/Uji..Thig..............Sidh MU.Normal/Faerry Ma
W2 Robert Maxwell........Strie'bog.........Bard ..Normal/Human Ma
R3 Orion (Paul Broman)...Trembyl...........Wizard..Normal/Human Ma
W4 Wout Broere...........Unali.............Ninja...Normal/Human Fe
R3 Scott Adams...........Xian..............Wizard..Normal/Human Ma
R4 Alex Koponen..........Z'leyra...........Healer..Normal/Human Fe
Animals: Corona [Eagle] Z'leyra, Boyzdar [Wolf] (Strie'bog),
Game Web Site - http://www.funport.com/longshot/pbem
Public posts/actions to pnpgm at abroere.xs4all.nl (mailing list)
Private emails (not public actions) to longshot at darktech.org
Game Update #47 in sequence (file #209)
Admin notes: Hope everyone has a good holiday!
Looks like I didn't get a post from Chris this week. I saw it
on the archives. Weird. Some links on the game website have
been updated. The bottom four including the game map. You
will see the dates when they were updated.
From Chion: [Re: Actions]
Chion says, "We'll go in the back. Well, this should be
interesting." He gets his sai out and preps to teleport.
First he casts invisibility, then he will teleport himself
and the party to the back of the cabin. If there is a back
door, he will use his sapphire ring on it (to unlock it). If
not, he will cast insubstantial, while holding Z'Leyra's hand,
and walk through the wall with her, still invisible. Once
inside, his primary goal will be to get to Strei'bog's mom
and teleport with her. He is relatively confident that he
can recognize her (she is the "green lady" right?) and should
be able to see through illusions and such. Once toshe is
safely back the forest (where they entered on the edge of
the grand forest) he will come back to the back of the cabin
(invis and insubstantial) and see how his friends are fairing
(he expects they should be done by then).
RE: Traps, yeah, well, they happen, so just let me know what
happens to the "best laid plans of mice and men."
GM: Ack.
From Arawn: [Re: Actions]
Arawn listened to Thig's reply to his own question pertaining
to why Stri'bog's mother was being held hostage.
[---Thig's comments snipped---]
Once the Faerry was done he spoke.
"I can understand how they might choose this time to kidnap
her but if all they wanted to do was weaken the druids by
weakening the forest then the question remains, why did they
not simply kill her as that would have accomplished that
purpose and in the most expedient of manners? The timing in
regards to the importance of the Solstice ritual has to mean
something so I wonder exactly what they have in mind as I
have to imagine it is linked to such a powerful and important
event and I worry it may be more than simply wishing to
disrupt it. As I said before, something just doesn't feel
right about this..."
GM: Ack.
From Z'leyra: [Re: Actions]
If Z'leyra goes scouting she leaves the satchel with Xian. If
we are all attacking she will take the satchel with her.
If combat:
As planned Z'leyra will cast Orient Self, Speed, Dark Sight
and Invisibility. She will then levitate the four and they
will proceed invisibly towards the cabin. Since Chion is
casting the Insubstantialbility we will be able to levitate
over and down thru the roof, hopefully ending up near the
hostage. When the Insubstantiability wears off we shall be
ready to take the appropriate actions depending upon what we
see. As soon as a fight is heard from inside the rest can come
charging in from outside. Z'leyra will have her staff in her
GM: Ack.
From Ben'dar: [Re: Actions]
Ben'Dar nods in agreement at Farseeker's observations of the
men around the cabin. He whispers tersely, "They know we are
here. Yet they are purposely not moving to prepare themselves,
which means a trap. But there is nothing else for it. If we
hit them hard and fast, we will succeed."
He nods and says in a quiet voice to Farseeker, "Get on Tef'wo
then, the time to strike is fast approaching. As soon as the
teleport team disappears, we charge!"
Ben'Dar will charge at full speed toward the biggest clump of
warriors as soon as the other group casts their spell to
teleport in. Since the element of surprise is blown, no point
in being quiet about it... When he charges, he goes in whooping
out Fel'oros warcries at the top of his lungs. Ben'Dar is
attacking with his pike, and Tef'wo is attacking with slashing
hooves once we get into the midst of the enemy.
GM: Ack.
[New Stuff]
[Decalis 16th, 107th day since left Marentia, 42nd day of
Adventure #3 of the 1633rd year [TH].]
[Location: Pavassa Forest - Eastern Edge/On Plains]
[Time - 10:08am - Current situation]
[As the party watches the enemy talk and rise more
whispers abound among the party....]
Chion: "We'll go in the back. Well, this should be
[Arawn replies to Thig's whispers]
Arawn: "I can understand how they might choose this time to
kidnap her but if all they wanted to do was weaken the druids
by weakening the forest then the question remains, why did
they not simply kill her as that would have accomplished that
purpose and in the most expedient of manners? The timing in
regards to the importance of the Solstice ritual has to mean
something so I wonder exactly what they have in mind as I
have to imagine it is linked to such a powerful and important
event and I worry it may be more than simply wishing to
disrupt it. As I said before, something just doesn't feel
right about this..."
Thig: "I may act evil." [He grins a roguish smile] "But I
do not know the mind of evil. I suspect your right.
But we can debate this all day. We have to act now."
[As others talk Farseeker and Ben'dar whisper back and
forth. Ben'dar listens to Farseeker's observations.]
Ben'dar: "They know we are here. Yet they are purposely not
moving to prepare themselves, which means a trap. But there
is nothing else for it. If we hit them hard and fast, we
will succeed."
Farseeker: "A trap or overconfidence."
Ben'dar: "Get on Tef'wo then, the time to strike is fast
approaching. As soon as the teleport team disappears, we
GM: The time has come. I have not gotten any CCed emails
on talking on who was to scout first and who was to
go in first to the cabin. So I figure no one did
anything. So we'll go on with a group attack. As
I say with a PBEM we can spend months planning
a simple attack that in a table game takes 1-2 hours.
The crow is that equalizer :).
[As the party back away from the edge of the forest
Xian and Trembyl load their arbalests. Trembyl
and Xian place their horses about 10 feet behind
them ready to use. Trembyl loads his Arbalest and
Heavy crossbow. He'll have about 2 shots before
he'll need to go melee. Xian will have 1 shot. It
would take too long to reload so they prepare their
personal melee weapons, Scimitar and War staff.]
[Unali, Ben'dar and Farseeker head to their horses.
Unali grabs her weapons and readies them. Ben'dar
holds his pike in one hand as he helps Farseeker
up. Tef'wo staggers for a second under the weight
but handles it now with a good 150 more pounds on
his back. With one hand on his great sword Farseeker
and Ben'dar ready for combat. All three hold their
horses back in the forest out of view.]
[Ben'dar finds a loose strap so has both dismount as he
goes to fix the under belt of the saddle. Ben'dar
repositions his Dragon hide armor. Ensures his daggers are
on his belt. The spear is on Tef'wo's strap at the ready.
Ensure his bow and quiver are in place and remounts Tef'wo
with Pike in one hand. Having left his other gear; Tent,
bedroll, leather armor, skins, rope and, leather other gear
besides a bush. This lightens Tef'wos load and makes a
steady charge. With his gloved hands he shifts his dragon
fangs/claws and wolf skin headdress for show. He thinks
to himself the Humagi picked a bad time to kidnap Strie'bog's
mother and go up against the party. He pats Tef'wo on
the neck and feels the jeweled necklace. He still is unsure
why the necklace seemed to block the Elf's magic. But
maybe there are things best not to figure out. Sometimes
mystery is a good thing..]
[Farseeker reshifts his chainmail and great sword. He checks
to ensure his Throwing Axe is on his back at the ready. He
then remounts Tef'wo with help from Ben'dar. He leaves
his gear; tent, backpack, bedroll, broadsword, battle axe,
Pike and other gear on his horse. As he waits and watches
the party he goes over the tactics of the attack. One
point eludes him as a weak spot. He snaps his finger to
get the attention of Thig and waves him over. He then
whispers to Thig and Ben'dar.]
Farseeker: "That one rider in the distance some 150 feet
from the cabin. Keep an eye on him. If he is the
only one mounted he could escape and bring friends.
Tef'wo or you" [looking at Thig] "will have to chase
him and deal with him. If he comes to help his friends
then we won't have to worry about it."
[Arawn prepares himself for the coming battle in the next
few seconds. He still has a doubt about the whole situation.
But he trusts the party to do the right thing. He hopes.
Clearly haste is called for if the element of surprise is
gone. Strie'bog clearly wants this over. His whole life
could be settled in the next few minutes. Life....just
days ago Arawn was in the Upper World riding with his
friend and now here in this strange world. Luck or fate.
He never put much trust in fate as he knows the gods tend
to deal with that directly. Luck on the other hand seems
almost magical and a point of faith. Arawn leaves his tent,
bedroll and other gear on his horse. He shifts his cloak
and cowl to hide his face. He may not be able to hide
his height and thus his probably identity as a Alfar but
the cloak help in first impressions to distract. He does
a final check of his scale mail, sword, bow and quiver
and places his buckler at the ready. Arawn goes to one
side and casts 5 or 6 spells in preparation for battle.]
[As the party prepares and whispers Xian loads his Arbalest.
He'll have one shot. Then he'll grab his war staff and
charge. Leaving all other gear on his horse. He makes
sure his leather and banded armor is snug and ready. He
makes sure his daggers are in place.]
[Chion pulls his Sai out and check the blade. He ensures he
has the good blade at the ready. His damaged Sai as backup.
He holds his staff and ensures his sword in the sheath ready
to use if needed. He wears his chainmail and full helmet.
He leaves his horse tied back some distance away with his
bedroll, bag of other magical items and other gear. He
checks his amulet almost by reflex to ensure it is in place.
Lastly he shifts his cloak so it doesn't get in the way
of his hands and sheath. He watches the others as they
prepare as well. He knows the party can plan only so much
without knowing everything there are bound to be things
the party will run in surprises and challenges...]
[Trembyl prepares his Heavy crossbow and Arbalest. He
doesn't plan on magic much for this combat as no spells
would benefit him that much. He checks his scimitar
and daggers. He shifts his leather armor to ensure it covers
his body well. He leaves his horse, bedroll and other
big gear on the horse some distance back from the treeline
edge. He studies the cabin as he loads his Arbalest. He
doesn't see any illusions anywhere. He would be likely
one of the first to detect any. Course that doesn't mean
anything for the inside or front areas....]
[Strie'bog clearly nervous and ready for action checks his
gear as well. He ensures his Axe is sharp even though
there would be no time to sharpen it now. He checks to
ensure the quilted and leather armor covers all good places
of his body and in good shape. He considers leaving his
longbow but places it on his back. Never know when he'll
need the bow and quiver in the next few minutes. He thought
about wearing fine clothing to meet his mom but he knew
blood would ruin that. There will always be blood in these
situations. He leaves his tent, bags, other musical
instruments, shovel, bedroll, blanket and other gear on his
horses some distance back. With his Balalaika tied around
his neck he knows he'll need it to detect his mom once
in the cabin. He does a silent prayer for her safety
and well being. He hopes the previous plea to the forest
comes soon. He checks his pal at his leg and scratches
behind the ears. He wonders Boyzdar even knows how desperate
the situation really is. He'll stay behind and charge in
with Xian and the others. Lastly Strie'bog casts a quick
spell to help boost his ability.]
[Thig prepares his equipment as well. He checks his newly
given armor the Faerry queen gave him and finds it fits
snugly. He checks his daggers on his belt and ensures his
small war staff is tied at his hip. He quickly loads his
magical repeating crossbow to fire. He ensures his short
sword is sheathed, sling is belted and his ammo bags on
his belt as well. He leaves his tent, bedroll, rope and
other gear on his horse some distance back. As he loads
his crossbow he notices his ring glowing. He smiles to
himself. Maybe after the combat he'll go looking in the
nearby forest. .He won't take off from the forest till
the teleport team is off. He knows even hidden from sight
flapping wings is a sure give away. He is no good on
the ground so flying aerial support is his best option.
Lastly he casts a spell to go invisible. and waits...]
[Unali checks his chaimail to ensure no part of it is locked
or overlapping. She dons her full helmet. She feels odd
in the heavy armor. But she knows she may need it. She
is far more agile and comfortable in leathers. She ensures
her daggers and spare daggers are on her belt. She holds
the magical dagger's sheath not drawing the weapon until
just before combat for its magical precognition effect. She
checks to ensure the sling and ammo is at hand. She keeps
her elven bow on her back just in case. She lowers her
cowl to make her more menacing. She knows black or light
clothing outside won't matter much in this situation. She
leaves the bedroll, tent, bag of magical items, back some
distance in the bushes to ensure light weight for her
horse. She checks her ruby necklace. Before she mounts
the horse she uses the spyglass one last time to scan the
plains for other Humagi but sees no one. She places the
spyglass with her bags and mounts up ready for combat...]
[Z'leyra prepares her storehouse of equipment. She ensures
her helmet, leather and ring armors are all secure. She
places her buckler on her back while making sure all daggers
are on her belt. She leaves her longbow and quiver with
her horse. She sheaths her bastard sword. She leaves her
bedroll and other gear on her horse. Lastly she ensures
her drum is handy. As she does she notices her Ring is
glowing. She looks at the camp and notices the campfire.
She backs away from the treeline edge and with her shirt
taps the drum to muffle it as best she can. She enters
her shamanic trance to cast 2 more spells. She then
casts invisibility on herself. She picks up her satchel
and heads back to the tree line ready for combat...]
GM: Up to this point it is a short update. But believe it
or not it took 3 days. There has been a lot of behind
the scenes including maps, movement charts and spell
charts all to work up not including other minor book
keeping information as a GM must keep. So short but
long and a lot of work :)
[Chion, Arawn, Strie'bog and Z'leyra gather together.
Z'leyra, Chion and Arawn cast Invisibility spells.
When Strie'bog is touched he will also become hidden.
Z'leyra then casts Levitation on all 4 of the group.
Each person begins to lift off the grass a few inches.
Each person makes contact with Chion. It takes two
castings of Levitate to work as the first one failed.
Chion then casts Insubstantial on himself and since
the others are in contact all four become ghostly.
Finally Chion casts a Teleport spell that takes a few
extra seconds due to the other 3 going along. the
ghost team disappear...]
[Time - 10:09:14am]
[The party teleports the 150 odd feet to the back of the
cabin levitating off the ground.]
[Xian and Trembyl take aim...]
[Time - 10:09:15am]
[Z'leyra concentrates and makes the Levitate spell move the
ghostly group into the wall and through it...they begin
to float through it.]
[Xian turns to Trembyl who looks at Xian in shock at what
they just saw. At that same second...]
[the horses on the eastern end begin to neigh and shift.
Thig brings the attention of the man among the horses
who raises his head and yells one word. Those in the
forest don't know Humagi but its clear the alert has
just been made.]
[Time - 10:09:16am]
[As the ghostly team floats through the wall into the cabin
Arawn can swore he heard the word "Intruders!" just on the
other side of the wall.]
[At that second Trembyl and Xian fire...They both saw
what just happened and know the surprise is gone.
Trembyl aims at #1 near the campfire. The Quarrel hits
the man in the back penetrating deep and doing 8 points
of damage. The man falls to the ground. Xian at the
same time fires on the sentry standing to the south
and hits #8. The Quarrel hits him in the right side of
the chest and does 9 points. The man falls to the ground.]
[Unali and Tef'wo's horses charge out of the forest and
onto the plains forward.]
[Thig flies from the forest with Corona behind him.]
[The Crow shifts walking on the roof of the cabin.]
[The Wolf also bursts from the forest.
[As the ghostly team enter the cabin they notice to the left
of them are 4 wooden doors, all closed, along the wall.
To the front of them is a large open room. A large eating
table is directly in front of the party with chairs around
the table. There is a closed barrel, shelf and wall cabinets
around the south west walls. Some 50 feet or so away
in the east of the cabin are six chairs of simple and quick
design. A wooden couch with what looks like cushions is
on the east wall facing the party. There are windows that
are closed along the south and east walls. The party
notices one lone closed window behind them and to the
left. From the first impression is the cabin looks quickly
made and could go down in a good storm or snow fall from
the light frame roof. A small hole is seen in the roof
likely where the crow came in. There is a single door
on the right side going outside.]
[Those in the cabin see only 3 people in the large outer
room. Chion smiles thinking this will be very easy.
The ghost team sees one female who stands from her chair
and faces the west wall. She is wearing a dark black
gown and has a bow on her back now after she grabs it.
She is holding a warstaff. At the table are two men.
One Strie'bog recognizes as the man who knocked his
mother out and who went out briefly to talk to the people
outside. He is sitting at the table with some finished
food in a plate and a mug in hand. The man to his side
stands, standing 5'8 and about 190 pounds. He wears
leather armor and draws his sword. the ghost party is
unsure why this is happening unless they are preparing
to exit the cabin. But as the ghost team look at each
other they notice they can see each other! The Invisible
spells for each person has been broken! The party is
still insubstantial but visible and seen. Arawn did warn
they may have anti-sidh protections on the house and one
such trap must've Revealed the spell. Now it makes sense
what Arawn heard they were seen just entering the cabin.]
[Behind Xian a growl can be heard as bushes seem to shift
to his right. He looks to his right to see what is
going on...]
[Around the cabin the Humagi all stand or start to stand.
Upon seeing the person fall near the campfire all draw
weapons and eye the forest. The Sentries in the north
shift their focus to the forest as well.]
Now for combat -
Turn 1: Phase 1 and 2 next update...
Actions? Comments?
Next update Monday...
GM: Ghost Team - Arawn, Chion, Z'leyra, Strie'bog -
As long as Z'leyra has everyone maintain contact
via Levitate she controls where the party moves.
Once she forces separation from Chion the other
3 will become solid losing its spell effect.
Chion you will have to dispel the spell to end
or wait for the duration to become solid.
All four are now visible.
Ben'dar, Unali - Got targets?
Strie'bog - In order to use the spell to locate your
mother you'll have to be solid.
I will work on update Monday night about 9am!
Let the fun begin! Remember for good maps if
it messes up in email see the Game website links.
Rescue Camp Map - 375'x130'
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
%%%%%%/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ A
%%%%% \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \ B
%%%%%%/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ C
%%%%%%\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \ D
%%%%%_/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ 4__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ 6__/ E
%%%%%%%__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \ F
%%%%__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ G
%%_/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \ H
%%%%%%/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \____________________/ \__/ I
%%%%% \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/I°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°I__/ \ J
%%%%%%/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \I°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°I \__/ K
%%%%%%\__/ E__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/I°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°I__/ \ L
%%%T%_/ \_W/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \I°°°°°Cabin°°°°°°°°°I \__/ M
%%X% \__/ \__U \__/ \__/ \__/ H\_HH HH__/I°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°I__/ \ N
%%%%%_/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \H-------/H \I°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°I \__/ O
%%%%% \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ H\DHH H__/I°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°I__/ \ P
%%%\__/ \__H \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \I°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°I \__/ Q
%%%/ \__/ \__t \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \ R
%%%\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ S
%%%%% \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/1 \3_/ \__/ \__/ \ T
%%%%__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_** a__/ \__/ \__/ U
%%%%% \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__2 \__/ \__/ \ V
%%%%%_/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ 9\__/ \__/ \_7/ W
%%%%% \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \ X
%%%%%_/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__8 \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ Y
%%%% \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \ Z
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Legend - 1 Hex = 10 feet North
1 Row = 5 feet [A-Z] /I\
1 column = 5 feet [1-75] West<*>East
** = [U54/55] - Campfire Pit
%% = Left Side - Forest Edge, Bushes, Trees
-- = Log Railing - For horses? [O36-O42] 4 feet tall.
I, _ = Cabin wall
° = Cabin Roof
Positions -
Player Code Location Weapons Status
#1 Dead 1 [T53] Scimitar, Buckler Dead
#2 2 [V58] Scimitar Standing
#3 3 [T56] Sword, Buckler Sitting
#4 4 [E40] Sword, Bow Standing
#5 5 [Y100]* Sword, Buckler On horse, Off map
#6 6 [E70] Sword, Bow Standing
#7 7 [W72] Scimitar, Bow Standing
#8 Dead 8 [Y37] Sword, Buckler Dead
#9 9 [W57] Scimitar, Buckler Sitting
#10 D [P38] Scimitar Tending to horses
#W1 a [U38] Female in robes Standing
#W2 b In cabin
#AL c In Cabin
#AB d In Cabin
Arawn A In Cabin
Ben'dar B [R16] On Tef'wo (t) with Farseeker facing east
Chion C In Cabin
Farseeker F [R16] On Tef'wo (t) with Ben'dar facing east
Thig H [Q13] Flying, Invisible, Facing East, 20 feet up
Strie'bog S In Cabin
Trembyl T [M14] In Treeline, hidden, facing east
Unali U [N16] On horseback, Facing East
Xian X [N3] In treeline, Hidden, Facing East
Z'leyra Z In Cabin
Corona E [L13] In air 30 feet up, flying east
Boyzdar W [M12] Running eastward
Horses H 10 Tied up around Railing at G40
1 at Y100 [Off map]
Note: All Humagi wearing Leather Armor and Leather Helmet
Cabin Map -
1 2 3
I IA 1 Column = 2 feet
I IB 1 Row = 2 feet
I IC \/ = Main Cabin door
I ID I or _ = Log Wall
I IE / = Door
I IF [] = Bed
I IG ## = Cabinet
I___/_______/__________/_________/___IH @@ = Small Dressor or table
I II * = Chair
% %J o = Barrel
%Z ** %K ` = Shelf
IC *[==]* *+ * +* +IL [==]= Table
IS *[==]* b $IM ... = Carpet/Hatch
IA *[==]c $IN %% = Window Slits
Io *[==]*d *+ * +* +%O + = Small stool
I` ** %P $ = Cushion over wooden couch
I` #### IR
Z - Z'leyra [K1] - Insubstantial
C - Chion [L1] - Insubstantial
S - Strie'bog [M1] - Insubstantial
A - Arawn [N1] - Insubstantial
b - Female [M28]- Standing
c - Man [N9] - Sitting at table
d - Man [O10]- Standing
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