[pnpgm] Game update #26 - File #122 - Turn 1: Phase 3+4 Goblin Combat
Scott Adams
longshot at darktech.org
Fri Mar 9 08:10:55 CET 2007
HT Alias/Player Character Name Type Status/Notes Sex
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
R1 John Haight...........Arawn.............Druid .Normal/Alfar Ma
?? Chris Wells...........Ben'dar...........Warrior.Normal/Human Ma
W2 Marcel Liberty........Chion.............Sailor..Normal/Human Ma
W3 Ryan Torres...........Farseeker.........Warrior.Normal/Human Ma
R3 Wayne Richardson/Uji..Thig..............Sidh MU.Normal/Faerry Ma
W2 Robert Maxwell........Strie'bog.........Bard ..Normal/Human Ma
R3 Orion (Paul Broman)...Trembyl...........Wizard..Normal/Human Ma
W4 Wout Broere...........Unali.............Ninja...Normal/Human Fe
R3 Scott Adams...........Xian..............Wizard..Normal/Human Ma
R4 Alex Koponen..........Z'leyra...........Healer..Normal/Human Fe
Animals: Corona [Eagle] Z'leyra, Boyzdar [Wolf] (Strie'bog),
Game Web Site - http://www.funport.com/longshot/pbem
Public posts/actions to pnpgm at abroere.xs4all.nl (mailing list)
Private emails (not public actions) to longshot at darktech.org
Game Update 226 in sequence (file #122)
Admin notes: So no claims on past treasure?
From Ben'dar: [Re: Actions]
OOC: Gotta a question about armor... I'm thinking that it
might be impractical to put on suits of armor in this
situation? (in the dark, inside tiny tents) That's why Ben'Dar
didn't stop to put on his armor, unless he can really do it in
one phase. Please clarify...either way's fine with me.
Actions: Ben'Dar steps out of the north entrance of his tent
and whistles to Tef'wo to "come". (Ben'Dar does not tie up
Tef'wo ever, but lets the horse graze freely). He takes a
quick step forward and attacks goblin "J" (the one fighting
Boyzdar). Then he will rush northward and attack the mass of
goblins flailing at Z'leyra.
GM: Ack. The experience on armor goes back to my SCA days.
Doing full re-enactment combats and such some tested how
long it really took on various suits of armor to don.
This included Tents. I found it is possible to don a
suit of armor in an even 1 man tent. As long as one can
sit up they can put it on like a shirt. For more sturdy
armors like Plate. Yes. Those can't be done in a tent.
Those tend to require standing up. Since no one had
specifically said NOT to wear armor I had to assume you
would WANT to put on armor. That way if you died later
I couldn't be sued for "well I didn't get my armor on!". :)
Leather, Quilted, Chain can be done fairly fast and
by sitting up. It took me about 8 seconds for me one time
to put on a chainmail vest (which is what pretty much
chainmail here counts for) in the dark and in a small tent.
For folks like yourselves though it would be faster. As
to it dark the campfire flickers enough that shadows and
some light can be seen. The tents aren't strong enough to
put blankets over so tents are thin and so light can come
in from the campfire. We should though let me know in
advance who is putting on armor and who isn't in the future.
We should also probably figure out speeds for putting on
armor. One of these days. Ack on actions. First I've
heard of no tying up on Tef'wo :). But he is strong enough
he probably can free himself if tried. The others should
all be tied up.
From Chion: [Re: Cabin comments/evil vs good magic]
Chion thinks to himself (perhaps out loud), "Some would take
offense and call it treasonous to speak with certain people,
its all relative I guess. Since the dead are simply on a
different plane I don't see how its much different than
summoing a tonah or demon to aid oneself. A king has the
right to rule his subjects, after all."
GM: Ack.
From Z'leyra: [Re: Actions]
Slipping between goblins a (1) and g (7) Z'leyra will kill the
goblin that hit her by hitting it with her staff.
Then if she can cast Quarrels EL0 (excluding herself and Xian)
without affecting other party members she will do so.
Otherwise she will cast Sleep Mist EL1 with Tongue of the Sidh
through her staff.
Then she will go around striking and awake goblins from behind
trying to kill them one by one.
GM: Ack.
From Unali: [Re: Actions]
If anyone wants to use the remains of Unali's old leather armor
they are free to do so. "Here take this. It might just be
enough to patch yours."
As the fight starts, she will exit the tent and attack the
closest goblin. Seeing they are goblins, not humans, she will
strike to kill instead of subdue this time.
GM: Ack. I forgot who needed leather. I think Ben'dar?
From Strie'bog: [Re: Actions]
Sorry for the delay. I've been on pain killer for an injured
knee. Never thought I could sleep 16 out of every 24 hours.
Previous conversation:
"Farseeker," Strie'bog begins, "Z'leyra is right in a way. My
talking to the creatures of the forest is natural, and a gift
from my mother. I understand their speech better than I
understand Merantian. But what surprises me more is that you
think my faith is external. You say you rely on your skill and
quick thinking. So do I, but added to this is my faith. I don't
expect Cernunnos to come and save my life when times are tough.
My skills and knowledge are all I have for this; my faith is
that the Court of Cernunnos, the Court of Life, seeks to
preserve life. I, as a follower will use all my skill,
knowledge and power to advance these goals. We are not that
different Farseeker.You have faith in your skills, and my faith
brings me a conviction to use my skills in a right manner."
As for the goblins;
After seeing the goblins, and more importantly, the close nature
of the camp, Strie'bog will cast Wood Strength (EL 1) and use his
axe in combat.
If it is not too late to talk about daily spells, Strie'bog
will be keeping his long term bless spells going. Bless DCV
day 1, skip a day, Bless OCV day 3, skip a day, Bless DCV day 5,
etc... (Bless spells at EL 3).
GM: Ack. No problem on delay. I was delayed this week as well.
Get better on that knee!
[New Stuff]
[Decalis 13th, 104th day since left Marentia, 39th day of
Adventure #3 of the 1633rd year [TH].]
[Location: Pavassa Forest]
[Cabin talk continues...Strie'bog speaks to Farseeker and
Farseeker replies.]
Farseeker: "Priest Strie'bog I mean no disrespect. I meant
no offense. I was leery when Arawn talked of speaking to
the dead and conjuring up spirits. That stuff is dangerous
and I tend to avoid it if I can. Your abilities seem more
natural to me and friendly to my well-being." [He grins.]
GM: I applied the skill points for the 3 days of travel to
the sacred forest. Here are any changes. The skills
I applied are in the timeline file. This counts for
the day after the goblin combat.
Player Changes
Farseeker Learned Forest Survival now
Trembyl +1 EL in Throwing Dagger
Thig +1 EL in Forester
Strie'bog +3 EL in Marentian Language
Unali Learned Forest Survival now
GM: I have updated the links for the Adventure #3 timeline.
I also updated the map. The bottom 2 links on the game
site shows the current positions (purple) and the
destination (white) areas. I also added a link to
give a map legend for future reference.
GM: As to Armor. It depends on the time of year. Summer
and Winter.
Helmets - Leather can be worn at night but why?
Metal and Full would hurt the head.
Shields - Why ? So they can be at arm's reach not on your
stomach or anything.
Armor - Summer / Winter
Leather No / Yes [Too hot/Good for warmth]
Quilted No / Yes [Hot, scratchy/good for warmth]
Ring No / No [Hot and metal can make you colder]
Banded No / Yes [Hot/Leather can hide the metal]
Scale No / No [Can be really scratchy, irritating]
Brigidine No / Yes [Hot/good for warmth]
Chainmail No / No [Really heavy and cumbersome]
Plate No / No [Too heavy and cumbersome]
That's how I feel sleeping with armor is. I assume everyone
does NOT sleep in armor unless you state. I also have to
assume for the chance of death you take time to don armor
for your protection unless you specifically say otherwise.
From the action posts I could not determine either way.
In the summer it can be just too hot and sweaty. If one
wants to sleep in leather in the summer they can but they
may need to avoid others :). In winter armor can help
to warm up folks however. But in the end in small tents
as the party has wearing armor for 6 or more hours it can
be annoying turning over and such. That's my 2 cents.
[Decalis 15th, 106th day since left Marentia, 41st day of
Adventure #3 of the 1633rd year [TH].]
[Location: Pavassa Forest]
[Time: Around 3:58am.]
Turn 1: Phase 3
[Mana Allocation]
[Arawn inside the tent allocates more mana for
another spell.]
[Missile Fire]
[Thig invisible aims his magical repeating crossbow
at another goblin and fires. But the dart misses.]
[Suddenly from somewhere an arrow impacts onto the
ground near Trembyl and misses him by a few inches.]
[Magic Effect] - None
[Melee & Movement]
[Corona dives down toward the center of the camp but
finds no good targets that aren't near tents or
other people to attack without hurting others so
he regains height and flies back up.]
[Z'leyra slips between #1 (a) and #7 (g) being
faster than a man can run walking she does this
quickly. She heads south west then turns north
and heads north past the armored goblin. She
then turns to face the right side of goblin #6 (f).
Since the goblin hit her she can be seen by that
goblin. But to the others she is still invisible.
She swings her staff at the short goblin. The
staff narrowly misses the top of the goblin.]
[Farseeker exits his tent in the SE and stands up.
He looks west and sees the wolf taking one goblin
but doesn't know he is hurt. He doesn't see the
other goblin behind the tend. He also doesn't see
those attacking Trembyl or how bad he is hurt. He
only sees the mass around where Z'leyra used to be.
He looks east and sees 3 near the horses. Being the
closest he runs that way with great sword in hand.
He passes by the bush and attacks #14 (n) and hits
the goblin with a undercut under his arm and into
his left shoulder doing 10 points killing the goblin.]
[Unali exits her tent and looks around. She sees
at least a dozen goblins. The closest is #3 (c)
which is attacking Trembyl. The magical dagger did
not warn her of any danger exiting the tent so she
exits quickly. With a forceful strike she stabs the
goblin and hits both times. The first a regular
hit kills the goblin and the other a severe hit
just adds more damage to the poor goblin.]
[Ben'dar exits the tent and looks around. He sees
the mass of goblins to his left but turns right
to the horses. He whistles for Tef'wo come then
pulls up his pike and charges #10 (j). He thrusts
down at the tiny goblin and hits in the right shoulder.
The damage is severe at 22 points it does massive
damage to the goblin and kills him.]
[The armored thrusts his spear where Z'leyra used to
be and misses hitting dead air.]
[Trembyl pulls up his right arm and thrusts his
magical scimitar at goblin #4 (d). His arm begins
to shake so he uses his left hand and the blow
hits the goblin in the left arm doing 9 points of
damage (almost cutting it off). The goblin falls.
His vision begins to blur from the pain of the arrow
in his chest. He sees though the other goblin fighting
him is down as well (unsure why but he doesn't care).
He falls to his knees and then collapses on the ground
behind the tent as pain from the arrow takes him.]
[Chion exits his tent with Sai in hand. He feels the
night chill and looks around. A group of goblins
he notices to front of him and he sees Ben'dar to
the right. He notices Unali across from the campfire.
He then sees between the row of tents Trembyl lying
on the ground. That's odd. He runs north toward
Trembyl passing goblin #2 and #4 and between the
campfire. He reaches and ends the past at Trembyl.]
GM: You said you wanted to not attack but defend and
use healer. So this does as you sorta wanted :)
[The horses begin to stir from the goblin and presence
of Farseeker. Tef'wo breaks off from the horses and
moves to the west but is unsure of what to do at
this point as he checks the situation out. He looks
back to the horses.]
[Boyzdar with his hurt leg tries to bite at goblin #12
(l) but fails to strike as his leg gives out from
under him and forces him to miss.]
[Suddenly from the bushes at N5 a roar is heard. Some
have heard stories of those roars that can break a man
standing feet away into a blubber. It is loud and hits
Z'leyra first at her back bringing hairs rising on her
neck. Then from the bushes a tall and long lion with
a thick black mane charges east toward the camp!]
GM: Yes I said lion :)
[Now the goblins react]
[Goblin #2 (B) swings at Z'leyra but she is no longer
there. Goblin #7 and 8 (g,h) swings at thin air
as well and misses a non-existent Z'leyra)
[Goblin #6 (f) sees Z'leyra and turns to swing on her
but her luck ring helps and he misses barely.]
[Goblin #9 (i) turns and swings his club at Ben'dar
but the magic of the pike protects and he is missed.]
[Goblin #12 (l) swings his club at the wolf again
but fails to hit.]
[Goblin #15 (o) and #16 (p) give up on the horses
seeing their friend die and go to each side of
Farseeker and attack him. But their blows fail to hit.]
[Strie'bog exits the tent with axe in hand. He
can't see his friend hurt since Tef'wo is blocking
the view of the wolf. He turns and remembers where
the nearest tree is. For his spell to work he must
touch a tree. He heads to the tree at H33 and touches
it for his spell. While he does this he looks around
the scene.]
[Xian invisible exits the tent which reveals himself
almost by the tent flap moving giving his location
to the goblins. He stands up with his war staff
and notices four goblins around him staring at his
general direction. He curses under his breath.
Fearing a trap he heads the path Z'leyra down and
turns west. Since Z'leyra touched him when she
casts Dark sight he can see clearly in the darkness
and is now facing 20 feet away a large lion charging
his way. "Oh crap!" Fearing death he moves south
west toward the bushes for a better plan.]
Turn 1: Phase 4
[Mana Allocation]
[Arawn still in his tent casts the last of the man
for his spell.]
[Z'leyra allocates mana for a spell.]
[Strie'bog allocates his wood strength spell.]
[Missile Fire]
[Thig doesn't notice the lion below and aims at
goblin #8 (h) the dart hits the goblin in the
left arm in a major artery and does 9 points of
damage. The goblin falls to the ground.]
[Suddenly another arrow flies from somewhere and
hits the ground 3 feet in front of Chion. Chion
is unsure if it was meant for him or Trembyl.
He didn't see where it came from but likely north
or west...and angle was unsure since wasn't looking.]
[Strie'bog hands glow brown as energy is taken from
the tree and given to him enforcing his strength.]
[Magic Effect] - None
GM: Z'leyra spell failed sorry. Besides only 5 or
so left might not have done much.
[Melee & Movement]
[Corona definitely sees a target now the lion. He
dives straight for it. At 3 feet above the lion
he fires his flame bolts from his eyes and hits
the lion's rear right leg doing a few points of
damage but doesn't seem to stop the lion. Corona
takes back to the sky.]
[Z'leyra knows there is something behind her from
the roar but as long as this one goblin can see
her its more a threat than the other thing. She
swings her staff at it again. The staff hits the
goblin in the left shoulder and does 8 points
killing the goblin.]
[Farseeker turns to the left hoping the bush to his
rear will block attack from the other goblin. He
swings on #15 (o) and the great sword hits and
impales the goblin almost a third the way through
his abdomen doing 24 points of damage.]
[Unali sees Chion cross her path for some reason
and charges #2 (b). Both daggers again hit and
do plenty of damage to kill the goblin.]
[Ben'dar doesn't see the Lion behind him and
figures the roar to be some battle cry? He
thrusts his pike on #12 (l) and hits for
another massive damage blow as the pike
impales through the goblin's chest doing 22
points of damage.]
[The armored goblin raises his spear and gives
out some cry of his out and charges Ben'dar.
He thrusts his spear at Ben'dar but fails to hit.]
[Trembyl looks up at Chion in the darkness and
reaches for his chest. But his breathing seems
shallow and he can't speak.]
[Chion inspects the arrow head. But since he
is still learning Healer he has no clue as to what
to do. He knows if he pulls it out it could cause
far more damage if he doesn't get immediate treatment
right after. He tries to calm Trembyl down as he
glances to the north into the darkness looking for
that enemy archer. If only he had got his shield he
could block some arrows.]
[The horses move east a bit away from farseeker and
the fight.]
[Tef'wo neighs at Ben'dar but turns back to the horses.
He charges toward and leaps over the bush. He then
stands and kicks goblin #16 (p) and does 4 points
of damage to the goblin knocking him down. Seeing
Tef'wo do this other horses nearby help and 3 horses
stomp on the goblin and kill him.]
[Boyzdar sees no immediate threat and begins to lick
his leg then sees the Lion charge. Instinct seems
to kick in and he tries to stand stall but pulls up
his wounded leg. Wolves may have attacked Lions in
some place and instinct tells him this lion is a danger.
He begins to growl.]
[Arawn peeks out of the tent and looks in both
directions. He sees the Lion in the distance and
raises a finger to direct his spell west. Since
there is full light he forces the spell into the
bushes where there is little light and the spell
of magical force creatures attack the lion.
The creatures of shadow attack and punch the
lion and do both a total of 12 points to the lion
harming it.]
[The Lion looks to the bushes but only sees darkness.
Confused he sees targets and charges the 10 feet
to the east outside the range of the creatures.]
[Goblin #7 (g) turns and charges the 5 feet toward
Unali. He thrusts his spear at her and hits but
the chainmail blocks the blow.]
[Goblin #9 (i) clubs Ben'dar and hits but the
dragon armor protects him as well.]
GM: See without armor now Unali and Ben'dar would've
been hurt! :)
[Strie'bog moves from the tree and over to Boyzdar
and checks him out and pets him. He'll live but
the lion he is worried about. He waits for his
next move.]
GM: Run out of movement.
[Xian knows if he attacks the Lion it'll see him
and tear him apart. He waits for a chance to strike.]
Actions? Comments?
Next update Monday...
GM: Ben'dar your doing massive damage with the pike and
it maybe damaged twice now. I'll check after the
combat. But when you do massive damage the weapon
could break. You may want to hold back some strength
or switch weapons :)
GM: Only 2 goblins left. The armored one. And the
one by Ben'dar and campfire. The lion though is
about to possibly attack someone.
I removed the dead off the map to keep clutter low.
[Goblin Encounter Camp Map] [End of Phase 4]
1 2 3 4
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__A 1 Hex \ 10 feet
\__/ \__/ \_*/ \__/ \__%% \__/ \_%%% \__/ B 1 Row = 5 feet
/%%%%%%%%\__/%%%%_/*%%%_/ \__/*%%__%%*\%_/ \__C 1 Col = 5 feet
\_%%%*%%*/ \__/ \__%%%\__/ \__/ \__%%%%%_/ D
/ %%%_/ \__/ *__/ \__/* \__/%%%__/ \__/ *__E @@ = Campfire
\__/ \__/ \%%% \_%%%%%%_/ *%%%% \__/ \__/ F [] = 1 man tent
/ %%%%* \*_/ \__/ \*%%* \__/ \__/ *__/ %%%_G 2'x6'
\__%%%%%_/ %%%%% \__/ \__/ %%*%% %%%% \_*/ H [] = 2 man tent
/ %%%%/ \%%%% \__/ \__/ \_%%%S\__/ %%%/ \__I [] 3'x6.5'
\__/ *\_*/ *__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__* \_%%% J
/%%%%%/ \__/ \__/[]\CR/ []_%% \_%%%%\__%%%\__K H = 1 Horse
\*_/ *__/ \_*% Z\[] []__[] \__/HHH%%% \__/ L
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ U__/ \__/ \HHH* \__* \__M Tents openings
\_%%%%%__/ \__/ L\_g/@@\__/ \%%F _\__/ \_%%% N Row L opens South
/ %%%%% \_%%%%%__/ i_S/ \__/%%\HHH %%%_/ \__O Row Q Opens North
\__/ \__/ %%_X \_aB W\__/ \__/ HH*_/ \__/ P
/ \_*/ \__/% \__/[] [] []_/ %%%%% \__/ \__Q North
\__%%%%%_/ *__/ \[]/ \__/ \__/%%%__/ \_%%%%R /|\
/ \__/ %%%%% \__/ \__/ \%%%% \__/*%%%_/ \__S West < * > East
\__* \_%%*%%%_/ \_%%%%\__*%%%__/ \_%%% \_*%%%T \|/
/ \__/ %%**%%\__/ *%%/ \_%%% \__/ \_%%%%%__U South
\__/ \__/%%%%_/ \__/%%\__/ \__* \%%%% *__/ V * = Tree
123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678 % = Bush
1 2 3 4
Positions -
Player Symbol Location Status
Arawn A [L29] In Tent, Awake
Strie'bog S [P24] Outside, Awake
Ben'dar B [P22] Outside, Awake
Chion C [K23] Outside, Awake
Farseeker F [N34] Outside
Thig T [N19] In Air, 30 feet up, invisible, off map
Trembyl R [K24] Outside, Down on the ground?
Unali U [M22] Outside, Awake
Xian X [P16] Outside, Invisible
Z'leyra Z [L18] Outside, Awake, Invisible
Corona C [L15] Flying high somewhere,
Boyzdar W [P25] Awake, Attacking goblin
Tef'wo H [Q33] Awake
Lion L [N18] Charging
Goblin #1 a [P21] Attacking Z'leyra, Armor, Spear
#2 b [M21] [Dead] [Off Map]
#3 c [L23] [Dead] [Off Map]
#4 d [K23] [Dead] [Off Map]
$5 e [L23] [Dead] [Off Map]
#6 f [L19] [Dead] [Off Map]
#7 g [N21] Attacking Unali
#8 h [N21] [Dead] []Off Map]
#9 i [Q22] Club, Dagger
#10 j [P23] [Dead] [Off Map]
#11 k [P23] [Dead] [Off Map]
#12 l [Q23] [Dead] [Off Map]
#13 m [Q23] [Dead] [Off Map]
#14 n [N25] [Dead[ [Off Map]
#15 o [M34] [Dead[ [Off Map]
#16 p [O24] [Dead] [Off Map]
Status -
Dead Goblin - 14
Wounded Goblin - 1
Wounded - Z'leyra, Trembyl, Wolf
Light Description - Campfire light goes out 3 hexes 100%, 4 hexes
at 80%, 5 hexes 60%, 6 30%, 7 10%, 8 no light. Light will affect
combat (especially missile fire). No moon light. Star light only.
No torches or lanterns are lit this hour.
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