[pnpgm] Game update #29 - File #132 - A stranger in camp
Scott Adams
longshot at darktech.org
Tue Mar 20 08:29:00 CET 2007
HT Alias/Player Character Name Type Status/Notes Sex
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
R1 John Haight...........Arawn.............Druid .Normal/Alfar Ma
?? Chris Wells...........Ben'dar...........Warrior.Normal/Human Ma
W2 Marcel Liberty........Chion.............Sailor..Normal/Human Ma
W3 Ryan Torres...........Farseeker.........Warrior.Normal/Human Ma
R3 Wayne Richardson/Uji..Thig..............Sidh MU.Normal/Faerry Ma
W2 Robert Maxwell........Strie'bog.........Bard ..Normal/Human Ma
R3 Orion (Paul Broman)...Trembyl...........Wizard..Normal/Human Ma
W4 Wout Broere...........Unali.............Ninja...Normal/Human Fe
R3 Scott Adams...........Xian..............Wizard..Normal/Human Ma
R4 Alex Koponen..........Z'leyra...........Healer..Normal/Human Fe
Animals: Corona [Eagle] Z'leyra, Boyzdar [Wolf] (Strie'bog),
Game Web Site - http://www.funport.com/longshot/pbem
Public posts/actions to pnpgm at abroere.xs4all.nl (mailing list)
Private emails (not public actions) to longshot at darktech.org
Game Update 229 in sequence (file #132)
Admin notes: None.
From Ben'dar: [Re: Actions]
Ben'Dar lounges in the nice soft sand. He wonders if Tef'wo
is still ok and if so, hopes that the horse will come over and
kick that pesky little goblin in the head...
OOC: Did Ben'Dar see which direction the arrow came from that
GM: Ack. I answered the arrow thing in email.
From Z'leyra: [Re: Actions]
While Z'leyra wants to get the Sleep Mist spell cast she
realizes that this other mist is going to be a major problem.
She will cast thru her staff a Dispell Chaos ELmax attempting
to dispell the paralysis mist. If successful she will then recast
thru her staff another Sleep Mist EL0.
GM: Ack.
From Arawn: [Re: Actions]
Arawn turns to Trembyl and says that someone needs to deal
with the mage behind all this. He'll ask if Trembyl can take
care of things on his end.
GM: Ack.
[New Stuff]
[Decalis 15th, 106th day since left Marentia, 41st day of
Adventure #3 of the 1633rd year [TH].]
[Location: Pavassa Forest]
[Time: Around 3:58am.]
Turn 2: Phase 4
[Mana Allocation]
[Arawn, Chion and Z'leyra gather mana for spells.]
[Missile Fire] - None
[Magic Effect]
[Arawn speaks a few words of sidh and disappears
inside the tent.]
[Chion casts his insubstantial spell on himself
and loses mass.]
GM: Since no posted actions going on last posted
actions even though casting on Trembyl would
be ineffective. Was waiting for actions before
I did it but since none went with old actions.
Best I could do under the circumstances.
[Trembyl and Xian are seized by the magic of the mist.]
[Melee & Movement]
[Corona lands on a limb high above camp and takes in
the camp. From his view he only sees a smog of
the campfire as it mixes with the gray mist. The mist
seems to block any view from his height.]
[As Z'leyra speaks her magic words she finds the claw
still tucked in her things and puts it back assured
it is still there.]
[Thig flies high above the mist to get away from its
affect. He hovers with crossbow in hand but has no
good target. He can't seem much into mist below so
he begins to scan the bushes and trees.]
[Farseker looks up into the gray mist after Xian
moves him. He tries to flex his arms and legs but
can not do so.]
[The Frogs continue to dance, hop and dance around
like insane people....]
[Six frogs jump in various places onto the sides of the
tent Trembyl and Arawn are in but none hit Arawn and
Trembyl in their slam dancing.]
[Four frogs jump up and over Ben'dar. One lands on
his back where the wound from last phase was just
suffered but the squish of impact does no additional
points of damage. One frog lands an inch from
Ben'dar's head and croaks Ben'dar groans mentally.]
GM: The pike saved you a bit here with its magical
protection. Otherwise the severe hit would've
been a deadly hit. :)
[Three frogs dance around Chion with 2 going through
him as he has no mass now.]
[One toad jumps over Farseeker.]
[Three frogs are near Strie'bog. One jumps too far
over. Two frogs land onto Strie'bog's left and
right shoulder as he lays on the ground. No damage
is done but both croak at each other.]
[One frog waddles past Unali but too far away.]
[Five frogs jump up and around Xian still invisible
but only one hits him in the left back shoulder but
does no damage.]
[Four frogs hit the tent Z'leyra is in but do nothing
aside bounce off the walls and shake the tent almost
to falling. Two frogs however jump hard enough
they hit her in the chest and back but do no damage
beyond surprise.]
[With Farseeker removed Unali attempts again to lift
the Lion off her. She uses her legs and pushes it
up and off her then on her rear slides to the north
east on her back.]
[Ben'dar wonders about Tef'wo. Concerned more for
the horse than his own life. He then thinks of
these annoying frogs. Then he notices a beetle
coming toward his face. Gee, what else could go
wrong tonight?]
[Trembyl looks up at the fading Arawn now gone from
his sight. Arawn told him to stay put. "Sure I'm
not going anywhere" he thinks to himself. He
continues to feel at his wounds and thinks he can
pull the second arrow out without any further
damage...but as he tries to move his hands he finds
he can not.]
[Chion looks around the mist for any enemy but
finds no one in his immediate few feet of vision.]
GM: No action plan so unsure of actions?
[Suddenly as Unali gets out from under the lion
something dark through the gray mist comes toward
her and slices her lower abdomen where the appendix
would be and slices the body doing a massive 10
points of damage past her armor.]
[Xian suddenly finds himself on the ground and doesn't
recall how he got there. Oh yeah the mist maybe
it had something to do with it. "At least I'm
invisible" he thinks then he fears "oh great someone
can step on me and kill me and I never could scream.
Just my luck.", He thinks again.]
Turn 3: Phase 1
[Mana Allocation]
[Arawn builds more mana and Z'leyra continues to
add mana for her spell.]
[Missile Fire] - None
[Magic Effect]
[Arawn speaks the words to cast a speed spell.]
[Arawn succumbs to the gray mist and seizes up.
Invisible he falls to the floor of the tent.
Lucky for Trembyl he doesn't fall on top of him.]
[Z'leyra raises her staff a inch off the ground
and speaks the dispell spell. The words are
heard through the camp as she speaks them.
Suddenly the mist disappears. Z'leyra grins...]
[Melee & Movement]
[Corona is the first to see it and takes to the sky
but is too high to react this phase...but it dives
straight down.]
[Z'Leyra remains in the tent to stop the frogs next phase.]
[Thig high in the air is the second to see the stranger
inside the camp. He yells "Unali! watch out!"]
[Farseeker sees the mist disappears. He then realizes
someone stopped the spell but not its effects on
each person. From the corner of his eye he can see
the back of a man near where Unali should be.]
[The frogs react again. Now the mist is gone they
have better views for their random insane motions..]
[Arawn sees the tent walls hit by more frogs....]
[Ben'dar sees a half dozen frogs or hears them
around him bounce about.]
[Two frogs pass through again Chion.]
[Four frogs jump near Farseeker.]
[Five frogs jump near and around Strie'bog.]
[Two frogs hit Trembyl's still body but do no
more damage to him in the tent attack.]
[Four frogs jump nearby Unali but come no closer
than a half foot.]
[Two toads jump near Xian but not close enough to
hit him.]
[Five frogs hit the tent Z'leyra is in but does
not hit Z'leyra at all.]
[Unali sees the mist disappear and suddenly sees
a man standing over her holding a battle axe.
A look of surprise comes over the man's face.
She sees he stands about 5 feet 8 and weighs
about 180 pounds or so. Even wearing heavy
chainmail she rolls over and does a quick push
up from the ground. With her left foot she
kicks the man backwards and he stumbles back
onto the lion. She then grabs her dagger lying
a foot away and prepares to stand.]
[Ben'dar hears a grunt and figures the Goblin
must be grunting over him again. But that
beetle seems to be now on his face inspecting
his nose. Man that itches!]
[Trembyl hears Arawn or what he thinks to be
Arawn fall onto the tent floor and figures the
two of them will be comfy at least.]
[Chion hears Thig yell high above and turns to
see into the camp. He sees the man lying on
the lion but recalls he has no form.]
[Arawn hears the struggle outside but finds himself
paralyzed by the mist that is now gone.]
[The man thrown back onto the Lion immediately
gets to his feet and charges Unali. Slightly
dazed he swings his battle axe at her back
wildly but fails to hit as the blade swings past
her back by 2 inches.]
[Xian sees the struggle out the corner of his
eye but can't move at this time.]
Actions? Comments?
Next update Friday....
GM: The mist itself may have been dispelled but its effects
still remain.
GM: Status -
Paralyzed - Arawn, Ben'dar*, Farseeker, Trembyl*, Xian
Insubstantial - Chion
Hovering - Thig
Unconscious - Strie'bog
Wounded but ok- Unali
All right - Z'leyra
Animals - Wolf paralyzed, Corona Ok, Horses? Unknown
Frogs - All acting insane
GM: Based on angles no one knows of the status of the last
goblin at this time.
Will start update Thursday evening at 10pm.
[Goblin Encounter Camp Map] [End of Turn 3: Phase 1]
1 2 3 4
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__A 1 Hex \ 10 feet
\__/ \__/ \_*/ \__/ \__%% \__/ \_%%% \__/ B 1 Row = 5 feet
/%%%%%%%%\__/%%%%_/*%%%_/ \__/*%%__%%*\%_/ \__C 1 Col = 5 feet
\_%%%*%%*/ \__/ \__%%%\__/ \__/ \__%%%%%_/ D
/ %%%_/ \__/ *__/ \__/* \__/%%%__/ \__/ *__E @@ = Campfire
\__/ \__/ \%%% \_%%%%%%_/ *%%%% \__/ \__/ F [] = 1 man tent
/ %%%%* \*_/ \__/ \*%%* \__/ \__/ *__/ %%%_G 2'x6'
\__%%%%%_/ %%%%% \__/ \__/ %%*%% %%%% \_*/ H [] = 2 man tent
/ %%%%/ \%%%% \__/ \__/ \_%%%S\__/ %%%/ \__I [] 3'x6.5'
\__/ *\_*/ *__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__* \_%%% J
/%%%%%/ \__/ \__/[]\C_/ []_%% \_%%%%\__%%%\__K H = 1 Horse
\*_/ *__/ \_*% \[] []__[] \__/HHH%%% \__/ L
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ UM_/ \__/ \HHH* \__* \__M Tents openings
\_%%%%%__/ \__/ \_XF@@\__/ \%% _\__/ \_%%% N Row L opens South
/ %%%%% \_%%%%%__/ i_S/ \__/%%\HHH %%%_/ \__O Row Q Opens North
\__/ \__/ %%_/ \_/B W\__/ \__/ HH*_/ \__/ P
/ \_*/ \__/% \__/[] [] []_/ %%%%% \__/ \__Q North
\__%%%%%_/ *__/ \[]/ \__/ \__/%%%__/ \_%%%%R /|\
/ \__/ %%%%% \__/ \__/ \%%%% \__/*%%%_/ \__S West < * > East
\__* \_%%*%%%_/ \_%%%%\__*%%%__/ \_%%% \_*%%%T \|/
/ \__/ %%**%%\__/ *%%/ \_%%% \__/ \_%%%%%__U South
\__/ \__/%%%%_/ \__/%%\__/ \__* \%%%% *__/ V * = Tree
123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678 % = Bush
1 2 3 4
Positions -
Player Symbol Location Status
* Arawn A [L24] In Tent, Awake, Invisible
* Strie'bog S [O24] Outside, Down on ground?, Face Up
* Ben'dar B [P22] Outside, on ground? Paralyzed, Face Down
Chion C [K23] Outside, Awake, Insubstantial
* Farseeker F [N22] Outside, On ground, paralyzed, Face up
Thig T [N19] In Air, 70 feet up, invisible, off map
* Trembyl R [L24] Inside Tent, on ground
Unali U [M22] Outside, Awake, on ground, lion on top
* Xian X [N21] Outside, Invisible, on ground
Z'leyra Z [K20] Inside Tent, Awake, Invisible
Corona ? [??5] Flying high somewhere, Off map
* Boyzdar W [P25] On ground, paralyzed
Tef'wo H [Q33] Awake
Lion L [M21] [Dead]
Man M [M23] Standing near Unali
* - Paralyzed
Frogs - 61 in various areas of camp
Goblin #1 a [P21] #2 b [M21] #3 c [L23] - [All Dead]
#4 d [K23] $5 e [L23] #6 f [L19] - [All Dead]
#7 g [N21] #8 h [M21] #10 j [P23] - [All Dead]
#11 k [P23] #12 l [Q23] #13 m [Q23] - [All Dead]
#14 n [N25] #15 o [M34] #16 p [O24] - [All Dead]
#9 i [Q22] Club, Dagger [Still Alive]
Light Description - Campfire light goes out 3 hexes 100%, 4 hexes
at 80%, 5 hexes 60%, 6 30%, 7 10%, 8 no light. Light will affect
combat (especially missile fire). No moon light. Star light only.
No torches or lanterns are lit this hour.
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