[pnpgm] Game update #13 - File #15 - Status 1/1/08 - Unali's IBT
Scott Adams
longshot at darktech.org
Wed Jan 2 06:25:56 CET 2008
HT Alias/Player Character Name Type Status/Notes Sex
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
R1 John Haight...........Arawn.............Druid .Normal/Alfar Ma
?? Chris Wells...........Ben'dar...........Warrior.Normal/Human Ma
W2 Marcel Liberty........Chion.............Sailor..Normal/Human Ma
W3 Ryan Torres...........Farseeker.........Warrior.Normal/Human Ma
Tobie Bonahoom........Fremea............Sidh....NormalFaerry Fe
R3 Wayne Richardson/Uji..Thig..............Sidh MU.Normal/Faerry Ma
W2 Robert Maxwell........Strie'bog.........Bard ..Normal/Human Ma
R3 Orion (Paul Broman)...Trembyl...........Wizard..Normal/Human Ma
W4 Wout Broere...........Unali.............Ninja...Normal/Human Fe
R3 Scott Adams...........Xian..............Wizard..Normal/Human Ma
R4 Alex Koponen..........Z'leyra...........Healer..Normal/Human Fe
Animals: Corona [Eagle] Z'leyra, Boyzdar [Wolf] (Strie'bog),
Game Web Site - http://www.funport.com/longshot/pbem
Public posts/actions to pnpgm at abroere.xs4all.nl (mailing list)
Private emails (not public actions) to longshot at darktech.org
Game Update #13 in sequence (file #15)
Admin notes: None.
[Recap] - None
[New Stuff]
GM: Administration Info -
* Status file updated.
1. Characteristic Points
Total Players: 14
CPs sent to Players: 14
CPS allocated/returned: 13
Character sheets sent: 13
Current progress: 93%
Leaves only Strie'bog at this point.
2. In-between time actions
Total Players: 14
IBT Actions sent to me: 10
IBT completed by me: 11
Current progress: 89%
Have IBT actions from:
Check out the Status link on the website to
see order of IBT actions given to me and
which at the time of the week I'm currently
working on.
GM: Hope everyone had a great new year. Hope no one
didn't get too drunk and end up in the backyard garden
with the dwarves...but that's another tale...
GM: I have completed Unali's IBT events. So that gives
me 85% or so completed with her stuff. Still got to
update character sheet and do a few minor things
based on the events to catch up on like expenses.
By next update I should be done. I have heard from
Arawn and he's working on his plan. So we should
be ready soon. If I complete Arawn's and don't hear
from Strie'bog then we can assume he stays with his
mother for the duration. Guess he is too busy right now.
Actions? Comments?
Next update Wednesday... 1/09/08
GM: Below is Unali's actions. Only one that might have been
included with some of the action would likely be
Farseeker (was) and Z'leyra. But Z'leyra was busy
tinkering with stuff at her manor and Unali didn't have
time to recruit her help. (Yeah that's it :)).
Due to the mass amount of action and time I had
to summarize a lot of it so didn't go into great detail
on the combats or we'd be up to a few thousand lines
more of text :)
* Unali's IBT Actions
[Decalis 25 - Unali rides from Sivas city to Maren City on Damon's
ship after spending a couple days with the party in Sivas and
relaxing. Damon shows more seamanship skills for her. Privately
Damon gives a rundown of the last couple months ships goings and
comings. Unali is interested in any ship that might carry the
Climan flag. Even though King Maros hates Clima he still allows
Climan ships to trade with Marentian cities Malnon and Sivas.
Pressure from the merchant houses demand free trade continue for
good of all since Climans are in such a powerbase in the Sea of
Tears. Damon tries to recall ships and gives her a list. He
knows most are just innocent traders but he knows some are pirates.
Around 8am Unali spots a fishing fleet of 10 ships heading west
past the front of Damon's ship. The crew seems to take no notice
but Unali finds the fleet interesting as it seems to be a floating
island with all the birds over and around it. Around 7pm she
notices a Marentian troop ship heading south west to a fortress
[Decalis 26 - Damon's ship ends in Maren city in the evening in
the capital docks district. A restricted area but Damon has
access as one of King Maros's personal favors from the past when
Damon got the ship from the Climan mission. Unali heads into
town as Damon sails off to unload goods at the merchant section.
Near 11am Unali notices a small ship of maybe 4-5 people sailing
fast in the opposite direction. No official flags are flown
but Damon believes it to be a private pleasure ship. It is
after 10pm when Unali heads into town and rides toward Duke
Aren's Maren City Estate. Almost an hour later in the darkness
she reaches the gates and guards let her in. The steward lets
Unali in and reports Aren is at Maros's castle and should return
in the morning. Unali sets off for bed after a late dinner.]
[Decalis 27 - In the morning Duke Aren meets with Unali for
breakfast and is glad to see her safe and back. Unali spends a
few hours talking. Unali asks if she can help out gathering info
for Aren in any way. Aren agrees to setup some things later for
her to do. For now she should rest. He informs her of the
network of Climans spies that have been taken in the last 3 months
since she has left. Unali sends a letter to Marta Valnon by
messenger. At the estate Unali starts training with a guard
scimitar skill.]
[Decalis 28 - Unali continues Scimitar skill training.]
[Decalis 29 - As snow falls Unali decides to have a horseman at
the estate guarding Aren the ropes of horsemanship. That evening
around 7:30pm both Unali and the horseman encounter 4 thugs
beating up a peasant near a farm. Without hesitation both
charge after the men on foot. After a combat that lasts only
7 seconds the thugs are down and captured. The peasant and
rescuers are unhurt. Both lead the thugs to a nearby guard depot
for them to go to jail. [CEP 8]]
[Decalis 30 - 31 - Unali continues horse training. ]
]Janaq 1 - Unali gets a reply from Marta and setup a meeting
with some other people for Janaq 8th at Aren's estate. Unali
continues her horse training.]
[Janaq 2 - 6 - Unali continues horse training.]
[Janaq 7 - Unali continues horse training. While riding
alone in the mountains Unali comes across a valley with
a large crowd of over 100 people (maybe 120). When she
approaches she notices a festive nature. It turns out to
be a old fashioned carnival with animals, food, magic
demonstrations and other fun things to do. The carnival
wasn't there the day before and seems to be attracting nearby
villages and towns. Unali spends time in the festival sampling
food and free wine samples.]
[Janaq 8 - Unali continues horse training. Around 11:30 or
so Marta and 3 others arrive at the estate to visit with
Unali. Today Duke Aren was called away on an emergency.
Unali spends a great deal of time with the four visitors
and sets up arrangements for their stay.]
[Janaq 9 - Unali continues horse training.]
[Janaq 10 - Duke Aren's nephew comes to visit the estate.
Unali is introduced and find him rather dashing for a
Knight in the military. Aren and his relative visit for
some time in private for a few hours then he departs. Unali
continues her horse training.]
[Janaq 11 - 17 - Unali continues horse training.]
[Janaq 18 - In the morning Unali notices the same recruiter
she met 3 weeks prior returns and has a private meeting
with Aren and another military officer. Unali continues
her horse training.]
[Janaq 19 - 21 - Unali continues her horse training.]
[Janaq 22 - During lunch Aren informs Unali that Farseeker has
been called to the L'p'nth borders in the last few weeks to
handle border skirmishes and a surge of refugees. This is nothing
new to Unali as she has heard the same through other sources.
But Aren informs Unali that she can be help to Farseeker in the
Kor'ta Fortress which is some distance away near the L'p'nth
border. Several prisoners have been taken and can be questioned
by Farseeker and Unali. Farseeker may have other missions of
infiltration that only Unali may be skilled to perform rather
than his obvious soldiers. Aren informs that he will send an
escort out in two days to the fortress. In the meantime he
has some papers to prepare and deliver by her to the fort
commander. For the rest of the day Unali continues her
horse training. She has been on the estate for almost a month
now and finds it tiring and is eager for action finally.]
[Janaq 23 - Unali packs up her gear for travel and continues
her final day of practical horse training.]
[Janaq 24 - On a cold morning Unali and 2 horsemen escort
set out for the fortress that lies about 150 north east of
Maren city in the edge of the hills. The horsemen continue
to give Unali horse riding and combat tricks.]
[Janaq 25 - Unali and the other 2 riders continue toward
the fort on the main road still training in horsemanship.
Little after noon the trio spots 8 peasants walking down
the street. The trio learns they are simply traveling away
from one village to another due to the town getting a bad
reputation due to certain individuals.]
[Janaq 26 - 27 - The trio continue north east and train
in horse mock combat.]
[Janaq 28 - Unali and the other 2 encounter a group of 10
entertainers and 2 hired guards in a caravan heading south.
They are musicians and singers trying to avoid the violence
of the L'p'nth border fights. Little after 1pm the trio
enters the fortress and Unali gives the sealed papers to
the commander. The commander reports Farseeker is out
on a mission to collect raiders nearby.]
[Janaq 29 - Unali meets with the prisoners and with the
help of the commander starts their interrogation. Unali
finds a master dagger thrower and he shows her how to throw
a dagger with skill.]
[Janaq 30 - Unali continues to question the prisoners and
train a bit with the thrown dagger. In the afternoon
Farseeker arrives with his squad and is surprised to find
Unali there. Farseeker has gathered another 3 prisoners
from L'p'nth. Farseeker reports the trouble with L'p'nth
now is a power struggle that has spread to even the nearby
badlands and its city. Refugees and those itching for a fight
have crossed the border in a disorganized war. Little after
9am the fort sends out a squad to escort a group of 10 outcasts
from L'p'nth in. They are treated as refugees and questioned.
Unali and Farseeker learn a few details of troop movements and
village raids from them. The refugees seem to not be wanted
by any L'p'nth town. That evening Unali finds herself awake
at 11pm and the fort is quiet. She roams the fortress but is
suddenly beset by a prisoner who has escaped. Unali easily
throws the man over onto the ground and with one feel swoop
of her dagger knocks the man out. Guards help put the man
back in his cell and tries to figure out how he escaped. CEP 3]
[Janaq 31 - Unali and Farseker head out on patrol with a squad
but find no resistance or problems. She learns a bit on
mountain tracking.]
[Febris 1 - The fort commander sends Farseeker and Unali out
on a raid the L'p'nth have setup in a mountain pass that once
stood as a mining camp. But when the squad gets there they
find the camp has been abandoned with things strewn about
as if left in a hurry. As a small patrol goes out to search
the area Farseeker and Unali search the long dead mine to ensure
no enemy has taken up home there. After about 5 minutes in
the mine no one seems to be found but a fork of 3 tunnels is
found. As Unali, Farseeker and the 2 soldiers decide where to
go noise is heard. Suddenly a group of 3 great apes charge
forward from one cave and 2 from behind from some missed alcove.
A quick battle is ensued. Farseeker takes on 2, Unali takes
on 2 and the guards take on one. Unali draws her second dagger
and thrusts both. The magical dagger fails to hit but the
other hits the ape in the left chest under the heart doing
an impressive 19 points of damage. Two of the 5 apes have
stone tipped spears. Two fighting Unali have spears and thrust
them at her. The first spear hits her in the neck doing only 5
points but missing important artery area. The second spear
impacts in her chest under her left ribs doing a massive 8
points of damage. She shifts her weight and stabs the wounded
ape and does 9 points to him knocking him out and to the ground.
The other ape stabs but fails to hit. Unali swings but fails
to hit. The ape stabs Unali but the damage doesn't penetrate
her chainmail. Unali stabs the ape just above the heart doing
16 points of damage. Unali stabs the ape this time in center
left ribs doing only 2 points though. She begins to feel weak
from the blood loss. The ape stabs but fails to hit. Unali
stabs the ape in the left shoulder doing 6 points of damage
and uses her other dagger to block blows. The ape fails to hit
but Unali's knees give out and she falls to her knees. Before
Unali can be stabbed to death one of the other soldiers stabs
the ape with his sword in the side and kills him. Unali grabs
her wound and notices the other apes are down as Farseeker finishes
off his second. The soldiers stand sentry as Unali wraps her
wound and stops the bleeding. All retreat outside and head back
to the fort knowing the enemy may have been scared away by the
Apes. [CEP 54] The apes are killed by Farseeker to ensure they
don't harm nearby villages. Unali is healed back at the fortress
by a village healer.]
[Febris 2 - Unali wakes up to only a slight bruise from her
two wounds. One has been healed completely and the chest
wound has been bruised. The commander insists she stay in
the fort and help question refugees to recover.]
[Febris 3 - Little after 9am the fort goes on alert when bells
ring throughout. Sentries report a angry Hill giant is approaching
and throwing boulders at the fort walls. Normally giants wouldn't
attack such a fort but this one may be upset or thralled by the
L'p'nth witches. A group of 12 including Unali and Farseeker head
out to battle the 8 foot giant as bows are fired at it. In a combat
that lasts just over 3 minutes Unali gets in 3 shots with a thrown
dagger (can't use much else due to giant girth, horse speed and
other horses in a buzz around it). One fails to hit but 2 hit
for a total of 17 points one in the neck and the other in the
left chest. The others finally kill the giant. CEP 102]
[Febris 4 - Near 7pm while out on patrol Unali and Farseeker
capture a L'p'nth villager refugee. Before they can question
her one of the squad soldiers yells a giant is on the ridge.
All look to see a 20 foot giant. Last time it took 12 this
time only 4 are in the party. This one is dressed in skins and
has a large tree like club. The one eyed creature spots the
party and stares. As the 2 soldiers raise their crossbows to
fire Unali stops them. She looks at Farseeker who nods in
agreement. Both Unali and Farseeker have encountered Searbhani
before and they tend to be friendly. Unali knows no sidh words
but Farseeker yells a sidh greeting. The Searbhani raises its
club in salute and then walks away down the other side of the
ridge without incident. Since its well after dark the patrol
ends and heads back to the fort.]
[Febris 5 - Farseeker heads north to help a caravan up the
road as Unali is sent out to lead a squad of 5 men to a
village in the mountains that has been reported to be taken
over by L'p'nth. The Commander wishes her to infiltrate and
report if its true or not. As they arrive hours later about
14 miles east of the village they setup a makeshift camp. Unali
heads out alone to the village over the ridge. But as she does
she hears screams behind her. She runs back to find trolls
attacking the camp. One seems taller, armed with a nice sword
and wearing scale mail. The other 4 trolls have no armor but
just clubs or stone spears. Unali tries to stealthily get behind
the Elite troll as the other soldiers fight the trolls. The
Elite is giving orders but unaware. Unali draws her daggers and
lunges. The first dagger hits the shifting troll in the left
arm doing a massive 28 point ripping the main artery to shreds.
The non magical dagger hits the troll in the right upper shoulder
for a devastating 59 points of damage. The troll falls face
forward dead before it can protest. By now 2 other trolls are
already dead by the guards and when Unali goes to join the
other trolls are killed. [CEP 225]. Only two guards took minor
wounds. Knowing it would take hours to return Unali continues
on her mission to spy on the village. Hours later she returns
to the camp and confirms the village has been taken and the
villagers are held prisoner. Using a messenger bird she sends
a report back to the fort.]
[Febris 6 - Unali's squad takes to hiding in a ravine and awaits
for reinforcements. They arrive around 4pm led by Farseeker.
The small army of 30 mount a quick assault at twilight. A
battle that lasts 8 minutes ensues with 42 L'p'nth killed and
18 taken prisoner. Of the Marentian villagers only 1 is killed
in the assault and 53 are free. Weeks later Unali and Farseeker
will get a commendation directly from King Maros for the rescue.
For the attackers only 2 soldiers die and Unali only takes a single
wound from a bow but quickly heals. CEP 12]
[Febris 7 - 9 - Over the next week Unali, Farseeker and the
Commander learn a great amount of intelligence by the sweling
ranks of the prisoners. A guard questions why Unali has a bow
but never uses it. Unali is convinced to learn Bow from the
guard for the next week.]
[Febris 10 - Little after 8pm a mountain giant is spotted by
a night patrol. But before Unali and others can go to check
it out the giant has fled the area with no incident.]
[Febris 11 - 12 - Unali continues to train with bow and gather
more intelligence and rumors from the L'p'nth.]
[Febris 13 - Near sunset a squad chases a boar near the fort
walls and kills it and the fort eats well that night. A
festive mood seems to sit in as raids in the last few days
have dramatically decreased as more military troops from
Marentia mass. Refugees continue to spill over the border
westward but raiders and other nasty folks seems to have
learned their lesson. Unali decides to head home the next
day and work on her next project.]
[Febris 14 - After 16 days at the fort Unali sets out with
a long guard escort back to Maren city to hand Aren and
other military officials reports and letters. In tow they
have over 75 scrolls and dozens upon dozens of smaller reports.
The horseman helps Unali with her horse combat skills over
the next 5 days of travel.]
[Febris 15 - 16 - No incidents so Unali trains with her horse.]
[Febris 17 - Unali and the guard meet up with travelers from
the Zen'da plains. The Sermanda tribesmen have gotten permission
to travel into Marentia to visit someone running a horse ranch
for possible tips and suggestions. The 8 Zen'da name the man
as Ben'dar and Unali smiles. Ben'dar's reputation seems to be
spreading a bit in the last 5 or so months he has had his ranch.]
[Febris 18 - In the late afternoon the duo arrive into Maren
city. The guard heads to military headquarters and Unali
returns to the estate of Aren. She learns Aren is just about
to head to his castle in the west as weather is improving
as winter begins to slowly end in the area. Both Aren and
Unali meet for some time as she reports on her intelligence
and hands over reports for him. He is pleased to the results
and reports his own information back to Unali. Unali then
informs him of her previous plan to seek out possible Climan
threats. She knows that since last summer the Climans may
have started operations for revenge on the party that destroyed
the Cloud Base. There were survivors from the attack that the
party could not just outright slaughter for moral reasons. As
well as dark magics to gather information. It has been about
7 months since the party has been to Clima and she needs to
check if they are active in Marentia. Again Aren informs her
of the Climan spy network he has taken down. But there are
bound to be more cells. Aren gives details on possible spy
holdouts and taverns to base her operation. Aren warns here
that she is not trained in intrigue and that would take at
least a month to learn. She should not do anything to step over
other intelligence operations and should check in often with
Aren or his aides to ensure that. He is confident in her skills
having seen it first hand last summer.]
[Febris 19 - Unali dresses in a fine silk dress, something out
of place in her ordinary black clothing. She feels awkward but
with help from the maid learns some walking and style tricks.
Aren obtains access for her at the Royal Palace grounds. She
heads there in a horse coached wagon. She arrives in style
at the palace and begins to explore the non restricted grounds
and visit the court itself where people of the realm and
foreigners talk and mingle for audience with King Maros or
other officials.]
[Febris 20 - Back at the palace Unali takes a break and strolls
to the library tired of playing social with the court folks.
As she walks the semi crowded halls she notices a man sweating
as he exits one room and heads up stairs. Its not cold at
all so she finds it interesting and follows the man up the
stairs to the next level. She notices the man heads down
a darker hallway she recognizes as the province official wing
where officials of the realm have offices. The man knocks
on a door and then enters pulling out a bag that could only
be a coin bag. She walks forward and sees no one else in the
hall and listens in. The conversation is muffled and at some
point in a language she doesn't recognize. But a new voice
speaks Marentian and reports that "Your people will have 30%
control of the Sivas docks in exchange for my cut as planned."
Unali recognizes a bribe when she hears one. She tries to
read the gold plaque on the door but remembers she can't read.
She hears a chair make noise and assumes the deal over so
runs further down the hall to hide behind a column. The man
she saw leaves and heads back downstairs. She waits but
no one leaves the office. She quickly catches up and follows
the man on foot. She follows the man for over an hour through
streets and alleys. She finds him stop at several places but
finally at a small warehouse. She watches the man speak to
about 5 others dressed in similar lower class clothing. She
still doesn't understand the language but notice the man
take a scroll from one and head out. Leaving the warehouse
still in her dress (no time to change) she follows for some
time and notices him heading to a Inn. Feeling he'll be
heading to a room for the night she attempts a simple deftness
to obtain the scroll. Using a simple bump and grab technique
she grabs the scroll from his pack as he helps her up from
the ground. The man enters the inn as she goes to a alley
to look at it. It looks to be a list of names but other
writing she can't make out due to no read skill. She sighs
and knows her spy skills aren't so great in this area. She
considers returning the scroll before he notices and
finds him using the water closet and his pack in his room.
She enters and returns the scroll. Then quickly returns
to Aren's estate riding fast in the coach wagon. Aren
quickly figures out the office is the Head of the Merchant
Council for Sivas based on her description of the door
in the layout. Aren feels its important so sends guards
to raid the warehouse, office and hotel at the same time.
Two hours later 6 are held for questioning. Late that
evening Unali learns the men in the warehouse are from
Cereulean Empire and trying to buy into a large share of
market control in Sivas. The city official is arrested
for bribery as well as the others. While not a climan
spy ring Aren is grateful for the work done.]
[febris 21 - Unali feels her investigation into the palace
seems secure. Some recognize her like the King's Healer
who seems to ignore her. She learns the healer has learned
of Z'leyra's school plans and feels it could lower his status
in the future. Unali does learn an interesting fact though
that the Healer has a Rogizini empire trader friend and
Rogizini are known to have Jinn help. Unali can't prove
any connections but she wonders if the Healer is behind
Z'leyra's previous attack? Feeling no progress here she
decides she will travel in the city for a few days to look around.]
[Febris 22 - Glad to be back in normal clothing Unali sets out
to explore more of Maren City. She finds beggars to be annoying
but knows they are outcasts and learn of rumors and info better
than some intelligent operations can. She donates some silver
to beggars to know if any Climans might be in the city by their
own contacts or the guilds. It is late and Unali is still
exploring when she finds herself in the poor district heading
back on foot to the estate. Little after 11pm she finds a woman
in her 40s stop her on the dark and deserted street. She asks
Unali for help looking for a cat that escaped a home. Unali
is tired but helps her as the female seems distraught and could
be in danger being out this late alone. It only takes about
25 minutes and Unali finds the cat. Unali escorts the woman
home since its on the way and finds she heads into the rich
district with estates. She gets to the grounds of a Count
and thanks Unali. As Unali continues up the road she hears
a horse riding up and catch her. A servant tries to give Unali
a reward from the count's wife but Unali refuses since she is
well off already. When the servant insists and demand it would
be rude to the Count (and dangerous to the count's wrath on the
servant) she accepts the bag. Inside she finds 15 Silver coins.
Maybe she can give the coins to some charity she'll have to decide.]
[Febris 23 - Unali visits bars, taverns and shops to try to learn
of any Climans in town but again falls short of rumors. Midday
going to a tavern for lunch she passes a tanning shop and finds
a strange scene. Inside the window she notices a 8 foot tall
person around 400 pounds next to 2 4 and 5 foot 150 or so pound
human males. The giant seems to be working on tanning some things.
The odd site intrigues Unali and soon sees the man again a month
later in Sivas in the Green Eye Tavern with the party.]
[Febris 24 - The beggars report to Unali and she learns a certain
shop in Sivas has connections to a Climan Trader. He owns about
80% of the shop with a Marentian. The beggars report the Thieves
Guild watches the shop since it has black market ties and smuggling
operations around Lake Sivas. Unali gives the beggar a reward.]
[Febris 25 - Unali heads to City Hall and Province Records to
look up records on this shop. She learns the shop has been
open for 14 years and has paid taxes all on time. That in itself
intrigues Unali as most shops don't do that even rich ones.
She then spends the rest of the day exploring the city to learn
more rumors and info. That evening she returns to the estate
and Aren's aide (Aren has left for his castle) tells her that
the Malnon library where Kaylle worked was hit by assassin's
two days ago. The operatives report no deaths but one librarian
is missing (Kaylle?). The details are vague but Unali decides
to travel to Malnon in the morning. Assassins wouldn't hit
a library unless the Guild is desperate. So she figures Kaylle
must have been the target. She sends a messenger to the Green
Eye tavern in Sivas to inform Cholan to inform the others of
the situation and will report later.]
[Febris 26 - Unali's friendship with Aren allows arrangements on a
military courier ship to Malnon. While on the ship she practices
her bow skill a bit with help.]
[Febris 27 - Unali continues toward Malnon.]
[Febris 28 - Unali docks in Sivas for a 2 hour layover. She
travels fast to the Green Eye Tavern but none of the party
aside from Cholan is there. The others must be away. She
heads back and sails out into the sea toward Malnon.]
[Febris 29 - Around 10am Unali spots a fishing fleet in the
ocean of about 14 ships and boats of various sizes. The
ship finally docks in Malnon just after sunset. Malnon
travels to the library with some help on directions.
There she finds Kaylle safe and sound. Kaylle closes up
the library and both head to a tavern to talk. Kaylle
informs that he was the target of the hit when he was leaving
the library with some books. They apparently didn't do their
research though and when he flew away he easily got away.
He has been careful since. Both return to stay at Kaylle's
small home in the east side of town.]
[Febris 30 - Unali spends the day at the library with Kaylle.
Kaylle gives details on the treasure from Ezam's castle when
the group (Jordi, Balrog and such) returned a few months earlier.
Most is what Unali has already learned but she remembers the
info and will report later to Aren.]
[Marqi 1 - Unali arranges with Aren's Malnon contacts to have
guards posted for a few days protecting Kaylle the Scholar.
She then heads into the city to explore and investigate. Again
she finds beggars and pays them for information. She spends
time in the bars and taverns to learn rumors as best she can.]
[Marqi 2 - 3 - Unali continues to explore and try to meet
with an Assassin Guild representative. She knows it is not
done to non guild members but gold buys a meeting. On the
second day (Marqi 3rd) a meeting is held. She learns from the
high paid thug the Guild has no interest in a library and has
no bounties on it. Another 2 GC is given after some talk
to loosen the tongue. The man reports that climans did ask
permission to work in the city as is normal for outside dirty
work to be done. Even the guilds in dual nations have their
rules and procedures. The man gives info on the Inn the
Climans are staying. Finally her first break after two weeks
of work a lead is found.
[Marqi 4 - Unali finds the Inn and trails one suspect but
finds she loses the trail as he is good in eluding. She
returns to the inn and stakes out for the evening. Near
midnight the tavern becomes alive when a brawl breaks out
between 3 attackers and 3 defenders. This brings the 2
Climans out of their room and down into the hall to see
what is going on. This gives Unali a few precious minutes
to check their room. As she inspects the room she finds
a leather bag of coins with a inscription on it. She
recognizes it as the Logo of the Shop in Sivas owns and
was documented in City hall in Maren. A definite connection.
She recalls the Scribe that read the records to her says
logos are common for shop advertising. She quickly leaves
only lasting a minute in the room and gets to her own room.
City guards break up the brawl and the climans slink back
to their rooms before guards notice them.]
[Marqi 5 - She follows the two down into the tavern hall
and sits near in the shadows. They quietly speak but
she can understand a few words of Climan. Words like
Scholar and House (library maybe a bad translation?).
Seems they are planning another hit today. The "leader"
seems to be smarter and demands the other speak in Marentian.
After awhile they drink and leave. Unali trails both this
time and never loses their trail in the city. She follows
the 2 to Kaylle's home and watches as they setup and wait.
By 11pm Kaylle doesn't come home lucky for him and figures
he must be late doing research. Fearing the Climans will
give up she decides to take them down. She knocks the first
out in a quick ambush and goes after the second. But he
is more skilled and fights back. Unali takes only a minor
1 point slice but she uses her magical dagger to knock the
last assassin out. Unali takes only a minor wound in the
scuffle. Unali brings the two captives together and waits
for Kaylle and the guards. Two hours later they finally
arrive and the guards get more guards and escort the captives
to a city jail for questioning. Questioning becomes immediate
as well as Unali questions them for two before the guards
arrive. Unali learns various new details and becomes alarmed.
The Climans do indeed know the identify of several of the
base raiders including Thig or Kaylle (they only suspect Kaylle
it seems as how many Faerry can there by in Marentia? They
could even go after Framea?), Z'leyra, Ben'dar, Farseeker and
Jordi. Other party members have not been identified but its
only a matter of time based on the meetings at the tavern.
One good aspect is that it seems Climan officials do not
know the full details due to the good network Aren runs and
forcing the information yet to be smuggled out. A priest
later determines this to be truthful and it seems the merchant
shop owner in Sivas is the Climan cell leader. He is also
planning on further assassination attempts in the next few weeks.
Learning as much as she can Unali decides to head to Sivas
and take down the merchant if possible.]
[Marqi 6 - Unali attempts further interrogation with guards
at the jail. Today it is learned layouts of Ben'dar's horse
ranch and Z'leyra's manor have been sketched. Coded scrolls
are later found in the afternoon near the Inn the assassins
were staying in. It takes a wizard in the service of the
King to decode them after some time with magic. It details
a decade old list of sleeper cells, weapons and money caches
planted by old spies before Aren came to power and developed
his well run intelligence organization. In days to come
the caches are found and confiscated. Aren again commends
Unali on a good job. In the evening Unali sets passage on
a military ship heading to Sivas city in the morning.]
[Marqi 7 - 9 - Unali sets sail to Sivas city. On board she
trains with her bow with help from a sailor for the next 3 days.
The trip is uneventful aside from on Marqi 8 after 3pm the
ship comes near 2 small merchant vessels going north along
the coast flying the Marentian flag with colors of one of the
major merchant princes of Maren city.]
[Marqi 10 - Unali heads into Sivas city hall to get records and
directions to the merchant's shop where he sells pottery of
all things. A scribe recites the info to her to memorize.
She heads to the street but is startled to find the shop has
been closed down and boarded up. Asking around a nearby
street merchant selling food says the merchant just closed the
day before suddenly and left all his stuff. The merchant gives
info on the landlord of the ship for further details but the
landlord is away today.]
[Marqi 11 - Unali meets with the landlord and finds he was
unaware of the merchant skipping out making it a hasty
get away. The land lord gets upset over losing money on his
lease. Unali feels the merchant has learned of her investigation
or has sources somewhere else. She seeks out beggars to try
and scour the city for information.]
[Marqi 12 - A day passes with no leads from any street sources.]
[Marqi 13 - Leads fail to show up so Unali heads to the Green Eye
tavern and meets with Cholan. She questions him and his new
wife, the barmaid, on any strange folks who come in often and
seem to watch the bar. Cholan has little help as he is busy
with the bar, entertaining or sailing with Damon. But his wife
gives several possible descriptions of men. Certain pairs of
4 men usually in 2 pairs each time show up every so often.
They started some 3 months ago. She recalls one mentioning
a little known underground drug house on the city margins. Unali
makes mental notes and leaves. Unali sends word to Aren via
messenger to attempt for his Sivas city contacts to try and
locate this merchant who has gone to ground. In the afternoon
Unali heads to the drug house after getting some information
on it from Aren'a city contact. The city guards know nothing
of the house or tolerate it but the intelligence service has
heard of it as a way station for drug cartels. Unali reaches
the eastern side of town a good 6 miles from the docks in the
west. Here houses are every few hundred feet rather than every
few feet in most city blocks. She finds a secluded spot and
stakes out the house.]
[Marqi 14 - Unali practices here Scimitar combat stances while
watching the drug house today from her spot ontop of a city
utility shed and behind it. She sees a dozen or so men
and women come in and go. She becomes sad when at least 3
teens also go in and out likely buying drugs.]
[Marqi 15 - Unali continues her scimitar and recon of the
drug house with her spyglass. Mid-afternoon Unali spots
a man with a twitch in his left hand a definite match to one
of the men's description. The man enters the house and heads
out again 2 hours later carrying a sack. Unali decides to
follow the man. After a few miles entering into the city
the man heads to a tavern and eats a dinner. Unali decides to
try a trick Aren told her about. She finds a beggar, an easy
task, and gives him some money for the task then has him
memorize a phrase. When the man exits the tavern the beggar
approaches and ask him "is this your coin bag?" in Climan from
behind. Instinctively the man turns around confirmation he
understands climan. The man realizes his mistake though and
tries to shoo the beggar away and leaves the area quickly.
Unali continues to trail the man through a dozen or so more
streets. The man ends up in a cheap inn and heads to a room.
A dead end but its a start. Unali decides to camp nearby
and watch the inn for the man again. Earlier in the morning
near the drug house while on a latrine break in the hills
near some bushes Unali is heard by 2 bandits. While she is
finishing up the bandits jump her with daggers. Unali fakes
being a simple peasant woman who can't defend herself. That's
when the two bandits lower their guard. In a blur Unali draws
her daggers and knocks both out with a dagger hilt and a kick
to the head. She leaves the bandits in the bushes without
their weapons and gold (which she throws into a sewer later).
Upset by the encounter she "accidentally" cuts a hibernating
bee hive over them and leaves. She hopes the local bears don't
mind honey with a side of bandit.]
[Marqi 16 - Its after 8am when the man finally leaves and Unali
sets after him. The man enters a shop selling land and farm
equipment. She notices a fight breaks out in the shop and
passing guards also notice. The city guards enter and haul
the man out. With her lead now arrested she follows the guards
to the jail where he is arrested for demanding protection from
the merchant. Unali breaks cover and uses her scroll that
identifies her as authorized deputy to question the man. Alone
she learns the man is clearly addicted to the spice like drug.
He is a simple middle man whose family has been here for
decades with climan ties. Suspecting a sleeper agent she questions
the man further and learns that he works for the missing merchant.
The man demands a deal. Hours later Aren's aide in the city
agrees to a short prison term for information. Unali and the
aide learns the new location of the merchant and his new name
that of Kimmel. Kimmel is now running a shop in the north side
of the city selling common trade items.]
[Marqi 17 - Unali heads to find the new store. After a hour
of searching in the area she finally finds the small shop
in a corner area of the district near the north walls of the
city. Unali finds a place to watch the shop and recon it.]
[Marqi 18 - 20 - Aren'a city contact urges Unali to study the
horse for a few days. He has posted agents to watch the
Green Eye tavern. Unali spends 3 days watching the shop
and the merchant's routine. She also follows the merchant
and his 4 guard escort to his small home nearby.]
[Marqi 21 - Unali meets with Aren's contacts to decide on how
to continue. Breaking up the possible spy ring could endanger
other projects but if there are more assassination attempts
it could be too late. The aide has no choice but to send
a messenger to Aren to decide the matter. Unali is ordered
to continue recon of the three sites (shop, warehouse nearby
and merchant's home).]
[Marqi 22 - Unali continues to watch the location and learns
the merchant has a female companion. She rarely leaves the
house but only twice. Yet today she arrives at the shop
carrying a bag with her. The female exits the shop and
begins to speak (though Unali can't hear the words at her
distance even with the spyglass) and wave arms around the shop.
She walks around the shop. Based on how she moves Unali decides
the woman is a wizard likely putting wards or protection spells
over the shop. She has seen Z'leyra move in a similar fashion.
The female then heads back to the merchant's home.]
[Marqi 23 - Unali learns from her city contact that Aren will
be arriving tonight to oversee the merchant's possible takedown.
Unali heads back to recon the sites. She notices more
thugs seem to come and go showing a possible buildup of strength?
That evening Unali notices the female head to the warehouse
and later is followed by a dozen or so horses and a couple
wagons full of men. Unali feels this must be a meeting for
plan making. Unali sneaks into the warehouse and listens
but feels its too late to warn city guards. As she listens
she realizes the female speaks Climan briefly to the merchant
and then turns to Marentian. Unali memorizes the faces of
the men as best she can as she listens to the meeting. She
learns the thugs are hired assassins from the Marentian Guild
not from Clima. They have learned of their Malnon agents being
captured so have to move up one plan and organize it with others.
As the hours draw on Unali hears plans for 3 days to assassinate
Z'leyra, Ben'dar and anyone that will be in the Green Eye Tavern.
The Climans have learned of a meeting on the 26th where the
full party is expected to be there. As a last ditch effort
the entire tavern will be destroyed by fire. She will lead
the attack on the tavern. But the shocking news is they have
learned of Aren's arrival and plan on taking him out this very
night. Two of the assassins will head to kill him. Unali
then learns one thug will head to the docks to smuggle information
to Clima to report the plans (though by the time they arrive
they will be taken care of). Unali can't chase the messenger
and the assassins so exits the warehouse. She follows the
two thugs to kill Aren. She considers her options. If she
takes the thugs out the climans will act now rather than 3 days.
Unali gets to the Fine inn at the same time the thugs do. They
stay outside to recon the building and Unali heads inside to
warn Aren and his guards. Aren feels the time is not ready
to move on the merchant so a plan is formed in haste. Three
hours later near 2am Aren steps outside to light his cigar near
the front of the inn against a horse railing. A guard comes
out with him but Aren orders him back to bed. After all at this
hour and in this safe area who could harm him? Ten minutes later
Aren is smoking alone in the crisp night air when the thugs quickly
rush forward. One distracts Aren and the other rushes up behind
Aren and draws a dagger. At the last second Aren turns to lift
a hand to block the man but the dagger lunges and stabs Aren in
the chest. Aren falls to his knees as the assassin behind him
draws his dagger near his throat. But at that instant the
tavern owner's wife exits the front door with trash and screams.
The thugs startled turn and a quick second of doubt sinks in.
One orders the other to take care of the witness. But then upstairs
a window is opened and a man yells down. A dog begins to bark
inside and rush outside. The woman screams for city guards to
help as she slinks back into the tavern. The assassin bangs
on the door when a whistle of city guards is heard. At that
instant horses begin trotting down the dark street. The
thugs decide the attention is too much and retreat into the
darkness. Seconds later the woman screams "the duke is dead!"]
[Marqi 24 - News spreads fast of Duke Aren's death. But in
reality Aren is alive. It was a well planned scheme to fool
the guards. Aren being an actor in his youth played the scene
well. Using protection like deep cloth, armor and animal parts
to simulate the squish of a stab wound together with blood
spit from mouth (red wine to an expert would've looked like
wine) and cloth tied bags of animal blood the ruse works.
Unali had the female leave the tavern at the right time but
her reaction was not planned and was a real surprise to her.
Aren took the gamble and it seems to have worked though at
great peril to himself. Aren hides in the hotel as he organizes
city guards, intelligence officers and the military to plan
to take down the spy ring and the merchant. Knowing that
a Climan Priestess is involved difficults things. Unali
knows that in reality the planed party meeting is on the 29th
not the 26th so feels the party is safe. But she warns Cholan
to warn any that come to town. Messengers are sent to
other party members if they can be found. For the next few
days though none of the party can be found. Only Z'leyra
is nearby at her manor but working on some new magic items.
Thanks to Unali's magical dagger Aren was warned at the last
second of the dagger direction and target enough to shift his
body to take the "wound" with ease.]
[Marqi 25 - Eager for something Unali watches the merchant with
other agents. Aren even mentioned Suresh might come out of
retirement but his wife refuses to let him back into the game.
The plan is to attack tomorrow in a coordinated effort on
the three sites at the same time. No time to infiltrate the
group as they seem to be inclusive and know each other too well.
Aren feels only the Female Priestess, Merchant and 2-3 others
have direct ties to Clima or are sleeper cells. The others
are hired mercs or assassins. City hall pulls layout of the
sites for intelligence.]
[Marqi 26 - Based on Unali's recon the merchant has a routine
to arrive at the shop around 9am. So the attack will begin
at 9:15. Like clockwork the merchant arrives to his shop.
In the past few days Unali wonders why a fake shop should
at least attempt to show customers but none have come to the
shop likely due to its location. Unali decides to take on
the merchant's house where the Priestess is. Aren will lead
the shop attack as others will go to the warehouse. At once
all charge into battle. The full battle lasts only 4 minutes.
In the process 12 guards take on the warehosue with only one
death and 2 injuries from a total of 8 thugs taking 6 prisoner
and 2 kills. Aren and his forces of 6 take on the shop. None
are Aren's group takes damage. But the merchant is captured
quickly being a non-combatant. His group of 5 thugs (2
skilled Assassins - both skilled) are taken down with 4 deaths.
In Unali's group one guard is killed by the priestess and
another injured by an assassin. Knowing that Kaylle was a target
of the priestess (and probably leader of this cell not the merchant)
her anger gets the best of her. In a dagger duel the priestess
is killed by the magical dagger. Unali's anger ebbs and she
tries to save the priestess for interrogation but she dies from
the artery damage to her neck. The prisoners are gathered and
later taken to a private jail. Aren that night begins to
interrogate the merchant while his agents read captured papers.]
[Marqi 27 - With the merchant being questioned Aren learns of
another merchant and he is arrested later this day. The
man that was going to head to a ship to sail to Clima is
suddenly found dead in a alley from unknown causes. But
his papers were stolen likely by some street thug. Aren
sets out agents to retrieve the papers. One cell is
found near the royal palace itself and all 4 sleeper agents
are arrested in the following days. All in all Aren informs
Unali she may have helped to take down a spy and assassin network
of 35 people and 2 high ranking spies (merchant and priestess).
Though none of this can be publicly acknowledged Unali is
thanked by the king through Aren himself.]
[Marqi 28 - Unali helps Aren clean up the sites and destroy any
evidence of the network. Later that evening Aren and Unali
head to the Green Eye Tavern for some good drinks. The
meeting is tomorrow where the full party is expected but
Aren is sad to say he must return to Maren to meet and report
to King Maros himself. He wishes the party well in their future.]
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