[pnpgm] Game update #61 - File #294 - Z'leyra attacks beast
Scott Adams
longshot at darktech.org
Fri Jul 25 06:45:42 CEST 2008
HT Alias/Player Character Name Type Status/Notes Sex
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
R1 John Haight...........Arawn.............Druid .Normal/Alfar Ma
?? Chris Wells...........Ben'dar...........Warrior.Normal/Human Ma
R1 Tom Corckett..........Caladan...........Wizard Normal/Human Ma
W2 Marcel Liberty........Chion.............Sailor..Normal/Human Ma
-- Tobie Bonahoom........Fremea............Sidh....NormalFaerry Fe
Do David Sanders.........Kiet.Sunan........Acrobat Normal/Human Ma
R? J H Hooten............Raban.Usherwood...Bard....Normal/Human..Ma
W4 Wout Broere...........Unali.............Ninja...Normal/Human Fe
R4 Alex Koponen..........Z'leyra...........Healer..Normal/Human Fe
Animals: Corona [Eagle] Z'leyra, Boyzdar [Wolf] (Strie'bog),
Game Web Site - http://www.funport.com/longshot/pbem
Public posts/actions to pnpgm at abroere.xs4all.nl (mailing list)
Private emails (not public actions) to longshot at darktech.org
Game Update #61 in sequence (file #294)
Admin Notes: None.
From Z'leyra: [Re: Actions]
Striding towards where it landed Z'leyra readies her greatsword
and sheathes her staff next to the greatsword sheath while
stating "Those with no protection vs magical fire should stay
back. Ben'dar, please guard them as your armor is the best and
the serpent head's Death Poison can't affect us if it is stopped
by our armor. Since the chimeara is very fast, stick together."
Note that as she approaches the chimeara she watches to make
sure that it isn't a chimana or isn't doing peaceful attempts to
communicate. Trusting in her armor she will fight aggressively.
While approaching the chimeara she says "If any are poisoned
swirl my Bezoar in water in the brass goblet I carry to make a
If the chimeara takes off or breathes fire Z'leyra will touch
the sheath and say 'Mist' in Kameri so that she will be surrounded
by a concealing mist...which will hopefully confuse or disorient
the chimeara. (Who knows...the mist might reduce fire damage ever
so slightly).
If the chimeara acts peacefully Z'lerya will walk up to it and
try to communicate. Otherwise she will try to kill it with her
GM: Ack.
From Ben'dar: [Re: Actions]
Ben'Dar raises his eyebrows, wondering if Arawn is really going
to try talking to the strange snake/lion/goat creature. "I doubt
anything in this cursed place wants to talk. Still, if you want
to try, I will be at your side...in case the talks go badly."
Ben'Dar will approach the creature, standing to the side and
slightly behind Arawn, if he decides to try talking. He will
have his pike in hand, but will assume a non-hostile stance...if
that's possible for Ben'Dar.
GM: Ack.
From Kiet: [Re: Actions]
[Caladan comments on guard dogs.]
Kiet, mumbling: "Damn ugliest dogs I have ever seen..."
GM: Ack.
From Fremea: [Re: Actions]
Fremea will offer to transmute some of Raban's clothing to a
somewhat more protective armor (or at least make it a harder
substance, similar to leather) and if time permits, cast
enchantment on it, so that it has a better protection.
When the creature lands up ahead and hears Caladan say its name
out loud, Fremea will look to Arawn as he is the one that asked
her to hold her blade. As they approach though, she will turn
invisible (having now seen the creature a little better) and
ready herself to attack from a different angle with her bow (elf
shot arrow knocked) this time, because of Z'leyra's warning. She
will make sure, with her best guess, to make sure she is not
going to be in the way of the breath weapon. She will not attack
until one of the others do or Arawn says that he is not worried
about this one (then she will be surprising it). If it starts to
attack, then she will loose the arrow to hopefully stop it and
paralyze it.
Fremea giggles at the comment about guard dogs.
GM: Ack.
From Raban: [Re: Actions]
<Sorry for delays, my computer motherboard died of bad Ram
indigestion. I have rebuilt it and still have a long ways to go
before all the programs and files are back where they belong. So
at the moment I do not have access to previous email or even my
character due to some odd compatibility issue. So I will guess.>
<Apologies on not properly responding to the sword request
<Back time response, non critical>
Raban [to Arawn]: "I prefer not to kill but there are times it
is needed. Especially when others may be put at risk. But if you
deem it is necessary then I will do my best not to kill."
[Raban watches the new creature carefully and will jump in to aid
if the talks go poorly.] Raban [To Caladan]: "What is a Chimeara?
Is this another Chaos creature?"
[Time for armor repair]
<What I expected. Magic is only viable option at the moment>
[Fremea offers to transmute new armor]
Raban [to Frema]: "Thank you for the generous offer, but can
you afford the loss of magic in this strange place? My own magic
will have little use here as none of it is aggressive. Its best
use is blessings and I should have done more of them. Defensive
blessings should prove most valuable, I know mine has. Such a
beautiful and generous person like yourself, should already have
been protected, I have been lax in offering to do so. Please let
me correct this." <Not sure where this is time wise, but could be
useful to bless her if time allows. Or if she really wants to make
armor, thats fine too ;) Transmute could possibly repair the armor
as that is a simple change? It could even make it into better
armor. But any value is useful, though they get broken quickly.
So much depends on GM rulings. >
GM: Ack. Things happen no need to apologize. Now if it was 3 months
and no word yes. :) But 3 days even no biggie.
From Arawn: [Re: Actions]
Arawn simply smirked when Caladan asked for his sword, aware of
the jest. As Ben'dar and Caladan continued to talk Arawn looked
ahead in an attempt to sense what lay ahead in the mist. He
thought of the possibility for a peaceful resolution but was not
sure that this exact moment would be the right time.
"Thank you for the offer Ben'dar," he said with a smile. "But,
in this case, I believe that you and Caladan are right, about
this creature being no more than a guard dog. Though I admit that
with the ancient powers in place here it could prove to be
unusually intelligent they are, for the most part, exactly that,
guard dogs, usually for giants. I would try communication but
they are about as intelligent as a dog which would limit things.
My statement earlier tends to hold better where intelligent
communication is possible. Still, if the group desires, I can
move ahead and see what surprises await."
If no one objects then Arawn will first cast Sensory Power:
Smell, using the Sidh Tongue,and then try to catch individual
members scents. As the spell descrip is vague and the character
has had innate experience with it he'll only cast this if he
could use it to detect a new scent (assuming the chimaera, like
most monsters, would have a strong scent). If you rule this
doesn't work then he'll use Sensory Power: Hearing, using the
Sidh Tongue. He will then cast Invisibility (if Ben'dar wants
it he'll cast it on the barbarian as well and will make sure
that both can see each other) at EL2, using the Sidh Tongue,
and move into the mist. He will use his tent pole to gently prod
the ground ahead for any holes. What happens here depends on the
party- - If they wish to follow and want to AVOID the chimaera
then he will attempt to use his enhanced senses to try and steer
them clear of it. If they would rather he go alone and they wait
behind then he will try to home in on where the chimaera landed
and use his enhanced senses to determine if it is alone. If it
ends up in range, is alone, then he will attempt to use Elven
Communication to determine it's current intent.
If combat ensues and the creature breathes Arawn will attempt
to dodge it.
One last option, if there is time before posts, is to see if the
group would like to spend time trying to further understand the
magics surrounding us in hopes of finding away around it or
dispelling it. If no one wants to use Mana Reading then Arawn will
offer to speak with the spirits of the sky (Sky Knowledge) to
determine if there is a way to see through or disperse the mist.
Also, if Elven Communication fails and the chimaera senses Arawn
but hasn't attacked yet he will say in Kotothi, "Sit! Stay!"
Just in case:)
GM: Ack.
[New Stuff]
[Ma 2nd, 1633TH. 5th Day of Adventure #4.
[Location: Chaos domain, Dark Lands, 9 Miles up, Flying Island]
[Time: 9:38am]
[Time: 9:48am]
[Fremea offers to make some magical enchantments for Raban's
clothing for new 'armor'.]
Raban: "Thank you for the generous offer, but can you afford the
loss of magic in this strange place? My own magic will have little
use here as none of it is aggressive. Its best use is blessings
and I should have done more of them. Defensive blessings should
prove most valuable, I know mine has. Such a beautiful and
generous person like yourself, should already have been
protected, I have been lax in offering to do so. Please let me
correct this."
[Fremea glances down and blushes quickly and pretends to brush hair
out of her eyes to block the view. Never before has a person much
less a man, even one as handsome as a human one, say such a thing
to her before.]
GM: Blessing and Armor stuff I'll let happen. But for purposes
of this update no armor 'effect' yet. Next update depending
on what will be done may change. No time for permanent magic
enchantments just quick magic here.
[Time: 9:50am]
[Raban ponders Arawn's peaceful talk of trying to learn more about
the various creatures and castle. He then replies.]
Raban: "I prefer not to kill but there are times it is needed.
Especially when others may be put at risk. But if you deem it is
necessary then I will do my best not to kill."
[The party prepares to move on as Z'leyra packs up her supplies from
her satchel. Kiet and Fremea talk quietly for a few moments almost
at one point a giggle is heard from Fremea as they whisper in deep
[Time: 9:53am]
[Ben'dar turns around after smirking at Caladan's joke and raises
an eyebrow at Arawn, curious to know if he'll actually talk to
the strange creature.]
Ben'dar: "I doubt anything in this cursed place wants to talk.
Still, if you want to try, I will be at your side...in case the
talks go badly."
[Ben'dar readies his Pike for now in case Arawn decides to talk.]
[Arawn tries to consider the movement and creature in the mists
ahead of them. Is this a threat or a new peaceful encounter that
shouldn't be missed? As the others jest he replies to Ben'dar.]
Arawn: "Thank you for the offer Ben'dar," [he said with a smile.]
"But, in this case, I believe that you and Caladan are right,
about this creature being no more than a guard dog. Though I
admit that with the ancient powers in place here it could prove
to be unusually intelligent they are, for the most part, exactly
that, guard dogs, usually for giants. I would try communication
but they are about as intelligent as a dog which would limit
things. My statement earlier tends to hold better where
intelligent communication is possible. Still, if the group
desires, I can move ahead and see what surprises await."
[Kiet hears Caladan's joke about the 'guard dogs' in this area.]
Kiet: [mumbling] "Damn ugliest dogs I have ever seen..."
[Fremea also giggles at the comment.]
[Raban hears Caladan speak of this creature then asks a question.]
Raban: "What is a Chimeara? Is this another Chaos creature?"
[Caladan recalls the time after their battle years ago when some
did research on them. He then quickly replies.]
Caladan: "Creatures of Balance I believe. One has a human growing
out its side the other a goat like this one. The first I believe
is sacred or watched over by Tehuti and the other by Kototh and
his forces. But I could be wrong. The body is like a lion,
tail has a serpent's head that can do poison. The main head
of the goat can breath fire I believe. The human version can
use weapons I believe. They aren't too intelligent."
[The strange creature lands some distance away to the north of the
party with a loud wet smack. Z'leyra places her staff into the
sheath next to the great sword and draws her newly created
magical great sword. She begins to stride toward the creature's
landing area with courage rarely seen.]
Z'leyra: "Those with no protection vs magical fire should stay back.
Ben'dar, please guard them as your armor is the best and the
serpent head's Death Poison can't affect us if it is stopped by
our armor. Since the chimeara is very fast, stick together."
[Z'leyra tries to recall the difference between this and the other
odd creature with the human part. One of the strangest creatures
known to humankind. As she trots away she recalls the possible
snake poison. She yells back toward the party.]
Z'leyra: "If any are poisoned swirl my Bezoar in water in the brass
goblet I carry to make a cure."
[Fremea listens to Caladan and quickly turns to see how Arawn will
react. The way folks are seeming to act she wonders if Arawn has
been voted leader for a short while? Up to this point the party
has had to deal with things with no clear leader.
[Arawn and Fremea cast invisibility spells on themselves and both
go invisible immediately.]
[Corona takes to the air and flies toward the general direction
of the monster in a wide arc.]
[Fremea with bow in hand flies toward the general location of the
monster as well.]
[Raban and Unali stay back for now waiting to see what the
party does.]
[Ben'dar watches Arawn but then sees him disappear so his plan
to back up the Druid falls apart. He sighs and readies his
pike to follow the party if needed.]
[Arawn strides forward behind Z'leyra toward the creature.]
[Chion, Caladan and Kiet watch Z'leyra head on into battle.]
GM: This is where it is hard actions are a bit contradicting
in some aspects. I could just delay the update till next
week to clarify the late actions or just go based on some
reading between the lines. I'll try to move forward.
[Fremea lands hovers in the air to the side and right of the
creature and grabs her elf shot arrow. The wind noise covering
up her flapping wings.]
[Arawn has only a few seconds before Z'leyra reaches the area so he
quickly casts Communicate onto the creature but notices no aura in
the clouds (a blue glow that should shine). he figures the spell
failed against the creature's magic defense.]
[Fremea loads her bow with the Elf Shot Arrow and waits.]
[Z'leyra trots up and hears Arawn's attempt at a spell and figures
he is trying to talk to it. She holds back but holds her sword
at the ready.]
[The others in the party come forward taking up a quiet rear spot.]
[Arawn speaks in Kotothi tongue.]
[The creature continues to stand at its full 5 foot height and
looking around as if curious of the events around it. It
claws at the ground as if in a fun mood then growls as Z'leyra
approaches. The lion head watches Z'leyra approach and sniff
at the strange human.]
Arawn: "Sit! Stay!"
[Z'leyra hears the strange words and moves slowly to the left of
the to avoid the goat head.]
[The Goat head turns toward the sound Arawn makes and opens its
mouth and tries to send out a fireball toward it. The ball
of fire goes fast toward Arawn and before he can dodge it
it splashes to the ground just in front of him. Suddenly the
beast begins to shake all 3 of its head as if confused by
something and begins to wail in various goat, lion and hissing
sounds. Arawn sees the splash of fire and figures the magic
failed massively against him and seems to have backfired. The
creature didn't estimate his balance magical defense.]
[Fremea fires her Elf Shot arrow at the wailing creature seeing
it attack the party. The arrow hits the Goat head on its neck
but the creature doesn't stop moving. Fremea sees a spot of
blood and figures the spell failed or the creature is too big
to paralyze.]
[Z'leyra places her hand on her great sword sheath and speaks the
Kameri word for Mist. Suddenly a great magical mist that stretches
out 50 feet around her is seen in nothing but a very thick mist.]
[The Chimeara growls as if trying to hear its own voice but the
party seems to figure it has become suddenly deaf as if a creature
is trying to figure out what is going on.]
[Raban, Unali, Ben'dar, Chion, Caladan can't see through the mist
and visibility goes to 0 feet for each person.]
[Z'leyra charges the beast moving the concealing mist forward with
every step. She thrusts her great sword at the creature and
impales it in the right side chest a bit more rear to the snake
than planned - doing 11 points of damage.]
Actions? Comments?
Next update...Monday...
GM: Arawn - due to last minute actions the others couldn't reply
(like Ben'dar going inviso or not). It helps to have posts as
early as possible. :) Also I'm a bit confused on the purpose
of the hearing/smell spells. If this is to detect the creature
then it can be seen easily. Since your not in ICQ I can't ask.
:< Looks like to avoid the creature and talk to it. But Z'leyra
charged so that's probably not going to happen in terms of
avoiding it. He'd track the party pretty easy. So since
Z'leyra charges and changes your plans to avoid the creature
I'll avoid the Sensory powers to save you mana. :) Will
try to interpret some moves and do both actions as best I can.
Also you may find what-ifs are great but waiting to see
if the party wants to do this or that would delay updates
by 2-4 times (in real times by 1-2 weeks). So its best
to just say your doing this and that unless you do want me
to hold the updates off - which is a valid options - just let
me know which. I'll delay things and the party can dicker
over the options. This goes for the mists and such dispeling
it or not. So for now guess its up to the party to figure out
if Arawn does that or not or just do it anyways. :)
GM: This update was a bit rushed due to some last minute actions.
So it might be a bit confusing. :< I took some liberty
on time frame for combat to prepare the scene to get to actual
combat rather than delay updates.
GM: Communication now would fail - Seems the abysmal made the
poor beast deaf. The concealing mist blinds everyone but
Z'leyra, Fremea and Arawn (being sidh). Keep in mind
firing in the mist is a major drawback. Anyone else would
pretty much be fighting blind unless can figure out another
way through magic or skill. Let me know new actions.
1 2 3
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ A 1 hex = 10 feet North
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \ B 1 Row = 5 feet [Top of map]
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ C 1 Column \ 5 feet
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \ D M = Chimeara [L18] [Facing south]
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ E Z = Z'leyra [L17] [Facing East]
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \ F F = Fremea [I20] [Facing South]
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ G 8 feet up hovering in air
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \ H A = Arawn [G16] [Facing north]
/ \__/ \__/ \__/F \__/ \__/ \__/ I B = Ben'dar [R20] [Facing north]
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \ J L = Caladan [Q12] [Facing NE]
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ K H = Chion [R13] [Facing north]
\__/ \__/ \__/ZM\__/ \__/ \__/ \ L K = Kiet [V16] [Facing north]
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ M R = Raban [R25] [Facing NW]
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \ N U = Unali [P28] [Facing NW]
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ O
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__U \__/ \ P Fremea, Arawn - Invisible
/ \__/ \_L/ A__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ Q
\__/ \__/ H__/ \V_/ R__/ \__/ \ R
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ S
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \ T
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ U
\__/ \__/ \__K \__/ \__/ \__/ \ V
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ W
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \ X
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ Y
Note: Keep in mind Concealing mist is 50 feet (5 hexes) around
Z'leyra. Technically Kiet is out of it but can't see through it.
The clouds and the Mist pretty much blinds anyone not listed
above by it.
Will work on update this weekend if get enough actions :)
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