[pnpgm] Game Update #49 - File #201 - Party heads east...
Scott Adams
longshot at darktech.org
Tue Jun 10 08:32:37 CEST 2008
HT Alias/Player Character Name Type Status/Notes Sex
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
R1 John Haight...........Arawn.............Druid .Normal/Alfar Ma
?? Chris Wells...........Ben'dar...........Warrior.Normal/Human Ma
?? Tom Corckett..........Caladan...........Wizard Normal/Human Ma
W2 Marcel Liberty........Chion.............Sailor..Normal/Human Ma
-- Tobie Bonahoom........Fremea............Sidh....NormalFaerry Fe
Do David Sanders.........Kiet.Sunan........Acrobat Normal/Human Ma
R? J H Hooten............Raban.Usherwood...Bard....Normal/Human..Ma
W4 Wout Broere...........Unali.............Ninja...Normal/Human Fe
R4 Alex Koponen..........Z'leyra...........Healer..Normal/Human Fe
Animals: Corona [Eagle] Z'leyra, Boyzdar [Wolf] (Strie'bog),
Game Web Site - http://www.funport.com/longshot/pbem
Public posts/actions to pnpgm at abroere.xs4all.nl (mailing list)
Private emails (not public actions) to longshot at darktech.org
Game Update #49 in sequence (file #201)
Admin notes: None.
From Raban: [Re: Actions]
[Raban watched the duel, but mostly watched the people.
Gambling is not something Raban really concerned himself
with, but the idea of betting on someones life or death or
any stage of such just seems wrong. Chion would win, he was
sure, Zing did not seem one who was destined for importance.
The whole duel feels wrong, staged, but how would Zing's death
benefit anyone? Surely they did not think Zing could win, but
perhaps they just wanted to see Chion fight? If so, whoever
planned this cares little for anyone but them self. That
Sorceress could fit that description but then any of Chaos
could. It is possible they know of our mission and thought
Chion was to one they needed to worry about if they wish to
stop us? In any case, we must all be watching for trouble,
from any direction. I should say something to Chion, but
nothing I say will help him. I cannot even congratulate him
for such a senseless killing.
It is best to say nothing then. Raban shakes his head sadly,
turns and walks away.
Raban bows briefly, "Zhou, please pass on my thanks to Sven
and the High Elder. I can but hope this will prevent my
presence from slowing everyone down. I must unfortunately
tell you that I am entirely unskilled at riding, I have never
needed to know that skill. I have seen others ride of course,
so I have a little idea as to what is required, the rest I will
have to learn as we travel. From what you have said, the horse
seems strong enough, though I think I am heavier than the rider
you suggested. But I do travel lightly, so I should be under
the total.
<He is not actually as he is just over 500 with gear according
to his sheet.> I assure you I will not be planning on riding
any faster than I must, nor trying to fight from his back.
Frankly, I think I will be worried that I will hurt the poor
beast if I should move wrong or worse hold on too strongly.
Perhaps I should ask someone for some quick instructions on
what I should and should not do?"
GM: Ack.
From Ben'dar: [Re: Actions]
Ben'Dar cheers at the barbaric duel, the brutal display of
blood- letting not affecting him in the least. After Caladan
declares Chion the winner, Ben'Dar collects his winnings happily.
He strides over to Chion to congratulate him. Seeing Caladan
and Chion in intense, whispered dialogue, Ben'Dar pauses. He
sees the intent upon Chion's face to continue the battle
somehow. Ben'Dar looks down at the dead Zing, and looks back
up at Chion, confused.
If Chion is finished, Ben'Dar wil congratulate him on his
victory, however strange it was. Ben'Dar understood very
little of what went on in the fight, until Chion used a magic
blade to stab Zing. That, Ben'Dar understood well enough!
If Chion does something to Zing's soul, Ben'Dar will back away,
a look of suspicion on his face. Ben'Dar is very superstitious
of spirits and the dead, and any magic that affects them is not
something he is comfortable with, nor does he approve of it.
Later, Ben'Dar admires the huge horse given to Raban. He walks
over and examines the horse, checking out its age, strength,
health, etc. Hearing Raban's words about his inexperience on
horseback, Ben'Dar smiles. "I know a thing or two about horses.
I will teach you enough to stay on his back." (Ben'Dar will
spend the travel time training Raban in Horsemanship if he wants
to learn it)
GM: Ack.
From Kiet: [Re: Actions]
Kiet is not puzzled, but is studying the event very carefully.
Nor is he saying much. He makes no bets on the outcome, and
seems not to be especially concerned about the outcome, except
as it would interfere with the High Elder's mission for the
group. Even then, he knows not enough of what is to come to
yet be worried if Chion were to lose.
Kiet has other fish to fry...
GM: Ack.
From Z'leyra: [Re: Actions]
Z'leyra will offer to patch and heal Chion's wounds.
GM: Ack.
From Chion: [Re: Actions]
[Caladan's text deleted.]
Chion thinks for a minute on Caladan's words and replies,
"Normally, and under any other circumstance I would do this.
He asked for no quarter. None was given. However, as we agreed,
I will no other items within the ring. I am glad I chose you to
judge this. Even if he comes back to die again. I pray he finds
peace for the fate that he has delivered upon himself." With
that, Chion will let the situation regarding the destruction
of his soul go.
[A minute or two pass and three servants come to fetch Zing's
body regardless of what Chion does.]
[Zhou's text deleted]
To Zhou he will reply, "He was a friend. I let him have first
strike out of courtesy. He really learned nothing here. It was
the wrong place for him." With that he will look at his own
group of friends to see what their reaction is. As they remove
the body, Chion's usual smile will return and salute the crowd
calmly (mostly dispersed), "We will be off now unless there are
any other folks wishing such glory."
Chion will smile at Ben'Dar, "I am glad you made money on the
duel. At least that way it wasn't a total waste."
GM: Ack.
[New Stuff]
[Marqi 30th, 1633TH. 2nd Day of Adventure #4.
Location: High Elder's Domain, Dark Lands, North-East
corner of continent, center of Dark Lands.]
[Time: 12:47pm]
[The duel ends only after 90 seconds maybe 91 seconds if someone
was counting. Knowing the betting someone probably was to
see how long it would last. During the quick duel and before
it Raban watches the crowd. The sanctity of life is all to a
bard of his training. Surely to the gods it would look bad.
Of course there are stories of great godly betting as well.
Such odd double standards. Raban notices that the majority
of the crowd is talking, cheering, jeering or watching fully
the fight. At least 75% of the crowd seems to be betting
from minor brass bits of peasants to gold coins with the
higher nobles. Raban notices Sven and Novassa exchange a large
bag of coins after the fight, probably full of gold. Raban
misses most of the fight but learns from the crowd on this
strange cultural custom. Something for some story outside
this land. Raban notices the richly large traveling wagon
mini-mobile home of the Sorceress on the far east side of
the area just beyond Sven's own wagon. Her wagon and guards
that circle it are about 60 feet away. But he notices with
the sun to his back that she is looking out intently on the
fight sipping some wine it seems. The dark canvas covered
wagon is too dark to tell her facial expression. As soon as
Zing hits the ground Raban looks over to see the canvas drop
and she seems to lose interest in the fight. But this time
another hand pulls the canvas back. Seems she has had some
visitor in the wagon with her. But as the crowd closes in
to collect coins and cheer Raban loses sight of anyone
leaving the wagon from the west side. Raban also finds
a small girl about 4 foot of interest. From her dress it
seems she is a worker class of around 19 or 20 years old. The
average looking girl seems worried about the duel and bites
her lip. She drops shoes to the grass and Raban guesses
based on a pack on her back she might be a shoe maker or
craftswoman? When Zing falls Raban glances and notices she
runs away into the crowd and is gone in the blur of the crowd
between wagons. Raban finds that bit of information curious.
Someone actually may have liked Zing? Raban wonders who would
benefit from such a senseless duel. Ki'ama wants Chion to
be the point in this mission so maybe not him. There could
be a dozen or so based on their political and magical paths
that could have motives. Raban wonders if duelers should
be checked for Geas or other compulsions before they fight.
Maybe he could talk to Ki'ama about changing the rules to
check for mental status as well. Why would a insane man
fight unless he was insane in the first place? As Caladan
and Chion whisper, Raban shakes his head and walks away
back toward the Citadel grounds.]
[Ben'Dar cheers at the barbaric duel, the brutal display of blood-
letting not affecting him in the least. After Caladan declares
Chion the winner, Ben'Dar collects his winnings happily. He
strides over to Chion to congratulate him. Seeing Caladan and
Chion in intense, whispered dialogue, Ben'Dar pauses. He sees
the intent upon Chion's face to continue the battle somehow.
Ben'Dar looks down at the dead Zing, and looks back up at Chion,
[Caladan informs Chion of the risk of destroying Zing's soul
through his Shamanic powers. The duel allowed him to retain
his bone focus since he could use shamanic spells. Caladan
feels concerned for Chion's own soul and for Cetric's respect.
Caladan feels it would be a waste of training for Chion to
use it to offend the shamanic gods who feel spirits are a strong
life force in the true worlds. Caladan leaves it to Chion's
own choice however and gives him free will.]
Chion: "Normally, and under any other circumstance I would do this.
He asked for no quarter. None was given. However, as we agreed,
I will no other items within the ring. I am glad I chose you to
judge this. Even if he comes back to die again. I pray he finds
peace for the fate that he has delivered upon himself."
Caladan: "I am happy to hear it. Cetric would be proud."
[Chion looks down at Zing but deep down he doesn't care what
others think all the time. These lands have taught him to
be self-sufficient. Sure he feels honor bound to abide by
shamanic rules now. But he also respects Caladan and what
others in the party think. Chion looks away and sees Raban
walk away. He notices Unali and Arawn also gone. He finds
it confusing that Unali wouldn't be here to watch being as
she is quite the warrior herself. Arawn he can understand
as he seems like Jordi. Also seeing the best in a person
and trying to help those around him. He turns and nods back
at Caladan. Chion hopes that Zing won't return in some evil
divine plot of revenge. But he also knows that most victims
are burnt into ashes and those ashes spread out around where
they lived. So at least Zing's body will be destroyed and
no chance of a body resurrection.]
[Caladan walks away and Ben'dar approaches with a wide smile.
Ben'dar congratulates Chion on the duel and jingles a small
bag of coin to show he bet on the man. Ben'dar recalls the
quick conversation with Arawn and wonders who is right him
or Chion? Civilized folks have their duels. They even make
a spectacle of it with party like fanfare. Sword fights
in the streets with the intent to kill a person over some
insult that was probably an accident. Ben'dar notices the
welts on Chion but sees he can take the damage well. Chion
barely seems to notice them.]
[Kiet finds the duel over quickly. He has seen sword fights
last a good five minutes. In those duels its not a matter
of damage but how one parries and dances. Here magic is
fast and furious. Duels on the island were rare. Part of
that is the silly Dawanist folks making things like duels
seem to be ungodly and wrong.]
[The servants come and fetch Zing's body. They seem to not
make eye contact out of fear or respect of Chion. They
carry him away to the west not into the citadel.]
[Zhou comes over and congratulations on a fine duel.]
Chion: "He was a friend. I let him have first strike out of
courtesy. He really learned nothing here. It was the wrong
place for him."
[Chion turns to the crowd and gives a smile and a salute.
Some applaud but most seem to be dickering over bets and
ignore him. Ben'dar nearby is clearly happy on the outcome.
Caladan seems impassive but seems to be glad to see Chion
survive. Fremea studies Chion with eyes eager to learn and
understand the full situation. Only she got a true sense of
what went on. Maybe Arawn got a vague sense of it but she
saw all the nice colors. She feels quite honored to have
seen that and no one here probably else saw it. Kiet is
impassive to the outcome and Raban has left the area. Z'leyra
seems more concerned over his wounds and offers to help Chion
in healing. He notices Sven smiling but Novassa seems a bit
upset at losing his own private bet. Chion looks north
to see if he can see the High Elder but sees nothing. He
surely has spies or ways to see the duel. Chion wonders if
he was proud of the duel or disgusted that Chion risked his
mission for a duel. But Ki'ama could've stopped it at any
point with a single wave of his hand.]
Chion: "We will be off now unless there are any other folks
wishing such glory."
[Zhou turns and waves to the crowd.]
Zhou: "Well if you want glory you could challenge the
Sorceress?" [He grins in jest and then walks away. But
he turns quickly and finishes.] "We will hand over all
his wealth to you shortly."
[Chion forgets that victors gain the victim's wealth or
lands. Too bad Zing didn't own land or did he? Chion
turns to Ben'dar and smiles.]
Chion: "I am glad you made money on the duel. At least that
way it wasn't a total waste."
[As the crowd leaves Z'leyra and Chion find a quiet area to
do some healing. She pulls out her healing kit. She
gives him some lotion for the welts that occurred from
the magical damage. But Chion wishes that he will treat
himself as a learning healer. But Z'leyra is amazed to
see Chion's skill in the healing arts. He seems to know
just how to bandage, clean and lotion the wounds. It seems
he has learned much in the winter months with Cetric. So
much so that he seems highly skilled in healer now. She
sits back and watches as he finishes up. He'll let it
heal over night and then cast a spell if needed.]
[Time: 1:03pm]
[When servants and Zhou give Raban the large horse. Raban
bows in gratitude.]
Raban: "Zhou, please pass on my thanks to Sven and the High Elder.
I can but hope this will prevent my presence from slowing
everyone down. I must unfortunately tell you that I am entirely
unskilled at riding, I have never needed to know that skill. I
have seen others ride of course, so I have a little idea as to
what is required, the rest I will have to learn as we travel.
From what you have said, the horse seems strong enough, though
I think I am heavier than the rider you suggested. But I do
travel lightly, so I should be under the total.
<He is not actually as he is just over 500 with gear according
to his sheet.> I assure you I will not be planning on riding
any faster than I must, nor trying to fight from his back.
Frankly, I think I will be worried that I will hurt the poor
beast if I should move wrong or worse hold on too strongly.
Perhaps I should ask someone for some quick instructions on
what I should and should not do?"
[Zhou smiles and Raban hears footsteps behind him as Sven
steps up. He startles Raban by slapping his back gently.
He then ducks and looks behind Raban in jest.]
Raban: "I don't see wings. So don't think you fly. If you
can't ride you must have some darn good travelling shoes!
Riding will be simple and we can show you. Any person even
a child can learn the basics in no time. The skill in riding
is in things like wind, storms, hills or in combat. The
true skill is in combat how to control your mount. But I suspect
you can dismount for that. The horse should be sufficient
You could walk or run with us or we could rig up a wagon
if you insist. Like Zhou said its no Runestaff but he should
be good for your purposes. I'm from a land to the far west
and I've heard of that staff in the swamps. I rather deal
with a horse anyday. As to hurting the horse as long as you
don't trot say 5 miles straight you should be fine just
riding normal. My friends to the north found this horse and
believe it to be a strange breed of pack animal and riding
mount. If this horse can survive intense winter blizzards
then a large man shouldn't be that hard. You can't harm
it by being too hard on it. Of course your hips might be
a bit stretched on his back but you can shift."
[Sven grins and looks at the horse.]
Sven: "We should give this horse to Chion but he already has
one and frankly with his skill in teleport I don't think he
needs one."
[Ben'dar comes forth and examines the tall horse. Taller than
Tef'wo but surely seems more sturdy and stronger. Tef'wo
is built for speed and combat but Ben'dar knows this must
be good for rides and cargo. Ben'dar counts how many hands
tall the horse is and whistles slightly. This horse could
go for good money on the wagon teamster or farm circuit.
Ben'dar guesses the age to be upper adolescent for horses.
The strength is great as muscles ripple in the legs, back,
sides and neck. Most draft horses also have good hind
muscles but this one has more up front. The horse seems
well groomed and maintained. No sign of disease, parasites
and the shoes are in good shape. One ear seems to have
a slight scar to it from some past event but otherwise the
horse is in good shape as far as Ben'dar can tell. Ben'dar
finishes up and smiles. He knows this horse will probably
eat twice as much as Tef'wo. He looks at Raban.]
Ben'dar: "I know a thing or two about horses. I will teach you
enough to stay on his back." (Ben'Dar will spend the travel
time training Raban in Horsemanship if he wants to learn it)
[For the 30 minutes or so before the party leaves Ben'dar shows
the basics on how to treat the horse. How not to anger it
and scare it. To get to know it. How to touch it but
not to touch some areas. Raban learns that some horses
don't like to be touched in the rear and tail or under the
neck without some purpose. Then Ben'dar goes over basic
mounting and dismounting steps. When servants deliver a full
saddle and some minor saddle gear, Raban prepares to mount
the horse for the first time. The first two tries Raban
slips and the horse backs up slightly. Raban feels he hurts
the horse but Ben'dar ensures him he is okay. The third time
Raban seems to have a spring in his boots and seems to lift up
and over the saddle. Raban finds the wide back to be slightly
large for his hips but he adjusts himself in the saddle. He
knows he'll have to dismount and adjust himself at times.
It would do no good to ruin things for the ladies later on.
After all in some places he has a reputation for a good night's
party with the ladies.]
[Sven reminds the party they could get tents and supplies
if needed.]
[Time: 1:28pm]
[Chion paces back and forth as the adrenaline seems to still
be fading in his system. His emotions conflicted from
the duel. To kill a friend even a old friend is that
good or bad? Would he turn on someone like Farseeker
if it meant some honor bound directive? Did Zing truly
deserve such a death even if he asked for it? Chion has killed
before with little regard but this death seems to weigh
on his mind and he fears it may do so for days to come. Why
is it in the face of victory half his friends seem to
think the duel a bad thing? Is he seeing their side finally
or is he not seeing theirs? He wonders if he was setup to
demonstrate his skills or waste them. Could the High Elder
himself have ambushed him into this fight. Correl and
his new bride met with Chion only 10 minutes before and
Correl seemed delighted but disappointed in some fashion. His
wife was a bit turned off by the duel. Correl is happy
to see him still alive however. He recalls the last words
Correl speaks before the newlyweds head off to their
Correl: "Customs are only traditions set by those who feel
they are not ready for change. Followers do but leaders
lead change. You only have continued our custom here
and for that no one will not respect you for it. In a situation
where you are honor bound to duel you stepped up. For that
I am proud. But Zing may not have deserved it. Old friends
become enemies faster. But enemies become friends longer.
Maybe time would've changed things. Fate is strange
in those regards. Farewell and good luck on your mission
for the High Elder."
[In those 10 minutes Chion thinks on those words. Could he
have simply faked Zing's death or prevented it? For the
first time in his life conflicting emotions seem to hit
him. He wonders if its just the adrenaline fading or
something else in his heart. He shakes his head to clear
his thoughts as he sees Zhou and a servant approaching
carrying a large bag.]
Zhou: "Here is Zing's worldly possessions. They are yours
by right."
[Chion is given a large chest and places it on the ground.
He opens it to find hundreds of silver coins.]
Zhou: "It seems his life savings. We counted it for inventory
purposes. He had 350 silver coins exactly."
[Chion grins at the shiny Katai coins but wonders if he is
taking blood money now.]
[The servant shows him Zing's damaged Quilted armor, 1 fighting
dagger and 2 throwing daggers. A bag of silk clothing, boots
and a flowing leather cap. Zhou raises a Garnet stone.]
Zhou: "A small garnet which is flawless but average clarity.
Its probably worth 3 or 4 silver. his horse is yours but
his home that burnt down is gone. You could hold the
land I suppose but we'll have to find the deed if it didn't
burn up. You could sell the horse or land. The land
isn't probably worth much. If you wish us to keep the
money and gear here till you return we can."
[Chion looks at the gear and feels weird. Zing's misfortune
lead to his home burning down, friends and masters leaving
him and now he survives with only 35-36 gold of material
to show for his life. Nothing else it seems belongs to
him not even friends. Chion wonders what he'll leave
behind in this world. At least Ben'dar and Z'leyra have
some foundation for their life's work. Sure Chion has
a home but what else? Maybe an arranged marriage wouldn't
be so bad. But as quickly as that thought comes it flies
away as he knows it would ruin his life as an adventurer.]
[Time: 1:53pm]
[Near 2pm the party begins to gather at the gate of the
Citadel. Horses and Kiet's donkey are all prepared for
travel. The party notices Sven's horse has a shield,
battle axe other gear in bags. Sven is wearing chainmail,
metal helmet and a bastard sword sheathed. Out of his
white robes his clothing is light leathers for ease of
riding. Finally he hitches up a large flask of ale to
his saddle mumbling "never travel without ale."]
[The large group of 10 seems to catch the eyes of servants
and the occasional servant that comes walking by the gate.
Zhou approaches with Kee and some scrolls. He checks to
ensure all got the gear they requested. But as he talks it
seems he is distracted as he begins to scratch itches on his
hands, arms and neck. Kee also seems to scratch his hands
a bit more often than usual. Sven looks confused and comments.]
Sven: "What's the matter step in some poison ivy?"
Zhou: "No Lord Redhand...its just started awhile ago. May
be allergic to something in the barn. I was there a bit
ago. I don't know what Kee is scratching about."
[Sven shakes his head.]
Zhou: "Probably should wash and take a bath." [In a deeper
barely audible voice] "But I already did this month."
[Sven ignores the scratching fest and turns to the party.]
Sven: "We'll leave in a few minutes. We'll head to the lake
and round it. I'll give a brief tour. This is to show
we are just on a simple tour so others don't ask questions
if we just go riding east into the forest. We'll slowly
start east and then head tower our destination. A large
group like us is hard to hide so we'll just make it a tour
of the area if asked. The high Elder wishes to show
his visitors the other lands and such."
[Chion sits amused on his horse at the sight of Raban on his
new one. He wonders why he wasn't offered a horse like that
due to his own size. He knows he could easily teleport the
entire group to the area they go rather than spend 2 or 3
days riding. Such a crude way to travel these days. But
if Sven prefers to ride with Ki'ama's plan then it will be done.
Course on the way back maybe a teleport could be done.
But then again the transmute staff isn't here as far as Chion
knows unless Sven has it. Chion knows that they'll be going
east into the Chaos regions. As a youth here he rarely if
ever went there. Many times mostly spent in the Balance,
Law and Elder domains. Chion knows Sven is 3rd in command
of the Dark Lands technically under the Sorceress. So this
is why Sven has to go to show his authority in traveling into
the Chaos regions.]
[Arawn sits ready for this mission to explore a bit of history
he has read about. To find out for himself if it caters to
what he knows and what he suspects. After the duel Arawn
was quiet for some time and doesn't make eye contact with
Chion for a long while. Arawn notices a guard running on the
sentry wall nearby yelling "its a boy!" to other guards
at the gate. They congratulate him and Arawn figures he is
a new father. Arawn finds life intriguing in this plane of
existence. In the span of an few hours he has seen a new
life come into being through a proud father, a wedding for
a life partnership and a death at the hands of a survival
duel of honor. Full circle of life seems to show Arawn
a good omen that nature is still in control. As a Druid he
should never doubt nature but should doubt man's motivates.]
[Ben'dar clearly shows eagerness to ride Tef'wo again. For
the last day Tef'wo was closed up in that barn. Ben'dar is
eager to explore and if combat comes to the group fight
with glee. He watches with some fondness at Raban and his
horse knowing he'll show him the ropes of riding in the next
few days. Teaching isn't new to Ben'dar as he has taught
nobles and their families to ride at his ranch. It even
brings in a few coins each month.]
[Caladan sits ready on his horse seeming a bit bored. The
firesnake is tucked into a bag on his right behind the
saddle. Likely going to sleep. But it can escape at any
time and fly.]
[Fremea has no horse but she doesn't need it. She can keep
gear on other horses and fly fast and free. When tired
she can always ride with someone else for a short time.
Sven offered her a horse if she wanted just to ensure her
wings are in a rest. She watches Corona fly overhead
and seems to have a smirk on her face the party doesn't
seem to understand. When Sven explains the route is east
she remembers the flying creature. She will have to keep
her eye out for sure as she'll be the prime target then
Arawn likely. She knows she has no tent so will have to
careful sleeping outside.]
[Kiet sits on his donkey with an expression of why he is here
and if he was chosen wisely for this mission. Then again
staying around and being killed by some cult could be fun
as well. Lumpy bags sit on his saddle as he waits for the
party to head out.]
[Raban sits like a solid statue on his horse. Hardly moving
he is obviously nervous to riding this beast. The horse seems
friendly enough but from this height and his own height
a fall could be deadly! Ben'dar teases him about riding
sores and horse moods not making the future look good . But
its good to learn to ride. Raban clenches the reigns with
whitened fists.]
[Unali sits quietly on her horse ready to set out and return
so she can learn more on these gray creatures and the threat
they may pose to her homeland. To the others she is clearly
in deep thought on something.]
[Z'leyra is last to mount up as she does a quick inventory of
her supplies. Always the one to carry the most she does
a mental inventory check of especially her healing supplies.]
[Time: 1:59pm]
[The party sets out through the gate. Kee waves good bye
as Zhou wishes them luck but doesn't wave as he continues
to scratch. Once out of sight the duo run off to the
bathhouse. The group of 10 head into the clearing and
notice all but about 3 wagons remain. The high nobles
including Novassa and Sorceress seem to be gone. Only
3 wagons remain with a small crowd of servants and other
people mingling about. The wagons could be supply
wagons from the wedding cleanup? Sven takes the group
around the lake showing the various sites and buildings.
Eventually Sven leads the group east into the deep forest.]
[Time 2pm - 6pm]
[The band of 10 travel east through the High Elder's Domain.
After an hour of leaving the citadel region though the
ward Ki'ama placed ends. Its a dramatic change that Sven
and Chion are used to. The temperature drops about 2-3
degrees almost immediately from spring temperatures to cooler
northern temperatures. While it is late Marqi it is still
cool occasionally up here. But most will not need intense
cold weather gear.]
Sven: "Elder Ki'ama has placed a big ward around his area that
took months to place from what I understand. Even in the
dead of winter where we ride now if its snow here in the
warded area its like constant spring. As you might guess
that causes many nobles to head here and spend the winter
in the citadel or village. The population tends to double
or triple in winter. While in summer we lose about half
of our normal population as they go west, south or east
toward the sea for trips and such. In my Domain they head
south in summer and winter. But I'm used to the cold so
we have many that stay. Maybe when this is over you all
can come as my guests to my estate."
[For the majority of the trip to the final destination is forest
but there are rolling hills and some minor mountains in the
forest as well. But the Dark Lands don't just get their name
from chaos wizards but from the dark forest that seems endless.
Near 5pm Sven suggests a rest and let's Raban stretch his
sore hips. Sven waves for Fremea to come and they both
talk quietly.]
Sven: "Soon probably an hour we'll be moving into the first
Chaos controlled domain. You may feel the unease of it.
Let me know when we do. Its a general sense that you
may feel. We won't feel anything but we'll likely notice
it in different ways. Always" [the last word said sternly]
"stay within visual range of us while in that domain."
[Fremea nods and wonders why but guesses he'll explain that
soon enough. She has been busy for the last bit of time
searching for Dirasa hives. But since its day the chances
of spotting such is probably slim.]
[Time: 6:03pm]
[Fremea notices the sense overcome her first and stops and
hovers in mid-air. She sniffs the air and looks around.
She waves to Sven who nods back. Sven waves her closer.]
Sven: "We are entering Ronti Asu's domain. He was not at
the wedding. He didn't know Correl that well I don't
think. He is one of our oldest Chaos wizards at the age
of 39. His main spell from what Zhou tells me is Disorder.
As a result his domain is riddled with random disorder
wards. Especially near his estate. It could take a person
years to actually get to his estate unless they are guided
in by some means. As a result he tends to stay isolated
and reads many books. I doubt he'll be a problem to us.
If however you feel like you might want to go this way
while we go that way, don't. Best to keep each person,
and that includes Fremea and Corona, in sight of one another."
[Time: 7pm]
[While sunset might not be for another hour the sun pretty
much sets early in a forest like this. It becomes dark
very fast. Making travel difficult even for experienced
riders much less someone like Raban. Sven decides to
make camp for the night in Ronti's domain.]
Sven: "Anyone needing to use a bush should be escorted or use
rope if you feel like going alone. Just in case. We'll
post 2 sentries each watch. Let's setup camp here and
our tents."
[Arawn finds it a bit unsettling camping in this domain.
From what he examined of the map the other domain of
Balance is just a few miles away. But going in darkness
isn't good. That night he and Fremea spend time together.]
[Ben'dar and Sven spend time drinking and talking about stories.]
[Caladan sleeps most of the time content after eating dinner.]
[Chion sits quietly and tries to recall Ronti. He thinks he
met him once when Correl traveled with Chion. He was a
man like a classic hermit. The long beard and unkempt clothes.
He is surprised he still lives to this day and to 39!]
[Fremea desires to head into the woods to explore but knows
those wards could be anywhere. Especially in this panhandle
of the domain. This would be a common place of travel for
several interlocked domains. She constantly stays within
eye sight of the sentries and looks at the foliage.]
[Kiet takes out his bags and materials. The party doesn't
know much about him yet but they find him interesting to
see him making something. When some ask he explains he
is making a rope. He makes small rope like strands from
what it seems like bark and grass? Unali finds it interesting
cause her uncle did rope making as well. But she always
thought it odd when one could just go to a store and buy it.]
[Raban walks around the camp for some time stretching his legs.
Getting his land legs back. The first few hours of riding
was interesting for him. At one point going up hill he had
to dismount to guide the horse up or fall off. But he is
starting to get the basics of what a child may need to know.
He doesn't show it but his hips are a bit sore but tomorrow
will be better as he knows how to sit now.]
[Unali sits at the campfire and plays around with a dagger
in her hand. She listens to Sven and Ben'dar or Fremea
and Arawn talk. But she watches the dark forest ever
weary of encounters and danger. But she also seems to be
in deep thought again.]
[Z'leyra finds it interesting that a Chaos region can be
right up against a law region and Ki'ama's to boot.
Only a few miles ride. That could be dangerous to the
High Elder. She is surprised there is no buffer zone aside
from the deep forest.]
[That night the temperature goes down to about the 50s but
it remains warm enough in tents and around the campfire.
The night goes on without any encounters at all.]
GM: Party is camped in the blue area in the south-west area
of the domain to the right of Elder's On the map you'll
see it in the little niche area between the 2 Balance domains.
[Marqi 31st, 1633TH. 3rd Day of Adventure #4.
Location: Lord Ronti Asu's Chaos Domain, NE corner of continent]
[The party wakes up at 7am and the forest is still dark but
Fremea has confirmed its getting light out above the tree
canopy. The party breaks camp after a good breakfast and
heads east with some minor direction to south-east.]
[Chion checks his bandages and finds all the wounds healed.
The amount of damage seems to have healed virtually in
hours. Even he is amazed.]
[Time: around 9am]
[The party leaves the chaos region and enters the next Domain.
The contrast is felt by Fremea and seen by the party. In
the Chaos region trees were all in an array of disorder and
confused mess. Nature has order in a forest layout for
the animals. But the party found that areas of the forest
could run into clumps of trees and bushes and areas of just
open land. There was seemingly no order to it. At least
it seemed that way it might've been just a feeling and not
a fact. But once the Balance region is reached nature rules
again well. It looks and feels like a normal forest.]
Sven: "This would be Ye Kumu's region. She is a wizard of
Balance and is only 16 years old. She is trying to
rule the people here well. But she is inexperienced in
most things. In fact she only got this domain recently.
When someone dueled her master and killed him she dueled
the victor right away. Drained and exhausted she killed
him and earned her master's domain. the other person
didn't own a domain but had 2 ocean ships in the east.
She sold them to pay for food for her people. I'm sure
most in this party could defeat her and she knows it.
This is why she is trying to learn by her own and stays
at her estate most times. the rules are you must face
a person to challenge. So a duel by simple message
isn't tolerated unless the person decides it worthy to
duel. Her main spell is Illusions I believe. Her
estate is one big warded illusion so we could ride by
it and might not see it. But its too far south of us
[Time: 8:06am]
[Soon after leaving camp and entering the domain a small rain
storm comes about from dark clouds. For about a minute or
two it gives penny sized hail. The party continues onward.
For the rest of the day it remains cloudy mostly gray but
occasionally darker ones.]
[Around 2pm the party comes close enough to a village to notice
fire when Fremea reports it above the tree tops. The party
diverts and Sven shows the village to the party. It is about
50 or so people and they seem content. They appear not to
be slaves but free people. They speak highly of Kemu and
her help to them and other small villages. After only 10
or 15 minutes of getting water and exploring the village
the party has to move on and out.]
[The party travels well that day making 18 miles compared to
only 6-8 (hard to tell from the chaos forest) region. The
party finally makes camp that night. Only one man watches
are needed. The party tends to do their own things as they
did last night. Fremea explores more of the forest as she
has all day looking for herbs and such.]
[That night and all day no other encounters ensue for the party.
It is a quiet and uneventful day of travel.]
[Ma 1st, 1633TH. 4th Day of Adventure #4.
Location: Apprentice Ye Kemu's Balance Domain, Dark Lands
[Again the party wakes up and eats breakfast. The party
is wary of no encounters. Some feel it is too easy but
with a group this size their luck must be holding.]
[In short time 2 miles are made and the new domain is entered.]
Zhou: "This is Kursya Itomi's land. She is a young wizard
of 25 who earned a small noble title recently. This chaos
domain was ruled by another person up till 2 years ago.
This is when Itomi as apprentice killed her master to
take over the region. This is a common thing for the
Chaos regions. Elder Ki'ama settles for it as long
as it doesn't hinder other domains or the territory as
a whole. I've tried to work with him on changing some
of these wild things but have failed. Little is known
about her but we think she knows darkness powers well.
Since rumors of darkness wards exist all about. Her
estate is rumored to be now in a area of sheer darkness
only a few can enter and see. There are pockets in the
forest where darkness comes quicker and without warning.
So be careful of the forest ahead."
[Most of the day the weather remains clear and bright with
sun on the tree tops but little on the ground. Temperature
at forest floor level remains a cool 60s while above the
tree tops its in the 70s as the day before. No weather
event happens at all.]
[Time: 2:20pm]
[High above the trees Corona gives a loud screech that alerts
Fremea flying above the trees. She looks up and sees Corona
is to the west. She squints at the sun and tries to scan
the forest. She notices in the distance a bunch of trees
moving about like in a fast wind. She flies up and notices
the area and flies closer. Cautiously she notices something
moving among the trees very large. She hovers and tries to
get a better picture and notice 2 Giants moving about the
forest seemingly toward the party about half a mile away.]
[Below the first to hear it is Arawn. The sound of crunching
and rustling is heard toward the rear of the part in the
west. The party stops and listens more as they hear the
noise coming closer and closer.]
[Fremea flies below and warns the party. Based on her quick
description the party knows right away what is coming.]
Sven: "Forest Giants?"
[Sven hears them mutter. The party knows them well. They
fought Grog on the plains and killed it. They found Arawn
being chased by a forest giant in the Pavassa forest. The
party is sure they can handle it. But when Fremea explains
there are TWO coming this way the party gets perked up.]
Sven: "We could flee the area but the wind likely has sent
our scents that way as its going that way. Our trail is
pretty obvious with ten horses. It looks like our best
bet is to defend ourselves. I suspect they will be hunting
for us if we just flee."
[Time: 2:22pm]
[Before the party can decide the party looks west and notices
a large tree fall. Then the face of a tusked giant about
16 feet tall is seen. He sniffs the air and looks toward
the direction of the party and growls.]
Actions? Comments?
Next update...Friday...
GM: Trip plans (as note for myself)
Ben'dar - 2 days Survival - Skill practice
Fremea - 2 days Herbalist - skill practice and item hunt
Kiet - 2 Days Rope making - Skill practice
Unali - 1 Days Scimitar - Skill practice
1 Day Survival - Skill practice
Arawn - 2 Days Smuggler - Skill practice
Caladan - 2 Days Comp Bow - Skill practice
* Raban - 2 Days Horsemanship - Skill practice
* Chion - Nothing Given - ***
Z'leyra - Nothing Given - ***
Note: Survival will be Forest Survival. Raban will
assume you learn horsemanship? If not let me know.
For Chion and Z'leyra has nothing defined so will earn
nothing until given something. Deadline will be after
this combat so only 2-3 updates at most. Have not had
time to update sheets on above yet. But will do so
for Friday's update.
GM: Chion - Let me know what to do with Zing's stuff. Sell
horse and gear or keep it to take back. Convert to
Gold from Silver. Stuff like that.
GM: Status of Characters -
Health Mana Energy
Arawn 100% 95% 100%
Ben'dar 100% -- 100%
Caladan 100% 100% 100%
Chion 100% 88% 77%
Fremea 100% 100% 100% [Blessing in effect]
Kiet 100% 100% 100%
Raban 100% 98% 100%
Unali 100% -- 100%
Z'leyra 100% ?? 100%
Sven 100% 100% 100%
Mana - % of Full 100% from CASTING ability. Not what you
can do in a daily limit but your total CA.
GM: At this point no one has cast magic up to this point
since no one posted plans for such. So stats above
should be accurate. Will figure out Z'leyra's later
and tell you in ICQ. Chion's energy stat may be
tweaked after I figure a thing or two. But all in all
everyone is in good shape. I have to figure out
a new movement chart in the next day or two. Let
me know of your actions! Friday may be a short update
as I work Friday and so not up as late Thursday so
less time (less 2 hours) to work on update. So earliest
the actions the better. But still can take up till
Thursday evening.
GM: A quick rough map remains below. You can see the
giant (oen seen) is about 120 feet away. The other
one is likely near the first but not seen yet.
Friday I will do ONE phase of combat but if have
time will do 2. So plan accordingly.
1 2 3 4 5
\_*** \_* * \__/* \__* \__* *\__/* \__* \_*/ *\_ A
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ B
\_** *\__* \__* \__/* \__/* \__/* \__/ *\__/* \_*C
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ C__U D
\*_/ *\__/ *\__/ *\_*/ *__/ *\__/ *__/ *\__/ \_*E
/ \_1/ \__/ \__/ *__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ A\__/ F
\**/ *__** \_** *__/ \_*/ \*_/ *__/ R\__/ \* G
/ \__/ \__/ *__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \Z_/ H
\__/ \__/ \__/ *__/ \__/ \*_/ \__H \__/ \* I
/**\__* \_*/ \__* \__/* \__/ \_*/ \*_/K \_*/ J
\*_/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ F_ K
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ V__/ \__/ L
\*_/ *\__/* \__/ \__** \__/ \__** \__/ B__** \_ M
/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ N
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ N
1 2 3 4 5
Legend - North - Top of Map
1 Column - 5 feet ->Hex being standard 10 feet
1 Row - 5 feet /
A - Arawn [F45] - Mounted
B - Ben'dar [M43] - Mounted
C - Caladan [D46] - Mounted
H - Chion [I40] - Mounted
F - Fremea [K49] - Flying, About 15 feet up
K - Kiet [J44] - Mounted
R - Raban [G42] - Mounted
U - Unali [D49] - Mounted
Z - Z'leyra [H47] - Mounted
? - Corona [???] - Flying above tree top, off map
V - Sven [L40] - Mounted
1 - Giant 1 [F6 ] - Standing 16 feet tall
2 - Gaint 2 [???] - Unknown, not seen yet but likely west
* - Each * represents a tree of at least 4 feet or bigger in diameter.
All other trees are smaller and not on map.
Note: Smaller bushes, trees and tall grass is not listed on map
as it would simply clutter the map. For terms of cover or
hiding consider shrugs to be within 3 feet of each tree.
you can declare hiding places there. All trees are at least
10 feet or as high as 30 feet in this area. Sunlight is
dim below 20 feet of the tree canopy. Torches aren't needed
but it can play tricks on eyesight. But the party will
have no problem seeing a giant. :)
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