[pnpgm] Game Update #84b - Discussion after the battle
Scott Adams
longshot at darktech.org
Fri Oct 24 06:33:45 CEST 2008
HT Alias/Player Character Name Type Status/Notes Sex
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
R1 John Haight...........Arawn.............Druid .Normal/Alfar Ma
?? Chris Wells...........Ben'dar...........Warrior.Normal/Human Ma
R1 Tom Corckett..........Caladan...........Wizard Normal/Human Ma
W2 Marcel Liberty........Chion.............Sailor..Normal/Human Ma
-- Tobie Bonahoom........Fremea............Sidh....NormalFaerry Fe
Do David Sanders.........Kiet.Sunan........Acrobat Normal/Human Ma
R? J H Hooten............Raban.Usherwood...Bard....Normal/Human..Ma
W4 Wout Broere...........Unali.............Ninja...Normal/Human Fe
R4 Alex Koponen..........Z'leyra...........Healer..Normal/Human Fe
Animals: Corona [Eagle] Z'leyra, Boyzdar [Wolf] (Strie'bog),
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Game Update #84b in sequence (file #446)
Admin Notes: Part 2 of 3
[Last Post]
[New Stuff]
[Ma 2nd, 1633TH. 5th Day of Adventure #4.
[Location: Chaos domain, Dark Lands, 9 Miles up, Flying Island]
[Time: 10:33am]
[By now the room is a bit cleaned up and smoke, ozone from the
lightning magics and soot has died down. Leaving only the
vibration and sound of thunder outside. Only the smell of sweat
and blood remains in the room.]
[Arawn listens to Unali's apology and wonders who acted first to
start this battle. Was it Ben'dar or Unali or something else? He
figures the battle was probably inevitable. He replies to Unali.]
Arawn: "There is no need to apologize for you did what you felt
you must but the thought is welcome, Unali. Thank you."
[Unali finds the Alfar conflicting with internal strife. She
wonders if he is capable to use anger in battle or will he always
resort to peaceful means? Jordi was like that but seems to be a
bit more a fighter than talker even though his main skill was
diplomacy. She makes a note to herself that maybe Duke Aren could
use Arawn's skill as a talker for various things. Alfar means
nothing to humans in Marentia but maybe he could be some sort of
envoy or ambassador. She'll have to mention this to Aren if they
return. She recalls that Jordi had mentioned his desire to rid
Climan influence near the Wild Forest. Jordi even went so far as
to speak to Aren about it privately. She wonders if an Alfar could
be the lynch pin to direct some unified Elven group to finally do
such a thing in the Wild Forest.]
[Arawn rushes over to help Kiet. But he finds Raban and Z'leyra
have things well under control. He is happy to see Kiet well
as best can be and stabiliized, his heart wound seems to be
completely sealed. Hovering overhead he gives Kiet a soft and
reassuring smile. He looks around the room and considers fate.
If he hadn't sensed the rush of magic from the flame wall maybe
he'd be dead from it. If that happened then the talk with A'kril
might not have worked. Meaning A'kril would not have ended
the spell on Z'leyra and she died. The Dark Elf leader might
have come out of his dizzy spell and stabbed Arawn in the
back as well. Yet things happened for the best.]
[As Chion finishes his story of the events in the outside room,
Raban smiles. If only Raban was there he'd need only his charm to
take the girl out. Instead fate put him against four or five men.
Raban figures this visitor is involved in some political plot. It
only makes sense her presence here in this strange place above
the Dark Lands. Raban didn't pay attention to the rumors or
stories of separatist or expanionists in these lands. He wonders
who is behind all this. But he figures sooner or later the party
will find out. Raban considers this and catch's Arawn in passing
to speak to him.]
Raban: "My deepest apologies, I failed to keep the peace you
desired. I even misjudged what their leader thought was his
advantage, fortunately it was not beyond our capabilities. I
saw this leader was one like many in power, he would not care if
we had all died in route or in his presence. We were but a
curiosity to examine and be disposed of if not of use. It is
possible he would have honored your peace for a while and then
summoned the guards to dispose of us anyway. I was prepared for
that and would have moved to protect the ladies and yourself
when the time came. As long as they had not removed your
weapons, that would have been enough to put us back on more
even ground again. But something happened and all plans were
ruined, it is very hard to stop a fight once blood has been
spilled. I did what I could to protect the others and even
tried not to kill at first, but there were too many to take
the extra time needed. Sadly it is far easier to kill than
render someone unconscious."
Ben'dar [rolling his eyes hearing Raban but grins mischievously.]
"Most of these ladies you keep talking about defending could
kill you where you stand, friend."
[Raban looks around the room and considers his own words. To kill
is far easier than to subdue for sure. Yet from what he has
heard from others Unali can do it quite effectively. As he
thinks of A'kril his words seem to come from experience and past
incidents in his own personal life. Most nobles or those in
power are nothing but users. Yet Raban glances at Z'leyra who
is high status in bearing, Caladan son of a tribal chief and Arawn
son of a god and sees that not everyone is like that. Maybe
A'kril might've been cordial or killed everyone rather slow.
Raban will never know now. Then Raban considers the story Chion
told of the visitor. She arrived seconds before the battle broke
out. If she had come and Chion not out in the foyer things might
have been far different. The female mage could have incited a
more dangerous situation and Z'leyra could've died before A'kril
stopped the spell. Even with his death the spell would've killed
her. Raban thinks fate played some role in having Chion in the
foyer this time. Raban goes over to Caladan and helps remove the
bodyguard's armor from the body. Raban speaks to him.]
Raban: "I am still sure that this A'kril was not of high standing,
and should not have been the ruler of such a place. Yet he seems
to have been bound to this place for a long time? There is much
here that I do not understand, but I am usually a good judge of
Caladan: "You may be right. But I recall the words the High Elder
spoke of in our meeting. If this place is ancient maybe A'kril
was locked to it. I am no master of casual magic like the High
Elder or my master Woundenal. But based on magic I see here and
this place I suspect A'kril was skilled. I don't know the
connection between the Elves and A'kril but there could be
something there. This ancient place the High Elder spoke of
could be a land where our noble titles are different. The
lowest rank could be a Duke and up for example." [He pulls the
chainmail up off the body then looks and waves a hand at the
dust on the ground that once was A'kril.] "When he died he was
gone which would to me indicate once dead his body decayed as
if free of some time constraint. In my studies of Sleep Touch
Woundenal told me that a body caught in such spells could never
age until released while others free of the spell could age
instantly. A mystery for sure."
[As the party forms a neat pile of treasure of armor and weapons
Raban sighs and speaks to no one in particular. The party seems
to have this whole treasure collection and body stacking down
to a routine. Raban finds that a bit unsettling.]
Raban: "If we continue to have such violent meetings, I am going
to need some armor. I can remake my leather with material from
other such armors but it has shown that it will not last very
long. It was designed mostly to reduce scratches and such from
rough travel and not from weapons. Does anyone know of a way
for me to get somewhat more durable armor while we are here? If
not, I will just have to try harder not to be hit so much,
though so far that has not been very effective."
Caladan: "Z'leyra makes her own armor. But I doubt we'd have time
for such construction as it might take days. I doubt we could
find any in your...size. Arawn has those fancy shield and armor
spells not sure if they could be cast on you. But best thing to
do is just not be hit." [He grins and then considers the room.]
"Maybe we will find something for you here. But don't hold your
[As the others pile treasure and bodies Fremea inspects the room
knowing she might not be helpful with the body movement. She
finds the hidden buttons in the carpet that activated the secret
doors. She inspects the top of the mantle and finds another
notch in the wood that shifts ever so slightly. A mechanical
device without magic sensed from it. Careful she inspects the
fireplace and mantle and finds almost invisible seams in the wood
that could contain something. Figuring it could be related she
waits before no one is in front of the fireplace and pushes the
notch slightly but not all the way. A click can be heard and the
seams seem to break a bit. With some use of a dagger she pries
the wood apart and finds a hole where a small metal barb rests.
From the looks of it the barb seems to be a dart of some kind.
Quickly she figures out the wood notch must activate the dart
device to fire in front. A very ancient device and not so
sophisticated by magic. She sniffs the stale air of the barb
niches and smells the faint odor of poison. She has dealt more
or less by force, by her ex-slave masters to deal with poison so
she recognizes a faint odor of something. The barbs she doesn't
touch due to the iron and leaves them be. She figures A'kril is
a clever man and based on angle it could've been used on Arawn,
Ben'dar and Raban with a good attempt. Paranoia must run rampant
with A'kril's people. She inspects the gem under the mantle and
finds it could be easily pried apart from the wood with a slight
destruction of the wood. But she only senses one aura of magic
from it. It probably has some value but likely just used to warn
the others through some alert in the sentry office or telepathic
link to the guard leader or something like that. Then she
flashes back to the battle and recalls the events. At one point
A'kril cocked his head as if listening. Then he mentioned that
the party killed his pet outside. That would indicate with
Chion's story the female mage might have had some telepathic
link with him and warned him of the guardian's death. That
mystery on how he knew seems to be figured out. Fremea goes
around the room but finds nothing else of a clever paranoid
nature. She recalls the ward of the fire wall and lightning but
can't seem to locate them. As before she can sense the magic
of the room or rather the castle. As if a major purified for
anti-magic or magic is all around. Then she recalls that earlier
Arawn looked at the candles in the chandelier. She figures the
two unlit ones could be part of the wards. As she tries to hover
and then hold the chandelier she inspects the candles closely but
senses no magic from it. But yet the magic seems to have been
here. That means there has to be some form of magic sense
deflection or invisible magical wards or the like. That style
of magic is clearly beyond her ability and knowledge. Maybe she
can get with Arawn and figure that out later.]
[Arawn notices Fremea inspecting the same candles he was looking
at while paralyzed and few moments ago. He speaks up to Fremea
as well as to all in general.]
Arawn: "I'm not entirely sure of this but I'm wondering if this
entire area is warded, not just against dangerous magics but
also against magic and abilities that sense magic in the first
place. It would make sense for a wizard in such an abode as this
to ward it against other enemy casters, blocking their efforts
to scan its defenses and thus leaving them in a precarious
situation should spell battle occur.
I noticed that two candles are not lit on the chandelier,
unusual if only for the fact that the other candles are lit.
Considering the wards, both known and unknown, I'm wondering
if the Dark Lightning and possible Dispel were linked to the
candles. If so that means the other candles could be
representative of other wards in place, local or otherwise,
and if so I wonder, would it be wise to extinguish them? Will
that set off the wards or shut them down? And does anyone know
of the old magics that would see through spells to obscure
[With those words Fremea puts it together. Her thoughts and own
theory seems to come full circle. So there is such magics that
could block senses? But how come Arawn son of ancient parents,
if not as gods as much as age, wouldn't know of such magics.
That might mean it is a lost art or his parents didn't want him
to know of such things? When Z'leyra hears Arawn explain things
she realizes now what happened. A'kril must've activated by voice
or command a dispel ward. But she was too occupied to know that
at the time to prevent his death.]
Caladan: "Woudnenal, my master of magic, told me of such magics.
When he placed his ward on his valley to protect his home from
outsiders he said he used some ancient magic that blocked senses.
Apparently it scared animals and people away so he didn't want
that. He wanted balance in the area. So this way no one can
walk by and sense it and wonder what is beyond the magic. But
when I asked further he said it was on a scroll he had and once
used up he lost the information. I wonder if the High Elder
would know of such things? Maybe instead of using magic
sensory one could use mental sensory or round about methods.
As to turning out the lights in this room I'm not sure if they
could link to wards in the entire castle or not. Most wards,
Z'leyra could correct me if I'm wrong since she has wards on
her home, are short range so I doubt it might work that way.
It could be that not all the candles are wards. There could
be detection spells to detect if one ward goes out it activates
another ward. A vicious circle that could cause some problems."
[When it comes time on suggestions of searching Fremea speaks up.
She has doubt she could sense all in this place but she can at
least be of some use to the party in that fashion.]
Fremea: "I will search with you. It seems there are needs that I
can help with in finding out what is hidden around here."
[Ben'dar ponders the story Chion has told of the events in the
foyer. No blood was spilt and some wild nude lady knocked herself
out. Such a clean fight while the party almost lost 3 people
inside. Either Chion has great luck or the party has bad luck.
When Chion comes close in a break in the clean up, Ben'dar gives
a low vocal growl at him which turns to a crooked grin as he
speaks to Chion.]
Ben'dar: "Ever the trickster. Lucky I did not remove your head!"
[As treasure is stacked Ben'dar finds little interest in the items
around him. Ever since he was set free on Clima he has marveled
at the treasures this group has obtained. He has heard stories
of adventurers getting rich over night in some lair and quite the
party is rich, including himself now a ranch owner. To his people
the amount of armor and weapons collected by this group could
supply half the Zen'da nation or if sold could feed the entire
nation for years. He wonders if keeping the wealth from his own
kind is a good thing or if his ranch will help his people.
Eventually he could hire Zen'da people, maybe partnership with
them and give back to his people. But before that is done
he'll have to venture back home and deal with some situations.
Already in his head Ben'dar plans for his future investments in
horses and how to grow the ranch with possible treasure, at least
his share, from this place.]
[As Caladan suggests exploration Ben'dar nods and agrees with
his statements. he then speaks up to Caladan.]
Ben'dar: "Yes, those heavily injured should rest here."
[Ben'dar indicates the wounded and the secret room areas to
direct his next point.]
Ben'dar: "While those of us less injured can scout out the
surrounding area."
[Ben'dar suggests Chion and Unali do the main scouting while the
others fall back for support. After dragging bodies around with
Raban, Ben'dar heads over to Z'leyra for some healing first aid
patch up work.]
[Arawn hands back the now empty goblet of the angelica potion
to Raban. He smiles and feels the surge of energy.]
Arawn: "Thank you, Raban. I appreciate it."
[He still feels a bit weak so obtains his wand from his personal
gear and casts a couple of energy spells to regain some more. He
immediately feels the energy return on both attempts. He faintly
still feels drained but its very low. Of course to regain it he
had to use his wand which costs even more mana to use then
without. A fair exchange of resources he figures.]
[Arawn notices Raban's lack of armor and his comments on it. He
speaks to Raban about it.]
Arawn: "The others have protection of some sort and I can hand my
armor over as I will be wearing the plate armor. Unfortunately I
do not think it would fit one as large as you. Still, I would
hate to see you unprotected. If you wish I can craft you armor
to wear that should last until this mission is over."
Raban: [With a sigh.] "When you have arms larger than most men's
legs, you become used to making your own clothing and most
anything else. No armor sized for a normal man can be fit to
me without huge gaps needing to be filled in. If someone was
skilled in such work, they could make partial armor out of some
of the suits that could be better than none at all. Perhaps
there is magic to make armor grow in some manner, but it would
need to about double in size. There may even be magic to create
armor my size, but would it last long enough to be useful? I
need flexible armor that does not hinder my movements much,
though I will admit, the heavy armor others have here sure
would have been useful. Perhaps I should invest in some heavier
magic armor if I am to get in such trouble like this in the
future. I never really needed it before and what damage that I
did take healed in a couple days. Most fights I was involved in
were not serious, a few light hits and they were over. Even the
few creatures I have seen would rather run than face me, well
other than a pack of wolves that took more convincing. But if
you can somehow make or fit armor for me, I would be grateful. I
cannot afford to keep taking damage like this if I am to protect
the ladies like I promised."
Ben'dar: "I have some skill in leatherworking and can make you
some supple, lightweight armor that will afford you some
protection while not inhibiting your movement. But it will
have to wait until we're finished exploring this cursed magical
Raban: "But I do not know how to make armor that way. Maybe
between us we can more quickly remake my leathers so I have a
little protection if no magical means can be found to help. I
think I will need it quite soon if this place continues to act
like it has so far."
[Z'leyra mentions to Raban that when the party has free time, days
not hours, she might be able to do something for him as well. She
wishes to make armor and weapons for those who need it but knows
it could take months. She also wishes to put her hands on the
Elven alloys for elven items but knows such knowledge is
difficult to obtain, even with sidh in the party.]
Z'leyra: "A downside to having powerful armor, weapons or items is
that the gods seem to expect more and set greater challenges."
Raban [smiling at Z'leyra]: "I would love to have you make me armor
powerful enough to worry the gods, you can take my measurements
anytime you wish." [then continues] "Do you really think that
armor would change how they treat such as I? Is it not obvious
that I have been chosen to entertain them, why else would a boy
training to be a great dancer suddenly grow to a size to be
ridiculed off the stage no matter the quality of his performance?
So I chose a Goddess who would love me as well as be entertained
by me and if she chooses harder tasks for me it will be because
she knows I will do all I can for her. But if a tasks needs
doing, does it matter whether you are armored or naked? You must
still do your best to achieve it. Perhaps it is the other way
around, the gods knew you had a difficult task and arranged for
you to acquire powerful tools to perform it?"
[Raban begins to day dream on thinking of her taking his body
measurements and maybe him taking hers..]
[As the group rests for a few minutes he mentions the benefits of
blessings and luck. Raban has demonstrated that his bless spells
work well. Luck can improve one's chances for healing even if
more than one healing is done in a day. Raban hears the words
and recalls he could've done a blessing on Kiet but doubts he
would have had time. Z'leyra also recalls Kiet's close call and
figures she could've loaned him the luck item but it didn't come
to mind.]
Caladan: "It is amazing how healing works. Most of us could only
take one healing and then we risk the god's anger. Then there
are folks like Farseeker who have the god's favor and can take
five or six healings without fear. Sometimes I think the
spirits just show favoritism."
[Arawn examines the coins on the glass table and figures they might
be worth as collector items. But if they come from a long lost
land who would know they exist and thus want to collect them? He
wonders if anyone in the middle world would want them. He
resolves to save his magical power for the night but realizes
that the hour is still early not even 11am and there is hours
left in the day and much to explore her.]
[Arawn examines the dead dark Elf which is a mystery to him as
much as the others. His parents have much to tell if he ever
returns home.]
Arawn: "I am glad that we are alive but I do not hate these elves.
I have never heard of them before which sends a few thoughts
through my mind but I cannot judge them while knowing only a
little of them. Their hatred, well-founded or otherwise, will
only serve to destroy them and I wish to know from whence it
came, though it seems linked to the days of ancient past. I
pity them for suffering the baggage of such hate, for it is a
poison that eats at the soul and can rob one of joy and love."
[The group wonders if some of those comments are directed to some
in the party. But at least it confirms that Arawn doesn't seem
to recognize the 4 elves at all.]
[Arawn glances at the floor where A'kril died and turned to dust.
He speaks up so the entire room can hear him.]
Arawn: "It is a pity that this should end in slaughter. He was a
man only seeking to protect himself against invaders, as any of
us would have done if strangers arrived uninvited into our homes
after killing our beloved allies and pets. He did not initiate
combat and it is a shame that our group was the one to do so,
resulting in the murder of a man in his home.
I know that there are times when we must fight but I hope that
we can learn that an enemy does not always hide behind every
door, even if some are mixed in the fold," [he added as he
looked at the Dark Elves.] "In doing so we might miss the chance
for a friend because we are too set in turning them into an
[Arawn collects a nail and skin sample from the dark elf that
attacked him. He knows the skin might not last but a few hours
at best and same for the nail. But he figures some body
samples are best to learn more of these creatures than through
other traditional methods like books and research. He knows the
vase of ashes are ashes of only A'kril's clothes. The dust and
his actual body are impossible to collect as the dust is so
fine and everywhere. Lear
Arawn: "I'll see what I can find out later."
[As Arawn collects the Elven samples Caladan frowns at the sight.]
Caladan: "The dead should be respected. The spirit can't rest
or go to its final place if some part of it is missing. This
is how the shamans teach us."
[After Arawan makes his comments on the sad state of affairs a
grunt or moan can be heard but Arawn seems to ignore the sounds
and continues with a sad look on his face.]
Arawn: "I hope that such a mistake doesn't come to haunt us
again." [He paused a moment in respectful silence before
"My thoughts go back to the words of the prophet shared by
the High Elder.
"In the days before the Second Great Plaque a son of the ice
warrior will come in a mysterious manner. The Chosen One will
lead the Son to seek the Outsiders. The floating dark cloud will
mark its shadow on the cold and bring a great blight to the land.
The tainted and cursed one will seek friendship before death
comes. Through group confluence shall the terror be dealt with..."
"A'kril seemed willing to talk over fight and his final words
still ring in my ears, "I'm free."
"He seemed oddly happy to die and combined with the rapid aging
of the body leads me to believe that he may have been cursed to
remain here for some purpose, though I do not know what. All this
seems to indicate he might have been the one mentioned in the
line, ' The tainted and cursed one will seek friendship before
death comes.'" [He looked down at the ashes and whispered,] "You
have mine Master A'kril." [Arawn then looked up and continued,]
"With his death I wonder, what is the 'terror' mentioned or have
was he guarding it? If so, I dread to think what has been
released. I would question A'kril's spirit but I fear Caladan
is likely right. Casting such a spell here could prove disastrous.
If only there were a way to perceive the all the wards and what
they do? Maybe one of the candles serves as the focus for the
masking magic, hmmm?"-
Caladan: "Mistake? If you think he didn't start this by invading
this land. By having his pets, who he could've likely stopped,
not attack us then maybe you should rethink." [He rustles his
hair in frustration but his anger seems to ebb.] "Look. This
place is a clear threat. We can think of this place as a nice
area to visit and have tea. But if those below us find it and
obtain it the balance of power will shift. Can you imagine some
wizard with this place at his leisure? Nothing but a few people
skilled in teleport or flight or such might be able to get here.
It would make attack and retreat for the wizard invincible. The
High Elder saw it as a threat. If his enemy saw it they'd use
it against him. No. The safest thing A'kril could've done is
not to come here period. That was his mistake. This visitor
was probably here to obtain some alliance if not steal this
place. Your idea of peace and love is all nice and good. But
sometimes your a confusing confusing person. I can see why
Raban is so distracted by the words of peace and war. We
simply defended ourselves. As to prophecy and such I don't
take much coin into them. We shall see it all comes down."
[He pauses and straightens his tunic. He speaks a bit more
softly] "Look in situations like this where a person says
disarm or die we don't have time to talk. Time is critical
and as we saw it gave A'kril time to get reinforcements here.
We almost lost three today including yourself. Talk is all
great in some situations but as you saw not all our group is
keen on such things." [He turns to leave clearly a bit
frustrated with things have turned out and with Arawn's action.
It is clear he tried to say more in other terms but couldn't or
wouldn't get it out.]
[upon hearing Arawn's words about the fallen A'kril he growls.]
Ben'dar: "Enemies are to be killed, not to drink tea with, He
wanted to take our lives. His warriors waited to ambush us.
His fate is just."
Raban: "As a druid, Arawn's words are law to many peoples. As a
bard, I must try to follow them as much as I can, though I am
finding that difficult."
[As Arawn finishes his speech about A'kril finds little comfort in
the words. Clearly Kiet finds he is not alone as Ben'dar, Caladan
and Raban seem to indicate their confusion and lack of confidence
in talking. Kiet glares back at Arawn with ill-concealed
hostility. To Z'leyra and Raban's general direction he speaks to
those who saved his life.]
Kiet: "I do not understand that man! If he is not an imbecile he
is a fool! His lack of action may well have killed several of
us. And it's not the first time. These people and things here
are Chaos and Kotothi! We can only trust them to harm or hinder
us." [Louder, and to the whole group ] "There is a storage room
off that way that may have some items of value. After I have
caught my breath, I would like to join the group hunting around.
When we get back, however, I very much would like to get my
hands on that last live guard and ask him a few 'pointed'
questions. I can be, um, persuasive in my own way. If someone
needs to stay behind and watch the good fellow, I'll volunteer."
"Also, I wanted to state to the Group how thankful I am for you
that helped or tried to help me. I am thankful to be alive.
Raban and especially Fremea, I tried to keep the bad guys from
you both...and only partially succeeded...but I did try...and
was successful more often than once. I'm sorry it couldn't
have been more."
[Fremea smiles back at Kiet and nods at him.]
Fremea: "Though I thank you for your help in keeping some away
from me, I do wish you would not destroy yourself in doing so."
[Her smile is even bigger now.] "Mostly so that I may have more
fun later, it would be a shame to lose you now that you found
[Caladan walks over toward Kiet and nods. He quietly speaks
to him so only he could hear but not as if trying to stop
anyone else from hearing.]
Caladan: "Arawn is one confusing man. It seems new people to
this group have to learn things and we have to learn from
them. Heck, when Chion joined back on Cl-..back on
an island two or three years ago, Farseeker had issues with
him. It took some time and they became friends. It will
take time for us to get used to Arawn. Then we can either
ignore him or follow him. Maybe he is wrong and we are
right or the other way around."
[Raban listens to Kiet's outburst and sighs. He approaches
and speaks to him.]
Raban: "No it is usually not a good idea to trust those of Kototh
or Chaos but anyone who can pass the training to be a Druid
cannot be a fool or an idiot. Maybe it is just because he is not
a human that we have difficulty understanding his intent. My
Bardic teacher was an Elf so I know the Sidh are very different
from humans, enough so that you must be careful not to expect a
human answer. But remember this, no Sidh is likely to trust
Kototh or Chaos even minutely, yet Arawn tried to learn
something from them. I can only hope those smarter and wiser
than I, know what they are doing." [He glances over to look
at Arawn who is inspecting the Elven armor. Raban considers
Kiet's attempt to help them out and continues.]
"You took many risks to help others and may have saved lives
doing so. Even I could not have taken many more hits. That is
the danger of being out numbered, you are more easily hurt. If
you can keep an enemy from a friends back, you have greatly
helped your friend, even if you do not hurt that enemy."
[Arawn listens to the comments and remains silent. The Alfar and
the druid in him is confused by the anger and arguments about him.
He simply isn't used to it. In the court people even some gods
went out of their way to cater to him and his parents. Making
them angry was not an option. This is new to him that someone
would question his beliefs and intentions. Of course it all
changed when he become of age to learn and study with some of
the court's trusted followers. After that Arawn saw life not
as a safe haven like the court but a dangerous universe. After
that he met many who would argue with him and his views. Of
course Arawn was one not to dare to argue with his own parents,
especially his father, that simply wasn't wise at all. Emotions
flood Arawn during the talks of the others about him. His druidic
and priest side clearly trains him to be calm and listen to all
views. His elite Alfar side shows him not to listen to others
but to use immortals as mere objects. His magician side says
there are dynamic sides to all arguments, Chaos for example, and
they should be kept at bay. He turns to Raban and speaks.]
Arawn: "Thank you, Raban, for trying to keep the peace. Trying
your best is all I can ask," [he said with a smile.] "But I do
not think A'kril was like many others in power you may have
encountered in your past. I could be wrong, I am aware, but I
don't think he would so callously throw us aside without
provocation. But we will never know. All I can say, as advice,
is that we should be careful about making assumptions without
need, especially with little to base it off of.
It is a challenge I face regularly, to balance the art of a
warrior, a druid, and a diplomat. Which path to choose at times
can be confusing but I choose to focus on my goal- peace, love,
and understanding between all things. Something that has set me
apart from many mortals and immortals alike, but it is a path I
choose because I believe the goal is worth it, no matter how
hard or lonely the path can sometimes be."
[Arawn turns to include Ben'dar in the conversation.]
Arawn: "I understand the need to defend against an enemy but was
he? The dark elves, for me at least, yes, but A'kril? We had
spoken before, about the line that blurs between friend,
stranger, and enemy. We came here looking for an enemy, not
knowing if one was here or not, and, so, found one. Whether
A'kril was truly our enemy we do not know, he could have been
a friend, but we hunted so hard for an enemy we may have found
an enemy amongst those who weren't.
The man did as I imagine any man, Zenda or otherwise, would. He
sought to defend himself against intruders that invaded his home,
killed his pets or loved ones, and then attacked him. Remember,
A'kril did not strike the first blow, we did. Would you have
done any different in his place?
And remember, for an enemy, he sought to save Z'leyra's life from
the Darkling Light by dispelling it when the fight still seemed
in his favor". [Sensing the frustration and anger seething
within Kiet Arawn regarded him calmly and lovingly.]
"You have suffered much here today, Kiet. I am sorry for your
hurt. I do not think you understand my actions, my motives.
Those who almost died here today did not suffer so due to
inaction on my part, for my apparent inaction was a choice,
an action, and a statement, but almost died due to the actions
of others. A'kril did not strike first, we did. He reacted to
our actions, from which this trouble sprang.
I seek for peace among all, as hard as that is. If I did not
I would be no different from most of the immortals, Sidh
included, for they hold this realm and the mortals that walk
upon it as insects or a blight to be destroyed in some cases,
Since they were here first, are they right? I do not believe
so for there is something greater in the universe that we do
not see. To focus on our hate and prejudices feeds suffering.
I agree that one must be wary while looking for peace but as
adventurers it is all too easy to err on the side of violence
when it might not be a wise choice. Such actions perpetuate
and empower forces of evil, such as Chaos and the Great
Serpent as you mention, while weakening the forces of good
and of love. It is such views that allows humans to war against
each other and to hate the Sidh, hunting and enslaving them
when they are innocent, as happened to Fremea. Do not assume
that I am unaware of need for violence at times, if you know
my mother and father you would realize that I was raised amidst
war and violence as much as I was in magic, art, and civility.
I am sorry we do not see eye to eye but know that I love you
all, as I do all things, regardless of how you and they may
feel about me and my ways. I too have much to learn but I hope
that in time we will be able to walk harmoniously together
[Doesn't take a empath to clearly see the emotion running through
Kiet. A slight sarcastic smirk shines on his face briefly as
he reacts to Arawn.]
Kiet: "Hey, I have an idea! Let's let our armor-clad Alfar
friend take point for the rest of our time on this floating
rock pile?"
Arawn: "I am fine with that, Kiet," [Arawn said as he rose to his
feet.] "Though I wonder if you ask out of anger or practicality,"
[he added calmly as he walked away.]
[Ben'dar grunts and turns around as he controls a laugh from
bursting out.]
[Arawn thinks about what Raban says about his word as law and turns
back to Raban to speak.]
Arawn: "I have heard what you had to say and it seems you have
interpreted my request as law. I did not mean for this my
friend. It was a request. I am not here now to give orders but
to share lessons that we might better understand ourselves and
the world around us.. I understand that we must protect ourselves
and others. I only asked that we temper our actions and the
decisions we make with love, for all things have the potential
for good as well as evil and life should be cherished wherever
it is found. It is a practice of tolerance and compassion and
one I study every day. Perhaps, when this is all over, you might
wish to visit with the Forestal and Green Lady, mother of a bard
of our acquaintance it so happens, of a wood I know of in this
world. They hold much wisdom and a deep reverence for life and
can teach these things along with the druids and bards there. If
you are ever interested please let me know. In the meanwhile,
whatever follows we should armor you. My magical scalemail was
wrought in Alfheim and holds strong enchantment upon it,
unfortunately it is too small for you, Raban, and too big for
Fremea. Kiet has chosen chainmail but if he, or anyone else,
feels that my magical armor will do them some good then please
feel free to wear it.
As for those who remain unarmored, Raban for example, I can craft
temporary armor for you right now. My magics are low and I must
rest to restore them but if any wish me to do so now, before the
morning, then let me know and I will call forth the stuff of
[Raban tries to listen and understand but it is apparently how one
is raised and the environment raised in makes such understanding
Raban: "A druid is a cultural treasure, an embodiment of
everything that culture tries to be or knows. Such a being gave
its childhood up to learn things most adult's cannot comprehend
and gave its future to returning such knowledge to its people.
To assault such a one is a crime punished by death. They are
Judges and Law givers whose wisdom is beyond reproach. A Bard
is expected to obey a Druid in all things as his role is to
assist the Druid in teaching the people what they need to know.
To keep the culture's history and wisdom alive through story
and song. As a follower of Miryan of the Courts of Cernunnos,
the Sidh are usually my allies in most things, so even though
you are a Druid of a different Culture, you are one I am required
to assist at need. Because there are differences, I am allowed
some choice in following your orders even to disobey ones that
cross my teachings. So I am in a difficult spot, when should I
assume your wisdom was inadequate enough that what you ask me
to do can be ignored? I am told I am a bit slow in understanding,
so perhaps I will find a way to balance this later, but all I
can do now is to weigh your 'requests' against the risks to
others as I have been doing. I am not one who enjoys hurting
others, I much prefer a more peaceable solution. But I cannot
tolerate anyone hurting a woman, even though my goddess does not
always require that of me. That has always gotten me into
trouble, but to me it is worth the costs, and this mission is
no exception. These ladies have embarked on a dangerous mission
and though more formidable than any I have known before, they
still need my protection. If nothing else, those who are
attacking me are not hurting them. But I am quickly finding,
there are limits to how long I can keep a quantity of enemies
away from them without having to hurt them. I am being forced
to seriously hurt them, even kill them because that is easier
and quicker to do than knocking them out. It will need much
meditation and prayer to cleanse this stain from my heart. And
worse I have asked for better armor to make it possible for me
to do even more harm! But I do not see any other way to do what
is needed, I cannot allow myself to fail yet I cannot dodge
every attack. So I ask for a means to make myself into an
unstoppable juggernaut! More so than that poor metal man that
so frightened others, I risk becoming a true monster. Maybe the
difficulty in getting such armor shows that I should not have
it, that letting myself be hurt will remind me what I am doing
to others?"
"So this is really what I ask of you, in your wisdom, can I be
allowed such defenses? To better allow me to stain my hands
with the blood of others? Is this mission worth such risks?"
Arawn: "It is good to know that you strive for peaceful resolutions
to situations, Raban. As to when to cross a line, to fight or
talk, it is not always an easily definable line. Life is a
precious thing but we cannot deny death its due. Both are part
of the great cycle, for all life subsists on the lives of other
things. The hunter eats his prey just as the prey feeds on the
lives of plants. It is not an issue of whether an action is
right or wrong, it is an issue of motivation, why we choose
the action."
"If I were to tell you that a man violently slaughtered a group
of women in his home, how do you judge that? Did he do wrong? If
he lured them there and forced himself upon them before killing
them he would be condemned. But what if they had broken into his
home and attempted to kill him and his family out of jealousy?
Now is he in the wrong?"
"In either situation the women died, the difference wasn't in the
man's choice of action but why he did it, his motivation. One
was selfish, fueled by lust and violence, while the other was
done out of a need to protect himself and his loved ones."
"You, like all of us, have motivations. Do you know your
priorities? Do you know why you do what you do, on deep level?
You seek to protect women above all others, so it seems. Why?
Do you cherish them above all, if so, why?
"Or do you seek penance for something in your past that haunts
you? Are you protecting them because you've yet to resolve this?
Aren't all things, or at least men versus women, deserving the
same level of respect, protection, and love? Is a man or child
truly less deserving of your protection than a woman?"
"Or is it that you feel that women are weak? Strength comes in
many packages, not just in our arms and legs."
"It could be one of the above, a mix, or none at all but ask
yourself why you make the decisions that you do and then after
finding the answer, dig deeper to find the root emotion behind
it, the motivation and prioritize them. Raban, the saying goes,
we all have two wolves within us, one good- love, hope,
compassion, truth, and wisdom- and one bad - anger, hate,
jealousy, resentment, and deceit. These wolves fight daily,
who wins depends on which wolf you choose to feed. if you still
seek penance I suggest you ponder my words and decide if you
truly need it. In my mind I do not think so but only you can
remove the stain on your heart and free the voices of your past.
All anyone else can do is offer you the tools to aid you in this,
they cannot free you from yourself."
"As to whether or not to armor yourself, there is no wrong in it.
All things fight for their lives, do so knowing that you are
striving to do good things and to protect those who cannot
protect themselves and you must be armed and armored- physically,
spiritually, and morally- when you must face a challenge and have
no recourse but to fight. Choose your actions knowing your
motivations, focus on love and respect for life, remain
principled and you should have little reason to doubt your
choice of actions." [Arawn paused and smiled quietly,]
"I do not know if my words are eloquent enough for you, if my
message has been properly worded, but when this is done, if you
are not in a hurry, there are some you might wish to study with.
In the forests to the west lies a Sacred Forest guarded by a
Forestal, a Green Lady, and an Archdruid and his disciples,
including a Bard that is friend to us. They are dedicated to
the Court of Life, the Neutral Path, and in that place all life
is sacred. They can teach more than I think I will be able to.
Let me know if you wish to travel there and I will happily
sponsor you before them."
[Fremea hears the offer to help with armor and replies.]
Fremea: "Thank you for your concern Arawn, though my armor is in
very good condition at this time. If there is a need, I will be
glad to accept later."
[As Arawn speaks of love and trying to get at the motivation of
Raban, Caladan walking over near Ben'dar stops. he leans in
and whispers.]
Caladan: "If he ever tries that mushy talk on me please kill me
quickly." [Then he moves on to do something else.
[As the bickering continues Chion standing near Fremea speaks in a
shallow but haunting voice. For the first time she can detect
keen interest and confusion in the teleporter. It is as if he
lowered his guard for a brief moment.]
Chion: "I wonder if I will ever fully understand how will,
conscience, and ambition are made to collide. For now I am
happy that my friends are breathing. I wonder what his final
words mean "at last I am free". That interests me more than
all this bickering about intentions and courts of other
[Fremea quietly responds to her friend Chion.]
Fremea: "Yes, it does seem very odd that would be said as the last
words. I have heard many last words before, though no one ever
was happy to be dead. I would say that it is important you stick
close to many of the others in case an emergency teleport is
needed. I am also beginning to wonder why your elder sent us
all here. I know it was because he 'wanted' to know about this
place, though I have suspected something more, I just don't
know what, as I am still really learning about living my own
[When Fremea hears of the Alfar speak of the Sacred Forest she
becomes worried. What if this place can hear and record such
things? What if there are enemies that could hear that. It is
sensitive information to speak about. She came to the forest and
was welcome with open arms. To put them into jeopardy by telling
a new comer of the place is dangerous, especially in this place.
There is no telling what could have heard that speech.]
[Fremea watches with some fascination the arguments between Arawn,
Kiet, Ben'dar and Raban. For years she was used for such things.
Create an argument with someone while a thief stole from the same
person. Create an argument for someone to ambush that person. A
life she dreaded every day. She is still unsure who she can trust
in this group. It is ironic that she who lived among humans, as
their slave, can deal with other humans a bit better than Arawn.
She figures the closed off life of court and upper world life
must've taken that human interaction away from Arawn. When
usually Elves are better with humans than Faerry, or so she has
been told by those in the Pavassa forest. After hearing Raban
seem to treat Arawn as a leader, she figures he doesn't know
where to go and who to help out. Kiet has his flaw of emotional
outbursts for an entertainer that could get him killed with a
noble. She scans the group thinking of each person and their
flaws and strengths. Her training as a slave and the life after
taught her not to trust few but to assess their strengths and
flaws. With these arguments she can learn more in 5 minutes
than she could in days of talking. Ben'dar she figures to
be hot headed but can control his temper. He seems to have
the unique ability to assess damage and see through threats.
But with that comes confidence and charging into the same
danger too fast. Chion in his stealth ways uses teleport to
hide and show himself. To Fremea who has befriended Chion first
she finds him quite and aloof. He rarely speaks and for that
it is hard to learn things about him. For the giant his
strength is just that his body. But he is soft as a satin
pillow. For that and his quest to protect women is his biggest
flaw aside from following Druids. Unali uses her strength
in stealth to hide herself but doesn't need to even though she
can seem to enter areas most can't. That might indicate Unali
covers her personality up and hides her emotions from others.
Fremea hasn't figured out Unali's main flaw yet. For Z'leyra
who is always giving to others she cares about her precious
items too much. Carrying everything with her into battle,
into a tavern as if they are pure gold. That is her flaw.
Her dependency to the items. That was learned some time ago
by Fremea. But she realizes her items have done wonders for
the party as a whole. In arguments humans seem to give their
thinking process away. She continues to make mental notes.]
[Caladan comes forward and stands in the center between those who
are arguing. He raises his staff and free hand up.]
Caladan: "This place must be making us fight. That is not useful
at all. Some of us kill." [He glances at Ben'dar] "Some of us
talk." [Glances at Arawn] "While others entertain." [He glances
at Kiet and Raban.] "We won't ever see full eye to eye on this
peace and war. We should calm down before this place takes us
to a place we'll regret."
[As everyone rests, Chion considers his own recent events with the
new information he has learned from the events here. He learns
this leader, A'kril, wanted to talk first but then fought or vice
versa. He learns of the mysterious elf that is dark and not from
flame. He tries to put the full picture into some perspective
and states to all.]
Caladan: "This visitor must be Katai. Likely one with some
agenda the High Elder might not like."
Chion: "She would seem to have obviously come here before. Knowing
both the guards outside as well as the inner chamber's contents.
It is safe to presume from what was said in here and by her that
she was just a visitor and not someone who lives here. While she
could obviously answer some questions, she wouldn't know this
place to well. This guard is probably our best hope of
understanding what is happening here. Or to question the dead,
if their spirits remain."
[Chion wonders if the Elfs have spirits or souls as humans do and
do they remain in some place or fade or go to another place
like humans seem to think? He continues speaking.]
Chion: "Another thing to consider is that we could not see how
large this keep is from the outside due to the weather. It is
curious to me that the owner would be only two rooms in.
Obviously there is a place needed to keep guards and feed
people and such. There is no doubt we should explore further.
I need to contact the High Elder and talk with him on what has
happened first though." [He will look at his staff.] "I wonder
if it will work from within here."
[Chion begins to head to a corner to communicate with his staff.
Having learned the reverse method to the staff he hopes it
will work in this place. Oddly enough though it hasn't felt
warm one bit since the first teleport up.]
Caladan: "I suspect A'kril waited for the visitor here in this all
but a waiting room. I also think we should explore. The guard
will be out for at least two hours maybe more. I suspect he
could be woken up but best let him rest it out."
GM: These recent posts have become lost in the mess and I can't
figure out where they fit in the stuff above so just fit them
in here. Having worked on this for the past week I can't keep
track of what has happened. Sorry if its out of order.
[Raban considers the offer of armor and replies to Arawn.]
Raban: "We are safe enough for the moment, save your magic for
emergencies, I can wait a while longer. So there is magic to
craft armor from Shadows? That is not one I have heard of
before, but then my magic knowledge is quite limited. If it
is an easy one to do, could it also make a bow strong enough
to use my strength? I have worked on such myself but so far
my skill has not been up to making one strong enough.
I suspect wood alone is not enough and I am unskilled with
working metals. Of course bows have not been very useful here,
so likely it is of no import. I thank you for sharing your
wisdom, there is much I need to learn."
GM: Not sure where this comes from, maybe I missed an email
in the 43 that has come out as I've tried to work on
the update. Don't know. But here goes. :)
Raban: "I have tried Elven bows and found they are wonderful
things that seem to help you pull them, but my teacher's bow was
no stronger than I could make from wood. If I could find an
Elven Boyer that could make one as strong as I would like, it
would be a true miracle as anyone could pull it. Still they
would be more likely to have the skill needed than most and
the Elven magic may allow a wooden bow to reach such strength.
I tried a ballista once, just to see how strong they were and
found it was a bit weaker than I would like and it was made of
steel. So I continued to work on my own crafting, and asking in
various places when I remember too do so. I think it would take
me some time to learn the differences to using an Elven bow as
well so it would not help right now, but I do thank you for the
generous offer."
[Time: 10:44am]
[Time flies as the party continues to argue or discuss motivations.
Outside the storm continues with strong intensity. By now the
discussion seems to have slowed down some 10 minutes after it
started. As folks have rested, healed and gathered up gear the
party prepares to leave.]
[As the group prepares to leave, Unali finds it useful to explore
the first floor in a small group. With a faint smile on her
face she turns to Chion and speaks.]
Unali: "Are you ready now to look for the kitchen? I still could
use some hot tea."
Fremea: "I will watch for traps or other possible hidden places
as we explore."
[Chion comes forth from the corner with a slight frown on his face.
Contact with the high elder failed. It must be this place, the
magic of this place, blocking the staff's power. No sensation or
heat at all was felt by the staff. He'll have to contact the
High Elder on the ground.]
[Caladan walks up along side Kiet with a frown and realizes that
something said was overlooked.]
Caladan: "Wait you say there is a storage room over there? How
exactly do you know this? " [His eyebrows shift as if now
suspicious of Kiet] "Have you been here before?"
Kiet: "My talents are not limited to sword point catching.." [He
grins] "Do you remember that little blue ball we saw at the
entryway? That was me...I used it to unobtrusively look around
a bit. It's how I also knew that there was someone in this
room before we entered it."
Caladan: "I see. A magical scouting ball? Interesting."
[As he waits for an answer the others pick up gear. Z'leyra
explains she'll stay here to rest, watch the guard and meditate.
With her wounds if something happened it could be a risk moving
about the castle. The others acknowledge her and move on,
even if Kiet doesn't
Actions? Comments?
GM: Next post is the exploration update...
Sorry for the long reading but there was a lot of GOOD
conversation. I hope to see a lot of it in the future. I
encourage it. I may have to award role playing experience
this go around! Good job folks!
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