[pnpgm] Game Update #78 - File #378 - No Talk We Fight "ugh"
Scott Adams
longshot at darktech.org
Tue Sep 16 07:51:49 CEST 2008
HT Alias/Player Character Name Type Status/Notes Sex
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
R1 John Haight...........Arawn.............Druid .Normal/Alfar Ma
?? Chris Wells...........Ben'dar...........Warrior.Normal/Human Ma
R1 Tom Corckett..........Caladan...........Wizard Normal/Human Ma
W2 Marcel Liberty........Chion.............Sailor..Normal/Human Ma
-- Tobie Bonahoom........Fremea............Sidh....NormalFaerry Fe
Do David Sanders.........Kiet.Sunan........Acrobat Normal/Human Ma
R? J H Hooten............Raban.Usherwood...Bard....Normal/Human..Ma
W4 Wout Broere...........Unali.............Ninja...Normal/Human Fe
R4 Alex Koponen..........Z'leyra...........Healer..Normal/Human Fe
Animals: Corona [Eagle] Z'leyra, Boyzdar [Wolf] (Strie'bog),
Game Web Site - http://www.funport.com/longshot/pbem
Public posts/actions to pnpgm at abroere.xs4all.nl (mailing list)
Private emails (not public actions) to longshot at darktech.org
Game Update #78 in sequence (file #378)
Admin Notes: None.
From Fremea: [Re: Actions]
As Fremea watches Arawn put his weapons down and then sit to
talk, she wonders how much more of Sidh society she still does
not understand. The Fea are known for their tricks and fun, but
the elves seem to have amore serious approach to everything.
When the doors open with the men ready to fight, she will glance
around the room and see how bad the situation is. Knowing that
there is no way out of this except to fight, and be hurt badly
being boxed in or to give up the weapons and become prisoners,
she has to decide quickly the best action. Remembering a time
when she was being trained and in a similar situation of being
boxed in and out number, the best thing was to give them a false
sense of calm that you would go with them and act as their
captive. This allowed her to take them our of their element and
become over confident that they had her. It was so simple to just
release herself from the chains a little later and slow take
them out one at a time.
In Sidh, "I will do as you ask and lay my weapons down only to
protect Arawn. For he understands these things better than I and
I will not go against his example." Then in Maritena (wrong
spelling I know) "I would suggest we lay our weapons down and
see what Arawn can do, plus there may be other opportunities that
we are not seeing right now." She will then make sure she shows
the man in the secret passageway that she is putting her bow and
her dagger on the ground and then taking 3 steps back. At the
same time she will study this new fighter that has appeared.
GM: Ack.
From Ben'dar: [Re: Actions]
Ben'Dar is in a tough spot...he sees this as a hostile situation,
facing two men who have already tried to kill the party with their
creatures/pets and who are now demanding for him to surrender.
Now doors have opened all around and more armed men are
threatening the party. He cannot understand anything of what has
been said in the past few moments, but he has seen the bearded man
yelling and obviously springing a trap on the party. He wonders
what strange Elf custom would cause Arawn to release his weapons
in such a situation. Now he hears Fremea calling for the group
to surrender, though he doesn't really know why.
He curses mentally, and wishes he were astride Tef'wo, and could
trample these smirking civilized men and be done with it.
Ben'Dar is confused enough that he will wait for about 3 more
seconds before charging the armored man. If someone in the party
translates or explains it to him in a way that convinces him not
to attack, he will hold off longer, otherwise, he shouts in Zen'
Dali, "Enough talk!" and attacks the armored man with his pike.
GM: Ack.
From Raban: [Re: Actions]
<Damn you got me good in this situation! What may be the smartest
action and what fits the character are going in different
[Raban was about to interpose himself between Frema and one of
the men when she suddenly changed everything by laying down her
weapons. That combined with Arawn's attempt at negotiation and
orders not to kill, makes this situation very difficult. So Raban
follows Frema and places his bow and daggers down, its not like
he is ever unarmed anyway. Since he was wrong on the leader's
protections he may be wrong on other things, may as well follow
the lead of those smarter then himself. And this puts him closer
to Frema if she needs protecting. Under his calm facade, Raban is
getting quite upset and thinks about shoving a bearded man head
first into a fireplace and holding him there, mage or not, having
your head on fire is a major distraction.
<Feel free to have Raban yell like a berserker and recklessly
charge once hostilities break out. Too much of impossible
situations is bad for his brain ;) Anyway its a great distraction,
most everyone will turn toward him.>
GM: Ack. What me giving hard situations like this? No way! :)
At least its not one of my infamous puzzle situations. :)
From Kiet: [Re: Actions]
Kiet speaks in Katai, "Any human that makes common cause with
such Chaos and/or Kotothi creatures as we have encountered
outside is hardly likely to keep his word."
GM: Ack.
From Z'leyra: [Re: Actions]
Z'leyra says in Tongue of the Sidh "I will go and report...I will
be back shortly." Then she casts max EL Sidh Invisibility on
herself (using Marentian to cast the spell so that the enemy
won't realize that it isn't a teleport). Once she is invisible
she will quietly move over to the corner next to bowman #2.
GM: Ack.
From Arawn: [Re: Actions]
Arawn turned his head slightly at the sudden appearance of the
guards but remained calmly seated. Their hidden presence did not
surprise him overly much, with the plethora of outdoor guardians
and the golem in the foyer it was to be expected that protection
would be near at hand and he had noted the obvious touching of the
mantle when support was not needed. As the others in the party
reacted to the surprise he raised a hand and called out to them
in Marentian,
"Hold. He is upset over the death of his guards and is offering
a chance to speak if we disarm. Let me see if I can smooth the
The alfar's facade remained calm and dignified, though inside
his thoughts stirred over the situation. Whether this man was an
enemy had yet to be determined but change of some sort had to take
place for the sake of both castle-dweller and the lands below but
the aggressive stance of the party made negotiations difficult to
say the least. He understood the party's natural inclination, what
with enemies and assassins popping up constantly but that same
type of self-preservation could help to worsen other situations
as well. His own training in the diplomatic arts was woefully
short cut off with mystic and martial training, though thankfully
a lifetime in court had prepared him better than some.
He did not turn around to see the party's actions, only nodding
when Z'leyra mentioned stepping away, unaware of her attempt to
turn invisible, and adding in Marentian,
"Be careful Z'leyra. He might construe your departure as a serious
threat or block such magics within these walls for purposes of
Arawn did his best to keep some of the guards in his peripherals
as he focused his attention on A'kril and spoke in Sidh, "I
apologize for that Master A'kril. It was not our intention to
come here to fight. We did not know your guardians and we did
not have much choice, they attacked us, though we sought to
parlay, and so we defended ourselves. Even now we would seek a
more peaceful resolution to the situation before us, lest things
escalate to levels that neither one of us would likely wish to
see. Perhaps, with time and negotiation other guardians can be
created to replace them.
I have asked the others to remain calm but, as you are obviously
wise enough to know, the scenario is uncomfortable for both and I
think both sides would be loathe to completely disarm or disengage
for fear of a hostage situation and a potentially unpleasant
political sitiation, though I hope that my allies will comply for
the sake of negotiation.
Please Master A'kril, I ask for peace and the lowering of weapons
for the sake of both sorcerous powers, above and below. Besides,
your visitor could arrive at any time and this display would be
unseemly for a man of your obvious grace and talents."
As he spoke Arawn went over some mental notes, in particular
the choice of words used by A'kril to describe the party, in
particular Fremea, and wondered whether to reveal his identity.
He was not sure if it would be a boon or a bane but the sudden
sounds outside the door caused him to refrain from a sudden
exposure before he had a chance to discover who the new party
Arawn is hoping to identify the guards in shadow with his elven
sight as he wonders if they are mortal in appearance as well.
Hopefully Arawn's Influence Chance and Rhetoric will help here
but if fighting is inevitable then Arawn will attempt to take
cover from the archers and engage A'kril in hand-to-hand combat,
ideally striking to subdue with Martial Arts if possible. Only if
he gets near his gear in the process will he grab the buckler
for further protection.
GM: Ack.
[New Stuff]
[Ma 2nd, 1633TH. 5th Day of Adventure #4.
[Location: Chaos domain, Dark Lands, 9 Miles up, Flying Island]
[Time: 10:18am]
[Fremea is still amazed at the sight of Arawn giving up his weapons.
Especially a rare Elven sword. She wonders how much of non-human
society she has yet to learn. In her youth being so close to Sidh
society in the Wild Forest just west of Sammam city she heard
stories and even heard rumors of the occasional Elf visiting the
city. Faerry tended to stay in the forest or the outskirts of the
city margins and toyed with humans. She has only met one other
Elf in passing in the city but riding away on a horse. If only
she had stopped him maybe he would have freed her from her
captivity. To Humans anything else tends to be just animals or
civilized barbarians. A term contradictory in itself. How a Elf
can be a barbarian thug yet with civilized skills? To most humans
from experience she knew the Faerry were just animals to be treated
as such. She considers this group who seem sot have taken to the
Sidh kindly. Of course some minor resentment on how Arawn has
dealt with "talking" first and combat after has caused some rifts.
But the same gentle giant who seems to be the most rubbed by it
has protected her or tried to. So humans can be kind and friendly
it seems. Yet these two men seem to not even look alarmed at the
sight of her wings? But didn't A'kril mention something about a
pet? Was he referring to her? Maybe that's what they see of her.
For Arawn he looks like most humans to probably be taken normally.
When the doors open and the new threat shows her warning to Kiet
comes too late for an ambush on that side. She glances around the
room and looks the situation over. Most of the party is in the
center of the room and boxed int. She notices Unali has hugged the
wall in a possible ambush position. But why does she notice a
scimitar and bow on the glass table? Did Unali also give up her
weapons? The only way out is in the south door they came from,
where Chion seems to be still. The party could retreat out that
way but at least 3-4 arrows would fly before most go through the
door. She sighs knowing this situation will only get worse and
bloody. She decides on her actions quickly. She knows a false
sense of calm and hope for the enemy can be misleading and give
them over confidence. Of course A'kril seems to not need much
more. Time to confuse and be like her kind - mischievous.]
Fremea: [Sidh] "I will do as you ask and lay my weapons down only
to protect Arawn. For he understands these things better than I
and I will not go against his example."
[She begins to draw her dagger and grab it in a reverse grip and
with her other hand the bow. She raises her dagger toward the
man in the secret door and nods to show she is doing it. She
then places both on the ground and begins to walk back. As
she does this, nod and walk back she speaks in Marentian.]
Fremea: "I would suggest we lay our weapons down and see what Arawn
can do, plus there may be other opportunities that we are not
seeing right now."
[Fremea finishes her 3 steps back and knows that sometimes escape
while alive is better than being dead and no escape. Plus with
Chion loose he can save any that are captured. Assuming he hasn't
left the party and teleported a thousand miles away.]
[Ben'dar continues to growl in a very low almost inaudible tone as
the situation gets worse and Arawn just wants to chat. What is it
with Elves did the Gods make them all mouth and no backbone? No
that's not fair, Arawn can clearly fight when he needs to. But
first Jordi now Arawn. Sure he has only met two Elves but are all
like this? No wait there was Neva she didn't care much about
talking. So he is happy to figure not all Elves are like these
diplomats. He doesn't understand the Sidh tongue but when Fremea
speaks in Marentian his eyes bulge for a half second. He sees her
give up her weapons and thinks she is crazy. Ben'dar steps back
one step and wonders if this room is full of some magic that makes
the people insane? He glances to the left and sees Unali hugging
the wall and notices her scimitar on the table. What is going on?!
A free hand touches his magical belt and he wonders if the belt is
protecting him from some foul magic to make a person give up
weapons. He knows it won't take long for Caladan to probably give
up his own weapons. If only this situation was in the open where
one could simply ride Tef'wo and kill without knowing your enemy
first like this. Sure it is barbaric but that is why the Zen'da
are fiercely known as a big threat to neighbor nations in this
region. With such ability comes a big reputation for even peace.
Now this new threat of bow and sword fighters just adds a new
thing to consider. Now it seems more a equal battle. For that
Ben'dar smirks knowing at least it will not be a slaughter of the
enemy. He decides quickly to charge the man but when Fremea
suddenly speaks in Marentian this causes him to stop and listen.
It could be a warning of some threat only she sees.]
[Raban is confused and torn between what is going on in the room.
When he sees Fremea begin to lower her bow and speak in sidh he
becomes even more confused. Then she translates into the Marentian
tongue. Raban sees her begin to lower her dagger and figures she
will be in danger. But maybe Arawn is here to help the party in
this situation. To avoid death is after all a more prime example
for his goddess than killing. Bards are here to entertain and
spread historical lore. They are known to be neutral in many
situations and in even some rare cases be judges of small towns
where no authority is around. He places a left hand on his bow
and then pulls it off his large shoulder. He then continues his
calm facade of smiling though inside he is getting more upset by
the second. Maybe the smarter people in this group know how to
deal with bad men like this but if not giving up his weapons won't
matter much. It isn't as if using a bow in this room would last
more than a few seconds. He walks to the couch and places the bow
against the back of the couch gently.]
[As Fremea replies in Sidh to the bearded man Kiet speaks in Katai
as soon as she is done almost speaking over her Marentian speech.]
Kiet: [in Katai] "Any human that makes common cause with such
Chaos and/or Kotothi creatures as we have encountered outside is
hardly likely to keep his word."
[A'kril glances over at Fremea and Kiet but shows no sign of knowing
the tongue Kiet speaks. He nods at Fremea when she places her
weapons down.]
[When Arawn heard the doors open and the secret doors slide open
he wasn't totally surprised. It wouldn't take a tactical genius
to know support was nearby. when the mantle contact gem was likely
pushed or touched it was clear they would be coming. But there was
little time to warn the others. They would likely have attacked
right away and there is still hope of talking this thing through
first. He looks across the room to see Unali by the wall and
notices she is poised for battle. She hears Fremea speak in Sidh
and can figure she puts her weapons behind him but doesn't see it.
Then Raban places his bow onto the couch. Arawn smiles slightly
thinking there might be hope for this group after all. But he
still notices Ben'dar's fierce grasp. He'll be the hardest to
convince. That leaves only Z'leyra - a healer who probably values
life more than death and Caladan who shows signs of control. Then
Arawn turns his head to the door nearest him. He studies the man
holding the bow but doesn't detect anything special other than
humanoid. No facial features are made out at this angle as it
seems the bow is blocking most of the face. Arawn turns back and
raises a hand and speaks in Marentian.]
Arawn: "Hold. He is upset over the death of his guards and is
offering a chance to speak if we disarm. Let me see if I can
smooth the situation."
[Arawn spends a full second going over the situation in his mind.
He understands why the party is fearful. Yes fear causes
men to fight before thinking. Even with magical devices to
cause great courage sometimes courage is overtaken by irrational
thinking. A lifetime in his parent's court showed how well
diplomacy can work and fail. Even druids must have some ability
to talk to those fearful of them in order to continue with Druidic
events and ceremonies. After all most Priests, Bards and Druids
are nothing but showmen who sway audiences good or bad. While
keeping the bowmen in his side vision he turns to A'kril and
speaks in the Sidh Tongue.]
Arawn: "I apologize for that Master A'kril. It was not our intention
to come here to fight. We did not know your guardians and we did
not have much choice, they attacked us, though we sought to
parlay, and so we defended ourselves. Even now we would seek a
more peaceful resolution to the situation before us, lest things
escalate to levels that neither one of us would likely wish to see.
Perhaps, with time and negotiation other guardians can be created
to replace them.
I have asked the others to remain calm but, as you are obviously
wise enough to know, the scenario is uncomfortable for both and I
think both sides would be loathe to completely disarm or disengage
for fear of a hostage situation and a potentially unpleasant
political situation, though I hope that my allies will comply for
the sake of negotiation.
Please Master A'kril, I ask for peace and the lowering of weapons
for the sake of both sorcerous powers, above and below. Besides,
your visitor could arrive at any time and this display would be
unseemly for a man of your obvious grace and talents."
[As Arawn speaks he goes over the details over the last 3-4 minutes.
He recalls what A'kril called Fremea and for a second or two even
considers showing his full features to the bearded man. But once
the guards arrived that thought goes away. For some reason though
something nags at the back of his head that maybe just maybe that
decision could haunt him. He doesn't know why. He goes over a
quick plan of action in case the battle will happen. He knows
he'll need to get his gear sometime.]
[Z'leyra hears what Arawn says in Sidh and understands it. A good
tactic to stall for better position. She decides it may be time
to plan her next move. She speaks up before A'kril can reply in
the Sidh tongue.]
Z'leyra: "I will go and report...I will be back shortly."
[Arawn nods to Z'leyra but realizes she is doing a dangerous thing.
By going invisible it will threaten the host even further. He
speaks in Marentian to her.]
Arawn: "Be careful Z'leyra. He might construe your departure as a
serious threat or block such magics within these walls for
purposes of security."
[Sometimes magical stones can be great things but Alectorius can
be both a good and bad thing. Z'leyra's Alectorius stone gives
her complete courage even against great threats. But that courage
could lead to situations where common sense might be fogged a bit.
Z'leyra hears Arawn's warning but seems to ignore it. After all
Fremea or Arawn would've warned the spell casters of defensive
spells or purified areas or such in this room. Neither of them
did. So this room must be safe for such things right?]
[A'kril glances to Arawn and seems to stand in deep thought. It is
clear he is deciding how to react to this new situation. He has
seen Fremea and Raban disarm. Only leaving the barbarian Ben'dar
and the one with the drum still armed. The one standing behind
Ben'dar, Caladan, seems to be not a major threat with a simple
staff stick. Upon hearing the word visitor his eyes perk up as
if that reminds him to rush things. Then when Z'leyra speaks about
going to report he lifts a hand, palm down as if to speak. But
no words escape since he is suddenly interrupted by the barbarian.]
[While Z'leyra begins to speak her spell in Marentian, Ben'dar
shifts from foot to foot. It is clear his aggravation for not
understanding what is said is getting to him. When Arawn seems
to speak for almost 30 full seconds his temper rises. Eager to
get rid of these fools. Then Arawn has the gall to imply these
may be friendly people! We had the gall to kill A'kril's pets!
his mind seems to shrink as it goes into combat mode rather than
this womanly talk-talk stuff. This is what the Zen'da do, they
kill then talk if anyone is left alive. In Marentian Ben'dar
gives a quick battle roar.]
Ben'dar: "Enough talk!" [As he raises his pike.]
GM: The above is 45 seconds roughly. We now go into combat
mode. Since there is too many things on the battlefield
I must go into phasal combat for my sanity. :)
[Z'leyra completes her spell.]
[Time: 10:19am]
[Turn 1: Phase 1]
[Mana Allocation - ]
[Kiet sees Ben'dar yells and Z'leyra starting to speak in
Marentia. He figures the wizard/shaman/healer/whatever she
tries to be, is casting a spell. So he figures combat will
be in seconds. He decides to cast his own spell to prepare.]
[Missile Fire - ]
[The Bowmen see no threat yet so remain still.]
[Magic Effect - ]
[Z'leyra goes invisible.]
[Kiet turns to stare at the man in the secret door nearest
to him. He raises a finger to show no clear hostile action
but to point slightly at the man. He speaks his spell words
in Lemasan to cover his attempt.]
[Melee & Movement - ]
[Raban hears Ben'dar's words and knows that combat is coming.
Still standing behind the couch he decides that more than
Fremea will need help. Leaning down and to his left on the
silk couch cushions with his left hand he grabs Arawn's
buckler. He might need it to defend against arrows. Since
he can't grab the sword he hopes Arawn can fight with his
hands. Turning with the speed of a running horse he begins
to run east. Rounding the couch he turns north-east and
heads for Arawn's seat. He slams the buckler into Arawn's
lap and smiles. Before Arawn can react he turns east toward
Fremea and charges. With bulky hands he grabs Fremea up at
14 feet from his last position at the couch. He then places
her 2 feet north-east to the south of the drink cabinet,
figuring this will be a good place for her to hide. He
quickly figures out the situation. The swordsman seems to
look to be acting odd since the sword is lowered as if
not sure what to do rather in a combat stance. He figures
the bowmen could threaten the whole room. He charges
the bowman Now charging he enters the door's threshold
now at 26 feet movement from the couch and slams into
the man with such force that a normal man couldn't stand
up against. With a loud thump Raban slams into the man
and knocks him back 2 feet and slamming him onto the
floor on his behind. The man releases his bow and it
goes flying as well as the loaded arrow. Raban notices
the slam was hard as if against really thick armor. The
man doesn't seem to be injured by the blow. Arawn steps
a foot forward into the hallway and stares at the man.
Then he senses movement. He glances to the left and
sighs then to the right and sighs again. To either side
of the door are two more guards hiding in wait ready for
entry into the room. Each are holding a sword. So
this won't be as fun a thing as he thought.]
[Unali had decided to move even before Raban did and Ben'dar
yelled. The situation was getting out of hand and who knows
how many guards would arrive if talk continued. She hugs the
walls and sees Raban charge to the right. She doesn't
continue to watch his movements but pulls both her daggers.
The clairvoyance warning comes immediately that there is a
threat. But since there is enemy everywhere she is unclear
from where. It may detect the swordsman but she can't take
the time to figure it out. With an acrobatic side slip she
twists to her left and raises both daggers. In the split
second she notices the sword leaning to the left as if the
man there is watching Raban move. A good distraction for
Unali stabs first with her normal dagger and lands on a hard
metal shield. For the first time she realizes he is carrying
a metal shield. The magical dagger impales low in the left
lower chest just to the left of his arm. The dagger impales
deep beyond his leather armor so deep it chips on a rib and
she can feel blood and gore on her glove. The massive strike
does almost twice what the man can take and kills him
instantly. As she pulls out the man's eyes bulge in surprise
and he falls back into a hallway.]
[The second swordsman at the secret door seems to just stand
in place looking a bit odd.]
[Ben'dar moves forward toward the armored man. But in the
second it took Raban to move the man placed a hand on
the sword and drew it. A man of skill it seems. Ben'dar
swings his pike toward the man. The man tries to dodge
but fails. he tries to parry with his sword but also
fails. The pike hits the man in the left center chest
cutting through what Ben'dar figures to be chainmail from
the sound of the clinks. Ben'dar smiles as the pike cuts
through flesh but does only a light wound.]
[Arawn sighs seeing Raban move forward, Unali kill one guard
and Ben'dar wounding another. It is clear the party has
decided to slaughter these people. Now with a buckler in
hand he grabs it and brings it up to his left to block any
arrows flying his way. He charges A'kril but suddenly gets a
strong sense of overwhelming magic presence as he stands and
leaps. He figures it must only be some kind of defense magic
and instead of moving forward he leaps to the left toward the
couch and continues to run. Suddenly the fireplace bursts up
as if oil was thrown in it. Arawn glimpses the flare up
behind him and leaps toward the couch. He rolls into the
dive and onto the couch making the couch fall backward. The
weapons fall back with him.]
[The two thugs Raban sees suddenly attack thrusting their
swords right at him. The first sword on the left hits in the
center-middle left chest of Raban hitting ribs and doing only
a light 3 point wound adding to his other wounds. But the
other sword fails to hit.]
[As the body falls that Unali kills another swordsman behind
and hiding to the left of the dead man's last position comes
around the corner and thrusts his sword at Unali. But the
sword goes wild and misses her entirely.]
[Z'leyra moves toward the bowmen that was just standing in the
doorway that Raban is now blocking. She ends up behind
the bulk of the giant and can't get through.]
GM: Since not in ICQ couldn't clarify these actions with
a backup plan.
[Caladan sees Ben'dar handle the man good and glances left to
see Unali doing well. The right seems well under control
but notices Arawn on the floor. So Caladan rushes toward
the first bowmen. He swings his staff at the man and hits
in the left shoulder doing an impressive 8 points of damage.]
[Kiet notices the man not moving that he targeted with his
spell. He grabs one of his ropes and prepares for another
spell against the man.]
[A'kril steps back and raises his hands and then claps and
speaks a few words in his language. The party figures
them to be typical "Kill them all".]
[Fremea runs from the cabinet's protection noticing the bowmen
down and now Raban and Z'leyra in the door area. That just
leaves the swordsman. She runs toward her weapons and picks
up her dagger and shoulders her bow. She glances to the left
and notices the couch tilted and Arawn seems to be all right.
Why he didn't attack he isn't sure. But her target is closer.
She turns and charges the dazed looking man. With her dagger
she thrusts at him. Amazingly her wild swing goes wild and
she misses.]
[Turn 1: Phase 2]
[Mana Allocation - ]
[Kiet allocates more magical energy for another spell.]
[Missile Fire - ]
[Kiet knows that his only good targets are the man that Fremea
is now in front and A'kril himself. He knows he could
entangle Fremea since she covers 3/4th of the door and it
would be a slim chance getting the guard. Not wanting to
waste his spell he looks left toward A'kril and throws his
rope toward A'kril, since it has a better chance. The
rope lands on A'kril's left arm.]
[Magic Effect - ]
[Kiet quickly finishes the spell words to invoke the entangle
spell of the rope before A'kril can react. For a second Kiet
sees the rope tighten on the man's arm and one piece slink up
his upper arm.]
[That second of viewing is immediately disrupted by a burst
of flame. From each side of the fire place bursts a stream
of fire that shoots south then spreads up as if in a wall. It
quickly surrounds A'kril and begins to shift back and forth
as if a fire shield. The wall of flame climbs up and over
A'kril's head. Within another second A'kril is hidden from
view. The wall of flame or shield whatever it is seems to
shift and pulse around A'kril blocking all view of him.]
[That same second from somewhere in the room magic is set
off and targets Z'leyra. From some unknown direction darkness
swarms around Z'leyra and begins to shift and pulse around
her. Her body begins to tingle with electrical spark like
activity and blisters start to form on her exposed skin and
she takes 5 points of damage.]
[At the same time Swordsman #2 in front of Fremea seems to
look distracted and walks forward. He doesn't seem to notice
or care that Fremea is in front of him and bumps into her and
past her. Walking past her and Kiet he walks toward the couch
with a confused look on his face. His sword and metal shield
lowered in a non-hostile stance.]
[Melee & Movement - ]
[Raban turns and hears movement to his right, he sees that
Z'leyra is wincing for some reason but his quick glance
can't discern why. He frowns and then knows he has to deal
with 3 men here. One is on the ground but the other two are
a threat. Twisting to the right so his right shoulder is
in the doorway, back to one swordsman and front to another
he attacks. With his right leg he kicks backward wildly not
exactly knowing where the target is. With his free hands
he tries to grab the swordsman in front of him. His foot
impacts on the guard's left lower leg just below the
knee and hits so hard it causes severe damage. The man
goes flying against the wall and onto the ground dazed and
shocked. With his right hand he punches the man but the
swing goes low and he hits the guard in the right arm doing
minor damage.]
[Unali sees the swordsman fall dead to the ground into the
dark hallway. She wills herself to move forward but her
dagger warns her and for some reason she decides to duck and
roll into the hallway. With acrobatic skills she trained a
good time on she tucks and rolls. With grace and speed she
comes back up and leaps to a standing position even before
her roll completed a full circle. Actions/ Comments? Her
senses adjust to the darkness and she notices two other
guards to each side of the door. She sadly realizes the
other doors must have reinforcements like this and knows
it will be too late to warn the others. She thrusts her
magical dagger at the one on the right closest to her but
the wild swing from her acrobatic roll fails to hit
anything. She brings up her other dagger to parry blows.]
[Bowmen #1 having just been attacked by Caladan has his bow
already loaded and twists at point blank range and lets the
tight tension go. The arrow easily hits Caladan in the left
shoulder penetrating deep and doing 7 points of damage to
[Ben'dar swings low and hits the armored man in the lower
left abdomen and slices deep with his magical pike through
the man's chainmail doing 5 points of damage.]
[Bowman #2 who was knocked down by Raban in his charge rolls
and stands up. In the same motion he grabs his battle axe
on his back and swings it wildly at Ben'dar but the swing is
so swift it fails to hit since he had to get up on his legs
from the fall.]
[Arawn gets to his hands and knees from the fall over the
couch and grabs his sword and buckler again. He looks up
to see Unali in a hallway fighting something. From a slight
angle he sees Ben'dar fighting the armored man and sighs. No
chance of talking now. He glances over the top of the couch
and notices the flame wall/shield thing around A'kril but
can't see A'kril. A second or two earlier he might have been
engulfed in the fire if he hadn't sensed the magic coming to
life. Sometimes sidh senses do come in hand. He notices the
swordsman to his right but seems to be in a dazed state as
if under a spell. To the far right he sees Kiet and Fremea
and in the north-east sees Z'leyra seeming to shake in pain?]
[At the same time the reinforcement guards react. The two
guards near Raban, two by Unali and two where the dazed
swordsman came from. The first guard Raban kicked staggers
forward with sword but his knee buckles and his sword goes
wild and misses completely. The other guard he punched
thrusts his sword but fails to make contact. The guard to
the left of Unali thrusts but she is able to deflect the sword
with her normal dagger at the last second. The other swings
but fails to hit. Two guards emerge into the room from the
secret door. One heads toward Kiet and one heads toward
Fremea. But both swords fail to hit each person completely.]
[The armored man swings his short sword at Ben'dar and hits
in the same location the man was hit by Ben'dar but the sword
doesn't penetrate his thick dragon armor.]
[Z'leyra is unsure how Raban can see her unless the spell
failed or some defense remove it. Now she is being attacked
by a spell of some kind. Raban seems to be blocking the
door so can't help there.]
[Caladan in pain and upset swings at the bowmen as hard as
he can and hits in the lower left chest just under ribs. The
blow is so hard it does massive damage and makes the
bowmen fly backwards and fall to the ground.]
[Kiet pulls a dagger out and swings wildly at the man who
just attacked him. The dagger hits the man in the middle
left ribs but his armor protects him from the blow.]
Next Update...Friday?
GM: In order to get all the actions in some sequence I had to alter
a few of Arawn's actions before/after. It makes more sense this
way for what happens. Hope this is acceptable. While some of it
was at the same time for everyone other actions overlapped
others and some were in sequence. The above is how I best could
handle it. I took some liberty in dealing with the final results.
I know Ben'dar was going to attack in 3 seconds and Unali in
like 6 if I recall. If I had directly done this then 90% of the
actions of folks and dialogue wouldn't have been done. For good
role playing and more dramatic effect did it this way. Hope it
is acceptable. :)
GM: Delays, Delays. Motivation isn't as much as it used to be but
hopefully it'll pick up soon. Year end tends to be my vacation
months (3 weeks) so slacking is more often than work :<
GM: A'kril's Fire Wall/Shield/Spell thing isn't on the map. But
it is about a foot around him and may vary in size. It extends
from fireplace around him and almost touches the nearby chair.
For guards all are wearing leather armor, leather helmet, sword
and daggers. Only two that first appeared have shields (5 & 6).
GM: Map has some new sections based on Unali and Raban's entry.
Both see a hallway in their area. See Map below.
GM: I'm off Thursday so instead of working on update that night I
could try early if enough posts. Assuming I get motivated
and not come down with Lazy-Sickness. :)
GM: Arawn - I knew you wanted to go Hand to Hand with A'kril. But
if you had you'd be warm and toasty. I figured the second
ahead of the event warned you enough to dodge the blow. If
you were someone else (non-sidh) it'd not have mattered.
Hope this is acceptable.
Ben'dar - After Armor Guy is dead got a secondary target?
Chion - Email to follow on your actions. For the rest of the
party when the final dust settles you'll be able to see
what I typed up for Chion later. :) You should get email
tonight or within 24 hours. Stay tuned. I had to wait till
I figured out what happened here in case scenes overlapped.
Kiet - With the rope toss I figured with a good chance (maybe
75%?) of hitting Fremea with her wings I figured you'd want
to change your target fast (thus A'kril). Hope this is
acceptable. If you continue with dagger let me know. Your
action to 'yank' a target with rope might not work at the
low level. Its mainly used to cause the rope to twist and
entangle a person. Likely at high levels you might learn
tricks to yank. Your best bet would be to learn Telekinetic
spell and combine it into one spell.
Raban - I figured you'd want to help 3 people at once. Thus
your actions above. First the buckler, helping Fremea then
going to smash hulk style. But now you have 3 bad guys around
you. You could of course enter the room and close the door
if your afraid though :)
Unali - Pretty much know your actions that will likely take
up the next 2 updates. But you can tweak them if you want.
Z'leyra - Inviso did work but then left you. You surmise it
must be a ward in the room. The spell was planned for such
situations and the resulting defense magic attack. Since not
in ICQ I couldn't clarify backup actions. Otherwise might've
prevented the damage :<
Legend - North /|\
1 Row = 2 feet
1 Column = 2 feet
° = Solid wall or earthen rock
/ or \ = Door
,, = Stone Steps
I = Stone wall
[1st Floor]
[Ceiling here is about 10 feet high.]
f 1 2 3 4 5
_________________/\__ W
<-Hallway-> X
93A 4 Y
I _/\__/ ______________/N__/\_____ Z
I I I C \~~~*/ Z I aa
I I I 1 @I <Cabinet bb
$ I U8I 2 * * @I cc
I I 57 * V * F I dd
I I I [====] JI ee
I I I * R 6 G ff
I I I ### K I gg
I I I ### I hh
I I_/\I * [=====]I <Couch ii
I I_________/\_________I I jj
I /\ I M H / I I I kk
I Room A / I \_____I I I ll
I I $$ I I mm
I \ ___/\I $$ I I nn
I / I I oo
I I [[[..I pp
I________I_____________/\_____________________[[[..I qq
Main Door
R - Arawn [ff23] [Facing North] [On Knees, behind couch]
B - Ben'dar [dd20] [Facing NW at #2] [Fighting #2]
C - Caladan [aa16] [Facing North] [Fighting Hall guards]
F - Fremea [dd32] [Facing SE] [Fighting Guard J]
K - Kiet [gg31] [Facing North] [Fighting Guard G]
N - Raban [Z 32] [Facing East] [Fighting D, E and 4]
U - Unali [ee21] [Facing East] [Fighting Hall guards]
Z - Z'leyra [aa22] [Facing North] [Not engaged]
H - Chion [????] [Somewhere in Foyer - Last known]
M - Metal-Man [????] [Somewhere in Foyer - Last known]
$$ - Statue [mm28-29/nn28-29]
1 - A'kril [bb23] [Facing South] [Behind Fire Wall?]
2 - Other Man [cc19] [Facing South-East] [Fighting Ben'dar]
3 - Bowmen #1 [X 16] [ *** On Ground *** ]
4 - Bowman #2 [Y 32] [Facing South] [Fighting Raban]
5 - Swordsman 1 [dd11] [ *** On Ground *** Dead ]
6 - Swordsman 2 [ff27] [Facing West] [Dazed/Confused looking]
7 - Guard 1 [cc12] [Facing West] [Fighting Unali]
8 - Guard 2 [bb12] [Facing West] [Fighting Unali]
9 - Guard 3 [Y 15] [Facing SE]
A - Guard 4 [Y 17] [Facing SW]
D - Guard 5 [Z 31] [Facing East] [Fighting Raban]
E - Guard 6 [Z 33[ [Facing West] [Fighting Raban]
G - Guard 7 [ff32] [Facing SW] [Fighting Kiet]
J - Guard 8 [ee33] [Facing NW] [Fighting Fremea]
GM: NOTE: Running out of symbols. Guards D and E aren't on the map
D is in same space as the door (/) technically and E is along
the south wall (_) so not shown on map but they are there.
GM: South door is closed, North doors open.
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