[pnpgm] Game Update #124 - File#693 - Arawn's IBT
Scott Adams
longshot at darktech.org
Tue Mar 31 08:27:38 CEST 2009
HT Alias/Player Character Name Type Status/Notes Sex
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
R1 John Haight...........Arawn.............Druid .Normal/Alfar Ma
?? Chris Wells...........Ben'dar...........Warrior.Normal/Human Ma
R1 Tom Corckett..........Caladan...........Wizard Normal/Human Ma
W2 Marcel Liberty........Chion.............Sailor..Normal/Human Ma
-- Tobie Bonahoom........Fremea............Sidh....NormalFaerry Fe
Do David Sanders.........Kiet.Sunan........Acrobat Normal/Human Ma
R? J H Hooten............Raban.Usherwood...Bard....Normal/Human..Ma
W4 Wout Broere...........Unali.............Ninja...Normal/Human Fe
R4 Alex Koponen..........Z'leyra...........Healer..Normal/Human Fe
Animals: Corona [Eagle] Z'leyra, Boyzdar [Wolf] (Strie'bog),
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Private emails (not public actions) to longshot at darktech.org
Game Update #124 in sequence (file #693)
Admin Notes: Nona.
From Z'leyra: [Re: Vote]
I vote that EL modification of spell rolls should be:
Modify the spell roll by ONE (1) for each EL that the spell is
known at PLUS by ONE (1) for each EL that the spell is CAST at.
Example: If know the spell at EL5 and cast at EL3 the total
modifier would be 5+3=8. Thus 8 would be subtracted from the roll.
Reasons for this are that BOTH (EL known at) and (EL cast at) have
arguments for being the basis for the modifier. This compromise
allows both to modify the success roll and you don't have to
multiply by 2, just add them together.
Known at has those with better understanding having a better
chance. Cast at has the additional oomph of the spell taken into
GM: Ack. I should comment on it but might influence the vote. :)
Though most have already voted. This above is even more
math and book keeping to me.
From Fremea: [Re: Vote]
Ok, I change my vote to this instead :)
[*** Ale'x suggestion deleted for space ***]
GM: Ack. To Alex's suggestion. Ack.
From Ben'dar: [Re: Vote]
Way too nit-picky of a rule for me to be able to cast an
intelligent vote. I'll just abstain. (Doesn't really
impact Ben'Dar anyway)
GM: Ack. :)
From Chion: [Re: Vote]
It is my understanding that a person knows a spell "so well =
EL". So he can cast any non-innate(only castable at highest EL)
at any EL. But him casting it at a lower EL doesn't mean he
doesn't KNOW it worse. So my vote would be to do it the way
that makes the most sense. The highest EL is used in casting %
modifier to the roll, while the EL cast is whatever the
person/player choses.
Regarding Battletech: I would take 10 PPC loaded 20 ton mechs any
day over 2 100 ton mechs. Why? The simple fact that I would end
up with 10+ PPC bearing high movement/jumpers versus two slow
moving turtles. Given that the game Battletech has the inherent
flaw of only allowing a certain amount of head armor,
statistically, it makes sense to use the higher number of shots
to obtain the desired "head shot kill". Not to mention that you
have 10 chances for death from above hits...
My vote is to use the highest EL to modify the roll, the EL to
affect results. Yeah, this game has always had a "shear numbers"
problem. If 100 orcs attack with bows, you will get a few
criticals, unless your shield skill is high enough to rule it
out. If they use blunt tipped arrows, you are probably going
down (knock out rules).
GM: Ack. Yep. Well as long as you guys know Balance will be
adjusted and Bad guys will be using the same rule. Then
don't blame me if suddenly 50 Acolytes rather than 2-3 higher's
are on the scene. :) Balance is so sweet. :)
From Raban: [Re: Vote]
Rules read modifier is 2*El known, effect at El cast I see no
reason that needs to be changed It rewards those who took the
time to learn the spells and helps offset the advantage a faster
caster has.
Otherwise those fast casters like natural mages and shamans gain
even more advantage because they can cast larger El spells much
GM: Ack.
[New Stuff]
[Apris 6th, 1634TH. 9th Day of Adventure #4.
[Location: High Elder's domain - Citadel, Dark Lands, Forest]
GM: And now..the final IBT events for Arawn!
[When Fremea shows Arawn the nest of bird eggs he examines them
from a distance. Sven had warned that touching eggs, at least
for humans, can taint them. Make them have the human scent on
them and other birds ignore them. Arawn can't identify the
eggs as they seem simple white normal everyday round ones. Not
being a scholar he isn't sure. He decides to check their
immediate future. He casts a divination spell, though low
level, to see into their futures. The spell is cast and he
sees two hours into the future for the birds. But for them
they are simply still eggs still in the nest. The spell is
not high enough for days to know if the eggs will be protected
or eaten by others. He gives a quick prayer and hopes for the
best on the birds. Fremea places the nest into a safe place.]
[Later that same day while heading back to the Citadel, Arawn
approaches Sven to ask the Ipanza for permission to learn their
language. Sven asks but finds them wary but agrees to it.
Sven explains it must be done in such a way not to look like
magic as they may get scared. Sven helps to distract their
eyes as Arawn casts the Tongues spell upon them as Sven gets
them to talk about hunting on the tundra. Soon Arawn joins
in on the conversation understanding the language on a good
fluent level. Soon the barbarians become relieved and ask if
they can leave.]
[Days later on Apris 7th the morning after the party gets back
to the Citadel, Arawn finds Fremea. He explains he will help
her with the Dirasa but has something to do before. He
will return in a day or so. Arawn heads off to the forest to
find a area to cast some spells. Casting the spell he
weaves it using the neutral supernatural tongue. In mid-air
up about 80 feet moments later he translocates 160 miles
west by south-west. Losing height now over wide plains in the
morning light, Arawn casts another translocate spell and
this time makes the jump shorter. This time Arawn finds himself
surrounded by tall forest trees and his levitate spell begins
to fail. He quickly falls and tumbles toward trees and hits
the side of one tree hard and then forward into a branch of
another. He grabs on the limb and tries to grip but falls
another 5 feet this time toward a smaller tree limb. But
this time he grabs hard as some of his gear fall to the
ground. Looking up he is only about 12 feet up and after
gaining his breath he slowly begins the climb down. On
the ground he collects his gear now at least 280 odd miles
west of the Dark Lands. He wonders if he has found the
right place based on Chion's and others recollection.
After wandering for some time Arawn encounters a person
in the forest collecting berries and speaks to him. The
man confirms that he is indeed in the Pavassa forest where
the party was just three months earlier. It takes another
hour before, with directions, Arawn finds the area and
the invisible (but not to him) Sacred Forest magical border.
Breathing he steps through. Miklav said he would have
permission and passes through without incident.]
[Some time later Arawn finds the hidden Faerry Hill and locates
a surprised Thig. Soon word comes that Strie'bog is near
his mothera's place but already has been alerted to Arawn's
return. Arawn asks for a meeting with Vul'heim and the
other Elves and Faerry. Soon a lunch is set and Arawn
explains all that has recently occurred in vague details
not wanting to break the Elder's warning to keep it secret.
he mentions the Dark Elves, A'kril and even the Anwora.
Soon the court is in a mild uproar of hushed voices talking
about the events. Soon Vul'heim decides to meet with
Arawn later that day to discuss the details more in private.
For hours private and public talks are held with the Sidh and
Druids of the Sacred forest. For Arawn it is a time to learn
information from sources the Elder may not even have.]
[the next morning on the 8th, Arawn wakes and after breakfast
re-enters the normal forest. Arawn wishes to get a feel for
the forest to see if it has healed since Bohusara's illness
that Strie'bog mentioned and her attack at Lake Oca. Both
Bohusara and Miklav were not met last night so only brief
reports of the forest regrowing bigger and better is given.
Exploring there does indeed seem a better feel to the forest
than just three months earlier. Heading back to the Sacred
Forest for lunch, riders approach. Arawn turns to smile
and notice Strie'bog leading a group of 9 riders all Vassa.
Strie'bog dismounts and approaches Arawn surprised to see
him return. Strie'bog explains the hunters are a small force
him and Miklav setup as border patrol. The adventurers as
they like to be called rather than hunters are motivated to
protect the forest at great cost. Strie'bog explains that
Lake Oca has grown fully back to the old vivid blue waters.
There is no sign of the creatures or possible infestation
the party saw with the squid like creature. No more reports
of gray creatures or their odd friends have been seen.
Strie'bog also explains his mother is doing well and has
been relaxing with Endo. Both aren't ready for the next
step but they are getting closer. Strie'bog and Arawn
return to the Sacred Forest for lunch and more meetings
with the druids. Arawn spends the rest of the afternoon
talking and trying to obtain as much information as these
people may know. It is clear most are so secluded from
normal Sidh kingdoms they aren't in the usual chain of
gossip and information sharing.]
[Later the night of the 8th, Arawn is spending time in the forest
with Strie'bog. Both men talk in the normal forest about
the past three months. Some distance away near a village in
the dark a scream is heard. Arawn seeing better at night
leads Strie'bog through the forest to find a Wood Troll male
attacking a female Vassa. Arawn draws his sword as Strie'bog
draws his Axe and both charge. The wood troll seems to sniff
the air and turns just in time to charge Arawn. Arawn swings
his sword and swipes a deep cut across the trolls chest.
The troll swings his club and hits Arawn but doesn't penetrate
the armor for damage. Strie'bog twists to help the Female
out and check her over. Arawn thrusts under the trolls arms
and impales the troll for a good wound. But the Troll stumbles
forward and swings his club in a dazed fashion. The club
easily misses the Alfar. Arawn turns and slices the blade deep
into the side of the troll and kills him. Moments later the
female is fine but both men aren't sure why the troll got this
deep into the forest. It is as if Kototh himself knew Arawn
was near and Arawn was a beacon for such a creature, or he
simply got lucky and avoided detection. The three escort the
female to a nearby village and the men return to the Sacred
Forest for the night.]
[On the 9th, a couple hours before sunrise Arawn decides it
is time to leave. Fremea will be needing to hunt the Dirasa
and he needs to return today. Waiting for sunrise at breakfast
Arawn asks Strie'bog if he wishes to return. The Elder seems
to imply a new mission is to be expected in just a week.
Startled Strie'bog listens and considers it. He has been
with his mother for the past three months while the others
returned to Marentia and then went to the Dark Lands. his
mother is doing well. The forest is doing well. He finally
nods and says yes. Eager for some more adventure. Strie'bog
will leave his wolf though as he senses it may not be needed.
Plus the wolf seems to think it is here to protect Bohusara
and that faze will have to pass.]
[After spending two days in the Sacred Forest learning as much
information as he can, Arawn and Strie'bog prepare to magically
translocate back to the Dark Lands. Miklav, Vul'heim, Mertz
and Bohusara among many others see them off. Thig explains he
wishes he could go on another adventure but feels Fremea is
a good replacement as a party flyer. But Arawn can sense
there is more to it than that the way he and Vul'heim have
been hanging around each other. Leaving into the normal
forest both men prepare. Arawn holds onto Strie'bog and
casts first a levitate spell and then over the tree tops
a translocation spell eastward. Arawn and Strie'bog finds
themselves hovering over the plains high above when suddenly
2 large falcons pass them within a couple feet. Both
group startle each other and Strie'bog also falls from
Arawn's embrace but is able to maintain his grip. Arawn
knows they are lowering fast so casts his next translocation
spell for the final jump. Both end up in the forest near
the Citadel and land hard on a haystack Arawn saw earlier.
Both men roll and stand. Arawn quickly gives a intro to the
place as he rushes to find Fremea for the Dirasa attack.
It is still dark out but soon Arawn finds Fremea and they
head off for the Dirasa raid. Leaving Strie'bog with some
of the other party members and Zhou.]
[The next four days Arawn spends time in the forest and citadel
grounds. He spends time with the helpers Zhou and Oby gave
for his armor and the mysteries of the flying castle. He
occasionally does spells in the forest for himself. But
mostly he explores the magics of the Citadel. Watching and
studying those who cast magic he may not have seen before.]
Actions? Comments?
Next Update...Friday..or sooner :)
GM: With the above posted that means the current player IBT actions
are done. At this point I just need to do 3 things. Work
on two new player characters (one is about 90% done, other
I'm waiting for). in the meantime I likely need a week to
fill out the outline in my head for the adventure and flesh
out the details. So we are soon ready to start! Maybe
sooner than you think! :)
GM: Player Vote needed! [Majority is 5 to pass]
Vote Options: 1) For rule (using Max EL for modifier)
2) Use castable EL 3) No Vote 4) Abstain 5) Other
Note: This is only for Roll Modifier changes. Not experience
or expertise.
#1: 5 [2 Private, Chion, Kiet, Chion, Raban]
#2: 0
#3 0
#4: 1 [Ben'dar]
#5: 2 [Z'leyra, Fremea]
Those who can vote: 8 Votes in: 7
* If you voted in email to me and didn't post it is private.
I won't mention your name or vote but list the result
above for book keeping. It wasn't stated if that vote
was to be public or not. If its ok to release your name
then let me know.
GM: The vote is in and majority have voted for #1. This means
we'll start to use the new rule. Now that the rule is in
place I'll give my view so not to influence. Personally
I like the cast at level. Just because you use a skill
doesn't mean your assured of the highest chance of success.
In swinging a sword you could be deflected by wind and
your brain not be fast enough to react or body reflexes.
This reflects the CAST AT thing. If your programming new
software the chance of success isn't assured to be the
highest of your knowledge base. A simple syntax error for
example (thus reflected by CAST AT mistakes). For magic
the simple fact that you know higher ways to create a
larger fireball doesn't mean your success rate will improve
if you cast it at a lower EL. This simply means at lower
rate your words and gestures are less fluid. Mistakes
could happen. With that said I could see both sides of
the argument to reflect the opposite of what I just said.
What happens though if you get a book or super Magic Item
that increases your EL from 0 to EL10 (say a Divine Wand
of Power). Just because you hold this your chance of success
improves by 20% even though your knowledge base is just started?
Its those odd gray areas the reason me and my table group
never liked the rule. Another reason is the book keeping
as I mentioned. Since the rule is now in place I'll have
to check spell cast levels AND now their max levels. A bit
more time and work. Not a big deal. Some have suggested
doing a max list of all spells. Good suggestion but when you
have about 6-7 characters it could run into 300-400 spells. :)
So I'm not saying I agree with the rule just that I'll abide
by it in the next adventure per the group's wishes. This
does as I mentioned mean Balance will be given to the other
side as well. So tactics may change. though technically
for the next adventure it won't matter. Thanks for the
votes. In the upcoming updates I'll announce more changes
on rule situations. Mainly for combat. Each adventure I
have invoked rules as player experience improves. Stay
tuned for those details.
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