[pnpgm] Game Update #48 - File #431 - Tiehul's Revelation - The Discussion
Murtha, Mark D (N-Innovar)
mark.d.murtha at ulalaunch.com
Thu Nov 5 16:01:34 CET 2009
Ha'Kell has been listening to this for the past few minutes and finds it very amusing, in many different ways. He can't resist stirring the pot a bit.
"Well I disagree. I think that Natural Magic fits just fine. Magic is the main part and natural is just a description. The magic is cast onto something natural, something not crafted by hands, therefore it is natural magic. Take a gem of some kind, enhance it, and poof, you have some natural magic. Take a flower and enhance it, and poof, you have more natural magic. That is far different than forging and creating a sword than casting magic into it, or creating a fancy ring and casting magic into it. We can't forget the magic portion of natural magic."
"Whilst I see your point, I think you're splitting linguistic hairs and missing the point; overthinking it all." Taking a drink of beer Ha'Kell continues. "What do you think of dragons and other natural magic creatures? Are they not creatures as well as magic? What about the Jinn? These are all natural and magic. Or should we create new names for all these, perhaps mag-eatures? Or creat-ics?"
He rubs his arm a bit as the wrapping is itchy and the pain is gone. Why are wrappings always itchy?
"Why do you think magic and nature are opposites? I do not see that opposition."
> -----Original Message-----
> Whitney grimaces, "Trust me, there is no such thing as a 'natural magic'.
> Well, maybe 3 items. But anything that requires a spell to activate is
> less than natural, by definition. Well, linguistic definition, in any
> event. With a paltry handful exceptions, the whole category misnamed as
> 'natural magic' is little more than a collection of artificial magic items
> that simply require the casting of a spell, rather than the casting of a
> spell after a bit of crafting. Natural, but not magic. Of the remainder,
> such as the rock hard eye of a demon (which isn't even a gem, but an
> animal part, more or less) or the sap of a Balance March botanical
> humanoid, some are magic but far from natural. Truly natural magics do
> exist, but you can count them ont he fingers of one hand. Even of you
> don't have a full set.
> "Which just goes to show that even mages and wizards can be sloppy
> scholars, if not outright linguistically incompetent. Why with all those
> supernatural languages they learn, you'd think they'd actually recognize
> two words with opposing meanings always cropping up in their studies.
> Idiots. Next they'll be saying the various languages of magic power spells
> because the gods have decreed it so. There should be an intelligence test
> to learn spellcasting."
> Whitney's voice trails off as he mutters to himself about the general lack
> of scholarly acumen in the modern wizard.
> OOC: I'd like to thank you for finally bring up the topic of natural
> magics, and even going the extra mile of mentioning spells in conjunction
> with the term. I've been saving that rant for 6 months, since I created
> the character, although I cut it down by 4 paragraphs just so the locals
> helping us didn't decide to turn Whitney in as a crazy person. :-)
> Anyone want to reopen the supernatural language discussion you had just
> before he joined? :-)
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