[pnpgm] Adventure #7 Rule changes..
pnpgm at comcast.net
Thu Jun 4 00:32:52 CEST 2015
* New Rules to Adventure #7
A) Enhancement - This has been changed in the past but now I've
agree that each enhancement rite/spell will be distinct.
So if you have Enhancement - Garlic then it will be increased
separately. This prevents the more generic MUs from waving
a hand and poof. Info in Rules file.
How do you guys feel about a spell for magic items? So you
would need to cast said spell before using rings or such.
Like a Activate Spell. It would prevent items for EL restrictions.
So a activate EL5 would only allow 0-5 ELs but not a EL6 ring.
I'd probably make it a long duration like a hour or two. Not
seconds or turns. Let me know what you guys think on this.
C) Documentation Rule and NEW rule only
Knowledge Spells use the alone method not instructed system
on learning things or casting. So you gain the basic Die
roll points not the instructed bonus. This is only a simple
clarification but I'll add it to the rules file.
As a reminder when you use this spell to in some fashion cheat. Some
feel that way. You don't just learn things out right. A spell or
Skill needs the X to learn. But something more unclear like how to
change a flat tire on a wagon might be harder to determine. I'd
assign a cost to learn and then apply those points to it. Just
a reminder on the method.
D) Making Items - There are already rules for making items with
failure of certain items destroying the items. I've already
gotten around the side step to this - Divination before casting -
and its proven well. Div is nice but not perfect for this and
not a good cheat. :) But for now I think we will need to make
things a bit tougher. This will be a case by case basis. But
when you want a item it should be illustrated fully (not an image
but fleshed out detail wise). A simple talisman of Might fine.
But aside from color, size, gems, chain, etc those items may need
to be sought for. Adding gems to a sword hilt might take a extra
bit of time than the basic rules. Folks have been making items
for now 15 years. I think going forward it will be more realistic
than just gather items, cast spell and poof item made. IT will
truly be a mystical epic level thing than just wave of hands.
This will not be set in stone in terms of This or That. But
if you plan to make things ask ahead of time. I can outline
any changes needed.
Also read the Laws of Magic on the P&P site if you are to make
items. It is 2 image files from Heroes. Short article. But
I think I'll be using those Laws more closely. Too many items
out there exist and common. Some depend on these items way
too much. Some need those items to even function. I do think
more realism is needed in this area So while there is NO
set stone rules for this I will try to use the Laws more
NEW Rule: Making items will be more restrictive in terms of
the number of stuff on it. I will use the simple EL of the
spell involved. For example a wizard with EL5 Ensorcellment
can make 5 properties of the item. But not a 6th. Keep in
mind improving the EL will not add another slot. This is
more kin to a "lifeforce" of a item stone or gem or such. Thus
once it is determined X properties then that's it. Going
forward I will make this # in each item. So you will know
how many slots are left. This is more realistic in knowing
that the item is going to be X not A, B, C and maybe later
in two years E and F. It should be planned from the start.
This applies for all of the Perm Magics. So a new MU with
EL0 Enchantment will maybe make a simple 1 attribute effect
ring and that's it. So I will do 1 slot for EL0 spells.
I actually kind of like this new change. :)
E) Possible future change? Unsure yet.
Some do 200 spells a day during IBT. This is fine by the
rules of free form gaming. But there has to be some logic
behind it. Keep in mind the rules on Rep and Effect below.
One could cast fire dart at a wall 100 times a day. But
the gods might find this annoying. On a "he's doing it again?"
basis. So I may reduce the amount of expertise/experience
given by the gods. The problem is no set rule can be done.
It will need to be done case by case. So that 100 Fire Darts
you might get the first 20 full rewards. But the god who
gives you that ability after 50 might give up and let you
earn less or nothing. Think of it this way. Playing a
Video game. You are stuck on Level 13. After three months
you've memorized the bad guys movements and patterns. YOU
know you need to jump here pull that lever there. After
the 3,000th attempt is this real experience to you? You
just have learned the new brain cells to make your hand
move such a way. So bam you pass to level 14. I hope this
makes sense. This may reduce the number of spells but in
PNP I think dogs should have more input (not me as god but
as the pnp gods). This is NOT to punish anyone but to serve
as a more realistic use of divine influence. If we assume
ALL magic is given by the gods then casting Luck to win
Dice 800 times in one day might win you tons of gold but
the gods may get tired of it and thus affect the reward. I
will consider this IBT time and base on things use this as a new
rule if you are doing 1200 Lucks in an hour. :) Right now nothing
is set in stone.
F) Healing cost: I have had a home brew rule on healing since pnp
came out. But it was never documented and will not be This
is to ensure that healing is more realistic. Otherwise if
the rule is known a Healer can say well he could last another
5 minutes so I'll wait. Healing must be fast and effective.
This rule tells me the chance for healing will save a life.
A simple % chance. So at -1 hpv and you heal 30 does this
mean automatic? No. It is based on the stats, the wound
and other factors.
Death healing: With magic stuff costs. Well I think a new
rule is that depends on the level of damage and % chance to
save you MAY lose some Energy. This will not be the cast
always. But lets say PCA is -10 and PCB is -4. Healer
heals PCA for 12 and PCB for 8. Well the -10 by log would
need more lifeforce to revive. But it is based on the
wound. So PCB may have a dagger in eye causing acid in
the brain. But PCA might have a simple arrow in the body
no where close to organs Well the eyeball wound would
might need some of the healer's life force to heal that
acid. So a number of Enl may be taken and given to the
victim. This is more realistic to the movies we all
see the gal has to save her love but will drain her
own body. This factor will not be known. But it will
be small maybe a d10 at most. Depends on the style of
wound. So effective now this will be used. I think it
gives the aspect of Energy lifeforce a better shot. So
life from the gods to the healer to the victim makes more
sense than mana from gods to healer and no divine energy
from the gods. If you understand.
A kid who has been in a frozen river for 1 hour the chance
of healing is low. So the healer should be forced to give
some Enl to him.
G) Magic has a cost. I actually used this system years ago but
around late 90s it faded away. With that great TV Show
Once Upon a Time it is back in my head. I do think that
magic should not just be free like paper towels. There
should be a cost. Granted it will be for the most powerful
spells. A BMC 15 would have a higher cost than a BMC2.
Not all costs are visible or known. Not EVERY spell will
to pay something back. A simple healing a lizard might
have no cost but if you heal 100 lizards in your garden
that hour then the gods might give a cost like you start
to sneeze or sniffle. IT might be something very low
like that. But something more powerful like a Fire Dart
might cost your mouth to dry out or lose water. Causing
you to tire slightly faster. A spell Tracking may depending
on your EL cost you distractions thus making you more vulnerable
to influences A hurricane spell might be bogus powerful
but cost that 1000 miles away a insanely huge heat wave due
to the wetness far away being sucked away. Cuasing massive
death and crop damage. This will not be set in stone like
X causes Y. But keep in mind using magic will now have some
cost from nothing to drastic stuff. As a player you may NEVER
know the cost. This is not to make magic less effective. It
is to balance the use of magic used already Those MUs who
use 1500 spells a day might have many bad effects but a wizard
who only does 1 spell a month might never see anything but
a coughing time for a hour. Again this is NOT punishment
or should make you do LESS. I don't care if you do 1200 spells.
All I am saying is know magic has a cost now.
H) Reputation. Back into play.
I mentioned this maybe 2 adventures ago. Reputation can be
done on many levels. By the people around you, friends,
enemies, the government and most importantly the gods. If
a healer goes into a land and cures 10000 from a plaque
then his reputation in THAT land will be extremely high.
In some circles he might be higher like the healing
community and maybe government in other lands. To the
gods like the lawful gods he would be seen as a great
help. But the same wizard who goes only to cure 3
people will not be to the gods. On the other
side a Chaos wizard who enters a land and sends disease
and plaque to KILL 50,000 will have a High rep of evil
for the people, government. But to the Chaos gods he
might be sought as a Avatar to their will as a reward. To
the lawful guys he would be a bane to be taken care of.
I will be using this as always. What you do has consequences
for many and many you never see. There will never be
the posted rules on this in terms of X points for this deed
and Y for that deed. it is subjective and a home brew
that I've used for decades. But I do have numbers on the
rep for each person. so be a boring food vendor for 40
years doing nothing will have a low rep. Being Super Hero
Barbarian Ax Man of Doom to kill all the bad guys he hates
and end the rebellion will have a bigger rep. Rep will be
either slanted to one side depending on POV. So again
the Balance gods will have their own POV compared to a God
of Chaos. Keep this in mind. My general rule is that the
higher the rep the more enemies one gets. More friends they
get like the High Elder recently. A guy who has been killing
1,000 villagers a month for 30 years will be sought by Law
Avatars to stop it. But the same Chaos gods might reward him.
Thanks to one player for some tips on this to get me started
on this topic. I have updated the rules file and will post
it to the current #7 website.
Thanks for reading...
Hmmm. I think I lost one rule. Oh well. If I remember it I'll
mention it But think I didn't save this file and typed over
the stuff. :< Bad to have the same file in 2 windows Bad bad!
But you get the gist.
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