[pnpgm] Adv #6 Treasure
pnpgm at comcast.net
Wed Jun 10 03:06:30 CEST 2015
Treasure from Bogan's place
Ok. So here is the file. Rough format. Please note.
The items generated have different names. So I list the
top the section like Ruby and all 42. So if it does not
say ruby for that section assume its a ruby and so on for
that section. It would take time to edit the changes.
Also note any reference to Jewelry is Jewel. So its only
Gems and Jewels.
A quick check shows no Large, Flawless Brillian stones so no
magical value. These are estimated values.
All Ruby Below - 42
Gem : Small, nearly flawless, average clarity, Ruby, 9.6 SC
Jewel : Small, severely flawed, clouded, Ruby, 2.4 SC
Jewel : Medium, slightly flawed, clouded, Ruby, 7.8 SC
Gem : Medium, minimal flawed, average clarity, Ruby, 2.5 SC
Jewel : Small, minimal flawed, fine clarity, Ruby, 11.2 SC
Gem : Small, flawless, fine clarity, Ruby, 5.4 SC
Jewel : Small, nearly flawless, fine clarity, Ruby, 16.0 SC
Jewel : Small, nearly flawless, average clarity, Ruby, 33.6 SC
Jewel : Medium, minimal flawed, average clarity, Ruby, 16.0 SC
Jewel : Small, minimal flawed, fine clarity, Ruby, 28.0 SC
Jewel : Small, minimal flawed, average clarity, Ruby, 24.0 SC
Gem : Small, nearly flawless, average clarity, Ruby, 3.2 SC
Gem : Medium, minimal flawed, dull, Ruby, 0.5 SC
Gem : Small, minimal flawed, clouded, Ruby, valueless
Gem : Small, minimal flawed, clouded, Ruby, valueless
Gem : Small, flawless, fine clarity, Ruby, 8.4 SC
Jewel : Small, slightly flawed, average clarity, Ruby, 22.4 SC
Jewel : Small, minimal flawed, clouded, Ruby, 22.0 SC
Jewel : Small, minimal flawed, average clarity, Ruby, 14.4 SC
Gem : Medium, minimal flawed, dull, Ruby, 1.0 SC
Gem : Small, slightly flawed, dull, Tourmaline, valueless
Jewel : Small, minimal flawed, brilliant, Onyx, 26.0 SC
Jewel : Small, nearly flawless, fine clarity, Onyx, 120.0 SC
Gem : Small, nearly flawless, clouded, Carnelian, valueless
Gem : Small, slightly flawed, clouded, Carnelian, valueless
Gem : Small, minimal flawed, average clarity, Snake Stone, 2.0 SC
Jewel : Small, slightly flawed, fine clarity, Turquoise, 9.6 SC
Jewel : Small, minimal flawed, dull, Garnet, 8.4 SC
Jewel : Medium, minimal flawed, fine clarity, Garnet, 32.0 SC
Jewel : Small, slightly flawed, average clarity, Garnet, 8.0 SC
Gem : Small, flawless, clouded, Opal, 2.4 SC
Gem : Small, minimal flawed, brilliant, Agate, 5.6 SC
Gem : Small, slightly flawed, average clarity, Jacinth, valueless
Jewel : Small, flawless, dull, Garnet, 38.0 SC
Jewel : Medium, minimal flawed, clouded, Turquoise, 9.0 SC
Jewel : Medium, slightly flawed, average clarity, Carnelian, 10.8 SC
Gem : Small, nearly flawless, average clarity, Ruby, 12.8 SC
Gem : Small, nearly flawless, clouded, Tourmaline, valueless
Jewel : Small, minimal flawed, fine clarity, Opal, 22.4 SC
Jewel : Large, minimal flawed, average clarity, Lapiz Lazuli, 28.8 SC
Gem : Small, slightly flawed, dull, Garnet, valueless
Jewel : Small, minimal flawed, fine clarity, Star Opal, 112.0 SC
Diamonds - 28
Gem : Small, nearly flawless, brilliant, Agate, 4.5 SC
Jewel : Small, minimal flawed, clouded, Agate, 3.5 SC
Jewel : Small, minimal flawed, dull, Jet, 6.0 SC
Gem : Small, nearly flawless, dull, Amethyst, 1.2 SC
Jewelry : Small, nearly flawless, average clarity, Sapphire, 54.0 SC
Gem : Small, minimal flawed, clouded, Agate, valueless
Gem : Small, slightly flawed, dull, Jet, valueless
Gem : Small, minimal flawed, average clarity, Tourmaline, 3.0 SC
Gem : Small, minimal flawed, fine clarity, Toadstone, 4.0 SC
Gem : Small, severely flawed, dull, Sapphire, valueless
Gem : Small, nearly flawless, clouded, Turquoise, valueless
Gem : Small, severely flawed, brilliant, Sapphire, 3.6 SC
Jewelry : Small, slightly flawed, brilliant, Star Emerald, 456.0 SC
Jewelry : Medium, minimal flawed, average clarity, Agate, 16.0 SC
Jewelry : Small, nearly flawless, fine clarity, Jacinth, 12.0 SC
Jewel : Small, minimal flawed, average clarity, Amethyst, 12.0 SC
Jewelry : Large, slightly flawed, fine clarity, Opal, 56.0 SC
Jewel : Medium, minimal flawed, fine clarity, Serpentine, 25.6 SC
Gem : Small, nearly flawless, average clarity, Serpentine, 8.0 SC
Gem : Small, slightly flawed, average clarity, Tourmaline, valueless
Jewel : Large, minimal flawed, dull, Garnet, 9.6 SC
Jewelry : Small, severely flawed, average clarity, Agate, 6.6 SC
Jewelry : Medium, minimal flawed, average clarity, Star Sapphire, 200.0 SC
Jewel : Small, nearly flawless, average clarity, Carnelian, 16.8 SC
Jewelry : Small, minimal flawed, average clarity, Carnelian, 14.4 SC
Gem : Medium, nearly flawless, dull, Amethyst, 2.4 SC
Jewel : Small, slightly flawed, average clarity, Opal, 16.0 SC
Gem : Small, minimal flawed, fine clarity, Emerald, 12.8 SC
Turquoise - 25
Jewel : Small, nearly flawless, average clarity, Serpentine, 22.4 SC
Jewel : Small, minimal flawed, average clarity, Sapphire, 28.8 SC
Jewelry : Small, flawless, dull, Toadstone, 76.0 SC
Jewelry : Small, slightly flawed, clouded, Amethyst, 5.4 SC
Jewelry : Medium, minimal flawed, fine clarity, Lapiz Lazuli, 44.0 SC
Jewelry : Small, minimal flawed, average clarity, Onyx, 24.0 SC
Gem : Small, minimal flawed, dull, Garnet, valueless
Gem : Medium, nearly flawless, average clarity, Toadstone, 5.0 SC
Jewel : Small, slightly flawed, fine clarity, Jacinth, 9.6 SC
Jewel : Small, nearly flawless, fine clarity, Onyx, 19.2 SC
Jewelry : Small, nearly flawless, average clarity, Snake Stone, 28.8 SC
Jewel : Medium, severely flawed, clouded, Agate, 2.0 SC
Gem : Medium, slightly flawed, average clarity, Jade, 1.6 SC
Jewel : Small, nearly flawless, brilliant, Agate, 19.0 SC
Jewelry : Medium, minimal flawed, average clarity, Snake Stone, 32.0 SC
Gem : Small, slightly flawed, average clarity, Serpentine, valueless
Gem : Small, minimal flawed, average clarity, Jet, 1.0 SC
Jewel : Small, nearly flawless, dull, Garnet, 9.6 SC
Gem : Small, nearly flawless, average clarity, Onyx, 3.0 SC
Jewelry : Small, minimal flawed, average clarity, Amethyst, 9.6 SC
Jewel : Large, slightly flawed, brilliant, Garnet, 16.8 SC
Gem : Small, slightly flawed, brilliant, Jet, 3.0 SC
Gem : Small, minimal flawed, average clarity, Jade, 1.5 SC
Jewelry : Small, minimal flawed, brilliant, Snake Stone, 33.6 SC
Jewel : Small, minimal flawed, average clarity, Dark Ruby, 60.0 SC
Sapphire - 17
Jewel : Small, severely flawed, fine clarity, Onyx, 28.0 SC
Jewelry : Small, slightly flawed, fine clarity, Lapiz Lazuli, 32.0 SC
Jewel : Small, slightly flawed, average clarity, Carbuncle, 12.0 SC
Jewelry : Small, minimal flawed, fine clarity, Topaz, 36.0 SC
Jewelry : Small, minimal flawed, average clarity, Carnelian, 14.4 SC
Gem : Small, minimal flawed, average clarity, Ruby, 4.0 SC
Gem : Large, slightly flawed, average clarity, Jacinth, 1.5 SC
Gem : Small, minimal flawed, clouded, Lapiz Lazuli, valueless
Jewel : Medium, slightly flawed, brilliant, Amethyst, 10.2 SC
Gem : Medium, severely flawed, average clarity, Amethyst, valueless
Gem : Large, minimal flawed, dull, Jet, 2.4 SC
Jewel : Small, minimal flawed, brilliant, Turquoise, 13.6 SC
Jewelry : Small, slightly flawed, average clarity, Emerald, 560.0 SC
Jewel : Small, slightly flawed, dull, Amethyst, 4.0 SC
Jewel : Small, slightly flawed, fine clarity, Topaz, 19.2 SC
Jewel : Small, slightly flawed, average clarity, Jacinth, 5.0 SC
Jewelry : Small, slightly flawed, clouded, Jade, 14.0 SC
Tourmaline - 34
Jewelry : Small, minimal flawed, fine clarity, Topaz, 36.0 SC
Gem : Small, minimal flawed, dull, Carbuncle, valueless
Gem : Large, slightly flawed, fine clarity, Jacinth, 2.5 SC
Gem : Small, slightly flawed, average clarity, Jet, valueless
Gem : Small, slightly flawed, brilliant, Garnet, 3.0 SC
Gem : Small, nearly flawless, clouded, Sapphire, valueless
Gem : Small, flawless, fine clarity, Jade, 11.2 SC
Jewel : Small, nearly flawless, dull, Garnet, 7.2 SC
Gem : Small, flawless, average clarity, Lapiz Lazuli, 14.0 SC
Jewelry : Small, minimal flawed, brilliant, Sapphire, 63.0 SC
Jewel : Small, slightly flawed, average clarity, Turquoise, 10.0 SC
Jewel : Medium, nearly flawless, dull, Onyx, 12.6 SC
Jewel : Small, slightly flawed, average clarity, Jade, 9.0 SC
Jewel : Small, slightly flawed, dull, Jacinth, 6.4 SC
Jewel : Small, slightly flawed, average clarity, Diamond, 50.0 SC
Jewel : Small, minimal flawed, dull, Serpentine, 12.0 SC
Gem : Small, slightly flawed, fine clarity, Jacinth, 1.0 SC
Gem : Small, nearly flawless, dull, Diamond, 5.0 SC
Gem : Small, minimal flawed, average clarity, Turquoise, 1.6 SC
Gem : Small, minimal flawed, average clarity, Lapiz Lazuli, 2.0 SC
Gem : Medium, flawless, fine clarity, Jet, 5.0 SC
Gem : Large, nearly flawless, average clarity, Serpentine, 8.4 SC
Jewel : Small, slightly flawed, dull, Jet, 4.8 SC
Gem : Small, flawless, average clarity, Emerald, 22.4 SC
Gem : Small, minimal flawed, fine clarity, Serpentine, 4.0 SC
Gem : Small, minimal flawed, average clarity, Onyx, 2.4 SC
Jewel : Small, severely flawed, average clarity, Lapiz Lazuli, 8.4 SC
Jewelry : Small, minimal flawed, average clarity, Carnelian, 19.2 SC
Jewelry : Large, flawless, dull, Snake Stone, 62.0 SC
Jewel : Small, minimal flawed, average clarity, Toadstone, 24.0 SC
Jewel : Small, nearly flawless, clouded, Serpentine, 18.0 SC
Jewel : Small, nearly flawless, fine clarity, Jet, 12.8 SC
Gem : Small, minimal flawed, clouded, Carnelian, valueless
Gem : Small, minimal flawed, clouded, Agate, valueless
Onyx - 2
Gem : Medium, nearly flawless, fine clarity, Ruby, 112.0 SC
Jewel : Small, slightly flawed, brilliant, Serpentine, 30.0 SC
Toadstone - 11
Jewelry : Large, severely flawed, average clarity, Tourmaline, 69.0 SC
Jewel : Small, minimal flawed, dull, Jacinth, 5.0 SC
Jewelry : Small, flawless, average clarity, Serpentine, 42.0 SC
Gem : Small, minimal flawed, dull, Serpentine, valueless
Jewel : Small, slightly flawed, fine clarity, Agate, 9.6 SC
Jewelry : Small, flawless, dull, Diamond, 190.0 SC
Gem : Small, slightly flawed, dull, Lapiz Lazuli, valueless
Gem : Small, slightly flawed, clouded, Jade, valueless
Jewelry : Small, slightly flawed, fine clarity, Opal, 25.6 SC
Jewel : Small, minimal flawed, average clarity, Turquoise, 12.0 SC
Jewel : Small, slightly flawed, dull, Sapphire, 14.4 SC
Treasure from Count's Estate
GM: Treasure -
To Party -
Potion of Cure Poison, MEL 3 EL 2, 13 ounces
Gem : Small, nearly flawless, average clarity, Jacinth, 3.2 SC
Gem : Medium, minimal flawed, fine clarity, Jade, 6.4 SC
Gem : Small, minimal flawed, average clarity, Snake
Stone, 2.0 SC
Gem : Small, flawless, dull, Amethyst, 4.0 SC
Gem : Medium, minimal flawed, average clarity, Garnet, 1.8 SC
Gem : Small, minimal flawed, average clarity,
Tourmaline, 3.0 SC
Gem : Medium, nearly flawless, average clarity,
Carbuncle, 5.0 SC
Gem : Small, slightly flawed, fine clarity, Topaz, 4.0 SC
Gem : Large, minimal flawed, average clarity, Lapiz
Lazuli, 10.0 SC
Gem : Small, minimal flawed, average clarity, Dark
Ruby, 8.0 SC
Gem : Medium, flawless, average clarity, Dark Ruby, 80.0 SC
Jewelry : Small, minimal flawed, fine clarity, Opal, 36.0 SC
Jewelry : Medium, minimal flawed, average clarity,
Carbuncle, 32.0 SC
Jewelry : Medium, minimal flawed, average clarity,
Snake Stone, 80.0 SC
Jewelry : Small, minimal flawed, brilliant, Turquoise, 16.8 SC
Jewelry : Medium, slightly flawed, brilliant, Ruby, 184.0 SC
Jewelry : Small, minimal flawed, fine clarity, Onyx, 27.0 SC
Jewelry : Small, minimal flawed, fine clarity, Snake
Stone, 72.0 SC
Jewel : Small, slightly flawed, average clarity,
Star Sapphire, 50.0 SC
Jewel : Small, minimal flawed, dull, Carnelian, 15.0 SC
Jewel : Medium, minimal flawed, clouded, Snake Stone, 36.0 SC
Jewel : Medium, minimal flawed, average clarity,
Turquoise, 11.2 SC
Jewel : Small, nearly flawless, brilliant, Snake
Stone, 38.0 SC
Jewel : Small, minimal flawed, dull, Tourmaline, 30.0 SC
Jewel : Large, slightly flawed, average clarity,
Turquoise, 9.6 SC
Jewel : Small, minimal flawed, average clarity,
Turquoise, 9.6 SC
Jewel : Large, flawless, average clarity, Agate, 18.4 SC
Gold Gorget, 92 SC
Copper Necklace, 21 CC
Platinum Crown, 405 SC
Talisman - No magical inherent
Seems I forgot to add gold and silver found from Count's
estate it goes 69 copper evenly so I will add those to your
sheets. If you need update coin info let me know. Since
the sheets I snet don't have this.
Raban does not care about his share. Will only took the gold shares.
Now the big question was on a Dark Ruby as above.
Based on Update #124 last adventure this is where the fight
begin for this gem.
Gem : Medium, flawless, average clarity, Dark Ruby, 80.0 SC
Arawn, Kiet and Z'leyra claimed it.
For some reason it is on Z's sheet. So I guess you guys settled
it and gave it to her? Or I goofed and added to the notes for
her sheet. Will and Raban has no gems. When I did sheet clean
up I saw no other gems from this above just the Ruby was in
Technically Fremea is still leader you guys can duel it out and
kill each other for it or dicker on it.
if you guys want to repay back your shares for any gems the totals
were roughly 39 gold (give or take a few silver). So if you want
to give up your coin value its around 39.
So get to it. Fremea can just pick and chooe to give this and
that or you can kill each other or arm wrestle or cast spells
to manipulate each other. Whatever! Let's try to get this all
resolved by end of this month. If no one is given or selects
a item above it will be divided and sold for the highest profit
and shares divided up. So you have 3 weeks or so.
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