[pnpgm] Pyan speaks!
Panthera Altaica
draltaica at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 13 06:46:30 CET 2016
Pyan looks to the Dark haired man and holds his bow, not really the weapon for the range but he doesn't want to look threatening reaching for his dagger. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" He says in his native
Omavor then repeats it in Marentian, then says something about The Who playing here in
Sorry about being late. Was driving to Mississippi. Stopped at a McD's Wednesday but wasn't there long enough to fully read monday's update.
--- It is with books as with the fire in our hearths; we go to a neighbor to get the embers and light it when we return home, pass it on to others, and it belongs to everyone.
----- Original Message -----
> [Time: 8:44 am]
> Pyan follows the trail of bent limbs and tries to find the
> thing he saw for only a glimpse.
> But Arawn is faster with going invisible by his very nature
> in the woods. For a few minutes it takes him time to search
> and then he spots it. A figure crouched in the bushes
> some distance away.
> As Arawn closes in he sees it as a human male. But when
> Pyan approaches from the other side and holds his bow in hand.
> Arawn watches as the startled man stands and draws a spear up
> and points at Pyan. But Arawn can read him as confused and
> a bit dazed. If he was Kameran he'd be more confident it would
> seem.
> Standing at 6' 3" with a stocky build. The man's dark
> hair
> is kept to the current fashions, close on the sides, long to
> the front with a braided rear. His beard and mustache are
> close cropped and an amused gleam appears on his contenace
> more oft than not. His skin is deep-tanned from hours spent
> in the open beneath the open skies. Pale green eyes invite
> discourse and show and inquisitive nature.
> [Time: 8:47 am]
> Dorhak walks the shore line east of the slave girl and
> her fancy gear. He spots pieces of wood, broken crates,
> a wet blanket, some thing ripped cloth with bindings that
> may be a sail, a flask, a broken lantern in the water..wait
> a flask? Dorhak rushes back and lifts it up. He opens
> it and sniffs. By the great Rune Masters of Kalath! It
> is rum! Dorhak grasps the flask to his chest and looks around.
> No one saw. He shakes the flask. It is only a few sips but
> it smell so good! Should he share?
> Actions? Comments?
> Next Update..Monday??
> GM: Wow Guys 700 lines a big update since last one. You guys
> did a lot of role playing. Believe it or not this was not
> ALL. There were tons of emails back and forth in private
> talks. Some I did not even include here or it'd be another
> 300-500 lines. But I think at this point we can stop though
> most of above was recap old stuff.
> I HAVE to (mandatory) do these benefits project and only
> have 1 week. So I can't quarantee a Friday Update.
> But I'll try Monday. The amazon project is vital as well
> since I'm down to my last 60 pages on my last book. :)
> Boredom for a GM sitting at work with no books means same
> GM can come up with very NASTY things for characters. :)
> There was a heck load of emails back and forth in private
> talks. Some like with David/Tobie I did not include here.
> I've not seen this many private email stuff in years. :)
> But again unless stated as it being 'private' it will be
> assumed public and posted here for story purposes.
> GM: Arawn is now NPC so will be doing minimal stuff.
> Fremea - Want to try to dispel the collar binding magic
> and then the spell?
> Kell/Kiet - You guys can try to dispel but it would be
> harder if not trained in Chaos area.
> Pyan - Your chance to be diplomat! Do you kill this guy
> or say something? :) Keep in mind he is a new player
> so killing a pc might be bad for that guy.
> Mae - You can describe what collar does if it helps.
> GM: Since we have 2 new players (3rd on his way) I'll remind
> folks of posting styles. I use date/time stamps to
> show difference in the time. A lot of things go back in
> terms of say actions or conversations. This allows those
> old talks to continue as we move in the present. Some like
> Arawn (and sometimes Kiet/Kell) will use time stamps to
> let me know where this entire post context goes. This
> helps a lot. Otherwise I have to guess was this Feb 2 or
> Jan 28th? That sort of thing. I assume unless stated
> otherwise all posts are in current date (last date).
> I allow Retro actions so if you want to continue a talk sure
> go ahead from the other day. Some actions like "oh well
> I bring my sword into this tavern as the bar fight starts"
> well those won't be done. That action would affect the
> present fight. So would have to prepare by bringing in said
> sword. :)
> GM: Perm Magic Failure: Last update I mentioned Kell's spells.
> With a failure. Failures for some spells ruins what you
> are making. But due to the Dedicated spell I was a bit
> confused on it as it was years since I used it. So I
> had to redo the entire set of spells, text and math
> 3 times. I may have left the failure from round 2 in by
> mistake. But in fact when did the 3rd set there was no
> failure. It was a big difference of about 90 MEP in the
> terms of changes by the 3rd round. But I was so
> frustrated with it I just never rewrote that section.
> GM: Final Leg estimated:
> Feb 3 -- River/Crossing [Current]
> Forest 10 Miles
> Camp in Forest
> Feb 4 -- Forest 15 Miles
> Hills ~25 miles
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