[pnpgm] BTS - Kiet's fun
pnpgm at comcast.net
Sat Apr 8 01:54:37 CEST 2017
GM: This post is what happened behind the scenes with Kiet.
Slightly edited since it was emails between the two of us.
I changed some You's to Kiet or such. This was about 30
or so emails so I hope I did not skip any.
Kiet feels a fog in his head. A numbing sensation through
his body. A ringing in his head. Unsure of how long it has
been. Maybe seconds, days or even years.
Then Kiet can taste the air around him. A very musty dry and
gritty taste. He begins to lick his lips as he slowly comes
back to consciousness.
Kiet tries to open his eyes but it's a struggle. He moves
his hands and realizes he hears chain noises. Kiet begins
to open one eye then the other. He realizes he is now sitting
down on a stone floor. Pulling hands away they are stopped
by what he now realizes are chains.
To the right where he is directly sitting against is a stone
wall. Behind him a stone wall. Kiet glances up and sees his
arms chained by shackles tied to the stone wall. Kiet tests his
strength. But the chains are too strong. Kiet glances to the
left and another stone wall but this time it has a slit about 5
feet up. The slit reveals darkness beyond and is about half a
foot wide and a quarter inch tall.
Kiet looks forward and sees there is no wall but it is open.
Kiet realizes he is in a awkward cell. But a cell with only
3 walls and no door?
Beyond the left and right walls that extend about 8 feet is
open space. From that open space another wall going from side
to side about 5 feet from the open space. It is almost like he
is in a L shaped corner cell.
Kiet does a inventory of his body. He does not feel his
backpack or his pouch. He also realizes one of his rings is
missing but he has the other.
Kiet licks his dry lips and wants water. The place is
humid and dry at the same time. Dusty and yet moldy. Then Kiet
notices movement. Kiet glances up at the slit.
The acrobat notices eyes in the darkness. Kiet coughs and
tries to ask who is there The eyes dart back into the darkness.
For what seems like hours there is no more sign of the eyes.
Then a forehead reveals itself around the corner. It peeks
around and rushes back as if not wanting to be seen.
Kiet looks up midway to spot the head again and tries to
urge it back.
So Kiet first saw the eyes in the slit and now he notices
a form that must be a head dart around the left wall corner.
It takes a long time. Minutes. Hours? Hard to say. Finally
a shape appears around the corner. Two eyes blink several times
then it darts back. it repeats this several times.
Finally the head is lower this time maybe only a foot off the
ground. Eyes blink and dart. Green/yellow/blue/orange eyes
that seem to change color. THen Kiet notices sliding to you a
thin pencil like appendage. By the time Kiet notices it's
halfway to him. It is the size of a small tube maybe a half inch
wide and tall but it seems to stretch to Kiet and around the
corner. It gets to Kiet's foot then seems to touch it.
Recoils. Touches.
Recoils. Touches.
Then it touches and stays there.
It begins to slide up Kiet's leg. Then the hip and
then to the arm.
You try to flinch the appendage away but being chained you
It reaches Kiet's neck and then head.
It coils around the back of your head toward the back of your
head. Then a slight pinch.
Kiet feels things in his brain. Images. Sounds. Memories.
Then as quickly as it happens which may have seconds, minutes,
hours? The thing-appendage recoils around the corner.
Later maybe minutes, it is so hard to tell time here, a humanoid
form appears.
The man who is naked looks just like Kell.
"K-ie-T. Kee-et. Keyet. Kiet. Kiet. Kiet. Kiet."
"Why...are ...you here."
Kell speaks slow and awkward but in Lemasan.
Kiet looks at the now frickin' naked Kell. I know we are good
friends and all, but this is taking that friendship a bit too
far! Yes, Kiet knows this is not the REAL Kell.
Kiet looks at the new creature and says. "I don't know why or
how I am here. Do YOU know what this place is and who brought
us? Can you release me from these chains? I didn't come here.
I was brought here. I don't know who or what you are, but I
mean you no harm. Your question makes me think you might not
know who, or how, we came to be here..."
Kell stretches and twists his head as if trying on a new
body part. Kell then looks down at Kiet's eyes. "Kiet!..."
Pointing to his eyes. "...l'm up here!"
Kell seems to mouth the words back as if practicing speaking
for the first time. Then he speaks.
"You are ...real?"
"There are only us here. I thought we were alone in this
place. The others...they make me stay here." He pauses and
kneels in front of Kiet. "I did not like.." he lowers his
voice. Then narrows his eyes. He stands abruptly. "This is a
trick!" He runs around the corner.
Kiet yells but it seems forever - hours or days.
Giving up Kiet waits with arms falling asleep.
Kell finally returns. He bum rushes Kiet.
Kell places hands on Kiet's face and begins to touch his
forehead. Kiet can feel memories pull out of himself.
Kell stands after what seems like hours.
"No trick?"
"I did not agree with the others. For a ...long...very long
time they wanted to escape and kill."
"Why leave? There is no escape...just fire and rock....rock
and fire."
"This is why they don't have a door...there is no use
leaving. I can leave anytime. But it would be pointless..."
Kiet is a bit shocked. This Kell has a way out? Well, he's
not sure he believes it, but it's Hope.
"Look...my friends and I don't belong here. We mean no harm
to anyone here unless they mean to harm us. If you can show me
where they are, and help us to escape, you can choose to stay or
go. If you want, you can look at my memories of what it's like
where we come from and decide for yourself. So...maybe you
could release me?" Kiet shakes the shackles. "And tell me,
where the hell are we? Or is this Hell...?"
"Oh...and can't you put on some clothes? It's getting kinda
Kiet doesn't know what's going on, but he does rub the area
where this critter first touched him. If there is something
left behind, he will remove it.
Kell stands and looks down thinking. "This is no Hell.
This is a prison set by the beings you call gods. If this
one you call Arawn is what he says to be then he is the
key. You came to the stone altar room. I know where to go."
Kell stands tall. He then kneels. He touches Kiet's forehead
again. Time seems to take hours. Still touching...
"What is this fascination with naked guys? Me..this Pyan
"Seamstress ? You did acrobatics there?"
"Why is your mind full of glances at Unali whoever she is?"
"Kell..is a good...friend.."
"Arawn...this person...he is here?"
Kiet nods. Kell stands and begins moving away.
Kiet shakes the chains and stop him.
"Oh...this Arawn is only way out of here. If they haven't
killed him yet allow us time." He kneels and a finger enters the
area between hand and metal. It begins to expand.
The pressure is intense e and Kiet yells out. Kell stops.
"I forget how you humans are too fragile."
"This hurts? Oh..that's right."
Kell looks thoughtful. He shrinks one finger and then the rest
of his fingers grow into large two sides of a thing.
Kell begins to bend the metal. There is no sign of sweat or
exhaustion just determination on his face.
Kiet realizes this thing must have great strength.
While there is some pain the metal breaks. He bends the rest
freeing one hand.
Kell does this to the other hand. He stands and waves for
Kiet to follow.
As Kell moves Kiet sees what appears to be skin-clothing form
on his body.
Whew! Free at last. "Thanks for getting me out of those
chains." Kiet makes a personal inventory...checking his arms
and legs, working out the kinks. Then he remembers his ring.
"Um...what should I call you? Besides 'friend', that is?"
"Hmmm...do you know how we got here? Who, or what, brought
me and my friends here?"
"And why is Arawn so important? What about him makes him
the only way out of here."
"Do you have any weapons about? Curved swords or javelins?
Kiet bumps into Kell as he stops to consider.
"Name? I don't have a name. Been down here so long I forget."
Kell continues on.
"Arawn as I see it in your mind is Alfar. It seems his parents
and their friends made this place. Maybe he is the key to
Kell looks around a bend in a passage. You wonder why there are
no doors? A prison with a prisoner who could move?
They either figured him not to resist or no need since no way
to escape.
"I don't think we have weapons."
"You still have your ring? That may help. We are not gods.
But the gods hated us since we...well some of us...killed their
own kind. They fear us. Gods that fear beings have problems."
Kell rounds the bend and creeps down the passage.
"It has been a long time since I left this place...But we can
die. Though difficult. Enough injury can do it. But never
underestimate my kind. " He glances back. "You are a means for
my escape. I see the companionship this Kell serves you. I may
not be as a friend as him but for now we share a common goal."
Kiet quickly move through some dark cave passages.
Kiet is more than a little suspicious at this point. If these
creatures can kill or harm gods, then maybe it's not best to
release even one to our world. But there may not be a choice.
Kiet has no idea where to go or what to do except find his
friends. He needs 'this' Kell's help.
"So I take it they plan to use Arawn to escape this prison.
So...if we have to stop them, how best can I, or we, do it?
Any special weaknesses?"
Kiet follows as best he can. His only thing that might work
is his ring, but even that might not work. Who knows. Kiet
suspects it's not exactly 'home'.
"Are you wanting to go back with us, if we can get back?"
Kell stops and Kiet bumps into him again. "I do not wish
for the others to escape. It would cause a great disaster
to your world. If we must then we will throw Arawn to the
lava and they will have no way out."
"You may call me whatever you wish. We can imitate anyone.
Including gods. Their powers and those who can sense things we
can fool. In fact some of us can take on the powers of those
we take. That is more rare."
Both get to a two way passage.
"I have been ...away so long I think we go this way....to the
tribute area. Unless they moved them.... yes this way....." He
goes right.
"You must understand there are thousands of us. We could
never get past them. We can hope Zin has not altered the rest.
Kell will have to get to the stairs as soon as possible. Yes.
Arawn is the key. Or any of the Alfar."
Kell stops and turns around.
"What bought you here? The chances of a Alfar in your world?
This can't be coincidence." He continues down the passage.
Kiet passes a small cave and peer inside.
It is dark but bio luminescence glows a bit in the walls.
There are old rotten decayed crates in tatters.
In them or what remains of them are weapons - swords, daggers,
knives. Another pile are many, many gems, jewels and jewelry.
Other discarded items like finely crafted mugs, small statues,
etc are about the cave.
"The Kameran sent tributes for a long time. It is useless to
us. We got tired of burning them. "
"Give me a moment," Kiet says to his new friend. Kiet searches
quickly for a weapon...curved sword best, dagger if he must.
Any shield available. If no shield, and no suitable sword, a
war staff if available. Try to grab the best looking weapon of
these types that he can, but hurry! Before he leaves, however...
grab a handful of jewelry...after all...waste not want not.
Carry it in his tunic if he must. But only one good handful...
no loitering. Just a quick glance at what looks the best.
As Kiet search the dry dark cave the air is tight. You find
many swords and daggers. All seem in fine craftsmanship. Lots
of bastard and heavy swords. In a rotted crate and around it
are maybe 40-50 daggers. It seems the Kameran's tributes were
numerous over the years. They probably didn't know better and
just sent these here hoping for favor.
There are also heavy axes.
No shields. No tulwars. No staves.
Fake-Kell stands in threshold.
"Raki. You can call me Raki. There was this ...small human
named that. As his parents were dissected by others to study he
played a game called hide and hunt. I would run as he never
found me. But he was....a interesting young one before they
removed his backbone. Why the others were so cruel? I don't
Kiet takes a sword and exits.
"Now quickly, let's move!"
Kell turns and heads down the passage.
Some 600 or so feet down a 4 way is seen.
Raki suddenly shoves you to the wall and whispers. 'Take a
deep breath!"
Then Raki seems to envelope you.
Kiet feels stone or flesh cover his entire body.
Darkness. Air around you gets tighter.
It seems like hours but maybe seconds.
Then some light.
Kiet gasps drawing air as his eyes show signs of
"They have passed..."
Kiet realizes he must've shifted into rock wall to cover
him completely
Without more words Kell moves on.
Passing the 4 way.
You look left and right down long winding dark passages.
Maybe Kell sensed others or heard them?
Kell continues on forward.
Another 500-600 feet.
You see light in what looks to be another cave.
Kiet hears a voice and recognize it as Unali.
GM: This is when Unali got the dagger tossed to her by Fuk.
Keep in mind above info is only for Kiet's brain IC. If
he shares it then it can be party info.
Saturday Update starting 5pm EST. Stay tuned....
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