[pnpgm] re necklace and wpn practice
Alex Koponen
alexkoponen at gmail.com
Thu Jul 5 23:15:47 CEST 2018
Z'leyra corrects the pronunciation that Raddok uses for her name.
She then enlightens him a bit to how the necklace works. "This Language
Necklace is ensorceled to be able to cast a Tongues spell twice per day. It
is cast by having it around one's neck as a necklace, grasping it and
saying the Marentian word "Understand". When so triggered it casts a very
powerful Tongues spell on the wearer. This spell allows the recipient to
understand a language being spoken nearby and potentially to learn the
language to a skill that seems based on the wearer's empathy. The odds of
this working to permanently learn the language are higher for those with
stronger will and empathy. As she regains mana she will further enchant the
necklace to boost the wearer's Empathy and later Willpower, both
enchantments requiring considerable mana.
[Weapon practice - note that those without Seaman skill lose half their
OCV, DCV and weapon ELs (rounded up) when fighting on a deck of a moving
ship. Basic training rules apply. One person (with the highest EL in the
weapon being taught) will be the instructor and will gain one xp per day
and their student will gain 2 xp per day. This is reduced by half if other
things are being done. So basically those training in weapon skills should
allocate entire days to the effort. It may be best to spend a couple weeks
being trained as a Seaman first, so that you don't have the penalty. While
Z'leyra is no expert, she knows enough to introduce the landlubbers to the
skill. Yes, she will train those interested in Seamanship for the first
couple weeks. After that she will join in on weapon training.]
Upon reaching port, in addition to getting the fighting dagger and sheath
for a party member, Z'leyra gets gear for the ship. Extra sails and
sailcloth, sewing gear, carpentry tools and lumber, as well as improved
outfitting for the kitchen including some of the less expensive spices.
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